Imágenes de páginas


Mac Gille Patrik Robertus Norej Johannes Couper Johannes MacFerquhar MacLawny Willelmus Gordoun in Inuercherache / Jacobus Skynnar Johannes Bayn Adamus MacHutchoun / Vilhelmus Gordoun in Thomebane Andreas Edwaird Donaldus MacPhaile Johannes Gillmache in Lesmurde Alexander Straihin Willelmus Gray magister Patricius Maitland Willelmus Mac Blakke Mukallum Mac Andro / Jacobus Reacht Alexander Mac Indoquhy in Glenmerky Johannes Moir ibidem Dauid Moir / Dauid Nore Jacobus Makros / Adamus MacIntalyour/ Malcolmus Tailyeour Willelmus Crushank Willelmus MacJokke, Cristina Gald Johannes MacKymmey Dominus Johannes Moresoun vicarius pensionarius de Mwrthlaycht Dominus Johannes Duncanj capellanus ibidem omnibus melioribus modo via jure forma pariter et effectu quibus melius et efficacius sciuerunt debuerunt aut potuerunt non vj aut metu ductj nec errore lapsj vllo modo dolo fraude vi compulsj neque coactj nec animo variantes vt apparuit eligerunt et quilibet eorum elegit vno cum consensu dilectum adolescentem Johannem Gordoun filium magistri Georgij Gordoun de Baldorny tamqu habilem et ydoneum personam in clericum parochialem dicte parochie de Mwrthlaycht ac ipsi et ipsorum quilibet / suas electiones et vota dicto Johannj Gordoun dictj clericatus de Mwrthlaycht fauorabiliter dederunt et prestiterunt et quilibet eorum dedit et prestitit singulatim et successiue et desuper ratum habuerunt et de presentj habent et ipsorum quilibet habet ad gaudendum et possidendum huiusmodi clericatus officium parochialis ecclesie de Mwrthlaycht cum omnibus et singulis suis fructibus juribus emolumentis proficuis et pertinentiis quibuscunque per puram et simplicem resignacionem seu dimissionem venerabilis virj magistrj Wilhelmj Gordoun thesaurarij Cathanensis vltimj clericj parochialis possessoris eiusdem ac ipsj parochianj antedictj reuerendum in Christo patrem Vilhelmum Abirdonensem episcopum aut alium seu alios potestatem suj officij in talibus habentem humiliter et debita cum instancia postularunt petierunt et quilibet eorum postulauit et petiit quatenus dictum Johannem Gordoun eorum clericum parochialem sic presentatum per dimissionem et resignacionem vt premittitur de pastoralitatis officio si placuerit dignare . . . in eodem vt moris est confirmare et collationare Super quibus omnibus et singulis magister Georgius Gordoun pater prefati Johannis Gordoun electi clerici procuratoris nomine prefati Johannis Gordoun [etc.] a me notario publico subscripto sibi fierj petiit vnum seu plura

publicum seu publica instrumenta / Acta erant hec in ecclesia parochialj de Mwrthlaycht horas inter vndecimam et duodecimam in meridiem / publice coram parochianis ac coram hiis testibus Alexandro Robertsoun in Lochtil Wandyt / Domino Johannj Moresoun vicario pensionario de Mwrthlaycht/ Domino Johannj Duncanj capellano Sancte Crucis ibidem / Hectore Masoun / Petro Clyfft [etc.]

Et ego vero Willelmus Clerk Abirdonensis diocesis presbiter sacra authoritate apostolica notarius [etc.]


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Carta Duncano Fraser et Christiana sponsa sua (A.D. 1367.) Dauid Dei gracia Rex Scottorum. Omnibus etc salutem. Sciatis nos dedisse concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse dilecto et fideli nostro Duncano Fraser et Cristiane sponse sue totas illas partes terrarum de Brounemoldy et de Mulbynne et de Ordichoys cum pertinenciis infra comitatum Morauie et de Crechyrosy et de Balmariot et de Auchynmare cum pertinenciis infra vicecomitatum de Banff ac de Ballyntraile cum pertinenciis infra vicecomitatum de Perthe que fuerunt Margarete Gelibrande sponse quondam Laurencii Gelybrande militis et quas partes terrarum cum pertinenciis eadem Margareta non vi aut metu ducta nec errore lapsa set mera et spontanea voluntate sua nobis [etc.] simpliciter resignauit [etc.] Tenendas et habendas dictis Duncano et sponse sue filio predicte Margarete et heredibus inter ipsos legitime procreatis vel procreandis quibus forte defficientibus veris et legitimis heredibus dicte Margarete quibuscunque de nobis et heredibus nostris in feodo et hereditate per omnes rectas metas et diuisas suas [etc.]. Faciendo inde seruicia debita et consueta. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre sigillum nostrum precepimus apponi Testibus etc Apud Strathurde xviijo Tricesimo Octauo.

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die mensis Januarij. Anno regni nostri

[From the Registrvm Magni Sigilli Regvm Scotorvm, p. 58.

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In a roll of missing charters by King Robert I. is "Carta to Ade, son to Duncan de Mar, the lands of Balcony, Innerkeratis, Aughinstuiks, in tenemento de Murthelache in vicecomitatu de Aberdeen." (Robertson's Index to the Charters, p. 20.)

In a roll of missing charters by King David II. is "Carta to Henry Cheyne, of ane annual of Straloch, and Achstuckis in vicecomitatu de Aberdeen." (Id., p. 32.)

In a roll of missing charters by King Robert III. is "Carta to John Edmond, knight, the King's brother, and Elizabeth Sinclair his spouse, daughter to the Earl of Orkney, of the lands of Murlache, vicecomitatu de Banff, by resignation of the Earl of Orkney." (Id., p. 138.)]

Carta pro Dauid de Gardyne (A.D. 1407.)

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Robertus dux Albanie comes de Fyfe et de Mentethe ac gubernator regnj Scocie. Omnibus probis hominibus tocius regnj predicti clericis et laicis salutem Sciatis quod concessimus dilecto nostro Dauid de Gardyne omnes terras de Kyninmonthe Buchrommys et mediam partem terrarum de Clune cum pertinenciis jacentem infra vicecomitatum de Banf que quidem terre cum pertinenciis fuerunt Willelmi de Dalyelle militis et quas idem Willelmus [etc.] mera et spontanea voluntate sua [etc.] nobis [etc.] simpliciter resignauit. Tenendas et habendas prenominatas terras cum omnibus suis pertinenciis dicto Dauid et heredibus. suis de domino nostro Rege et heredibus suis in feodo et hereditate imperpetuum [etc.]. Faciendo inde annuatim domino nostro Regi et heredibus suis dictus Dauid et heredes sui de dictis terris cum pertinenciis seruicia debita et consueta. In cuius rei testimonium presenti carte nostre sigillum officij nostri fecimus apponi . Testibus reuerendo in Xpo patre Gilberto episcopo Abirdonensi cancellario Scocie Roberto Senescalli primogenito

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Murdaci Senescalli filij nostri et heredis Willelmo de Ertht milite Donaldo de Bute decano Dunblanensi magistro Willelmo de Camera rectore ecclesie de Erole Willelmo Lang canonico Abirdonensi · Johanne de Haya Dauid Berclay et Andrea de Hawyke secretario nostro apud Perth vicesimo quinto die mensis Julij Anno Dominj millesimo ccccmo septimo Et gubernacionis nostre anno secundo.

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Anent the landis of Murthlak and Tumethe and office of bailyery of the samyn (19 January 1489.)

In the actioune and cause persewit be William bischop of Abirdene agane Alexander Mac Fersane for the wrangwis occupatioune and manurin of the landis of Murthlak and Tumethe with the pertinens pertening to the bischoprik of Abirdene And vptakin of the malez thairof be the space of five yeris bigane extendin yerely to fifti pundis as wes allegiit And for the withalding of foure custume mertis yerely be the said space and for the

[From the Registrvm Magni Sigilli Regvm Scotorvm, pp. 230, 231.

In a roll of missing charters by King Robert III. is "Carta to John Dalzell, of the lands of Kinmonth, Bouchtanis, half lands of Clune, by resignation of Alexander Keith, in vicecomitatu de Banff." (Robertson's Index to the Charters, p. 138.)]

2 [From the Acta Dominorum Auditorum, p. 121.]

wrangwis vsing and excercising of the office of bailyery of the saidis landis and rasing and vptakin of the vnlawis and proffitis thairof extending yerely to the valour of xx mertis And for the costis and scathtis sustenit be him thairthrow The said Alexander Mac Fersane beand lauchfully and peremptorly summond oft tymes callit and nocht comperit The said reuerend faider beand personaly present his richtis ressonis allegationis and productioune of witnes at lenth sene hard and vndirstandin / The lordis auditouris decrettis and deliueris that the said Alexander dois wrang in the occupatioune and manurin of the saidis landis and alse in the vsing of the said office And tharfore ordanis him to decist and cese tharfra and to devoid and red the said landis in tyme tocum And assignis to the said reuerend faider the v day of Maij nixt tocum with continiatioune of dais to pref the avale of the malez and proffitis of the saidis landis and of the said mertis and tuiching his costis and scathtis And ordanis our Souerane Lordis lettrez be direct herapoun and that he haf lettrez to summond his witnes and the partij to here thaim sworne ·


The Erle of Huntlies renunciatioun of the landis of Bocharme Botrichin Abbirloir Bochrome and Kynnynmond .1 (A.D. 1509.)

Be it maide kend till all men be thir present letteris vs Alexander Erle of Huntlie Lord of Baidyenocht Jane Countes of Huntlie and Jhone Lord Gordoun our son and apperand air to haue renuncit ourgevin dischargit and quhitclamit and be thir our letteris for vs [etc.] frelie renuncis [etc.] to our richt hartlie and weile belwit broder Jhone Maister of Athole and fiear of the lordschip and landis off Balvany and certan baronriis within the samyn that is to say Bocharme Botrichin Abbirloir Bochrome and Kynnynmond with the pertinence to his airis and assigniis qubatsumeuir / all richt clame or titill of rycht petitorye or possessorye titill and entres had and to be had that we or ony or our airis has had [etc.] to the saidis landis and baronriis [etc.] liand within the schirefdome of Banf and lordschip of Balvany foirsaid that we or ony of us may clame [etc.] be ressoun of airschip rycht or entre to Jhone Erle now of Athoile or to wmquhille Magaret Dowglas his spouss And sall neuir be ws our airis [etc.] moif pley aganis the said Jhone or his airis [etc.] And that is specialie

of vs

1 [From the original, in the possession of the Club.]

becauss we haue nor had nae rycht nor entre to persew nor follow the samyn And als moiffis our conscience that we war sa lang in doing of the samyn for the rumor of the cuntre and skaith of the parte And als we our airis [etc.] may lat inquiett trubbill [etc.] the said Jhone [etc.] becauss of singuler fauoris we beir on to the said Jhone Maister of Athole / And for tendernes alliance and blude being amangis ws and for certan wthir profitabill thankis [etc.] we the foirsaidis [etc.] bindis and oblisis ws [etc.] to content and thankfully pay the sowme of twelff thousand pundis usuale money of the realme gold and siluer to be payit as followis that is to say four thousande pundis to the cathedraile kirkis of Aberdene and Murraye ewinlye to be dividit four thousande pundis to the Kingis grace / and four thousande pundis to the said Jhone Maister of Athole [etc.] for costis skaithis dampnage interess and expensiss [etc.] And geve the said Jhone Maister of Athoile or his airis quhatsumeuir desiris ony mair securite efterwartts of the premissis or thinkis the band nocht sa seuerlie maid as neid war we the saidis Alexander [etc.] bindis and oblisis ws [etc.] lelely and treuly and wnder the paines aboune written to renewe this band in the sikirast forme and stile that can be devisit be the said Jhone Maister of Athole [etc.] In vitnes of the quhilk thing we the said Alexander Erle of Huntlie has appendit to our propir seile of armis to this present writt and has subscriwit the samyn witht our hand And the saidis Jane and Jhone has elikwiss witht thair handis subscriwit the samyn And for the mair securite of the premisses has suorne to keip and obserwe the poynttis aboun writtin the Haly Ewangelis tuichit lelely and treuly and neuir to cum in the contrar of the samyn under the painis aboune writtin At Inuernys the tuenty four day of Julii the yeir of God ane thousand fywe hundretht and nyn yeris before thir witnes ane reuerend fader in God Andro be the mercy of the samyn Bischop of Caithnes and commendatour of Ferme in Rossane nobille and mychty lord Willeame Erle of Caithnes / Jhone Lord Fresalle Sir Alexander Seitoun of Tulybody Sir Willeame Scot of Balvery knychtis Maister Jhone Spence channon of Murray Alexander Leslie Henre Steuart Willeame Steuart Sir John Dinguell / and Maister Jhone Steuart notaris with wther diuerss.

Alex' Erle of Huntle
Jane Countes of Huntle.
Johne Lord Gordoun ·

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