449 PSALTERIUM Arabice (præmissis Psalmorum Argumentis, additis locis parallelis, etc. etc. in usu Christianorum jugo Turcico subjectorum); 8vo. very scarce, 7s. 6d. Londini, Sal. Negri, 1725 ARMENIAN. 450 BIBLIA Sacra Armenice, cum Variis Lectionibus LXIX. MSS. edente D. Zohrab; 4to. best and most accurate edition, scarce, £1 5s. 451 Venetiis, 1805 ibid. 1805 Idem liber; 4to. half bound, calf, £1 5s. At Venice the most correct copies of the Armenian Bible had been printed, but they had become very dear and scarce. The Armenian Christians are scattered all over Asia, and have churches at Madras, Bombay, Surat, Bagdad, Busheer, Muscat, and other places; whilst Jerusalem, Diarbekir, and Constantinople are Patriarchal Seats. Many are settled in Russia and at Venice and in Calcutta, where they are very rich. At the latter place this Venetian edition had already become so scarce prior to 1812, as to fetch from sixty to seventy rupees whenever it occurred for sale by auction. See RANYARD's "Book and its Story." CARSHIM, OR CARSHUN. 452 TESTAMENTUM Novum, Carshimice, Litteris Syriacis impressum, in Usum Christianorum qui Carshim, Bokharam, etc. incolunt ; 4to. beautifully printed, calf, gilt, 9s. COPTIC. Londini, 1840 453 PSALTERIUM Coptico-Arabicum; edidit Raphael Tuki; 4to. printed in red and black, sewed, 12s. Roma, 1744 454 PSALTERIUM Coptice; ad Codd. Fidem recensuit, Lectionum Varietate et Psalmos Apocryphos, Sahidica Dialecto conscriptos, ac primum a Woidio editos, adjecit, J. L. Ideler; 8vo. sewed, 4s. Berlin, 1837 455 PSALTERIUM in Dialectum Coptica Lingua Memphiticam translatum ad fidem trium Codd. MSS. edidit notisque criticis et grammaticis instruxit M. G. Schwartze; 4to. 12s. Lips. 1843 455* TESTAMENTUM Novum Coptice: Fragmenta Novi Testamenti e Versione Ægyptiaca Dialecti Thebaidica, Sahidicæ, seu Superioris Ægypti; e Codd. Oxoniensibus maxima ex parte desumpta, cum Versione Latina, Dissertatione de Versione Egyptiaca, et Codicis Vaticani Collectione. Appendix ad Editionem Novi Test. Gracci e Cod. MS. Alexandrino, a C. G. Woide; royal folio, boards, uncut, £1 1s. Oxonii, 1799 456 Idem edidit M. G. Schwartze; Pars I. Evangelia IV.; royal 4to. 10s. Lips. 1847 456* EVANGELII S. Joannis Fragmentum Græco-Copto-Thebaicum, Sæculi IV., accedunt Latina Versio et Notæ A. A. Georgii; roy. 4to. vell. 18s. Roma, 1789 The Coptic is the only language known to be derived direct from the ancient Egyptian, and the Coptic Church still uses it in her liturgy, though it is comparatively but little understood by the majority of Copts, who generally speak Arabic. It is the second language used in the inscription on the Rosetta Stone, and one of the aids to unravelling those in the lost language of Assyria, which are inscribed on the ancient monuments of Nineveh in the British Museum. PERSIAN. 457 TESTAMENTUM Novum, Persice, e Græco ab Henrico Martyno, translatum in Urbe Schiras; 4to. first edition, bound, scarce, 18s. Petropoli, 1815 The Testament was translated into Persian by the Rev. Henry Martin. The affecting account of his death, and of the conversion of the Mollah Mahomet Ramah, forms an episode at page 184 of Mrs. Ranyard's interesting volume. SINGALESE. 458 TESTAMENTUM Novum Singalese; 4to. russia extra, scarce, 15s. Colombo, 1783 TURKISH. 459 TESTAMENTUM Novum, Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Turcice redditum, opera Guil. Seaman; 4to. calf, 9s. Oxford, 1666 460 TESTAMENTUM Novum, Turcice, ex Versione Ali Bey, e Codice autogr. olim per CL. annos in Bibl. Accademiæ Lugd. Bat. asservato, curis von Diez et Kiefferi editum, etc.; 8vo. calf, scarce, 9s. Paris, 1819 This Turkish version is by Ali Bey, a Pole by birth, but stolen in childhood by the Tartars, and sold as a slave at Constantinople, where his knowledge of seventeen languages raised him to the dignity of first Dragoman to Mahomet IV. After remaining in manuscript, buried in the public library at Leyden, for a century and a half, it was purchased by the Bible Society, and printed for them at Paris in 1819. MALAYAN. 461 TESTAMENTUM Novum, Malaice emendatius, edidit J. Willmet; royal 8vo. half bound, scarce, 9s. Harlemi, 1820 This edition has become very scarce. See the Letter of the Rev. Missionary Hardeland, in the Bible Society's Reports. 462 BIBLIA Sacra, Malaice; 'Elkitab ija itu Segala Surat Perdjandjian Lama dan Baharuw, etc. (litteris Romanis); royal 8vo. boards. 14s. London, 1821 "These woordes were first spoken unto the Jewes by our Saviour, but by him in his doctrine ment to al: for they concerne al, of what nation, of what tongue, of what profession soever any man be. For to al belongeth it to be called unto eternal lyfe, so many as by the witnesse of the Scriptures desire to find eternal lyfe. No man, woman, or chylde is excluded from this salvation, and therefore to every of them is this spoken, proportionally yet, and in their degrees and ages, and as the reason and congruitie of their vocation may ask."APB. PARKER (on John, Ch. V. v. 39.) BIBLE PRINTS. 463 BRISSOT (l'Abbé F. L.) Vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ, écrite par les IV. Evangélistes, expliquée, etc. par les SS. Pères, les Docteurs, et les Orateurs les plus célèbres; 2 vols. royal folio, 130 beautiful steel engravings after Jerome Natali's "authorized and approved" collection of illustrations, originally engraved by Collaert and the Wierxes, in 1596, but now by the first French engravers of the day, proofs on India paper, and 14 woodcut portraits, half bound, morocco, £3 10s. Paris, 1853 BIBLE PRINTS. 464 KRAUSSE (J. U.) Bilder-Bibel, enthaltend die Abbildungen der Historien Alten und Neuen Testaments, etc.; 5 vols. in 1, folio, 135 engravings, half bound, 18s. 465 466 Augsburg, 1705 Dieselbe; 5 vols. ibid. 1705 (wanting 2 plates). Desselben Heilige Augen und Gemüsth-Lust; 120 plates, ibid. 1706 (wanting 1 plate); in all 7 vols. in 1, folio, 253 plates, £1 5s. ibid. 1705-6 Heilige Augen und Gemüths-Lust, Vorstellungen aller Sonn-Fest-und Feyertäeglichen Evangelien, Episteln und Lectionen; 2 vols. in 1, folio, 120 plates, fine copy in hogskin, £1 5s. ibid. 1706 467 LAENSA (M. de) Vie de Jésus-Christ d'après les Livres Saints; illustrations de Laville, gravure d'And. Best Leloir; 8vo. 46 beautiful sepia illustrations, surrounded with woodcut borders and numerous woodcut vignettes, half bound, calf, gilt, 10s. Paris, 1842 468 LUYKEN (J.) Figures du Vieux et Nouveau Testament; 60 large panoramic plates, royal folio, £2 2s. Amst. 1727 469 MORTIER (Pierre). Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Test., enrichie de plus de 400 figures en taille-douce, 2 vols. folio, calf, fine impressions of the plates, £3 3s. 470 Anvers, Mortier, 1700 la Même; 2 vols. in folio, half bound, calf, the usual impressions, £1 10s. ibid. 1700 471 ROYAUMONT (Le Maitre de Sacy, ou Nicholas Fontaine) Histoire de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament; 4to. fine impressions, calf, £1 10s. 472 Paris, 1670 La même, revue, corrigée et augmentée, par un ancien Professeur de Théologie; 8vo. about 300 plates, sewed, 18s. or half bound, morocco, £1 1s. ibid. 1854 For nearly two centuries this Bible History, published under the assumed name of Royaumont, has retained its popularity in France, where it took the place formerly held by its predecessor, the "Mer des Histoires," or "Bible Historiée," of Pierre le Mangeur, at once. The quarto edition of 1670 is still found in the libraries of the curious as a cherished specimen of art, as are also that little duodecimo of 1680, attributed to the press of Elzevir or Wetstein, and the Paris folio of 1723. Of the numerous other editions, both in 4to. and 12mo. it is unnecessary to speak, as their illustrations consist chiefly of worn-out plates, and with the exception of that of 1812, in royal 8vo. published like the present with the illustrations printed off, at the same time with the text, by a new process; but which in that, unfortunately, did not produce the desired effect, whilst, in the present case, owing to forty years improvement in the art, it has proved eminently successful. There are nearly 300 line engravings, one forming a vignette at the head of the front-page of every leaf, and the names of the artists are mostly given. This edition is well adapted for presents or for the drawing-room table. 473 SANDRART (Jo. Jac. von) Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, etc. Abbildung Leidens, etc. unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, in Kupfer gebracht von Christ-Weigel; 4to. 101 plates, first edition, brilliant impressions, "veau fauve," gilt edges, rare, £1 11s. 6d. Augsburg, 1693 474 SCHEUCHZERI (Jo. Jac.) Physica Sacra, Iconibus illustrata: Kupferbibel, in welcher die geheiligte Natur-Wissenschaft deutlich erklärt wird; 8 parts in 4 vols. folio, fine impressions of the 750 plates, very fine copy, vellum, £5 15s. 6d. 474*. 1731-33 Idem liber; 8 parts in 4 vols. folio, good impressions, neatly bound, £4 10s. ibid. 1731-33 Independent of the value of the plates as illustrations to the Bible, many of those devoted to natural Science are the only existing engravings of curious and rare subjects of natural history. 475 WEIGEL (Chr.) Historiæ Celebriores Veteris et Novi Testamenti Iconibus representatæ, et Epigrammatibus exornata; folio, 253 plates, fine impressions, calf, gilt edges, £1 16s. Norib. 1708 476 Biblia Ectypa; a series of 831 engravings, for the most part four on a page, adapted for illustration of Bibles, from duodecimo upwards, half bound morocco, 18s. Augsburg, 1787 BIBLIOGRAPHY CONNECTED WITH THEOLOGY AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE. Antv. 1643 477 ALEGAMBE (Ph. Soc. J.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu; folio, vellum, 12s. 478 ARCHIV für die Theologie und ihre neuste Literatur, herausgegeben von E. G. Bengel; 8 vols. in 10, thick 8vo. (published at £4 10s) boards, 18s. Tübingen, 1815-26 479 ARCHIV für alte und neue Kirchen-Geschicte, herausgeben von C. F. Stäudlin und H. G. Tzschirner; 5 vols. 8vo. (published at £1 15s.) 10s. Leip. 1813-16 480 ASSEMANI (J. S.) Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, in qua MSS. Codices Orientales recensuit, digessit, at Vitæ Auctorum addidit, etc. 4 vols. folio, basane dorée, very neat, scarce, £8 8s. Roma, 1719-28 For contents, see DOWLING'S Notitia, p. 1022. "Asseman," says Charles Butler, "throws much light upon every branch of Eastern Literature; " to which Sharon Turner adds that "It is the best account we have of the Syrian Christians and their authors, containing curious documents of their activity in diffusing Christianity in India, and even in China, in the 7th and 8th centuries." 481 BACKER (Augustin et Alois de) Bibliothèque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus; ou Notices Bibliographiques des tous les Ouvrages publiés par les membres depuis la fondation, et des Apologies, des Critiques Litteraires, etc. etc.; 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. sewed, £1 Is. Paris, 1853-4 482 BALEI (Jo.) Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris Angliæ et Scotia Catalogus; 2 vols. in 1, folio, calf, scarce, £4 4s. Bas. 1557-59 483 BATES Vitæ selectorum aliquot Virorum qui doctrina, dignitate, aut pietate inclaruere; 4to. calf, 9s. 484 scarce. Idem liber; 4to. new in calf, gilt, 14s. Lond. 1681 ibid. 1681 These thirty lives were written by different persons, and had become very Dr. Bates, an eminent nonconformist divine, collected them into one volume. They consist of the lives of Abp. Chichele, Bp. Waynflete, Prince Picus of Mirandula, Cardinal Bembo, Cardinal Contarini, Erasmus, Budæus, Martin Bucer, Hugo Grotius, Henry Prince of Wales, and others. 485 BARTOLOCCI (J.) Bibliotheca magna Rabbinica de Scriptoribus G BIBLIOGRAPHY. et Scriptis Hebraicis, Hebr. et Lat. Accedit Jos. Imbonati Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica, sive de Script. Lat. qui contra Judæos scripsere; 5 vols. folio, portr. vell. £4 4s. Romæ, 1675 BAYLE Dictionnaire Historique; vide: No. 180. BELLARMINUS de Script. Eccles. ; vide : No. 220. 485* BIBLIOGRAPHIA Theologica: ein Verzeichniss der Theologischen Schriften Teutschlands und des Auslandes; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 1836 BIOGRAPHIE Universelle; vide infra. 486 BRUNET (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur des Livres ; 5 vols. royal 8vo. best edition, half bound, green morocco, marbled edges, very scarce, £8 8s. 486*. Paris, 1842 Le même; 5 vols. in 3, royal 8vo. half bound, russia, marbled edges, very scarce, £7 17s. 6d. ibid. 1842 487 CASIRI (Michalis) Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis sive Librorum omnium Manuscriptorum quos Arabice ab Auctoribus magnam partem Arabo-Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca Cœnobii Escurialensis complectitur, Recensio et Explanatio; 2 vols. folio, uncut, £2 12s. 6d. Matriti, 1760-70 488 CAVE (G.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Litteraria a Christo nato usque ad sæculum XIV., facili methodo digesta. Acced. Scriptores Gentiles et opuscula veterum aliquot hactenus inedita. Additur ad finem cujus Sæculi Conciliorum Omnium Hist. Notitia. Cum Appendice Henrici Wharton; 2 vols. in 1, folio, vellum, 15s. Coloniæ, 1705 489 489*. 490 491 492 493 Idem liber, editio optima ab Authore ipsomet ante obitum recognita et auctior facta; 2 vols. in 1, folio, half bound, calf, £2 15s. Oxonii, 1740 Idem liber; 2 vols. folio, calf, £3 3s. ibid. 1740 ibid. 1740 Idem liber; 2 vols. folio, vellum, £3 10s. Basil. 1741 Idem liber; 2 vols. folio, calf, gilt sides, £2 2s. ibid. 1741 Cave was one of the most careful, and at the same time one of the most diligent labourers in the various fields of literature, which occupied his pen. His style is always lucid and elegant, and his impartiality acknowledged by all parties. The Oxford edition of 1740 was edited from his papers by Dr. Waterland, who himself made considerable additions to it. That of Basle of 1741 is simply a reprint of that edition. 491 CATALOGUE of Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum; vol. I. (the letter A), folio, boards.' 1841 495 CATALOGUES de la Bibliotheque Imperiale à Paris; vol. I. (Histoire de France), 4to. £1 5s. 1854 CHAUFEPIE Dictionnaire Historique; vide: History. 496 CLEMENT (Dav.) Bibliotheque Curieuse, ou Catalogue raisonné des Livres difficiles à trouver; 9 vols. 4to. £2 12s. 6d. Goetting. 1750-60 497 COLONIA (P.) Dictionnaire des Livres Jansenistes, ou qui favorisent le Jansenisme, avec Supplement par le Pere Patouillet; 4 vols. 12mo. calf, 18s. Anvers, 1752 |