Imágenes de páginas

vols.; Histoire de Bossuet par M. le Cardinal De Bausset, 4 vols. -in all 47 vols. 8vo. portrait, best edition, half bound, contents lettered, scarce, £10 10s. Versailles, Lebel, 1815-19 661 BOSSUET ses Euvres Complètes; 12 vols. imperial 8vo. portraits, sewed, £4 4s.


Paris, 1845-6 "His Funeral Orations,' and his 'Discourse upon Universal History,' have conducted him to immortality."-VOLTAIRE.

-ses Sermones; 4 vols.; Oraisons funèbres et Panegyriques; together 5 vols. 8vo. sewed, 188.

Paris, 1845

664 BOTSACCI (Joa.) Promptuarium Allegoriarum Sacrarum; thick 12mo. vellum, 7s. 6d.

Amst. 1668

665 BOUCAT (A.) Theologia Patrum dogmatica, scholastico-positiva; 8 vols. 4to. vellum, £1 16s.

Idem liber; 8 vols. 4to. calf, £2 2s.

Venetiis, 1765 ibid. 1765

666 667 BOULLIER (J. R.) Sermons sur divers Textes de l'Ecriture Sainte; 4 vols. 8vo. sewed, 5s. Amsterdam, 1803 C68 BOUQUET (M.) RECUEIL DES HISTORIENS DES GAULES ET DE LA FRANCE (CONTINUÉ PAR CLEMENT. BRIAL ET AUTRES BENEDICTINS DE ST. MAUR); 20 vols. folio, fine copy, uniformly bound in calf, very rare, £78 15s. Paris, 1738-1840 The Benedictines, termed by Clement XIV. " the fathers and preservers of history," have ever been the greatest labourers in the literary fields of History and Antiquity, and to the Benedictines of St. Maur in particular, we are indebted for a larger amount of knowledge of the history of Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire, than to all the world besides. Of the labours of that celebrated society, this "Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France" is particularly interesting to Englishmen, as it appertains as much to English History as to that of France. Its rarity is so great that it may be years before another perfect copy will occur for sale. 669 BOURCHIER (Thomæ) Historia Ecclesiastica de Martyrio Fratrum Ordinis Divi Francisci, dictorum de Observantia, qui partim in Anglia sub Henrico VIII., partim in Belgio sub Principe Auriaco, partim et in Hybernia tempore Elizabethæ, idque ab Anno 1536 passi sunt; 18mo. fine copy, vellum, scarce, 12s. Ingolstadii, 1583

Thomas Bourchier was an English Franciscan friar, and, on the suppression of the mendicant orders, quitted England for France, where he published the first edition of this little book, at Paris, in 1582. This Ingolstadt reprint contains, in addition, an Epistle dedicatory of 11 pages, by Wolfg. Eder, the printer. Amongst "the English martyrs" is the notorious John Forest, of Greenwich, mentioned by Bp. Burnet; and his correspondence with Queen Catherine, to whom he was confessor, is given, as also that of the queen with him. Anth. Brorbe, Thos. Cort, and Thos. Belchiam or Beauchamp, are also particularly mentioned at length, as having suffered under Henry VIII. The execution of John Gray, at Brussels, and the persecution of the Minorites in Ireland, under Queen Elizabeth in 1571, are fully recorded, the narrative of the latter occupying 80 pages. 670 BOURDALOUE (Louis, de la Comp. de Jésus) Euvres Complètes, nouvelle edition, augmentée d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages, &c.; 16 vols. 8vo. port. hf. bd. cf. £3 10s. Lyons, 1821 Les mêmes; 3 vols. imp. 8vo. hf. bd. cf. £1 11s. 6d. 1834 Les mêmes; 3 vols. imp. 8vo. sewed, £1 8s. Paris, 1839 Les mêmes; 6 vols. 8vo. sewed, £1 4s. Lyons, 1852 "To model your preaching after Bourdaloue is to run the race of immortality."-CLEMENT XIV.

671 671*.


673 BOURGOIN de Villefore (Jos.) Vies des SS. Pères des Déserts d'Occident et d'Orient; avec des figures (gravées par Mariette); 5 vols. 12mo. fine copy, good impressions of the plates, calf, gilt, scarce, £1 15s. Paris, 1708-11 674 BOUVET (F.) Du Catholicisme, du Protestantisme, et de la Philosophie, en France; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d. ibid. 1840 675 BOUVIER (J.) de Vera Ecclesia; de Jure, Injuria et Restitutione; de Matrimonio; 3 vols. 12mo. sewed, 7s. 6d. Cenomani, 1826-30 The volumes are sold separately.

676 Bozii (Th.) de Signis Ecclesiæ Dei, libri XXIV.; 2 vols. in 3, very thick 8vo. calf, 9s. Colon. 1592 677 BRADWARDIN (Thos. Cantuar. Archiepisc. (1349), et olim e Coll. Mert. ap. Oxon.) de Causa Dei contra Pelagium, et de Virtute Causarum, opera H. Savile; folio, calf, £2 2s. Londini, 1618 At the request of Archbishop Abbot, Savile edited this logical work of Bradwardine, one of the closest reasoners of his age, whose mathematical mind furnished it with a series of demonstrations founded on previous and admitted convictions. He was at once a great metaphysician and a great divine. "There was a depth in his researches," says Milner, "which entitled him to the title of THE PROFOUND."


Idem liber; 8vo. vellum, 4s. 6d.

678 BRANT (Casp.) Historia Vitæ Jacobi Arminii; 8vo. portrait, calf, 38. 6d. Amstel. 1724 ibid. 1724 680 BRAUN'S (H.) Biblisches Universal Lexicon; 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates (published at 14s.) 78. Augsburg, 1836 681 BRAUN'S (J.) Vestitus Sacerdotum Hebræorum, sive Comment. ampliss. in Exodi cap. XVIII. ac XXXIX. et Levit. cap. XVI. aliaque loca S. Scripturæ quam plurima; 4to. frontispiece, vellum, 7s. 6d. Amst. 1701 682 BRAUN (P.) Historisch-topographische Beschreibung der Diocese Augsburg, in drei Perioden; 2 very thick vols. 8vo. sewed, 8s. Augsburg, 1823. 683 BRAUNE (K.) Das Evangelium von Jesus Christus synoptisch zusammengestellt und zur Erbauung erklært; 4to. sewed, 6s. Grimma, 1845 684 BRENO (Caroli Francisci a) Manuale Missionariorum Orientalium, in quo nedum Hæreses omnes Orientalem Ecclesiam turpitu fœdantes viduntur, verum etiam Casus Morales, Missionariorum Usu, resolvantur; 2 vols. folio, vellum, scarce, £1 10s. Venetiis, 1726 Privately printed, solely for the use of the Missionaries. 685 BRENTII (Joh.) Opera; 8 vols. folio, portrait, hogskin, rare, £5 15s. 6d. Tübinge, 1576-9 Idem liber; 8 vols. folio, portrait, fine copy, hogskin, clasps, rare, £6 16s. 6d.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

ibid. 1576-90


Vol. V. Matth. Marcum, et Lucam.

[ocr errors]

VII. Acta Apostolorum.

[ocr errors]

VIII. Scripta Polemica.

II. Libros Historicos Vet. Test.
II. I. Jobum et Psalmos.
IV. Ecclesiasten et Prophetas.
These commentaries of this great

Reformer, the disciple and successor of

Luther, are in the form of discourses, admirably adapted for pulpit use, as

they define clearly the sense of Scripture, and so lead the mind to true piety without asceticism, without mixing up metaphysical disquisitions in discourses addressed to the heart. "My works," says Luther, "are but dross compared with those of Brentius;" and posterity has shown how fair an estimate this was by still considering Brentius as one of the greatest pulpit orators of any period.

687 BRETSCHNEIDER (C. Sh.) Probabilia de Evangelii et Epistolarum Joannis Apostoli Origine et Indole; 8vo. 2s. 6d. Lips. 1820 689 BRETSCHNEIDER (C. G.) Lexicon Manuale Græco-Latinum in Libros Novi Testamenti; 2 thick vols. 8vo. sewed, 12s ibid. 1829 690 Idem liber, alia editio; 4to. boards, 15s. ibid. 1840 691 BRETSCHNEIDER'S (C. G.) Christliches Andachtsbuch fuer denkende Verehrer Jesu; 3 vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth, 5s. Halle, 1845 Desselben Clementine, oder die Frommen und Glaubigen unserer Tage; 8vo. sewed, 2s. 6d.


ibid. 1841

Desselben Handbuch der Dogmatik der Evangelisch


lutherischen Kirche; 2 vols. 8vo. 9s.







Leipzig, 1828 Dasselbe; 2 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt, 10s. 6d. ibid. 1828 Desselben Historisch-dogmatische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments, nach ihren Prinzipien, Quellen und Hülfsmitteln dargestellt; 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d.

ibid. 1806

Desselben Kirchlich-politische Zeitfragen behandelt in zerstreuten Aufsætzen; 8vo. sewed, 5s.

ibid. 1847

Desselben Systematische Entwickelung aller in der Dogmatik vorkommenden Begriffe, etc.; thick 8vo. (published at 12s.) 6s.

ibid. 1844 Desselben Systematische Darstellung der Dogmatik und Moral der Apocryphischen Schriften des Alten Testaments; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d.

ibid. 1806

Lexici Interpretes Græcos V. T. maxime Scriptores Apocryph. Spicilegia; 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d. ibid. 1806 700 GRUNDTVIG (N. F. S.) vom wahren Christenthum als Gegengit Bretschneider's Glaubenslehre uebersetzt von E. Francke; 8vo. sewed, 2s. ibid. 1844

701 MUELLER (J. N.) Der Anti-Bretschneider; 8vo. sewed, 1s. 6d. Magdebg. 1844 702 BREUGNE (Bon.) Le Commerce des Vivants fait en faveur des ames du purgatoire; 2 vols. in 1, 4to. vellum, 12s. Lyon, 1658 BREVIARIUM; vide: Liturgies. 702*Breydenbach (Bernhard von) Reyss uber mere zu den heyligen

grab unsers herren Jhesu Cristi gen Jherusalem, auch zu der heyligen junckfrawen Sant Katherinen grab auf dem berg Synai; with capitals and woodcuts, fol. cf. rare, £2 2s. Augspurg, 1488 703 BRIDGEWATER (vel Aquapontani, Joan.) Concertatio Ecclesiæ Catholicæ in Anglia adversus Calvinopapistas et Puritanos sub Elizabetha Reg. renovata; nunc denuo 100 martyrum et 600 insignium virorum rebus gestis; 4to. all the parts complete, very fine copy in hogskin, scarce, £1 16s. Aug. Trevis. 1588

Containing Cardinal Allen's reply to Lord Burleigh's "Justitia Britannica." (Vide No. 774.)



704 CAMDENI Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a Veteribus scripta; folio, best edition, calf, £2 2s. Francof. 1603 Camden's Collection consists of Asser Menevensis, Incerti Vita Gulielmi I., Thos. a Walsingham, Thos. de la More, Gulielmus Geneticensis and Giraldus Cambrensis.

705 DU CHESNE (And.) Historia Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, Res ab illis per Galliam Angliam, Orientem, &c. gestas explicantes, ab anno Christi 838 ad annum 1220; folio, calf, £6 16s.6d. Paris, 1719

The contents of this volume are:

1. Gesta Normannorum ante Rollonem, ab Anno 837 ad 896.

2. Rheginonis Chronici Epitome.

3. Annalium Fuldensium Excerpta.

4. Variorum Chronicorum Excerpta.

5. Abbo de Obsessa Lutetiæ Paris.

6. Dudo de Primorum Normannorum Rebus Gestis.

7. Emmæ, Anglorum Reginæ, Encomium.

8. Pictavensis (Guil.) Gesta Gulielmi I. Angliæ Regis.

9. Calculi (Willelmi) Historia Normannorum.

10. Ederici Vitalis Angligenæ Historia Ecclesiastica.

11. Gesta Stephani Regis Anglorum. "A most important work."-TURNER. 12. Chronica Normannica (Franciæ et Anglia).

13. Annales Cadominses.

14. Catalogus Nobilium Normannorum, qui floruerunt in Anglia, tempore Guillelmi Conquæstoris.

15. Nomina Militum ferentium Bannerias, tempore Philippi II.

16. Feoda Normanniæ.

17. De Servetiis, quæ debentur Duci Normanniæ.

18. Officium ad Ducem Normanniæ constituendum.

19. Chartæ pures Regum Franciæ, Ducum Normanniæ, etc.

"Du Chesne's Norman Historians' contains a vast fund of solid information; and is a book which no English scholar, who of course will choose to derive his information from original sources, can, if he wishes to become acquainted with the memoirs of his country, dispense with. To the real antiquary, the work affords endless stores of research and amusement.". BRYDGES.

706 EADMERI, Monarchi Cantuariensis, Historia sui Saeculi, Notis J. Seldeni; folio, calf, 12s. Londini, 1623

Eadmer was the intimate friend of St. Anselm, and is trustworthy and plain-spoken. "He excels in the choice and disposal of his materials, and deals less in miracles than any of his predecessors."-GOLDSMITH. 707 GALE (T.) Scriptores Historia Britannica, Saxonicæ et AngloDanica XV, cum Indice; folio, calf, scarce, £2 10s. Oxon. 1691


I. Gildas. II. Eddius. III. Nennius. IV. Asserius. V. Ran. Higden. VI. Willielmus Malmesb. VII. Anonymus Malmesb. VIII. Ramesiensis Hist. IX. Eliensis Hist. X. Thomas Eliensis. XI. Joannes Wallingford. XII. Radulphus Dicetus. XIII. De Partitione in Schiras, &c. XIV. Joannes Fordun. XV. Alcuinus.

Idem liber, accedit Tomus alter; 2 vols. folio, calf, very scarce, 6 6s. ibid. 1687-91 Besides the last-mentioned fifteen writers: XVI. Annales de Morgan. XVII. Th. Wikes. XVIII. Annales Waverliensis. XIX. Gaufridus Vinesauf. XX. Walter Hemingford.

709 GALE ET FELL, Scriptores Historia Britannica; 3 vols. folio, calf, very scarce, £10 10s. Oxon. 1684-87-91

Besides the above XX writers, will be found: XXI. Ingulph. XXII. Petrus Blessensis. XXIII. Chron. de Mailros. XXIV. Annales Burtonenses. XXV. Historia Croyland. Continuatio.

"As in every monastery there was some curious mind fond of noting the great incidents of his day, every country in Europe has such chronicles. But I think with Dr. Henry, that, upon the whole, our annalists are superior to those of any other nation at this period. Such a series of regular chronology and true incident; such faithful, clear, and ample materials for authentic history, have scarcely appeared before the public. Nothing could be more contemptible as compositions; nothing could be more satisfactory as authorities."-TURNER.

710 MATTHEI-PARIS Monachi Albanensis, Angli, Historia Major, cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Willielmi Rishangeri, authorisque Majori Minorique Historiis collata, cui accesserunt Vitæ Offarum et XXIII Abbatum S. Albani, &c., cum Variis Lectionibus, Glossariis et Indicibus edente W. Wats; folio, calf, £1 10s.


Londini, 1640

Idem liber, editio altera; folio, calf, £1 1s. Paris, 1644 "The history of Matthew Paris, continued by Rishanger, details all these occurrences with the minuteness of an annalist, but with the spirit and feeling of an independent man. He rejoices in the acquired liberties of the nation; notices without acrimony the faults of the royal administration; and states with a fair censorial impartiality the avarice and tyranny of the popedom. I think I have never read a more honest historian."-TURNER. 712 MATTHEI-Westmonasteriensis Flores Historiarum, præcipue de Rebus Britannicis. Accedit Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon ab Initio Mundi ad Annum 1118; cum Continuatione; folio, calf, £2.

Francofurti, 1601

The great merit of Matthew of Westminster is his strict regard for truth. He was a most diligent compiler, and occasionally from sources long since lost.

"Florence of Worcester is particularly curious in the portion relating to the Anglo-Saxons, and the earlier Norman kings. He mentions a singular circumstance respecting the Thames, anno 1114, when he says the water scarcely reached the knees; his continuator's account of an eclipse of the sun in 1132 shows how little the best informed, including Henry and his Court, were able to account for the most natural phenomena."-TURNER. 713 MONUMENTA Historica Britannica, or Materials for the History of Britain from the earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. Prepared and illustrated with Notes by the late Henry Petrie, Esq., Keeper of the Records, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe. Published by command of Her Majesty under the superintendence of Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq., Assistant Keeper of the Records in the Tower, with an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction and Preface, and copious Indexes; folio, map and numerous facsimiles of MSS. and plates of coins; half bound, uncut, £2 12s. 6d. London, 1848

CONTENTS: Extracts from Greek and Roman writers respecting Britain; Roman Inscriptions; British and Roman Coins and Medals, with engravings; Gildas; Nennius; Bedæ Chronicon et Historia Ecclesiastica; Chronologia brevissima ad Annum 737; Chronicon Saxonicum, Saxonice et Anglice; Asserius; Chronicon Ethelwaerdi ad Annum 975; Florentius Wigornensis eum Continuatione; Simeon Dunelmensis; Henricus Huntendunensis; l'Es

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