Imágenes de páginas

grandson of Freskyn Moray of Duffus. He is designed dominus de Petty, Brachlie, Bocharin, etc. (Cartularium Moraviense.) And from his son Walter, descended Sir Andrew Moray, lord Bothwell. "Willelmus filius Willelmi Freskin," had his castle and seat in Boharm, probably at Galival, where some vestiges do

still remain.1

["The ruin of the Castle of Gallvall is the only remain of antiquity in the parish. It was built fronting the east, on the north side of the valley, towards the western end, where the declivity hath fallen more gently into an inclined plain, and shot a promontory into the deep defile formed by the course of the stream of Aldermy; snugly sheltered from the northern blast, with an enlivening extent of arable field rising behind; on either side a luxuriant landscape spread westward on the winding banks of the Fiddich. It appears to have been a simple structure, of an hundred and nineteen feet by twenty-four feet within, divided by an internal wall, so as to form two halls on the ground floor; one sixty-five, and the other fifty-four feet in length. The windows were only twenty inches wide, though the walls were eight feet thick. The front and corners were neatly finished with free-stone. The front and gables are now entirely broken down; but, within these fifty years, they stood to the height of several stories. This bulky fabric, on the eastern front, had lower external accommodations. A domestic chapel stood in its own consecrated burying ground (forsaken only in the course of the last sixty years), about fifty yards from the north end of the castle; and, though only twenty-four feet by twelve feet within, must have been the parent of the present parish church, which was erected in the year 1618." (The Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. xvii., pp. 363, 364.) "The Castle of Bucharm, now Galval, is an interesting remain, situated on a fine eminence between the brook Aldernie and the Fiddich, having the vale of Balveny stretching out in front; the vale of Boharm to the east; the lower part of the valley of the Fiddich to the west; and a great extent of well cultivated fields and beautiful woodlands all around. Little of the building is now standing. Under a stone in the floor of the oratory of the castle, a silver ring was lately found, having a small shield fixed upon it, which exhibited two martial figures: this is now at Arndilly." (The New Statistical Account of Scotland, number xxxviii., pp. 364, 365.)

"The rivulet Aldernie above mentioned, conveys to the Fiddich the waters of the upper part of the parish; while those of the lower part, uniting where the eastern valley meets with the circular valley, form the Orchill, now called The Burn of Mulben, which thence descending very rapidly to the Spey, which it joins at the place called Boat of Bridge, has cut a very romantic channel for itself in the rocks through which it passes." (The New Statistical Account of Scotland, number xxxviii., p. 359.) "The Chartulary of Moray has preserved the memorial of the bridge over Spey at The Boat of Brigg. Part of the foundation of the southern pier still remains. It has been supposed that the bridge was of timber." (The Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. xvii., p. 359.) "Both record and tradition inform us, that, in early times, there was a bridge over the Spey, near the influx of the Orchil. It appears to have been chiefly of wood. Where tradition says it crossed the river, the water is very deep close to the rock on the east side, which served for one of the abutments; but this great depth extends but a little way out from the rock, and then the stream shallows to the western bank. Hence one long stretch, not beyond the powers of the largest timber of the country, would suffice for getting over the deeper water; and

At this time, the freeholds are:

Arntullie, the seat of Alexander Grant, of which he purchased the freehold from Sir Ludowick Grant, anno M.DCC.LVII. His father, Thomas of Achoinany and Arntullie, died M.DCC.LVIII., and was son of Walter, son of John of Arntullie, second son of Archibald the first of Bellintom. It is pleasantly situated at the foot of Ben-eggin, on the bank of Spey, and capable of great improvement, by inclosing and planting. This gentleman is likewise proprietor of Galival and of Newton, which lately pertained to a gentleman of the name of Anderson.

To the east of the church are the lands of Achmadies, the property of Sir James Grant.

And thence northward is the barony of Achluncart, which, for several generations, pertained to a branch of the house of Innes, and by an heiress came to a son of Stewart of Tanachie.

This parish is well accommodated with moss ground for fuel, and generally is a rich and fertile soil, very early in ripening about Arntullie, but cold and late on the south-east side of the hill.

Carta Willelmi de Moravia de ecclesia de Artendol (A.D. 1203-A.D. 1224.)

Universis sancte matris ecclesie filijs literas istas visuris vel audituris Willelmus filius Willelmi Freskyny salutem Noverit universitas vestra me dedisse concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse Deo et ecclesie

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then the progress westward would be comparatively easy by means of supports from the bottom; and such, according to tradition, was the nature of the structure. Not a vestige of its ruins has been visible for many years. A ferry boat was substituted for it, and the passage of the river came to be called by the anomalous name of The Boat of Bridge, while the farms in the neighbourhood still retained their former appellations of Bridgetown of Spey and Upper Briglands. The boat has now, in its turn, given place to another bridge erected a few years ago on the same spot. Connected with the ancient structure, and on the Boharm side of the river, there was a religious establishment called The Hospital of St. Nicholas at the Bridge of Spey. The ruins of this establishment remained in considerable extent, till cleared away for the approach to the present bridge, when many human bones were disinterred." (The New Statistical Account of Scotland, number xxxviii., pp. 365, 366.) See also Shaw's History of the Province of Moray, pp. 16, 263, 264; Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, p. xxx.]

1 [From the Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, p. 17.

John, parson of Artyldol, ("ego Johannes persona de Artyldol subscribo") is one of the clergy of the diocese of Murray who adhibit their consent to the charter of Bricius, their bishop, erecting eight prebends in the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity at Spyny, between the year 1208 and the year 1214. (Id., pp. 40-43.)]

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Sancte Trinitatis de Spyni et collegio canonicorum ibidem Deo servientium ecclesiam de Artendol cum omnibus ad eandem ecclesiam juste pertinentibus exceptis decimis bladi de duabus dauachis que sunt juxta castellum meum de Bucharm scilicet Bucharm et Adthelnachorth· quarum omnes decime de blado auctoritate domini. B. Moraviensis episcopi assignate sunt capelle mee de castello meo de Bucharm ad sustentationem capellani ejusdem capelle Quare volo et concedo ut prefata ecclesia et canonicorum collegium ibidem Deo serviens habeat predictam ecclesiam cum omnibus pertinentiis suis et rectitudinibus suis exceptis decimis bladi de predictis duabus dauachis in perpetuam et puram elemosinam in decimis oblationibus et obventionibus omnimodis de vivis et mortuis tam de castello meo quam de meipso et familia mea in omnibus ad communitatem vicariorum in eadem ecclesia Deo servientium Testibus Domino Bricio Moraviensi episcopo Hugone fratre meo Arkembaldo de Dufeglas Freskyno decano Moraviensis ecclesie Andrea de MoAlexandro Henrico Hugone magistro Henrico canonicis de Spyny Thoma capellano Roberto clerico Michaele pincerna phano de Edenham.


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Carta Episcopi Moraviensis de ecclesia de Artildol.1 (A.D. 1224—a.d. 1242.)

Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Andreas permissione divina. Moraviensis episcopus eternam in Domino salutem Noveritis nos donationem illam quam Willelmus filius Willelmi filii Freskyni fecit Deo et ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis de Spyny et collegio canonicorum Deo ibidem servientium de ecclesia de Artildol cum omnibus ad eandem ecclesiam juste pertinentibus exceptis decimis bladi de duabus dauachis que sunt juxta castellum de Bucharme scilicet Bucharme et Athenacork quarum omnes decime bladi. auctoritate venerabilis patris et predecessoris nostri venerabilis memorie Bricii quondam Moraviensis episcopi assignate sunt

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1 [From the Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, pp. 69, 70.

On the thirtieth of December, 1239, the same Bishop Andrew de Moravia, with the consent of his clergy, confirmed to the same canons of the church of the Holy Trinity at Elgyn, the same church of Artildol: "ecclesiam de Artildol cum omnibus pertinentiis suis ex dono Willelmi de Moravia excepta capella de Bucharim cum suis pertinentiis . et salva nobis et successoribus nostris in perpetuum una dimidia dauacha terre ad mensam episcopalem pertinente." (Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis, pp. 35, 36.)]

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capelle dicti castelli ad sustentationem capellani ejusdem capelle concesse . in hac nostra carta confirmasse Deo et ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis de Elgyn et eidem collegio canonicorum ibidem Deo servientium Quare volumus et concedimus ut prefata ecclesia Sancte Trinitatis de Elgyn et collegium ibidem Deo serviens habeat predictam ecclesiam cum omnibus justis pertinentiis suis et rectitudinibus exceptis decimis de predictis duabus dauachis in puram et perpetuam elemosinam in decimis oblationibus et obventionibus omnimodis et omnibus ecclesiasticis rectitudinibus tam de vivis quam de mortuis tam de ejus ipso castello quam de ejus quolibet dominio et familia tota in omnibus ad communitatem vicariorum in eadem ecclesia de Elgyn pro tempore Deo servientium. Ut autem hec nostra concessio et confirmatio futuris temporibus in perpetuum rata permaneat et inconcussa persistat hanc nostre confirmationis paginam manu propria conscriptam sigilli nostri appositione duximus muniendam Testibus Freskyno decano nostro magistro Henrico thesaurario Ada subdecano Lamberto succentore magistro Edwardo Roberto parvo Roberto de Duffus canonicis nostris. Radulpho capellano nostro Symone de Guneby Symone de Orreby Gervasio Euas' servientibus nostris et aliis.

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Compositio inter Episcopum Moraviensem et W de Moravia de Petyn (A.D. 1226.)

Noverint universi hoc scriptum visuri vel audituri quod cum Andreas episcopus Moraviensis convenisset et trahere in causam proposuisset Walterum de Moravia filium quondam Willelmi de Moravia super terris de

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Ardtrillen et Lunnin et Duldaui et Croyn quas idem Willelmus detinebat et jure hereditario ad se pertinere dicebat et super advocatione ecclesiarum de Croyn Abirlouer Buthrothyn et de Arteldol et super decima cani domini Regis quod idem Rex solebat recipere de Bracholy Bucharem Abirlouer et Kyneremoneh. Ita convenit inter eos amicabiliter consentiente et consulente capitulo Moraviensis ecclesie . scilicet quod predictus Episcopus quietas clamavit pro se et successoribus suis predicto Waltero et heredibus suis in perpetuum decimas cani predicti et advocationes ecclesiarum de Abirlouer et de Buttruthin in quibus constabat plures predecessorum predicti Walteri usque ad tempora presentia jus presentandi habuisse Compositionem autem factam inter venerabilem

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patrem bone memorie dominum Bricium episcopum Moravie et patrem predicti Walteri super predictis ecclesiis et ecclesia de Artyldol ratam et firmam et stabilem decreverunt habendam et ordinationem prebende factam tempore predicti Andree episcopi de omnibus decimis garbarum provenientium infra parochias de Abirlouer et de Butruthyn in perpetuum in canoniam assignatis decreverunt predictus Andreas et capitulum ejus juxta formam instrumentorum super hiis confectorum plenissime in omnibus observandam Concesserunt autem idem Episcopus et capitulum ejus eidem Waltero et heredibus suis totam terram de Artendol tenendam juxta formam instrumentorum suorum super hiis ab Episcopis Moravie obtentorum quam predecessores ipsius quiete tenuerunt temporibus trium Episcoporum venerabilis memorie scilicet Symonis Ricardi et Bricii per annos quadraginta et amplius Predictus vero Walterus terram de Lunyn et Duldauy scilicet unam dauacham et dimidiam quam in feodo et hereditate tenere debebat reddendo inde annuatim Xxti solidos recepit ad firmam perpetuam concessam sibi et heredibus suis a predicto Andrea Moraviensi episcopo de consensu predicti capituli sui Moravie in feodo et hereditate reddendo inde singulis annis eisdem centum solidos scilicet quinquaginta solidos ad festum Sancti Martini et alios quinquaginta solidos ad Pentecosten pro omni servitio ad predictum Episcopum vel successores suos pertinente Salva predicto Episcopo et successoribus suis advocatione ecclesie de Lunnyn et salvo forinseco servicio domini Regis ad predictam terram pertinente quod ipse Walterus et heredes sui facient in perpetuum Si autem per guerram contigerit predictas terras de Lunnyn et de Duldauy ita destrui vel turbari quod predicta firma inde solvi non possit durante statu illo juxta arbitrium boni viri vel ex toto predicta firma remittetur vel pro parte rationabili · Predictus vero Walterus pro se et heredibus suis quietum clamavit in perpetuum Episcopis Moravie jus quod se dicebat habere in terra de Croyn cum advocatione ecclesie ejusdem loci salvo sibi et heredibus suis in perpetuum jure patronatus ecclesie de Bracholi Convenit etiam ut instrumenta omnia que predictus Walterus habuerat de terris predictis et ecclesia de Lunnyn et Duldauy et Croyn et ecclesia ejusdem loci • reddantur et inania reputentur et cassa et omnino nulla. In premissorum vero firmum et indubitabile testimonium ei parti hujus scripture in modum cyrographi confecte que penes ecclesiam Moraviensem habetur appensa sunt sigilla domini Regis et predicti Walteri et Walteri de Moravia filii quondam

tenendam in perpetuum de Episcopis

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