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Fubini, Dr. Eugene, Deputy Director of Defense Research and Engi-

neering (Research and Information Systems), Department of De-

fense, in behalf of Dr. Harold Brown, Director of Defense Research

and Engineering---

Morris, Thomas D., Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and

Logistics); accompanied by Graeme C. Bannerman, Deputy Assist-

ant Secretary of Defense for Procurement, Office of Assistant Secre-

tary, Installations and Logistics; James N. Davis, Deputy Assistant

Secretary of Defense for Weapons Acquisition and International

Readiness; and A. William Buschman..

Staats, Elmer B., Deputy Director, Bureau of the Budget; accom-

panied by Harold Seidman, Acting Assistant Director for Manage-

ment and Organization; and Howard Schnoor, Office of Management

and Organization.

Yarmolinsky, Adam, Special Assistant to Secretary of Defense;
accompanied by Dr. Eugene G. Fubini, Deputy Director for Re-
search and Information Systems, Office of Director of Defense
Research and Engineering; and Graeme Bannerman, Deputy Assist-
ant Secretary of Defense (Procurement), Installations and Logistics
Young, John D., Director of Administration, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration; accompanied by Ralph E. Cushman, Assist-
ant Director of Administration for Field Operations; Stephen P.
Lejko, Budget Officer, NASA Headquarters; and Walter D. Sohier,
Deputy General Counsel..

Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by-



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NASA plans to operate the shipborne tracking stations requested
in the fiscal year 1964 budget.



NASA tracking and data acquisition facilities.


100 contractors (business firms) listed according to net value of
direct awards, July 1-December 31, 1962__


100 contractors listed according to net value of direct awards,
fiscal year 1962_____


25 contractors listed according to net value of direct awards,
fiscal year 1961_..


[blocks in formation]





Washington, D.C.

The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice at 10:05 a.m., in room 1501-B, Longworth Office Building, Hon. Chet Holifield (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.

Present Representatives Chet Holifield (presiding), William J. Randall, Richard S. Schweiker, and Frank J. Horton.

Also present: Herbert Roback, staff administrator; Douglas Dahlin, staff attorney; Paul Ridgely and Robert McElroy, investigators. Mr. HOLIFIELD. The subcommittee will be in order.

The purpose of the hearing today is to get a report from the Bureau of the Budget on followup actions which have been taken in response to the Report to the President on Government Contracting for Research and Development, the so-called Bell report.

This report and the subsequent actions which have been taken in response to it constituted a major theme of last fall's hearings on systems development and management, since the report itself was closely related to, and in certain respects accorded with, the earlier studies and recommendations of this subcommittee.

Last year, the Honorable David Bell, who was then the Director of the Bureau of the Budget and who was also the chairman of the executive group in the Government which prepared the report, testified before the subcommittee on the content of the recommendations and the initial actions which were being undertaken to implement them. In general, the report deals with such matters as Government organization for research and development, procurement and contracting procedures in the R. & D. field, and apportioning work among Government laboratories, not-for-profit institutions, industry, and universities. The problems of conflict of interest and creation of incentives for doing better work also are part of the picture.

The subcommittee plans to issue one or more reports based on the extensive hearings of last summer and on the followup hearings we are beginning today. We will hear later from the Department of Defense and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Other agencies will submit written statements for the record.

The principal witness this morning will be Mr. Elmer B. Staats, Deputy Director of the Bureau of the Budget, and his associates. Mr. Staats, we welcome you and are ready to hear your prepared state


Mr. STAATS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


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