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et sic

sicut torrens descendit a majore mora mosse inter Barre et Knoch procedendo ad Caetrin Stryp sicut conductus eiusdem procedit usque ad Thailbog descendendo ad Corncairn in torrentem ad lapidem in dicto torrente et sic procedendo usque ad finem de Staneycroft sicut descendit in vado rubro infimo dicti Staneycroft et a uado rubro ascendendo ad Armurdicairn ad finem de Muirfurd et abinde sursum ascendendo ad Stobstane super montem Urilhille usque ad decliuitatem dicti montis ad duos lapides et abinde extendendo versus occidentalem partem montis sicut aqua vadit ad Legarff de Barre in torrentem de Knoch in viis semitis planis boscis moris maresiis stagnis pratis et pasturis aucupationibus venationibus et piscariis cum omnibus aliis et singulis libertatibus commoditatibus aisiamentis ac iustis suis pertinentiis quibuscunque tam nominatis quam non nominatis ad dictas terras cum pertinentiis spectantibus seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum adeo libere plenarie integre honorifice bene et in pace in omnibus et per omnia sicut aliqua terra seu elymosina infra regnum Scocie alicui monasterio in elemosina datur conceditur aut possidetur in feodo et hereditate inperpetuum sine quocunque seruicio seculari exactione seu demanda nobis uel heredibus nostris inde faciendis Saluo seruicio domini Regis Et nos uero predictus Willelmus comes Buchanie heredes nostri et successores totas et integras terras de Barre cum pertinenciis prefatis monasterio abbati monachis et eorundem successoribus ut premissum est contra omnes mortales warrantizabimus adquietabimus et inperpetuum defendemus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum est appensum Hijs testibus. Marjoria comitissa uxore nostra Magno filio comitis Colben. Adam filio comitis Fergusii et multis aliis .

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Carta Willelmi Cumyn comitis de Buchan de terra de Fochyl super (A.D. 1219-A.D. 1233.)


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Omnibus hanc cartam visuris vel audituris Willelmus Cumyn comes de Buchan Salutem in Domino Sciant presentes et futuri me consilio assensu et consensu Marjorie uxoris mee filie quondam Fergus comitis de 1 [From a copy in the possession of the Club, collated with a transcript in Macfarlane's Book of Charters (MSS. Bibl. Adv.), made in the year 1752, from the original, then in the hands of John Douglas of Fechil, esquire.

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Buchan dedisse concessisse et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse Deo et Sancte Marie de Deir et monachis ibidem Deo servientibus et servituris terram de Fochyl super Ithan per subscriptas divisas. scilicet incipiendo apud aquam de Ithan ex orientali parte de Cragetarsay. et sic ascendendo per siketum inter aridum de Logy et / . . . . . / de Fochil usque ad fossam magnam de Polneterf. et inde extendendo versus austrum per le Byermos usque ad petram que Inyenaren vocatur a qua ascendendo ad Lambyhill et abinde extendendo versus occidentem ad acervum usque lapidum qui dicitur Le Gledcarn et ab inde ad alium acervum lapidum qui vocatur Craucarn et sic extendendo versus occidentem et aquilonem usque ad monticulum qui dicitur le Balghyl et sic descendendo ex occidentali parte de Fochil usque in aquam de Ythan Tenendam et habendam in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam in bosco et plano in moris et maresiis in pratis et pascuis in aquis et molendinis · et omnibus aliis aysiamentis ad dictam terram de Fochyl spectantibus ita libere et quiete plenarie et honorifice sicut aliqua abbathya Cisterciensis ordinis in regno Scocie aliquam elemosinam liberius quiecius · plenarius et honorificentius ab aliquo comite tenet vel possidet. Hiis testibus Marjoria comitissa uxore mea Magno filio Colbeyn comitis · Adam filio Fergus comitis Willelmo filio Orm Willelmo de Slanes. Roberto de Invirkeleder et Nicholao capellanis nostris filio comitis Johanne filio Hutredi et multis aliis .


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Perambulatioun betwyx Tybbertay and Fechil. 1 (A.D. 1499 et A.D. 1501.) In Dei nomine Amen Per hoc presens publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat evidenter / quod anno incarnationis Dominice millesimo quingentesimo


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The seal of the same Earl attached to a charter (preserved in the Scotish College at Paris, until the end of the last century) granting a stone of wax yearly to the cathedral church of Glasgow, for lights at the mass to be said daily at the altar of the tomb of Saint Kentigern, is thus described by Mr. Thomas Innes: "Huic carte appensum est sigillum ex cera alba multum attritum; exhibens ex una parte comitem ipsum equestrem, tenentem sinistra scutum cui impressa est garba; ex adversa vero parte, super scuto rotundo, item garbam exhibet." (Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, vol. i., p. cxiv., note c; p. 101.) Cf. Mr. Riddell's Inquiry into the Law of Scottish Peerages, vol. ii., pp. 1049, 1050.]

1 [From a copy in the possession of the Club, collated with another in Macfarlane's

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primo mensis vero Julii die decimo septimo Indictione quarta [etc.] · In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presentia personaliter constitutus nobilis vir Johannes Ogilwye de Fyngask miles de mandato et compulsione litterarum Supremi Domini nostri Regis per Andream Torry in hac parte vicecomitem executarum de quibus litteris michi notario subscript olucide constabat copiam cujusdam decreti arbitralis inter venerabilem in Christo patrem Jacobum permissione divina abbatem monasterii de Dere et hujusmodi loci conventum ex una et Johannem Turing de Fowerne et Willelmum Turing ejus filium et apparentem heredem partibus ab altera lati manu ipsius Johannis scripti et subscripti ac subscriptione nobilis et potentis domini Willelmi Comitis de Erroll subscripti ut asseruit prefatis abbati et conventui in autentica forma dandam et deliberandam decrevit et hujusmodi principale decretum copiandum et in publicam et autenticam formam redigendum michi notario publico subscripto tradidit et deliberavit. Cujus decreti tenor de verbo ad verbum sequitur in vulgari et est talis WE William erll of Erroll and Johne of Ogilwye of Fyngask knychtovirmen ewynlie chosin and sworn betwix the Abbot and convent of Dere on the ta part and Johne of Turing of Fowerne and William of Turing his sone and apperand air on the tothir part tueching the merchis and divisis betwix Mekle Tebertaw and Fochille avisit with the Abbatis chartour and depositionis of the witnessis producit be baith the parteis and with the deliverance of the twelff personis chosin be the saidis parteis that is to say for the Abbot / Walter Ogilwye of the Boyne the lardis of Meldrome Towye and Bochquholye Patrick Gordone, and Alexander Bannerman and for the lard of Fochwern and his sonne Gilbert the Hay of Dalgate Johnne Cheyne of Essilmont / William Hay of Urye / the persone of Bankquhorye / the lard of Collistone / and Alexander Reid decretis and deliveris and for sentence gevis for oucht that we have yeit seyne that the gret gray stane on the west syd the syk above the Cragfurd and fra it ascendand be stracht line as we sall set propis to the gret Lammyrhillok that the Abbot raid fyrst to / and to wthir twa Lammyrhillokis qubylk are affirmyt be all the twelf personis and the depositionis and west fra thame to the carne quhar we satt the quhilk is callit be part of the witness the Gledcarne and fra it to the


Book of Charters (MSS. Bibl. Adv.,) made, in the year 1752, from the original, then in the hands of John Douglas of Fechil, esquire.]

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Crawcarne as we sal gar set the stanis on the heid of the hillokis and the Gledcarne and the propis betwix thame the quhilk sal be corsit with mell and chesaile and the north syd to be brukyt be Fochil and the south syd to Tebertaw. And this our deliverance we refer be ws to be correkyt within ane yeir or ony of ws gif it happenis the tane to deceiss within the said yeir gif we can get ony uthir verificatioun na we now have Gevin writtin and rede the sevin day of September the yere of God [four hundretht] nyntye and nyne yeris at the carne callyt the Gledcarne and subscrivit with our handis. Williame erle of Erroll Johnne Ogilwye of Fyngask Post cujus decreti deliberationem dompnus Willelmus Wod ejusdem loci monachus nomine et ex parte dictorum abbatis et conventus / sibi fieri petiit instrumentum publicum seu instrumenta publica. Acta fuerunt hec in publica platea opidi de Edinburgh hora quasi tercia post meridiem sub anno mense die [etc.] suprascriptis. Presentibus ibidem honorabilibus viris videlicet Malcolmo Ogilwy Archibaldo Ogilwye · magistro Georgio Striveling de Brekkye et Johanne Stewart cum diversis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis pariter et rogatis.

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Et ego Walterus Falconer presbyter Brechinensis diocesis publicus sacra apostolica et regia auctoritatibus notarius. Quia [etc.]

Procuratorie for the Abbot of Deir and conuent of the samyn 1 (A.D. 1544.)

Curia balliuorum burgi de Aberdene tenta in pretorio ejusdem die decima octaua mensis Julij jm ve xliiij.

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In the presens of the provest and ballies forsaidis sitand in jugement comperit Dene Robert Stevensoun for himself and in name and behalf of the Abbot of Deir and convent of the samyn and gaue in this procuratorie vnderwrittin subscriuit with thair hands and vnder thair commoun seilis and desirit the samin to be registrat in the Bukis of the Actis The quhilk desyre the saidis provest and baillies thocht resinable and hes ordanit the samyn to be registrat in the saidis bukis of the quhilk the tennour followis. BE it kend till all men be thir present letteris ws Robert postulat abbot priour and convent of the abbay of Deir chep

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[From the Libri Actorum Curie Ballivorum Burgi de Aberdeen, MSS. in archivis ejusdem asservati.]

turlie gadderit and riplie avisit witht consent of our yconimouse Maister George Myddiltoun and Maister Androw Kyd to haif maid [etc.] our welbelouitis Dene Robert Stevinsoun priour of Deir Alexander Menzeis Maister Robert Lummisden our lawful procuratouris [etc.] to comper befor the prouest and baillies of Aberdene and thair to persew our just richt titill and possessionis of certain landis pertening to our said abbay within the said burgh and specialie of ane land beside the Trinite Freris merchand and boundand with Sanct Katerinis Hill and vthir landis as our auld charter euidentis and possessionis at mair lenth specifeis and of ane vther land liand in the Gallowgait of Abirdene vmquhill inhabit with the heredis of Robert Ewert and Johnne Andersoun burges of the said burgh [etc.] Gifin vnder our hand writtis and commoun sele at Deir the day of Julij anno [jm. ve. ] xliiij Here followis the subscriptionis . Robertus postulatus abbas Robertus Stevinsoun priour Frater Thomas Kerr suppriour. Johannes Anderson Alexander Scherer Johannes Cullane Wilhelmus Bell. Frater Duncanus Frater Willelmus Pendreicht Gilbertus Innes Gilbertus Chissem " Joannes Masoun Magister Georgius Myddiltoun jconimus Andreas Kyd jconimus

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Decreit for the teyndscheavis of Deir Petirvgy and Fouerne. (A.D. 1574.) Curia vicecomitatus de Abirden tenta in pretorio eiusdem penultimo die mensis Novembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo quarto per honorabilem virum Magistrum Gilbertum Bissat vicecomitem deputatum de Abirdeine pro tribunali sedentem quo die sectis vocatis et curia legittime affirmata fuit The said day in the actioune and caus movit and persevit be ane nobill and potent lord Williame Erle Merschell Lord Keytht etc fermorar of the teyndschaves of the parochines of Deir Petirugy and Phillortht [leg.


[Perhaps the same Gilbert Chishome, who, after the Reformation, became minister at Deir, with a stipend of "lxxx. pundis to be pait out of the thrid of the Abbay of Deir." He survived the year 1575. (Mr. Macdonald's Register of Ministers, p. 97.) The Register of Deaths in the parish of St. Nicholas of Aberdeen, records that "Gilbert Murray sumtyme ane muynk of Deir departitt the day of Julij the yeir of God 1579 yeris."]

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1 [From the Libri Actorum Curie Vicecomitatus de Aberdeen, MSS.]

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