Imágenes de páginas

2722 MAYERS, W. F., Anglo-chinese Calendar Manual. Hongkong, 1869, 8vo., 2nd edit., 1875.

2723 GUMPACH, J. von, A Chinese theorem, Notes and Queries, III, p. 153.

2724 MCGREGOR, W., A Chinese theorem; ibid, III, p. 167, 179.

2725 PFIZMAIER, A., Die chinesische Lehre von den Kreisläufen und Luftarten, Sitz. Ber. Phil. Hist. Cl. K. Ak. d. Wiss. Wien, 1869.

Denkwürdigkeiten von den Früchten Chi


na's, ibid.


Denkwürdigkeiten von den Insecten Chi


Abhandlung von den Bäumen China's;

na's, ibid.

ibid, 1875.

2729 The history of medicine in China, The Phoenix, I, p. 41.

2730 DUDGEON, J., Chinese arts of healing, Ch. Recorder, II, p. 163, 183, 267, 293, 332; III, p. 40, 99, 120, 334; IV, p. 282.


On the disgusting nature of Chinese medicine; ibid, II, p. 285.

2732 PLATH, J. H., Die beiden ältesten Geographien China's von 4000 und 3000 Jahren, Zeitschr. Ges. f. Erdk, VI, 1871, p. 162-174.

2733 WILLIAMS, J., Observations of comets from B. C. 611-A.D. 1640, extracted from the Chinese Annals, translated with introductory remarks and an appendix comprising the tables necessary for reducing Chinese time to European reckoning and a Chinese celestial atlas. London, 1871, 8vo. See Chin. Rec., V, p. 98-108.

2734 MARTIN, E., Etude historique et critique sur l'art médical en Chine, Gaz. hebdom., 1872.

2735 MCCLATCHIE, C., The symbols of the Yih-King, China Rev., I, p. 151.

2736 LISTER, A., Chinese almanacs, China Rev., I, p. 237-244.


Chinese proverbs and their lessons; ib., III,


2738 MACGOWAN, D. J., Chinese use of shad in consumption and jodine plants in scrofula, J. N. Ch. Br. R. As. Soc., VII, p. 235.


On the mutton wine of the Mongols and anologous preparations of the Chinese; ibid, p. 237. 2740 Chinese medicine, China Review, I, 1872-73, p. 176 ss. 2741 EITEL, E. F., Feng-shui Feng-shui or the rudiments of natural sciences in China. Hongkong, 1873, 8vo. See Chin. Rec., II, p. 34-40.

2742 TURNER, F. S., On Fengshui, Cornhill Magaz., March, 1874.

2743 SOUBEIRAN, L. et DABRY DE THIERSANT, La matière médicale chez les Chinois. Paris, 1874. 2744 Zur Naturanschauung der Chinesen. "Ausland,"

1874, No. 44.

2745 GARDNER, C., Hereditary genius in China, China Review, II, p. 206-214.

2746 MOULE, A. E., Chinese proverbial philosophy, Chin. Rec., V, p. 72 ss.

2747 Report of M. Gubler upon the Materia medica of the Chinese, China Rev., III, p. 119-124.

2748 Chinese calendars, Chin. Rec., V, p. 98-108. 2749 SCHLEGEL, G., Sing-chin-khao-youen, Uranographie chinoise ou preuves directes que l'astronomie primitive est originaire de la Chine et qu'elle a été emprunté par les anciens peuples occidentaux à la sphère Chinoise. Leyden, 1875, 2 vols., 4to., Atlas fol.

See Chin. Rec., VI, p. 442-447.


f. Religions.




2750 PICART, B., The ceremonies and religious customs of the idolatrous nations. London, 1733, fol. DE GUIGNES, J., Observations sur quelques points


cencernant la religion et la philosophie des Egyp

tiens et des Chinois, Rec. de Mém. de l'Ac. des Inscr., XL, 1780.

2752 Doctrine ancienne et nouvelle des Chinois sur la piété filiale, Mém. conc., IV, p. 1-298.

2753 Notice du Kong-fou des Bonzes Tao-sée; ibid, IV, p. 441-451.

2754 AMIOT, Abrégé historique des principaux traits de la vie de Confucius, Mém. conc., XII.



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Abrégé de la vie des principaux d'entre

les disciples de Koung-tsée; ibid, XIII, p. 1-38. Sur la secte de Lao-tsée; ibid, XV,

p. 208-259.

2757 HAGER, J., Panthéon chinois ou parallèle entre le culte religieux des Grecs et celui des Chinois. Paris, 1806, 4to.

2758 On religious opinions in China, Indo-Chin. Glean., No. 18, 1821.

2759 REMUSAT, A., Mémoire sur la vie et les ouvrages de Lao-tseu. Paris, 1823; Mél. As., I, p. 88-99. 2760 CREUZER, D., Die Religionen des Alterthums. French by Guigniaut. Paris, 1825, 53 plates. MORRISON, R., Idolatry, Chin. Repos., I, p. 68. Metempsychosis; ibid, I, p. 102. Heterodoxy defined; ibid, I, p. 103. Worship of Ancestors and at the tombs; ibid, I, p. 201, 499.

2761 2762

2763 2764






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Public opinion in China favors paganism; ibid, I, p. 330.

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Chinese ideas of the happiness of a future state; ibid, I, p. 373.

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Worship of Confucius and the cost of it; ibid, I, p. 502.

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Instances of superstition and idolatry;

ibid, II, p. 327.

State religion of China; ibid, III, p. 49.

2770 On the three principal religions in China, As. journ.

and monthly reg., N. S., IX, 1832.

2771 KLAPROTH, J., De la religion des Taoszu en Chine, Nouv. ann. d. Voy., II, p. 129, 1833.

2772 STEVENS, E., Idolatry hopelessly depraves man, Ch. Rep., II, p. 165.


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Extracts from the writings of Chinese moralists on human nature; ibid, II, p. 310.

2774 MORRISON, J. R., Notice of the sacrificial ritual of the sages; ibid, II, p. 236.

2775 STUHR, P. F., Die chinesische Reichsreligion und die Systeme der indischen Philosophie in ihrem Verhältnisse zur Offenbarungslehre. Berlin, 1835, 8vo.


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Allgemeine Geschichte der Religionsformen der heidnischen Völker. Berlin, 1836-38, 2 vols., 8vo.

2777 GUETZLAFF, K., Indifference of Chinese to their religion, Chin. Rep., IV, p. 271.

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Extraordinary legends of Tauists; ibid,

XI, p. 202.

2779 TRACY, J., Religious condition of China; ibid, IV, p. 572.

2780 BRIDGMAN, E. C., Surperstitions connected with pagodas; ibid, VI, p. 189.




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Lessons in sacrificial rites; ibid, VI, p.

Chinese sacrifices illustrated by extracts from the Shuking or book of records; ibid, XVII, p. 97.

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Remarks on confounding the true god with Shang-ti; ibid, XVII, p. 262.

2784 PAUTHIER, G., Mémoire sur l'origine et la propagation de la doctrine du Tao. Paris, 1831, 8vo. See No. 264.


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Lettre inédite du P. Prémare sur le monothéisme des Chinois. Paris, 1861, 8vo.

2786 Analecta Sinensia: I. Chinese judges of the dead, As. Journ. and Mthly. Reg., N. S., XXXI. London, 1840.

2787 KROEGER, J. C., Abriss einer vergleich. Darstellung der indisch-persischen und chinesischen Religionssysteme. Eisleben, 1842, 8vo.

288 SHUCK, J. L., Sketch of Matsupu or Queen of Heaven, Ch. Repos., X, p. 84.

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Sketch of Kwanyin or Goddess of Mercy;

ibid, X, p. 185.

p. 305.

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Sketch of Yuh-hwang Shangti; ibid, X,

PAVIE, T., Les trois religions de la Chine, Journ.
Asiat., 5. sér., IX, 1845.

2792 Translation of a Confucian tract, exhorting mankind to preserve their principles and good hearts, Chin. Repos., XV, p. 377.

2793 Superstition of the people of Ningpo; ibid, XV, p. 477.

2794 YEATES, T., Religion of the Chinese, without altars, temples, priests or any term to denote the true God, Ch. Repos., XVI, p. 203.

2795 MOELLER, N., De la métaphysique de Lao-tseu, Revue cath., IV, 1849.

2796 Perspicuous form of prayer returning thanks to heaven in fulfilment of vows, Ch. Repos., XVII, p. 365. 2797 WILLIAMS, S. W., Sketch of life and character of Confucius; ibid, XI, p. 411.



Mythological account of Hiuen-tien Shang-ti, with notices of his worship; ibid, XVIII, p. 102.

Worship of Ancestors among the Chinese; ibid, XVIII, p. 363.

2800 BBIDGMAN, J. G., Deities connected with the elements; ibid, XIX, p. 312.



WUTTKE, A., Geschichte des Heidenthums in Beziehung auf Religion, Wissen, Kunst, Sittlichkeit und Staatsleben. Bredau, 1852-53, 2 vols., 8vo. China's religiöse, sittliche und gesellschaftliche Zustände. Berlin, 1855, 8vo.

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2803 ZWETKOFF, The sect of the Tauists, Works of

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