Imágenes de páginas

Gilibert de Monasterio formerly held; and seventeen and a half acres which the said Thomas de Winton formerly farmed of the grantor as they are named in a chirograph between them, and eight acres of pasture in Brodecrofte, and an annual rent of 2s. 6d., namely, from Philip called Fitz-Count ("filio comitis"), 12d., from William Wildegrim, 12d., and from Reginald le Fox, 6d. ; paying to the grantor an annual quit rent of 1d., and to Sir John de Wonoiz for the messuage, 3s. Witn. Sir John de Wonoiz, Sir H., then chaplain of Werldham, Hugh de Wonoiz, Robert de Grendon, clerk, Matthew de Monasterio, William the deacon, Nicholas le Stede. --[215.]

Seal lost.

[c. 1240-50.] Release from James de Nortune to the Prior and Convent of Seleburne for the sum of 15 marks, for himself, his heirs, and his men and tenants, by their grant and will, of all his right in the pasture of Durtune, which is enclosed with a ditch from la Worthe through Ferme Crofte up to the water towards the Priory; and also in sixty acres of land and a messuage in Seleburne, which Richard de Swanemere formerly held; and which he (the said James) had by the gift of Gilebert son of Rich. Lyps. Witn.: Master Humphrey de Millers, Sir John de Venuz, Sir John de la Stane, Robert Puntdelarche, Will. le Duc, Will. de la Bere, Rich. de la Bere, Geoffrey de Froyle, Rich. Wastehuse, Geoffrey de la Rude, Mathew de Monasteria, John Wilekin, Roger de Cherlecote.-[292.]

Shield-shaped seal, red; apparently a blank shield within a bordure of sixteen bezants; inscription illegible.

Another original copy of the same grant; seal lost.-[302.]

[c. 1240-50.] Release from Gilebert, son of Richard Lyps, to the Prior and Convent of Seleburne, of all his right in sixty acres of land and one messuage in the land which Richard de Swanemere formerly held in Seleburne. Witn. Sir John de Venuz, Sir John de la Stane, Robert de Pundelarge, Will. le Duc, Will. de la Bere, Rich. de la Bere, Geoffrey de Froyle.-[84.]


Round dark seal; a fleur-de-lis: "S' Gilebeti fil' Ricardi Lelipse."

[c. 1240-50.] Grant from Paulinus, the Carpenter, to Robert Gaugy, with Muriel his wife, the grantor's daughter, in marriage-dowry, of all his mill of Sydenemede, and with the pasture of the meadow after haymaking, which meadow he had of the Prior and Canons of Seleburne ; paying to them an annual quit-rent of 5s., saving the service of the King and saving the custody of the meadow faithfully by the enclosure of the said Prior and Canons. Witn. Sir John de Venuz, Sir Tho.

Makerel, Will. Huse, James of the Mills ("de Molendinis "), John de
Burhunte and Andrew his brother, James de Ackangre, Nich. Suele,
Will. de Arundel de la Wyke.-[305.]

Seal lost.

[c. 1240-50.] Grant from James de Nortune to the Prior and Canons of the church of B. Mary of Seleburne, in free alms, of 2s. of annual rent in the vill of Seleburne, from the tenement which was once Bernard le Quareur's, and which the grantor had by the gift of the Prior and Brethren of the Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portesmue. Witn. Sir John de Venuz, Matthew his brother, Geoffrey de Rupibus, Roger Wasilin, Will. de la Bere, Oliver the Clerk, Will. de Venuz, Matthew de Monasterio.-[47.]

Reddish seal, shield-shaped; a shield (with an orle of bezants outside it) bearing apparently a double cross; "Sigillum Jacobi Nortune."

Another original copy of this grant. Witn. names have two variations, namely, the knightly title is omitted before "John de Venuz," and "Wasilin" appears in its usual form of "Wacelin." Same seal, green wax.-[49.]

[c. 1240-50.] Grant from Adam de Lymesie to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, in perpetual alms, of the two messuages in the vill of Westystede which Will. Hurdman and Matilda de Seleburne formerly held of him, with all their lands, etc.; and also of all that land which lies between the quick-set hedge near the ditch of the said Prior and Canons and a certain ash tree which is on this side the highway going from Roppeley to Petersfeld, and which extends in length from the said ash tree by the said highway on south to Rompesdene; paying an annual quit-rent of one pound of cummin. Witn.: Sir Henry de Ferlye, Adam de St. Manefico, Hamon de Basynge, Rob. de Ho, John de Valletorta, Rich. de Aweltone, Will. de Dunstykel, Will. de Drayton, Thomas de Brond', Henry and Warner de Ysenhurst, brothers, Will. Bayun, Rich. de Pruuet', Mathew de Monasterio, Mathew de Hurley. [251.]

Oval green seal; a fleur-de-lis : Sigill' Ade de Limisi."

Another original copy of the same grant with same seal and witnesses, [“Thomas de Bromdene."] The former holder of the messuages is called “Will. Hurman." [278.]

[c. 1240-50.] Grant from Henry the Clerk of Estrope to the Prior and Canons of St. Mary of Seleburne of a piece of his land, namely, that which lies at Hundesdelle, extending above the highway on the south; paying an annual quit-rent of 6d. Witn. master Elyas de Derham, John de Venuz, Will. de Arundel, James de Nortune, Thomas


de Bromdene, Hamo de Basinge, Rich. de London, Rich. Taun, Jervase de Ywode, Germain de Ywode, W. de Ywode.—[66.]

Oval brown seal; a fleur-de-lis: "Sigill' Henri' Destro'."

Another original grant of the same, with the same witnesses; ["Ywode" is written "Yuuode."] Same seal, oval, green : Sigill' Henri' Destro'."-[72.]


[c. 1240-50.] Grant from John de Burhunte to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne, in free alms, of ten acres and a quarter of his land, with a messuage and garden which they have by the gift of Gilebert de Burhunte, clerk, uncle of the said John, in the field called Yhangre, namely, the land which lies near the highway going from Hetnesmanesburieles to Brunthestapele, and from Brunthestapele to the head of the ditch of the said Prior and Convent on south, and from thence to the highway on west going from Ymbesate to Hetenesmannesburieles. Witn.: Sir John de Venuz, Sir James de Northune, Sir Thos. Makerel, Will. Huse, James of the Mills ("de Molendinis "), Andrew de Burhunte, James de Ackangre, Will. de Arundel de la Wyke.—[123.] Fragment of oval green seal, device effaced; wrapped in wool.

[c. 1240-50.] Grant from James de Achangre to John the Prior and the Canons of Seleburne of the moor where the Beme rises, (etc., as in the deed under date 1234, No. 136, adding) all the water course coming from the Beme through his lands and those of his men, at their will to lead to their mill of Oxneie. Witn. the same as to No. 130,

p. 36.—[155.]

Round brown seal, wrapped in tow; a man on horseback: "S' James de Hochangr'."

1242, Sept. Indenture of an agreement between the Prior and Convent of Suwic' [Southwick] and the Prior and Convent of Seleburne, for the settlement of a suit which had been carried on before the Dean of Oxford and master Henry Bardolf, acting, by the Pope's authority, for the Prior of Christ Church of Twinham, respecting some tithes issuing from the land of la Pette and from the land of la Berghe, in the parish of Ymbesete, and respecting some others:—namely, that the Prior and Convent of Suwic' shall, by reason of the right which they have in their chapel of Ymbesete, receive all the tithes issuing from the land of la Pette, with all those issuing from all the demesne of the lord of Ymbesete, and the half of all those from the husbandmen ("colonis "), both free and villeins, and from their possessions, both moveable and immoveable, within the parish of Ymbesete, which they were wont to receive before the time of this composition: That the Prior and Convent of Seleburne, shall, in the name of their parish church of Seleburne, by reason of the partial right which they have in the tithes of the

chapel of Ymbesete, receive the moiety of all the tithes of the said husbandmen and of their possessions, which they also had been accustomed to receive, with the moiety of all those issuing from the land of la Berghe, although it be in the lord's demesne. It is further agreed that this arrangement shall always stand, notwithstanding any changes in the lands to which it applies, and the following further points are added: 1. That (the vicar of Ymbesete being present and consenting), at all funerals of the parishioners of Ymbesete the chaplain of Seleburne shall celebrate the first mass, and the chaplain of Ymbesete the second, and all the oblations thereupon made shall be equally divided. 2. All legacies bequeathed by the said parishioners to the church of Seleburne, or to the chapel of Ymbesete, shall also be equally divided, but all personal legacies, left to certain persons or chaplains, shall abide by the testator's disposition. 3. The chaplain of Ymbesete shall yearly make a three-fold public denunciation of excommunication against those who maliciously withhold tithes. 4. The said chaplain has sworn, and the chaplain for the time being shall hereafter swear, to observe all that is contained in this composition, and shall make known anything done by any parishioner against the rights of either church.-[337.]

First seal (that of the ordinary, namely, master Albert de Vitriaco, official of Winchester during the vacancy of the see) lost; Second, oval, green, inscription broken, The Virgin and Child, seated: "Sigil' Sancte Marie d' . . . . ica ; " counter-seal, The Virgin and Child, a figure kneeling below: "Sigill' Mathei Prioris d' S'wik."

1242, 25 Dec., "in Nativ. Dom." Lease from Cecilia de Westistede, widow of Henry le Saovage (sic), to the Prior and Convent of Seleburne of all the land which she had as dowry in the vill of Westistede, except her messuage; to hold for her life, paying her an annual rent of 4s. Witn.: Roger Picot of Bromdene, Hervic de Bromdene, John le Frankelain, Thomas le Walais of Tistede, Walter Cove, Will. de la Mare, Sir Rich. le Harepere, the mason ("cementario") of Farnham, Sir Gilbert de Burhunte.-[265.]

[ocr errors]

Round brown seal wrapped up in wool; a star: 'Sigillum Cecil'." [See Nos. 267, 272, under date 1257-9.]

1245, 20 Aug., "die Domin. pr. p. Assump. B. M. V." Lease (or mortgage, indented) from Peter Danesie, with the consent of his wife Cristiana, to the Prior and Convent of Seleburne, for the sum of 4 marks, which the said Peter paid to Elyas the Jew of Winchester to release his land, and 1 mark which the said Prior and Convent gave to the said Cristiana to buy a robe, of an annual rent of 10s., which the said Peter



had in Thorneie in marriage dowry with his said wife, issuing from the tenement which Richard Quatrehomes holds of him in Thorneie; to hold for the term of fifteen years. Witn. Sir John de Venuz, Sir John de la Stane, James de Acangre, Rich. de Warneford, Will. Baion, Roger de Bradesete, Will. de Balon', Rich. de Ketecumbe.-[297.]

Seal lost.

1246, 25 Dec, "in Nativ. Dom." Lease (indented) from William the Chaplain of Occangre to the Prior and Convent of Seleburne, for the sum of 20s., for the term of ten years, of his garden of la Hunne, which is enclosed with a new ditch, and which he held to farm for the term of ten years from Peter de Cruce. Witn.: Sir John de Venuz, Sir J. de Stane, Sir Tho. Makurel, James de Occangre, Mathew de Monasterio, Roger de Cherlecote, W. Baiun.-[295.]

Seal lost.

[1247, 28 May. Grant from Thomas Danesi to Nicholas de Ewelme. Among the Winchester deeds in Magdalen College, No. 25.]

1249, 20 Jan., "in oct. S. Hill.," 33 Hen. fil. Joh., "in curia dom. regis apud Winton." Fine before Henry de Bath, Alan de Wasand, Will. de Wilton, Reginald de Cobeham, and Will. de Breton, the justices itinerant, by which Mathew del Moster [Monasterio] acknowledges that a messuage and six acres of land which he holds in Seleburne belong to the church of the Prior of Seleburne, and John, the Prior and Parson of the said church thereupon grants the same to the said Mathew to hold for his life, rendering annually 4s. and one pound of cummin, and doing suit of court every three weeks.-[85.]

1249, 12 March, "die S. Gregorii." [Midhurst.] Grant from Ralph Pichie of Midhurst to Alice, daughter of Will. le Kinge of Midhurst, in consideration of the receipt of 128., "ad arduum negocium meum," of an annual rent of 12d. in Midhurst, payable by Mildith, the relict of Adam the tailor [or clothier, "parmentarii,"] from the messuage held by her from the said Ralph, situate between the house which Thomas le Sqalle formerly held and that which Osebert le Blakesutere formerly held. Witn. Alexendre (sic) le Butelyre, John le Flote, Will. de Bere, Walter Trusel, Symon the clerk, Rob. le Grant, Rich. Schererwynd, G. le Bal, Will. le Abed.-[229.]

Fragment of round white seal, effaced. See under 1258, No. 231.

1250, 3 Feb., "a die S. Hillarii in tres sept.," 34 Hen. fil. Joh. Fine before the Judges at Westminster (Roger de Thurkelby, John de Gatesdene, Gilbert de Prestone, John de Cobbeham, Alan de Wassand, and Will, de Wyltone), by which Roger de Cherlecote conveys to John,

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