Imágenes de páginas

heiris [etc.] sal bruik and joyse in property frae the Lang Furd wher the said Patrick begoutht to rid quhilk is the midmest furd of the thrie furdis ascendand up the Hill of Findon and to the northt syde of the same on to the Cairnslaw callit Clochtyne alias Teorieclamchyne and fraethin west to the highgate to the heid of Pollisdone and in commonty frae the said gate of the heid of Pollisdone ascendand up the Hill of Findon on to the law upon the heicht of the same wher ther sal be put ane stain cross and fraethin descendand down to the brek of the moss callit the Crossslacks as it is pairtit and merchit and frae the said Crossslacks southt to the Todlaw as sal be pairtit and merchit be the saidis parteis swa that it sal be leisum to the said Gilbert and his ayris to labour and manur be west the said merchis of Crossslacks and Todlaw with cornis or ony vthirways And it sal not be leisum to the said Gilbert [etc.] to labour nor manur the commond mure liand betwixt the Halkden and the Todlaw [etc.] conform to the said abbotis infeftment of Lethnot and Brokakis and dome of court gevin herupon be the mouth of Alexander Duncansone dempstare [etc.]

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Inquisicio Valteri Berclay de Tolly super terris de Collane.1 (A.D. 1491.) Hec inquisitio facta fuit apud Tullyboyauchteran Collane coram honorabili viro Patricio Steuart in Latheris ac vicecomite deputato de Banf per hos subscriptos viros . videlicet Vilhelmum Meldrum de Fywe / Georgeum Meldrum de Petcarre/ Vilhelmum Jonstone filium ac heredem apparentem Alexandri Johnstone de Caskebene Johannem Gordon de Petger Robertum Meldrum in Kynbrwne Johannem Setone in.. Andream Bruss Robertum William Johannem Valcar / Alexandrum Gregore Alexandrum Dolace Johannem Blak / ac Johannem Meldrum / Johannem Donald et Andream Craghed · Qui jurati dicunt quod quondam Johannes Bercla de Tolly pater Valteri Bercla latoris

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I [Abridged from the original in the possession of the Club.

About the year 1385, Andrew of Berclay, lord of Garntuly, gave the land of Melros, with the mill, to Jonet of Berclay, the widow of Sir John of Monymous, knight, in quittance of her claim to certain lands of her father John of Berclay. The land was to be held blench for payment of a silver penny at Doun on the Feast of Pentecost yearly, the granter being bound to keep it free from all demand of the yearly rent, in which it was liable to the King, of ten pounds sterling, and four chalders of corn. Among the witnesses to the charter, is William of Berclay of Tolly, lord of Kercow. (Registrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, vol. ii. pp. 281, 282.)]

presentium obiit ultimo sasitus ut de feodo ad pacem Regis de totis et integris terris de Collane cum pertinentiis jacentibus in thanagio de Glendouauchy infra vicecomitatum de Banf. Et quod dictus Valterus est legittimus et propinquior heres eiusdem patris sui de dictis terris et quod est legittime etatis et quod dicte terre tenentur de thano de Glendouauchty in capite tanquam de superiori in alba firma et cum una secta ad curiam de Dwrne per annum videlicet ad curiam capitalem post festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli et quod heredes dictarum terrarum liberi erant de varda maritagio et releuio earundem et quod dicte terre sunt nunc in manibus Comitis Buchanie ac domini de Glendouauchty per mortem quondam Johannis Bercla per tres menses vel eocirca In cuius rei testimonium sigilla quorundam qui dicte inquisitioni intererant una cum sigillo dicti vicecomitis deputati presentibus sunt appensa apud locum predictum secundo die mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo primo.

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Preceptum sasine terrarum de Collan pro Patricio Berculay de Tolle · 1 (A.D. 1522.)

Johannes comes Buchanie dominus de Ouchterhouss ac baro baronie de Glendowauchty cum pertinentiis dilectis meis Jacobo Stewart de Riballiuis meis in hac parte salutem


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nobis compertum est quod quondam Walterus Berclay de Tolle pater Patricii Berculay latoris presentium obiit ultimo sasitus de terris de Collan jacentibus in dicta nostra baronia de Glendouauchty et vicecomitatu de Banff et quod dictus Patricius est legittimus et propinquior heres eiusdem patris sui et quod est legittime etatis et quod dicte terre de Collane tenentur de nobis in capite tanquam domino superiori earundem. Quare vobis precipimus quatinus dicto Patricio aut suo certo acturnato presentium latori sasinam hereditariam terrarum prescriptarum tradatis. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum huic precepto sasine est appensum . Apud Haltoun secundo die mensis Maii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo secundo una cum nostra subscriptioni manuali

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Johne erll off Bowqhone

1 [Abridged from the original in the possession of the Club.]

Inquisicio Walteri Berclay de Tolly (A.D. 1559.)

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Hec inquisitio facta fuit in pretorio burgi de Banff coram honorabilibus viris Jacobo Dempstair de Ouchterles et Johanne Duncansoun burgensi de Banff vicecomitibus deputatis dicti vicecomitatus decimo tertio die mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo octauo per hos probos patrie subscriptos videlicet honorabiles viros Vilhelmum Hay filium et apparentem heredem honorabilis viri Alexandri Hay de Delgatty Johannem Hay de Lochloy Patricium Dalgarno de eodem Wilhelmum Ogstoun in Turreff Gilbertum Mowatt ibidem / Alexandrum Forbes in Rorocht Willelmum Nory in Fyntray Wilhelmum Keitht in Myddiltoune Georgium Coupland in Melros / Willelmum Cumming ibidem / Willelmum Mair in Cairnandraw / Thomam Will in Collane Johannem Spens in Melros Malcolmum Mowatt in Hungrehill et Thomam Thomsoun in Pratstoun Qui jurati dicunt quod quondam honorabilis vir Patricius Berclay de Tolly pater Walteri Berclay latoris presentium obiit ultimo sasitus ad fidem supremi domini nostri Francisci et supreme domine nostre Marie Scottorum Regis et Regine Delphini et Delphine Viennensis de omnibus et singulis terris de Collane jacentibus infra baroniam de Glendouachtie et vicecomitatum de Banff · Et quod dictus Walterus Berclay est legitimus et propinquior heres dicti sui patris et quod est legitime etatis et quod dicte terre valent nunc per annum viginti libras monete regni Scotie et tempore pacis valuerunt quinque libras monete predicte et quod dicte terre in capite de nobili domina Cristina Stewart comitissa feoditaria terrarum comitatus de Bouchane tanquam domina superiore earundem in alba firma tenentur pro solutione annuatim sex denariorum monete argentee in Festo Penthicostes si petatur tantum una cum secta ad placitum tantum existunt in manibus dicte nobilis domine ob decessum dicti quondam Patricii Berclay per spatium duorum mensium et quindecim dierum ratione non introitus ipsius Walteri Datum et clausum sub sigillo vicecomitis et sigillis quorundam horum qui dicte inquisitioni intererant anno die et loco prenotatis ·

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1 [Abridged from the original in the possession of the Club.]

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et nunc

(A.D. 1618.)

Inquisicio super terris de Cullane Hec inquisitio facta fuit in curia vicecomitatus de Banff tenta in pretorio eiusdem / per discretos viros Jacobum Lawtie burgensem de Cullen et Alexandrum Ogilvye burgensem de Banff vicecomites deputatos dicti vicecomitatus / vigesimo secundo die mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo octauo per hos probos et fideles homines patrie subscriptos videlicet Joannem Wrquhart de Craigfintray / dominum Georgium Ogilvye de Dunlugus militem Georgium Ogilvye de Carnousies / Walterum Innes de Auchintoull Georgium Ogilvye feoditarium de Dunlugus Thomam Meldrum de Iden Alexandrum Coupland de Wdoche

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Jacobum Stewart de Ryland Walterum Ogilvye de Reidhyith Georgium Mortimer de Auchinbady Jacobum Ogilvye de Paddoklaw / Joannem Pettindreich de eodem Gulielmum Hay in Mailross / Patricium Wrquhart in Jakistoun et Archibaldum Ramsay de Culsche. Qui jurati dicunt quod quondam Walterus Barclay de Tollie / pater domini Patricii Barclay nunc de Tollie militis latoris presentium obiit ultimo sasitus ut de feodo ad fidem Regis in omnibus et singulis terris de Collane cum molendino fullonum molendino granorum portu marino cimbis et piscationibus in mare solitis et consuetis jacentibus infra dominium de Glendowachie et vicecomitatum de Banff quequidem terre molendina et piscarie limitantur modo subsequente videlicet Beginand at the Auld Heaven of Collane and burne of Mailross as the said burne rinis in the sea and sua ascendend up the said burne quhill it cum to the kirkfurd wtherwayes milne furd, And fra thyne furth ascendend up the said burne quhill it cum to the back of the mylleis of Collane and sua ascending to the end of the Claithden as the Claithburne rinis in the said burne of Mailross/ And sua ascending up the said Claithburne and den of the same till ane fuirde at the east syde of the Claithfauldis and fra thyne ascending up the said burne till ane meikill gray stane and sua fra that gray stane ascending up throw the Colyeane boig as it is pottit throw the said boig quhill it cum to the head of the Hairmoss And fra thyne descending doun as the betuix the Hairmoss and the lands of Collane descendis and enteris in the head of the stryp of Dargattie as the samyne

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1 [Abridged from an authenticated transsumpt, in the possession of the Club.]

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is pottit and sua desending doun the stryp of Dargattie quhill it cum to the Blak Myre wtherwayes Black Delffes as the samyne is pottit, And fra thyne ascending up and wast the said Blackmyre betuix the Nesche and the Hard at the north syde of the moss of Monblettoun as the samyn is pottit quhill it cum to the Graystane and fra thyne ascending up the Black Moiss wtherwayis Littill Moiss at the heid of the Wheyt stryp and fra theyne descending doun the Quheyt stryp on the south syde of the Baidis of Collane quhill it cum and enter in the Fluiket burne as it is pottit / And sua discending doun the Fluiket burne till it cum to the Cadgerfuird and fra thyne to the wast nuik of the Smiddie fauldis as it is pottit and fra thyn ascending to the Standen wtherwayis Steipping Steanis on the wast syde of the Shank and fra thyne throw the midmoiss callit the Goitt disending doun to the head of the Seytoun Boig as it is pottit and fra thyne discending doun the stryp on the wast syde of the Seatoun Boig quhill it cum and enter in the Fluikett Loche wpoun the wast syde of the heavin of Collane as the samyne is pottit. Et quod dictus dominus Patricius Barclay est legitimus et propinquior heres eiusdem quondam sui patris de predictis terris quod est legitime etatis et quod dicte terre valuerunt tempore pacis per annum summam decem solidorum et quod nunc valent summam quadraginta solidorum usualis monete regni Scotie et quod dicte terre immediate tenentur de Jacobo comite de Buchane domino de Glendowachie Somervail et Auchterhous et suis heredibus et successoribus in libera alba firma pro annua solutione sex argenteorum denariorum ad Festum Penthecostes si petatur necnon reddendo unam sectam annuatim ad Festum Michaelis in curia capitali dominii de Glendowachie tantum et quod dicte terre fuere in manibus domini nostri Regis et suorum donatorum warde relevii et non introitus illius partis dicti dominii de Glendowachie per spatium viginti octo annorum et dimidii unius anni aut eocirca ratione warde Comitum de Buchane et eorum heredum continuo a decesso dicti quondam Walteri qui obiit in mense Januarii aut eocirca in anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo sexto / necnon in manibus dicti Comitis et Comitisse de Buchane per spatium trium annorum aut eocirca tanquam in manibus immediatorum superiorum dicti Domini Patricii earundem ratione non introitus. Datum et clausum sub sigillo officii dicti vicecomitatus nec non sub sigillis ma

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