Durtone, namely, from the land called Thornwike to the said Canons' ditch, going down to the same water through the middle of the meadow which was Philip of the Mills', together with all their right in the common of the land called Durtone, namely, from Thornwike to the said ditch, and to the head of the croft called Ferncroft, and all the land lying between Ferncroft and Otecumbe; so that their ditch shall go in a direct line from the head of the aforesaid ditch through the west end of Ferncroft to Otecumbe; paying annually one pound of cummin or 2d. And her heir, when he comes of age, shall make security by his own deed, as he has sworn to do "tactis sacrosanctis." Witn.: Sir Stephen, Prior of Modesfunte, Sir David, Prior of Ivychurch ("Monasterio Ederoso "), master Elyas de Derham, Sir John de Venuz, Sir John de Windlesore, Laurence de Heghes, Thomas de Bromdene, Matthew de Minster ("Monasterio "), Reginald the clerk.-[7.] Small fragment of red seal. [Before 1236.] Grant from Henry le Sauvage to Peter, Bishop of Winchester, for the sum of 12 marks, of all the land which he had in Tistede by the grant of Ralph de Winesham. Witn. Roger Alis, Geoffrey de Rupibus, Thomas de Gimiges, Walter de Ticcheborn, Robert Lohod,1 John de Venuez, Thomas de Venuez, William son of Unfrid, Roger of the Mills, Alard his brother, Elyas son of Roger, Nich. de Syrlege, Godfrey the Serjeant ("serviente") of Cheriton.-[268.] Seal sewn up in wool. See another original copy at page 3. [355.] 1236, 2 Dec., "die Martis pr. ante f. B. Benedicti"; at Winchester. Presentation (addressed to the Bishop of Winchester) by Joan, formerly the wife of Robert Lohot, of the Prior and Canons of Selburne to the church of Westystede now vacant, which belongs to her presentation, to be appropriated to their own use for ever.—[271.] Fragment of round green seal; a fleur-de-lis: "Sig. . hanne [L]ohot." ... 1236[-7,] 12 Jan., "secundo idus Jan." Decree of arbitration by Elias] de Derham, Canon of Salisbury, in a suit brought by authority of the Pope before the Dean, Chancellor, and Succentor of Sarum, between J., the Prior, and the Convent of Seleburne, J. de Nortone, knt., and G. de Burhunte, clerk, about a moiety of all the tithes issuing from the demesne of the said J. de Nortone, and from the dowry of his mother Alice ;-viz., that the said G. de Burhunte shall receive the said tithes during his life, offering yearly for them, on Easter Day, to the mother church of Seleburne, at the high altar, 2s.; that on his resignation of them, or death, they shall wholly and entirely remain for 1 He deceased before December, 1236. ever to the said Prior and Convent; and that on Burhunte's death or resignation the said J. de Nortune and his heirs shall present a fit clerk, who shall be admitted into the convent as a canon, and so on from time to time; and if any dispute arise as to the fitness of the presentee, it shall be determined by the official of the Bishop. Witn. : Sir John de Venoiz, knt., master John de Dertef[ord], master H., vicar of Hertele, John Terri, vicar of Hamelede, John de Caneford, chaplain, Roger de Cherlecote, Hugh de Popham, Will. de Venoiz, Sir J. de Windleshore, James de Ochangre, Mathew de Monasterio, Thomas de Chabb.', Reginald de Wiche, clerks.-[326.] Five brown seals: (1) round, broken, a head (an antique; the seal of the arbitrator); (2) oval, the Baptism of our Lord: "Sigill' Jo. nis Prioris de Seleburn';" (3) large, oval, the Coronation of the B. V. Mary (?): "Sigill' Conventus. burn'; (4) shield-shaped, an inescutcheon within an orle of bezants, inscription broken; (5) oval, a head: "Sill' Gilib' Clerici de B' h' t'"; inscription engraved reversely. 1236[-7,] Feb. Lease from master Andrew, rector of the church of Chalvedone, to John, Prior of Seleburne, and to the Convent for the sum of 100s., of all the lands which he held by the gift of William de Arundel in the manor of Lydesethe to hold for the term of sixty years from the feast of the Purification of B. Mary, 1236, paying to the said Will. de Arundel, the chief lord, an annual quit-rent of 12d.; with power, if they have laid out costs upon improvements, to retain the land after the completion of the term until they have been repaid. Witn. Sir Richard, Abbot of Tychefelde, Hugh, Archdeacon of Winchester, Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, Roger Alis, Thomas his son, Reginald de Cundi, Will. de Ho, Walter de Thicheburne, Roger Wacelin, John de Kulesdune.-[289.] : Fragment of red seal, loose, wrapped up in the deed, being the other part of the seal of which a fragment is attached to No. 288, infra. Another copy of the same lease by a different hand, but without the provision for improvements. Witn.: the same, adding Peter Rusinol, and spelling "Thicheburne" "Tycheburne." Fragment of the same seal, with a centaur; "S' Quec tego."-[290.] .... 1237, 4 June, "pridie nonas Jun."; at Farnham, "per manum P. Russinol." Confirmation by P[eter], "Minister" of the church of Winchester, of the grant by Joan, who was the wife of Robert le Hod, of the church of Westistede to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne.--[269]. Fragment of the oval red episcopal seal, sewn up in wool. Another original copy of the same grant, but one never sealed.-[273.] [1237.] Grant from Henry le Sauvage to Peter, Bishop of Winchester, of all his land in West Tystede, with the messuage, wood, pasture, etc., paying an annual quit-rent of one pound of cummin. Witn.: Roger Alys, Geoffrey de Rupibus, Thomas de Gimige, Walter de Tycheburne, Roger Wascelin, John de Venuz, Thomas de Venuz, William son of Humphrey, Roger of the Mill, Alard his brother, Elyas son of Roger, Nich. de Syrlege, Godfrey the Serjeant ("serviente ") of Cheritone.— [260]. Seal sewn up in wool. Another original copy of the grant, including the quit-rent, and adding that 12 marks have been received from the Bishop for the land. Witn.: the same, omitting Roger Wascelin ("Thomas de Gyminges"). Fragment of oval red seal, the temptation of Adam and Eve: ". . . Henrici le Savva . . ."--[277.] Another original grant of the same as to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne instead of the Bishop, omitting the quit-rent of one pound of cummin. Witn. the same, (with these variations in spelling: Roger Alis, Thos. de Gimiges, Walter de Thussheberne, John de Venuez, Will. son of Unfrey, Nich. de Sirleges), oval red seal, sewn up in wool; the temptation of Adam and Eve: "S'. Henrici le Savvage." [264.] [c. 1237.] Grant from master Andrew [of Winchester], rector of the church of Chalvedone, to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, in free alms, and for the sum of 100s., of all the lands which he had by the gift of William de Arundel in the manor of Lidesethe; paying to the chief lord an annual quit-rent of 12d. (Written by the same hand as No. 290, supra.) Witn.: John de Venuz, Roger Alis, Thomas his son, Henry de Ysenherst, Roger de Bradesete, Mathew de Monasterio, John de Burhunte, Gilbert de Burhunte, Alan de Havecl[ie.]-[288.] Fragment of round red seal; a Roman intaglio, a centaur: "S' Qv . . . atego." [c. 1237.] Grant from William de Arundel, son of Hugh de Arundel, to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, in perpetual alms, of all the lands which they have by the gift of master Andrew de Winton, viz., all the land of la Dunwatere which Richard de la Dunwatere held in the vill of Lydessete, and all the land of la Ruda which Walter de Arundel held in Lydessete with a messuage, and all the land before the gate of the said messuage which is included between the way going from Lydessete to Burdonesdene on the right hand and the way which goes from Burdonesdene to Rudeherne; paying the grantor an annual quit-rent of 12d. He grants also to the said Prior and Canons to have their pigs free of pannage in all the liberties belonging to his vill of Lydesete, except in his wood called la Frithe, and that they may have in the common pasture of Lydesete as many sorts of animals as they can. Witn. John de Venuz, John de la Stane, James de Nortune, Alan de Haveklie, Henry de Ysenherst, Gilbert de Burhunte, Roger de Bradesete, Mathew de Monasterio, Will. de Widenhale, Will. de Optune and Robert, clerks.-[20.] Round brown seal; a lion courant: "Sigill' Will'i de Arundel." 1237-8, 11 March, "quinto non. Marcii"; at Faverisham, "per manum Petri de Chaunceles." Grant from Peter [de Rupibus], Bishop of Winchester, to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, in free alms, of one virgate of land which he bought of Henry le Savage in Westtystede, with messuage, wood, etc.; paying annually to the said Henry and his heirs a quit-rent of one pound of cummin. Witn.: Sir Richard, Abbot of Tychefelde, master Alan de Stoke, master Will. de St. Mary Church, master Humphrey de Milers, Robert de Wautham, Roger Alis, Geoffrey de Roches, Thomas Alis, Roger Wascelin, John de Teforde, John de Suwerk.-[250.] Oval red seal, large; good impression; the Bishop, full length, with pastoral staff: "Petrus Dei gratia Wintoniensis episcopus." Counter-seal: busts of two Saints, with key and sword, the Bishop kneeling below: “Sunt sitque boni Petr' Paulusque patroni." [1238.] Grant from Joan, formerly the wife of Robert Lohod, to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, in pure alms, of all the land between la Broch and the way which extends from Westistede towards Punesholte, namely, that which is called Trendelcrofte and Rikemanesdene in the vill of Westistede, excepting a certain "gora" towards the north, containing 3 acres. Witn. master Humphrey de Myllers, Hugh [de Rupibus], Archdeacon of Winchester, Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, Walter de Tigcheburne, James de Nortune, Thomas de la Putte of Bromdene, Roger Picot.-[241.] Round brown seal; a fleur-de-lis: "Sigill' Johanne Lohot." 1238, 4 June, "prid. non. Junii;" at Farnham,“ per manum Petri Rusinol." Confirmation by P[eter], Bishop of Winchester, to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne of all the land which they have in Westistede by the gift of Joan who was the wife of Robert Lohod. Witn.: master Humphrey de Milliers, the Bishop's official, Hugh, Archdeacon of Winchester, Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, master Elyas de Derham, Peter de Rivallis, Rob. de Clynchampe, John de Colesdone, John de Venuz, Rob. Marmiun, Will de Ho.-[257.] Large oval green seal, good impression; same as with No. 250, supra. [1238.] Grant from Joan, formerly the wife of Robert Lohod, to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, of the church of Westistede so far as appertains to her as patroness, in free alms, for their own use. Witn.: master Hunfrid de Milliers, Hugh, Archdeacon of Winchester, 1 Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, Walter de Tycheburne, James de Nortune, Will. de Dunstighele, Will. de Dreitune, Thos. de la Putte, Roger Pycot.-[263.] Round green seal; a fleur-de-lis: "Sigill' Johanne Lohot." [c. 1238.] Release and quit-claim from Henry le Sauvage to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne of all the service received by him from Peter, Bishop of Winchester, for the land given to him in West Tystede (as in preceding charters, Nos. 260 and 264). Witn. Sir John de Venuz, John de Windeshore, James de Nortune, Adam de Lymesye, John Oysun, Robert the Serjeant ("serviente ") of Suttone, Mathew de Monasterio, Will. le Bedel, William the Forester of Grutham, Reginald the clerk.—[270.] Oval brown seal; the temptation of Adam and Eve: "S' Henrici le Savvage." 1239, 14 May, "ij idus Maii," 13 pontif. Greg. IX; at the Lateran. Bull from Pope Gregory IX (cancelled by being cut through) to the Abbot of Hyde, the Prior of Brummore, and the Dean of Winchester, forbidding the exempting the Abbot of Beaulieu Royal ("de Bello Loco Regis") from a suit brought against him, the Abbot of Tyrun (sic) and the Prior of Enedewell by the Prior and Convent of Seleburne respecting tithes, upon the technical grounds in the case of the first, that there was no mention of Cistercians in the Papal letters which delegated the hearing of the cause, and in the case of the others, that they were not included by a general clause of "quidam alii.”—[373.] Bulla lost. BULL OF POPE GREGORY IX, RESPECTING A LAWSUIT BETWEEN THE PRIORY OF SELBORNE AND G. DE HAY, RESPECTING THE CHURCH OF TISTED. 1239, 20 May. Gregorius episcopus, servus servorum Dei, dilectis filiis Decano, Precentori, et Cancellario Sarisberiensi, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem, Dilecti filii, Prior et Conventus de Seleburne, ordinis sancti Augustini, oblata nobis peticione monstrarunt quod cum magister G. de Haya, Wyntoniensis dioceseos, ipsos super ecclesia de Tychestede coram Archidiacono Surrei, auctoritate dilecti filii nostri Othonis], sancti Nicholai in carcere Tulliano diaconi Cardinalis, apostolicæ sedis Legati, traxisset in causam, quia idem judex diebus feriatis,1 videlicet tempore messium, ad litigandum compellebat eosdem cum non urgeret necessitas vel pietas suaderet, ipsi sentientes se indebite gravari nostram audientiam appellarunt: Ideoque discretioni vestræ per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatinus, si est ita, revocato in statum debitum quicquid post hujusmodi appellationem inveneritis temere attemptatum, in causa 1 In vacation-time. |