Copyright, 1894, for the State of Michigan, by Washington Gardner, Rel. Nov 7,1894. • * The Court was composed of the above-named Justices during the period covered by this volume. At the time of their election their residences were as given, but pursuant to Act No. 182, Laws of 1893, they removed to Lansing. 18. ANDREW C. MAXWELL, 19. JAMES B. MCMAHON, . 20. PHILIP PADGHAM, 21. PETER F. DODDS, 22. EDWARD D. KINNE, 23. WILLIAM H. SIMPSON, 24. WATSON BEACH,. 25. JOHN W. STONE, 26. . ROBERT J. KELLEY, 27. JOHN H. PALMER, 28. FRED H. ALDRICH, 29. SHERMAN B. DABOLL, 30. ROLLIN H. PERSON, 31. SAMUEL W. VANCE, 32. NORMAN W. HAIRE, 33. OSCAR ADAMS, 34. NELSON SHARPE, . MENDON. MT. CLEMENS. GRAND RAPIDS. BAY CITY. LUDINGTON. ALLEGAN. MT. PLEASANT. ANN ARBOR. AU SABLE. LEXINGTON. MARQUETTE. BIG RAPIDS. CADILLAC. ST. JOHNS. PORT HURON. IRONWOOD. CHEBOYGAN. WEST BRANCH. |