Imágenes de páginas

3712 NEVIUS, J. L., Religious interest in Ping-tu; ibid, III, p. 140.

3713 RITCHIE, H., Missionary work among the Formosan aborigines; ibid, III, p. 167.

3714 MACLAY, R. S., Tenth annual methodist meeting at Foochow; ibid, III, p. 233.


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Speeches of Chinese Christians on self support; ibid, IV, p. 284.

3716 HALL, W. N., Protestant missionaries in Lao-liang, Shantung; ibid, III, p. 359.

3717 BALDWIN, C. C., Self-supporting churches; ibid, III, p. 346.

3718 MAHOOD, J. E., Study of the Scriptures among Chinese Christians; ibid, III, p. 315.

3719 Duty of self Support; ibid, III, p. 309.

3720 EWER, F. H., Anti-polygamy; ibid, III, p. 353. 3721 Proposed regulations respecting missionaries in China; ibid, IV, p. 29.

3722 BOOMERANG, The missionary question; ibid, IV, p. 57.






The proposed missionary regulations; ibid, IV, p. 165.

The revision controversy; ibid, IV, p. 175.
The origin of the missionary troubles;

ibid, IV, p. 200.

Discussion about missionaries in 1869;

ibid, IV, p. 238.

p. 269.

Indiscretions of diplomatists; ibid, IV,

3728 LECHELER, R., German missionaries in Canton province; ibid, IV, p. 137.

3729 Circular of the Chinese Government; ibid, IV, p. 141. 3730 JOHN, G., The Chinese Circular on foreign missions; ibid, IV, p. 149.


The Chinese Government and christian missions; ibid, IV, p. 151.

3732 CHALMERS, J., The missionary question; ibid,

IV, p. 155.

3733 The Tsungli yamen mission circular; ibid, IV, p. 158. 3734 Second meeting of the Synod of China; ibid, IV, p. 235.

3735 BURDEN, J. S., Causes of hostility to missionaries; ibid, IV, p. 263.

3736 MUIRHEAD, W., China and the Gospel. London, 1871, 8vo., 305 pp.

3737 WILLIAMSON, A., The claims of China on Christian men. Edinburgh, 1871, 8vo.

See The Phoenix, II, p. 52.

3738 THOMSON, E., Our oriental missions. New York, 2 vols., 16mo. Vol. I: India and China; II: China and Bulgaria.

3739 MUELLER, C., Ueber Religion und Mission in China. Aus allen Welttheilen, Mai, 1872, p. 249. 3740 BOWRA, E. C., Christian missions in Kwangtung, China Review, II, p. 244-254, 1874.

3741 HUBRIG, F., Report for the year 1873-74 of the mission schools connected with the Rhenish mission in China. Hongkong, 1874, 8vo.

3742 Ein Chinesisches Urtheil über die Missionare, Deutsch. Protest. Blatt 1874, No. 28.

3743 Translation of a letter from R. Li Yumi, presiding elder of the Hok ch'iang district, in connection with the methodist mission at Foochow, 1874. 3744 BUTLER, J., The use of money as an aid and a hindrance to mission work in China, Chin. Recorder, V, p. 18-28.

See A. E. Moule; ibid, p. 91-98.

3745 PIERCY, G., The extension of missionary effort in the Canton province; ibid, p. 132-137.

3746 Opening of a new mission church; ibid, p. 214-216. 3747 GORDON, A., The late emeute at Chi-mi; ibid, p. 270-273.

3748 The proposed general conference of all the missionaries in China; ibid, p. 355-359. 3749 The terms for God and spirit, Chin. Recorder, VI, correspondence.

3750 GRAVES, R. H., What are the best means of developing the Christian character of our native converts? Ibid, VI, p. 197-205.

3751 DAVIS, J. W., The number of missionaries in China; ibid, VI, p. 340-344.

3752 Colportage in China; ibid, VI, p. 409-413. 3753 Minutes of the 3 meeting of the Synod of China, convened at Chefoo, Aug. 6th, 1874. Shanghai, 1875, 8vo.

See Chin. Recorder, VI, p. 237.

3754 TAYLOR, J. H., China's Millions and our work amongst them. London, 1875 ss. (monthly magazine).

3. Medical Missions.

3755 BRIDGMAN, E. C., Account of Hospitals at Macao and Canton, Chin. Repos., II, p. 270, 276; III, p. 364; VII, p. 551.

3756 COLLEDGE, T. R., Suggestions with regard to employing medical practitioners as missionaries to China; ibid, IV, p. 386.

3757 PARKER, P., Quarterly Reports of the Hospital at Canton; ibid, IV, p. 461; V, p. 32, 185, 323, 456; VI, p. 34, 433; VII, p. 92, 569; XIII, p. 239, 301; XIV, p. 449; XVII, p. 133; XIX, p. 253.


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Reports of the Hospital at Macao; ibid, VII, p. 411.

3759 The medical missionary society; ibid, IV, p. 575; V, p. 370; VI, p. 32; VII, p. 419, 457; VIII, p. 624; X, p. 448, 465; XI, p. 659, 335, 520; XII, p. 189; XIII, p. 369; XV, p. 281.

3760 LOCKHART, W., Report of the hospital at Chusan, 1840; ibid, X, p. 453.


Reports of the hospital at Shanghai; ibid, XIII, p. 408; XVII, p. 188; XIX, p. 307; XX, p. 152.





, Report of the Foundling hospital at Shanghai; ibid, XIV, p. 177.

11 annual reports.

The medical missionary in China. London, 1861, 8vo.

German by H. Bauer. Würzburg, 1863, 8vo.
See Ausland, 1863, p. 475 ss.

Medical missionary practice in Peking in 1861-1862, Chin. and Jap. Repos., I, May, June,


3766 MACGOWAN, D. J., Claim of the missionary enterprise on the medical profession. New York, 1842,



Report of the hospitals at Ningpo and Hongkong and of the dispensary at Amoy, 1847, Chin. Repos., XVII, p. 242.

3768 HOBSON, B., Report of the Hospital at Hongkong, 1844; ibid, XIII, p. 377.




, General report of the Hospital at Kam-li

fau in Canton, 1848-49; ibid XIX, p. 300.


9 annual reports. Canton 1848-57.

, Forensic medicine in China, Med. Times & gazette, 18 Nov., 1860.

3772 HEPBURN, J. C., Reports of the dispensary at Amoy, 1844-45, Ch. Repos., XV, p. 181.

3773 WILLIAMS, S. W., Report of Lockhart's Hospital at Shanghai and Macgowan's at Ningpo, 1848; ibid, XVIII, p. 505.

3774 HEGEWALD, L., Chinese medical review. Paris, 1852, 8vo.

3775 KERR, J. G., 8 reports of the Medical Mission Hospital at Canton. Macao, 1857-60; Canton, 186162; Hongkong, 1863-66 ss.

3776 COLLINS, W. H., The 13th annual report of the Chinese Hospital at Shanghai. Shanghai, 1860, 8vo.

3777 HENDERSON, J., 5 annual reports of the Chinese Hospital. Shanghai, 1861-65, 8vo.



Shanghai Hygiene or hints for the pre

servation of the health in China. Shanghai, 1863, 8vo.

Notes on some of the physical causes which modify climate. Shanghai.

3780 CARNEGIE, J., 4 annual reports of the Medical mission Hospital at Amoy. Hongkong, 1862-65, 8vo.

3781 CARMICHAEL, J. R., Report of the mission hospital at Kum-li fau. Canton, 1863, 8vo.

3782 GORDON, C. A., China from a medical point of view. London, 1863, 8vo.

See Reader, 1863, No. 3, p. 62; Quart. Review, 1864, Jan., 1-42.

3783 SMITH, F. P., 2 annual reports of the Hankow medical mission hospital. Shanghai, 1865, 8vo. ; Hankow, 1866, 8vo.


See Chin. Recorder, III, p. 156.

The five annual reports of the Hankow medical mission hospital. Shanghai, 1870, 8vo. See J. Dudgeon, Physiology in the Hankow hospital report, Chin. Recorder, II, 232 ss. 3785 GENTLE, J., The annual reports of the Chinese dispensary. Shanghai, 1865, 8vo.

3786 Diet and regimen for Europeans in China, China Magazine, 1868, p. 146 ss.

3787 Medical mission at Peking, Chin. Recorder, I, p. 51 ; at Swatow; ibid, I, p. 74; at Hankow; ibid, I, p. 262.

3788 SYLE, E. W., Shanghai Asylum for the blind; ibid, I, p. 138.

3789 MORRISON, W. T., The medical missionary in China; ibid, I, p. 178.

3790 DUDGEON, J., The annual reports of the Peking hospital, 1865 ss., 1-12.

See Chin. and Jap. Repos., III, p. 508, 561. 3791 MAXWELL, J. L., The medical missionary work in Formosa. Birmingham, 1869, 8vo.

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