Imágenes de páginas

apud Perth vicesimo quarto die mensis Martij anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo vicesimo quarto et regni sui decimo

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Litera obligatoria Johannis Fraser super terris de Achinsogill et Delgeddy (A.D. 1385.)

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Pateat uniuersis per presentes nos Johannem Frazer dominum baronie de Cowie et de Durres teneri [etc.] Johanni Frazer fratri nostro quod si aliquo processu legitimo contigerit per aliquem [etc.] heredum nostrum [etc.] de terris de Achinsogill Plady Delgeddy cum Le Quarrell de quibus ipsum Johannem Frazer hereditarie infeodauimus pro se et heredibus suis de corpore suo legitime procreatis expelli aut aliqualiter remoueri [etc.] idem Johannes Frazer possideat et habeat libere pro se et heredibus suis [etc.] omnes terras nostras baronie de Durres infra vicecomitatum de Kincardin [etc.] adeo libere [etc.] sicut nos ipsas terras de Durres de domino nostro Rege [etc.] tenemus [etc.] in recompensationem terrarum de Achinsogill Pladi Delgedy et Le Quarrell in Buchania supremo expressatarum Ad que omnia et singula nos obligamus et heredes nostros et omnia bona nostra mobilia et immobilia [etc.]. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum nostrum est appensum apud Aberdeen ultimo die mensis Julij anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo octuogesimo quinto


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Sasina Willelmi Hay in terris de Auchinchogyll .2 (A.D. 1478.)

In Dei nomine Amen Per hoc instrumentum pateat quod anno ab incarnatione Domini secundum computum et cursum ecclesie Scoticane millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo septimo mensis vero Januarij die secundo. In mei notarij publici presentia honorabilis vir Willelmus Crauford de Fedrat baliuus nobilis et potentis viri Domini Alexandri Fraser

1 [From a copy in the charter room at Slaines.

The same lands of Auchinschogill, Plady, and Delgedy, were granted to John Fraser by his brother Sir Alexander Fraser, knight, lord of Cowie, in the year 1378, by a charter which was confirmed, in the year 1397, by the granter's son and heir, "Willelmus Fraser filius et heres Domini Alexandri Fraser militis domini baronie de Cowy ac domini de Philorth." Copies of the charters are preserved in the charter room at Slaines. (Collections for a History of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, pp. 470, 471.)]

2 [Abridged from a copy in the charter room at Slaines.]

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de Philorth militis tradidit et cum terra et lapide dedit honorabili viro Willelmo Hay de Ardendracht saisinam hereditariam terrarum de Auchinchogyll cum pertinenciis jacentium in baronia de Fillorth infra vicecomitatum de Aberdene. Acta erant hec super solum dictarum terrarum presentibus ibidem honorabilibus viris Willelmo Leith de Barnis Thoma Coupland de Udoch Georgio Burnet de Gask. Dauid Forbes. Duncano Sanchar de Muircroft Alexandro Mortimer filio et herede apparente Johannis Mortimer de Auchinbed Dauid Ogston Patricio Benton Andrea Benton cum multis aliis Thoma Cowie presbitero Aberdonensis diocesis notario publico ·

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Indenturis betuyx Gilbert the Hay of Dellgattie and Jhon Cheyne of Esselmounth (A.D. 1494.)

This indentur maid at Edinburght the nynt day of Junij jm. iiije. lxxxxiiij · yeris beris witnes that it is appontit betuex honorabill men Gilbert the Hay of Dellgattie and Jhon Chene of Esselmont that eithir of the saidis parteis sal in al tym to cum stand to othir in tender and herty luffe freindschip lautie and kyndnes for al the dayis of thair lyfe and that nathir of tham heir nor wit the tothirs peril nor scaith but he sal warn him tharof and stop the samen at his power and that eithir of tham sal gif to othir the best counsal thai can / and to stand for othir in al thair honest and leful actiounis aganis al othir personis thare allegeance to our souerane lord the King and thar manrentschip to thar lordis that thai ar now bundin to allenarlie exceptit. And als it is appointit that Henry Chene son and appeirant air to the said Jhon Chene sal God willing marrie / and haue to wife in visage of Haly Kirk Marjorie the Hay dauchter to the said Gilbert and faillieing of the said Henry by decease befor the compleating of the said mariage Patrik Chene his brothir sal marie the said Marjorie quhilk mariage sal be completit as sone as the said Henry and failying of him the said Patrik comis to the age of xiiij yeiris For the quhilk mariage the said Gilbert sal pay to the said Jhon the sowme of thre hundreth and twenty merkis vsual money of Scotland · Alsua the said Jhon Chene sal put the said Henrie in the fee of his landis of Esselmont and Arnage reseruand to the said Jhon the frank tenement of the said landis for al the dais of his lyfe and the resonabil terce of

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1 [Abridged from a copy in the charter room at Slaines.]

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the same to his spous togidder with twenty merkis worth of the said landis for al the days of her lyfe Lykeas the said Henry Chene sal incontinent efter the mariage betuix him and the said Margerie geif to her twelff merkis worth of the said landis and the said Jhone sal geife owr to tham the frank tenement of the samen xij merkis worth of land to thair sustentatioun and leiving To the fulfylling of all the poyntis abouewrittin the saidis parteis are bundyn be the faithis and treuthis in thair bodeis the Haly Ewangellis tuichit and in witnessing tharof thai haue interchangeabillie affixit thair seillis with the subscription of thair handis to thir indenturis day yeir and place aboue expremit.

Band to Esilmond (A.D. 1501.)

Be it kend til al men us Wilyeam Hay of Ardendracht and Gilbert Hay my son and appearand ayr to be bundin to our traist freind Jhone Chene of Essilmont in the soume of sex score of poundis vsual money of Scotland to be pait to the said Jhon in pairt payment of a mair soum for the compleiting of a mariage betuix Henry Cheine son and appearant ayr to the said Jhon and Marjorie the Hay dauchter to me the said Gilbert In witnes hereof becaus I the said Wilyeam Hay had na seil propir present of my awn I have procurit the seile of an honorabill man Dauid Strauquhan of Thorntoun to thir presentis to be affixit and I the said Gilbert the Hay has set to my seile with subscriptionis of our handis at Ardendracht the fyftein day of January a thousand and fyfe hundreth yeris Befor thir witnes Thome the Hay Maister James the Hay Andro Hay Andro Tul

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sonnys to the said Willyam Henry Chene

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Henry Chene

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Wm Hay of Ardendra
Gilbt Hay

Instrumentum super resignacione terrarum de Delgaty (A.D. 1503.) In Dei nomine Amen. Per hoc instrumentum cunctis pateat quod anno incarnationis Dominice millesimo quingentesimo tertio mensis vero Maii die decima in mei notarii publici presentia comparuit honorabilis vir Andreas Wode de Fothorkerne procurator honorabilis viri Wilelmi Fraser de Philorth de cuius procurationis mandato michi per literas constabat

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[Abridged from a copy in the charter room at Slaines.]

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quarum tenor sequitur SERENISSIMO et excellentissimo principi et domino Domino Jacobo Dei gratia Scotorum Regi vester humilis et fidelis ligius Willelmus Fraser de Filorthe · reverentias debitas in vestre serenissime Majestatis manibus omnes et singulas terras meas de Auchinschogile cum molendino eiusdem Delgaty cum quarrellis eiusdem Kynminity Loncarty et Plady cum pertinentiis jacentes in vicecomitatu de Aberdene quas de vobis teneo in capite pure et simpliciter per presentes tanquam per fustim et baculum reddo et resigno et ad hec constituo nobiles et honorabiles viros Willelmum magistrum de Eroll Alexandrum Keith de Lichty / dominum Johannem Ruderfurd militem / Johannem Elphinston de Artht / Andream Elphinston de Selmes et Andream Wode de Fothirkerne meos veros executores In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum presentibus est appensum apud Monasterium de Deir penultimo die mensis Martii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo secundo. coram hiis testibus Johanne Fraser Thoma Hay David Kynnard de Taylady Alexandro Smytht Andrea Wacht et magistro Alexandro Massie notario publico. Post quarumquidem literarum perlectionem idem Andreas accessit ad presentiam serenissimi domini nostri Regis et ibidem genibus flexis omni cum humilitate et reverentia omnes et singulas terras predictas in manibus sue regie Maiestatis tanquam in manibus domini superioris earundem per fustim et baculum sursum reddidit. Quaquidem resignatione sic facta idem dominus noster Rex predictas terras nobili viro Patricio Krychtoun militi tanquam acturnato Gilberti Hay filij et heredis quondam Wilelmi Hay de Ardendracht per baculi traditionem dedit. Tenendas et habendas dicto Gilberto et heredibus suis in feodo et hereditate de supremo domino nostro Rege in perpetuum . Acta erant hec in camera Regia infra villam de Kirkcudbrich hora nona ante meridiem presentibus ibidem venerabili in Christo patre David electo monasterii de Cambuskenneth Andrea domino Avendale primo hostiario camere Regis magistris Ricardo Mureheid decano Glasguensi secretario Regis Jacobo Beton preposito de Boychtivill domino Jacobo Kyncraige rectore de Spot magistro Johanne Hay Willelmo Stenhouss et Jacobo Doge cum diuersis aliis testibus Johanne Murray artium magistro clerico Sancti Andree diocesis notario publico

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The letter of reuersioun on Delgaty (A.D. 1503.)

Be it kend till al men me Schir Willame Fraser of Fillorth knycht til be boundin til ane nobill and worschipful man Schir Gilbert Hay of Arddiendracht knycht that nochtwithstanding the said Schir Gilbert hes sauld to me the landis of the town of Delgaty Lonkarty and Plady in the barony of Delgedy within the shirefdome of Aberdene / nevertheles I obliss me that quhow sone the said Schir Gilbert pay to me the soume of five hundreth merkis usual money of Scotland apone the heye altar of Aberdene within the paroch kirk of the samen betuyx the date heirof and the Feist of Sant Michael the Archangel callit Michelmes nixt to cum / I sal frely upgif and resigne to the said Schir Gilbert the foresaid landis In vitnes of the whilk thing I the said Schir Wilyeam Fraser haf appendit to thir my present letteris of reuersioun my propir seil at Edinburgh the ferd day of December the yher of God jm. ve and thre yheris befor thir vitnessis Willame master of Errole knycht Schir Willame Keyth of Inverowgy knycht Archbald Keyth Andro Strathaughan Wilyeam Crawfurd and Sir Nichol Borthane publict notar with vtheris diuers.

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Instrumentum redemptionis terrarum de Delgaty (A.D. 1504.)

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In Dei nomine Amen. Per hoc instrumentum pateat quod anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo quingentesimo quarto mensis vero Maij ultimo die / in mei notarii publici presentia Willelmus Fraser de Filorth miles fatebatur sibi fuisse satisfactum per honorabilem virum Gilbertum Hay de Ardendracht militem de summa quingentarum mercarum vsualis monete regni Scocie sibi debita pro redemptione terrarum de Delgaty Loncarty et Plaidy cum pertinentiis jacentium in baronia de Delgaty et infra vicecomitatum de Aberdene Quapropter dictus Wilelmus predictas terras in manibus dicti Domini Gilberti Hay simpliciter resignauit et in signum premissorum dictus Dominus Wilelmus sigillum suum huic instrumento apponendum decreuit. Acta erant hec in capitulo Fratrum Minorum de Aberdene hora circa undecimam ante meridiem presentibus ibidem nobilibus et honorabilibus viris et dominis Wilelmo Hay magistro de Erol.

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1 [Abridged from a copy in the charter room at Slaines.]

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