3509 LINDENBRUCH (E.) Historia Archiepiscoporum Bremensium a tempore Karoli Magni usque ad Karolum IV.; 4to. 7s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1595 3510 LIPENII (Mart.) Bibliotheca Realis Theologica omnium Materiarum, Rerum et Titulorum; 2 vols. in 1, folio, 18s. 0000 0000 3511 1685 Arranged on the plan of Watts's Bibliotheca Britannica, being an alphabetical Dictionary of subjects, and full Index of Names. Ejusdem Bibliotheca Juridica; vide Nos. 541-2. LIPMANN (Rabbi, A.D. 1399) liber Nizachon; vide Nos. 2806 et 2901. LIPOMANI (A.) Catena Patrum in Genesin; vide No. 2174. Ejusdem Catena Patrum in Psalmos; vide No. 2175. Ejusdem Historia de Vitis Sanctorum; 2 vols. in 1, folio, calf, 12s. Lovanii, 1571 3512 LIPPELOO (F.) Res gestæ illustrissimorum Martyrum Confessorum atque Sanctarum Virginum, qui Sanguinis sui Effusione et præclaro eximia Sanctitatis Testimonio, veram orthodoxamque Fidem consignarunt; 4 vols. 12mo. calf, scarce, £1 10s. Coloniæ, 1594 3512*3513 -- Idem liber, alia editio; 4 vols. 12mo. vellum, scarce, £1 10s. ibid. 1596 Idem liber, alia editio, emendata et aucta per Corn. Gras; 4 vols. 12mo. frontispiece, scarce, 1 16s. ibid. 1604 Lippeloo's is an abridged "Acta Sanctorum" for the whole year. 3514 LIPSII (Jo.) Opera omnia; 27 vols. in 4, 4to. original and best editions, plates, fine copy, vell. rare, £2 2s. Antverp. 1605, etc. Ejusdem de Cruce, Libri III., una cum Notis; 4to. plates, boards, 7s. 6d. Antverp. 1593 3515 3515* 3516 Idem liber, alia editio; 18mo. plates, vell. 4s. Amst. 1670 Idem liber, accedunt, Honorati Nicqueti Titulus Sanctæ Crucis, etc.; et Cornelii Curtii de Clavis Dominicis liber; 3 vols. in 1, 18mo. fine copies, vellum, 9s. Amst. 1760 3517 LIPSIUS (R. A.) de Clementis Rom. Epist. ad Corinthios I.; 8vo. sewed, 3s. Lips. 1855 3518 LISCO (F. G.) die Bibel nach der Uebersetzung D. Martin Luther's mit Erklaerungen, Einleitung, u. s. w.; 2 vols. imperial 8vo. (published at £1 10s.) sewed, 18s. Berlin, 1844-7 Desselben Extemporirbare Entwuerfe zu Predigten und Casual-reden; vols. I. to III., forming 5 vols. 8vo. sewed, £1 16s. ibid. 1846-50 3518*. 3519 Desselben Offenbarungen Gottes in Geschichte und Lehre, nach dem Alten und Neuen Testament.; 8vo. (published at 4s. 6d.), cloth, 3s. Hamburg, 1835 3520 LISLE (W.) Monumenta Vetera Anglo-Saxonica, showing that the Old and New Testament, the Lorde's Prayer, and the Creede were used in the mother-tongue; the opinion then held of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, with selections from Elfric touching the Sacrament, and a Sermon on the Paschal Lambe; 4to. calf, 18s. Lond. 1638 LITANIE; vide: Liturgies. LITURGIES, AND OTHER CHURCH-SERVICE BOOKS, INCLUDING PSALMS AND HYMNS FOR CONGREGATIONAL USE, as WELL AS LITURGICAL COLLECTIONS. JEWISH DISPENSATION. 3521 LITURGIA Hebraica, cum Commentariis Rabbinicis, Hebraice; 2 vols. folio, best edition, calf, £2 2s. Sulzbaci, 1784 3522 LITURGIA Hebraica, secundum Usum Hispaniæ, Hebraice; 4 vols. 12mo. fine copy, calf, scarce, £2 2s. Amstel. 1644 3523 LITURGIA Hebraica, secundum Usum Poloniæ et Germaniæ ; Hebraice, cum Versione Anglicana edidit S. Levi; 5 vols. roy. 8vo. fine paper, calf, scarce, £3 3s. Londini, 1810 3524 PENTATEUCHUS, Haphtarus, et Hymnus in Calendarium; Hebraice; 18mo. the Pentateuch, Sabbath-readings from the Prophets, and mnemonical hymn, old black Spanish morocco, scarce, 7s. 6d. Amsterdam, 5440 (1680) 3525 RITUALE Hebræorum: Sidur, Hebraice, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. containing Readings for Mondays, Thursdays, and Sabbath afternoon; Sabbath and Festival Hymns; and Evening service for the Festivals, etc. half bound, 6s. Sabion. V. Conti, s. a. 3526 RITUALE Hebræorum: Machsor, l' Rosch-haschana, ul' JomKipur, nach Polnischer Ritus, mit Uebersetzung von Heynemann; 2 vols. 8vo. Ritual for the New Year and the Whitefast, sewed, 9s. Leipzig, 1838 Dasselbe; 2 vols. 8vo. fine paper, sewed, 12s. ibid. 1838 Vide 2786 Jozeroth; 2811-2814 Maimonides; et 2895 Vitringa; nec non: Hebrew Literature, Nos. 2668-2909. 3527 3528 BREVIARIUM Gothicum secundum Regulam B. Isidori, edidit F. A. Lorenzana ad Usum Sacelli Mozarabum; folio, Spanish binding, scarce, £2 2s. Matriti, 1775 3529 LITURGIA Primitiva Hieorosolymitana: The Ancient Liturgy of Jerusalem; being the Liturgy of St. James, restored to its original purity, with an English translation, Notes and Appendix of Ancient Prayers, etc. (by Bishop Rattray); 4to. calf, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. London, 1744 3530 Idem liber, alia Editio, sub titulo: The Greek Liturgy of St. James, edited, with an English Introduction and Notes, and a Latin Version of the Syriac copy, by W. Trollope; 8vo. cloth, 8s. 6d. Edinburgh, 1848 LITURGIES. 3531 LITURGIA Ephesina, sub titulo: The Ancient Liturgies of the Gallican Church, now first collected, with an introductory Dis sertation, Notes and Various Readings; together with Parallel Passages from the Roman, Ambrosian, and Mozarabic Rites by J. M. Neale, A.M., and G. H. Forbes; 8vo. part I. sewed, 2s. Burnt-island, 1855 3532 LITURGIA Mozarabica secundum Regulam B. Isidori (Missale Mixtum et Breviarium Gothicum) accurante J. P. Migne; 2 vols. in 1, imp. 8vo. newly half bound, calf, £1. Paris, 1850 LITURGIE Apostolicæ et Antiquæ Ecclesiæ Occidentalis; vide No. 3303. LITURGIA Vetus Romana Leoniana, Gelasiana, Gregoriana Antiqua, Gallicana, Francorum; Hispanica, Gothica, Isidoriana, Mozarabica, Toletana mixta; vide: Bona, No. 3863; Mabillon, No. 3913; Muratori, No. 3664; Pinius, No. 3665; et Thomasius, No. 3949. MISSA Joannis Chrysostomi, Gr. et Lat.; vide Nos. 1781-7. 3533 MISSE-Griechische und Lateinische Messen aus den zweiten bis sechsten Jahrhundert, herausgegeben von F. Jos. Mone; 4to. facsimile of palimpsest MS. sewed, 8s. Frankf. 1850 MISSALE Alexandrinum; vide: Assemani Cod. Vol. VII. 3534 MISSA Gothica seu Mozarabica, et Officium itidem Gothicum diligenter explanata ad Usum percelebris Mozarabum Sacelli Toleti (cura Card. F. à Loranzana); folio, plates, Spanish binding, richly gilt, rare, £2 2s. Angelopoli, in Hispania Nova, 1770 3535 MISSALE mixtum secundum Regulam B. Isidori, dictum Mozarabes, cum Præfatione de eodem, Notis et Appendice Alex. Leslæi; 2 vols. 4to. Italian binding, £1 18s. Romæ, 1755 3536 3537 Idem liber; 2 vols. in 1, 4to. vellum, £1 15s. ibid. 1755 The Celtic Apostolic Church, of which the British was an important branch, previous to the advent of the Saxons, used the Mozarabic Liturgy, as we gather from St. Augustine's Questions to Pope Gregory, as given by Venerable Bede, in his "Ecclesiastical History." That Liturgy would appear to have continued still in use till about the year 678, when Benedict Biscop made his fifth journey to Rome. "Upon his return," says Bede," he introduced the Roman mode of chanting, singing, and ministering in the Church, by obtaining permission from Pope Agatho to take back with him, John, the Arch-chanter of St. Peter's and Abbot of St. Martin's, to teach the English." In the "Christian Remembrancer," for October, 1833, in an admirable article, the Mozarabic or Gotho-Hispanic rite is called the richest and fullest, and most varied of all known liturgies;-not derived from that of Rome, because it differs in the Prophecy, in the position of the Kiss of Peace, and in the Invocation; nor from the Rites of the Eastern Church, to which it bears a closer affinity, because of its varying Prefaces and Collects, and the position of the Creed. For other works, in which the Service Books of the Primitive Apostolic and Alexandrian Churches are either given or illustrated, see pp. 362-73, particularly Bona, No. 3863; Krazer, No. 3911; Mabillon, No. 3913; Muratori, No. 3664; Pinius, No. 3665; Renadotius, Nos. 3938-40; et Thomasius, No. 3949. GREEK CHURCH. LITURGIES. ACOLOITHIA Ecclesiæ Græcæ; vide No. 3542. 3538 APOSTOLUS Ecclesiæ Græcæ, sive Lectiones ex Epistolis D. Pauli, Græec; 4to. sewed, 5s. Venetiis, 1844 3539 ARCHIERATICON, sive Liber Pontificalis Ecclesiæ Græcæ, Latina Interpretatione, Notis ac Observationibus illustravit Is. Habert; folio, calf, scarce, £1 11s. 6d. Paris, 1643 DIATAXIS Ecclesiæ Græcæ; vide No. 3542. 3540 EUCHOLOGION Magnum, sive Rituale Græcorum, complectens Ritus et Ordines Divinæ Liturgiæ, Officiorum, Sacramentorum, Consecrationum, Benedictionum, Funerum, Orationum, etc. juxta Usum Ecclesiæ Orientalis, Græce, cum Interpretatione Latina, Vocum mixobarbararum Glossario, aeneis figuris et Observationibus illustratum, opera Jacobi Goar; folio, plates, fine copy, calf, scarce, £3 13s. 6d. Paris, 1647 Idem liber, alia editio, curante Georgio Patussa; royal folio, uncut, £3 15s. Venetiis, 1730 3541 3542 EUCHOLOGION Magnum, sive Rituale Ecclesiæ Græcæ, Græce; royal 8vo. sewed, 12s. Venet. 1839 3543 EVANGELISTARIUM Ecclesiæ Græcæ; insunt Evangelia, quæ primum locum inter Lectiones Missarum occupant, Græce; folio, sewed, 15s. Venetiis, 1840 3544 HOROLOGION Magnum, Græce, sive Hora Diurna, et Officia Ecclesiæ Græcæ; royal 8vo. sewed, 10s. Venetiis, 1838 LIBRI SYMBOLICI Ecclesiæ Orientalis; vide No. 1239. 3545 LITURGIA Græcorum totius Anni (Psalterium, Horologium, Paraclitica, Triodium, Acoloithia, et Diataxis;) 5 vols. 4to. calf, scarce, £5 5s. (Venetiis), 1738 3546 LITURGIA Armena, Armenice et Italice, per G. Avedichion; 8vo. plates, sewed, 3s. 6d. Venez. 1832 0000 3548 vide et No. 3667. 3547 MENÆUM Ecclesiæ Græcæ, in quo Sancti omnes, quorum Memoria eo Mense colitur, ad proprios dies revocati recensentur, Officium singulorum una cum Rubricis, Tropariis, Missis, Canonibus, Lectionibus, aliisque Recitandis subnectatur, Vitæ et Res Gestæ Compendio descriptæ plerumque exhibentur, Græce; 12 vols. in 6, 4to. sewed, £3 13s. 6d. Venetiis, 1843 sive Martyrologium Metricum Ecclesiæ Græcæ, ex Menæis, codice Chiffletiano Actisque Sanctorum nunc primum collegit, interpretavit et illustravit L. U. G. Siberus; 4to. uncut, 10s. 6d. Lipsia, 1727 3549 MENOLOGION Sanctorum Græcorum (Basilii Imperatoris studio et jussu) olim Græce editum, nunc primum Gr. et Lat. prodit studio et opera Annibalis Cardinalis Albani; 3 vols. folio, numerous plates, vellum, £4 4s. Urbini, 1727 The Emperor Basil Porphyrogenitus not only edited this Menologium, the MS. of which, said to be in his autograph, is preserved in the Vatican LITURGIES. Library; but also had it enriched with numerous illuminations, the earliest specimens of Greek Ecclesiological illustration, the most interesting account of which, as well as of the artists themselves, is that given by the Abbé Rive. 3550 MENOLOGION, sive Kalendarium Ecclesiæ Constantinopolitanæ, Annorum Vetustate insigne. E Bibliotheca Romana Albanorum editum, Commentariisque illustratum, à S. Morcelli; 2 vols. 4to. vellum, £1 4s. Romæ, 1788 3551 MISSA Picta Græcorum, olim in Monasterio D. Mariæ Hierosolymitano, nunc autem in Bibliotheca Vaticana asservata, cum XI. Tabulis aeneis. Accedit Theodori Andidensis Commentatio Liturgica. Item varia Opuscula aliorum, curante et edente Angelo Maio; 4to. plates, sewed, £2 10s. Romæ, 1851 The plates of the "Missa Picta" depict the entire allegories of the Greek Mass. The volume itself is the sixth of the "Nova Bibliotheca Patrum," and contains, besides, Athanasii Epistolæ Festales, etc.; Leo Allatius de Nicetis, Philonibus, et Theodoris, etc.; Theodori Meliteniotæ Ethica; Theodori Prodromi Poemata; Obsidio Constantinopolitana sub Heraclio; Theodori Alanicus; Theodori Gazæ Canis Laudatio; etc. etc. 3552 OFFICIUM Quadragesimale Græciæ Orthodoxæ, Græce et Latine, interprete A. M. Quirino; 2 vols. 4to. vell. £1 4s. Venet. 1729 3553 OFFICIUM Prælectoris Ecclesiæ Græcæ, sive Colliturgicum Græce; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. Venet. 1842 3553*OFFICIA: G. Codinus, Curopalata de Officiis et Officialibus Ecclesiæ Græce, edidit Im. Bekker; 8vo. sd. 6s. Bonnæ, 1843554 PARACLITICA Ecclesiæ Græcæ, sive Liber Intercessionum Græce; folio, calf, scarce, 18s. Venetiis, 1742 ibid. 1853 3555 Idem liber, alia Editio; 4to. sewed, 15s. 3556 PRECES Sancti Nieris, Armeniorum Patriarchiæ (Saec. XII.) Editio Polyglotta; 32mo. portrait, calf, gilt edges, 5s. 3556* Venetiis, 1815 Idem liber, XXIV. Linguis editus; 12mo. uncut, 8s. 1823 3557 PSALTERIUM Ecclesiæ Græcæ, sive Psalmi Davidici in Classes See, also: Allatii "Grecia Orthodoxa," No. 41, and his "Ecclesiæ Orientalis et Occidentalis perpetua Consensio," No. 40.-Assemani (J.) "Bibliotheca Orientalis," No. 480, and his "Acta Martyrum," No. 80.Assemani (J. A.) "Codex Liturgicus," No. 3855.-Cotelerii (J.) “Ecclesiæ Græcæ Monumenta," No. 118.-Le Moyne, "Varia Sacra," No. 3456, and the list of Liturgical Commentators, pp. 362-73. |