6.3 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of cash and cash equivalents 1% 1 1 6.4 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of short term investments 1% 1 1 6.5 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of shortterm investments 1% 1 1 6.6 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of trade and non-trade receivables 1% 1 1 6.7 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of trade and non-trade receivables 1% 1 1 6.8 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of inventories 1% 1 1 6.9 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of inventories 1% 1 1 6.10 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of prepaid expenses and other financial assets 1% 1 1 6.11 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of 6.12 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of noncurrent investments 1% 1 1 6.13 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of noncurrent investments 1% 1 6.14 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of property, plant and equipment 1% 1 1 6.15 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of property, plant, and equipment 1% 1 6.16 Describe the nature, recognition and de-recognition, and disclosure of intangible and other noncurrent assets 1% 1 1 6.17 Assess the measurement, valuation, and classification of intangible and other noncurrent assets 1% 1 6.18 Appraise impairment of assets 2% 2 7.0 Accounting for Liabilities (nature, recognition, measurement, valuation, classification, disposition, and disclosure) 2 2 liabilities 7.2 Describe the nature, recognition and disclosure of current liabilities, including provisions 1% 1 1 A 7.3 Assess the measurement, valuation, disposition, and classification of current liabilities, including provisions 2% 2 7.4 Describe the nature, recognition and disclosure of noncurrent liabilities and other financial liabilities 1% 1 1 7.5 Assess the measurement, valuation, disposition, and classification of noncurrent liabilities and other financial liabilities 2% 2 7.6 Design debt restructuring arrangement 8.0 Accounting for Equity (nature, recognition, measurement, retirement, and disclosure) 8.1 Describe the nature, recognition and disclosure of preference and ordinary shares 2% 2 2 8.2 Assess the measurement and retirement of preference and ordinary shares 2% 2 8.3 Describe the nature, recognition and disclosure of additional paid-in capital and revaluation surplus 2% 2 C A A S 8.4 Assess the measurement and retirement of additional paid-in capital and revaluation surplus 2% 2 2 8.5 Describe the nature, recognition and disclosure of retained earnings, including dividends and appropriations of accumulated profit/loss 2% 2 2 8.6 Assess the measurement and retirement of retained earnings, including dividends and appropriations of accumulated profit/loss 2% 2 2 Demonstrate capital restructuring such as quasi-reorganization and recapitalization 2% 2 2 9.1 Construct correct balance sheet in terms of form and content 1% 1 1 9.2 Construct correct income statement in terms of form and content 1% 1 1 9.3 Construct correct statement of changes in equity in terms of form and content 1% 1 1 9.4 Construct correct cash flow statement in terms of form and content 1% 1 1 9.5 Demonstrate the preparation of interim financial statements and segment reporting, including the disclosure requirements 1% 1 1 9.6 Describe the accounting for and disclosure requirements for events after the balance sheet date 1% 1 1 9.7 Describe the accounting for and disclosure requirements for earnings per share 1% 1 1 Describe the accounting for and disclosure requirements for related parties 1% 1 1 |