Imágenes de páginas


ompilation of materials relating to the legislative history of aw 94-409, the Government in the Sunshine Act, summarizes --year legislative activity behind the statute providing that sof certain Executive Branch agencies be open to public

ourcebook was prepared for the Senate Committee on Governperations and the House Committee on Government Opery Dr. Harold C. Relyea, Congressional Research Service, of Congress, at the direction of the staff of the Committees.



Legislative History of the Go
Law 94-409)..

Text of the Government in th
1241, September 13, 1976...

Introduction of S. 3881, 920
August 4, 1972: S12794-S12
Text of S. 3881.
Introduction of S. 260, 93d
January 9, 1973: $373-S377
Text of S. 260..
Introduction of S. 5, 94th C
uary 15, 1975: S59-S64)...
Text of S. 5.....
Debate on adoption of S. 5
1975: S19372-S19378)..
Text of S. 5 as reported
mittee July 31, 1975 (
Text of S. 5 as reported to
istration, September 18

Debate on adoption of S. 5 (
1975, S19432-S19447).

Text of S. 5, an act, as pa

Introduction of H.R. 4, 930
January 6, 1973: H43-44).
Text of H.R. 4...
Introduction of H.R. 10000, 9
August 3, 1973: H7482-748
Text of H.R. 10000..........
Introduction of H.R. 5075, 9
March 18, 1975: H1939-19
Text of H.R. 5075, as in
Text of H.R. 9868, as int
Text of H.R. 10315, as in
Text of H.R. 11007, as in

Text of H.R. 11656, as in
Text of H.R. 11656, as
mittee, March 8, 1976
Text of H.R. 11656, as
mittee, March 8, 1976,
April 8, 1976...

H. Rept. 94-880, Ps
Debate on adoption of H.R
H. Rept. 94-880, Ps
July 28, 1976: H7863-H79
Text of H. Res. 1207....
Amendment in the natu
11656, text of......
Amendment by House
text of....




e History of the Government in the Sunshine Act-S. 5 (Public -409) _ _.


e Government in the Sunshine Act, Public Law 94-409, 90 Stat. ptember 13, 1976---



on of S. 3881, 92d Congress (Congressional Record, v. 118, 4, 1972: S12794-S12811)..


of S. 3881..


on of S. 260, 93d Congress (Congressional Record, v. 119, 9, 1973: S373–S377)


of S. 260..-


ion of S. 5, 94th Congress (Congressional Record, v. 121, Jan-
, 1975: S59-S64) -
of S. 5.



adoption of S. 5 (Congressional Record, v. 121, November 5, 19372-S19378)

of S. 5 as reported to Senate by Government Operations Comtee July 31, 1975 (with accompanying Senate Report 94-354)__ of S. 5 as reported to Senate by Committee on Rules and Admination, September 18, 1975 (with accompanying Senate Report 381).

1 adoption of S. 5 (Congressional Record, v. 121, November 6, 19432-S19447) –

[blocks in formation]

ion of H.R. 4, 93d Congress (Congressional Record, v. 122, 6, 1973: H43–44).


of H.R. 4...


on of H.R. 10000, 93d Congress (Congressional Record, v. 122, 3, 1973: H7482–7483) _-


of H.R. 10000.


ion of H.R. 5075, 94th Congress (Congressional Record, v. 122, 18, 1975: H1939–1942)......


of H.R. 5075, as introduced..


of H.R. 9868, as introduced September 26, 1975.


of H.R. 10315, as introduced October 22, 1975...


of H.R. 11007, as introduced December 4, 1975.


of H.R. 11656, as introduced February 3, 1976...


of H.R. 11656, as reported by Government Operations Comtee, March 8, 1976, and as reported by the Judiciary Committee, ril 8, 1976..

of H.R. 11656, as reported by Government Operations Comtee, March 8, 1976...

[blocks in formation]

n adoption of H.R. 11656/S. 5 (Congressional Record, v. 122, B. 1976: H7863-H7902)


of H. Res. 1207.


ndment in the nature of a substitute by Mr. Flowers to H.R. 656, text of.........


ndment by House to S. 5 as adopted and messaged to Senate,

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


The first sunshine propo
Lawton Chiles (D.-Fla.) o
Committee on Governmen
16450) was offered in the H
Dante Fascell (D.-Fla.) on
behind the Freedom of Inf
vided that "all meetings (
any government agency at
discussed shall be open to th
of exception: national sec
tions, situations with a pote
character or reputation, of
under specific statutory au
extended to congressional
meeting deliberations wer
lished in the event a dispu
of closing a meeting.

Neither House took actio
the opening of the 93d Cor
the House (H.R. 4) by Re
modified and expanded ve
(S. 260) by Senator Chile
ary 9. A version of the
(H.R.10000) in the House
it eventually gained almos
Expansion of the origin
definition of "national sec
procedure regarding open
sional committees and Exe
agencies; inclusion of cer
trade secrets, and financ
exempt from mandatory
vision prohibiting ex part
makers and all persons o
contact is to discuss the r
cated by the agency, any
prepare an environmenta
Referred to the Senate
Sunshine bill was assign
Research, and Internation
ham Ribicoff (D.-Conn.)
mittee sent a questionnai
administrators, political

1See Congressional Record, v 2 See Ibid., v. 119, January 9, 1

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