Imágenes de páginas



Abraham, familiar with means of mak-

ing records, 507.
Alphabet, The Early History of Our,
article on, by Charles W. Super,
496; object of the article, 497; high
literary achievements possible with-
out an alphabet, 497; pictorial deline.
ation, the earliest mode of writing,
498; the invention of an alphabet,
difficult, 498; inventor knew at least
one foreign language, 499; Dr. E.
Meyer on the alphabet of the Phoe-
nicians, 501; Hommel on date of al-
phabetic writing, 501; Lacouperie

on derivation of Chinese characters,
502; confused state of ancient chro-
nology, 502; primitive abode of the
Phoenicians, doubtful, 503; table of
the genealogy of the alphabets, ac-
cording to Canon Taylor, 505; writ-
ing materials of the ancients, 506;
Abraham familiar with means of
making records, 507; the Phoeni-
cian alphabet, the parent of the
Greek and the Latin, 509; primitive
forms of the Greek letters, 511;
theory of Clermont-Ganneau as to
so-called supplementary letters, 513.
Andrews', S. J., The Life of our Lord,
noticed, 523.

Archibald, A. W., D. D., article by,

Atkinson, J. L., article by, 313.
Authenticity and Inspiration of the
Scriptures, article on, I.


Bartlett, S. C., D. D., article by, 292.
Barton, W. E., note by, 301; book re-
view by, 527; article by, 596.
Beet's, Joseph Agar, Holiness, no-
ticed, 176

Bellamy, Edward, on nationalization,

Benevolence in everlasting punish.
ment, 420, 430.

Bible and Science, Adjustments be-
tween, note on, 153.

Blaikie's, W. G., D. D., The Preach-
ers of Scotland from the Sixth to the
Nineteenth Century, noticed, 174.
Blake's, Buchanan, How to Read the
Prophets, noticed, 357.

Blakeley's. W A., American State
Papers Bearing on Sunday Legisla.
tion, noticed, 682.

Briggs', M. C., D. D., The Sabbath,
noticed, 176, 683.

Battle for

Brown, F., D. D., A Hebrew and
English Lexicon of the Old Testa-
Buckley's, J. M., A Hereditary Con-
ment, noticed, 345.
sumptive's Successful
Life, noticed, 700.
Buddhism, Japanese, article on, by J.
L. Atkinson, 313; Takahashi Goro
on Buddhism, 313, 332; Gotama
Shaka-muni, 314; summary of the
teachings of the various sects: of the
Tendai sect, 319; the Shingon sect,
321; Kobo Daishi, 321; Makakasho,
324; Daruma Daishi, 324; Yensai
Zenshi, 324; the Zen sect, 324; the
Jodo sect, 325; Honen Shomi, 325;
Shin sect, 327; the Nichiren sect,
330; present condition of Buddhism,
3345 Colonel Olcott's visit
Japan, 334.


Burr's, E. F, Universal Beliefs, no-
ticed, 175; His Star in the East, no-
ticed, 175.


Canaan, Conquest of, in relation to
Old Testament ethics, 27.
Canada and New England in their in-
fancy, contrasted, 223.

Capital, Labor, and Poverty, Social-
ism in its bearings on, article on,
30; discussion of, 383, 676.
Carey, Wm., the Founder of Modern
Missions, article on, by D. L. Leon-
ard, 615; little missionary work be.
fore 1792, 615; the church's strug


gles for self-preservation, 617; re-
moteness of the heathen, 618; prev-
alence of rationalism, 620; the half-
century of preparation for the Carey
epoch, 620; early life of Carey, 621;
his conversion, 623, his early interest
in missions, 624; his immortal ser-
mon, 626; publication of his pamph-
let, 627; organization of the first
missionary society, 627; Carey and
Thomas, missionaries to India, 628;
long years of waiting, foilowed by
great results, 630; outburst of mis-
sionary zeal throughout the world,

Carter and Simpson's Hymns of the
Christian Life, noticed, 527.
Chamberlain's, W. B., Rhetoric of
Vocal Expression, noticed, 355-
Chapman's, Charles, Pre-Organic Ev-
olution and the Biblical Idea of God,
noticed, 172

Cheyne on the Psalter, article on, by

S. C. Bartlett, D. D., 292; Bamp.
ton Lectures for 1889 the basis of
the volume, 292; the author's aim,
292; his order of procedure, pecu-
liar, 294; his four criteria for de-
termining a Maccabean psalm, 295;
purpose of the last three, 295; his
first criterion, followed by brief com- .
ments, 297; brief comments on his
choice illustration of his first cri-
terion, 297; his method of dealing
with historic testimony, 306.
Christianity, Evolution of, article on,

Christology, Studies in, with Criticisms

upon the Theories of Prof. Har-
nack, article on, by Frank Hugh
Foster, Ph. D., 240; the author's
purpose, 249; Harnack's dogmatic
standpoint, 242; his method, 243;
instances of specific error, 243; the
apostolic fathers and their works,
246; (, the "Teaching," 246; (2)
the Epistle of Clement to the Cor-
inthians, 251; (3) Ignatius, 253; (4)
Epistle of Barnabas, 258; (5) Shep-
ard of Hermas, 259; (6) Second
Epistle of Clement to the Corin-
thians, 268; summary, 274
Church and State in New England:
Effect upon American Congregation-
alism, article on, by A. Hastings
Ross, D. D., 213; Massachusetts
Bay Colony, 213; New Haven

Colony, 221; Rhode Island Colony,
222; New Hampshire Colony, 222;
Canada and New England con-
trasted, 2:3; Congregational coun-
cils, 225; parish system in New
England, 225; laxity of discipline in
Congregational churches, 228; Say-
brook Platform, 229; "Plan of
Union," 231; Consociationism, 231;
Congregationalism thought to have
been unsuited to the West, 231;
American Home Missionary Society,
union, but played into the hands of
Presbyterianism, 231; American
Board of Commissioners for For-
eign Missions organized as a Con-
gregational board, but became
union. 231; voluntary missionary
societies, 232; credal tests of mem-
bership, 232; loss of popular favor,
234; legal expedients, 235; slow or-
ganic development, 236; retarded
denominational growth, 238.

Church Union in Japan, Lotes on, 684.
Cobb, William Henry, article by, 471.
Commandments, Testimony of the
prophets to the, 177.

Congregational Association of Ohio:
report of committee on Social and
Industrial Situation, 383.
Congregationalism, Effect upor, of
Relations of Church and State in
England, 213.

Conway's, Moncure Daniel, The
Life of Thomas Paine, noticed,

Cooke's, J., D. D., Reasons for

Church Creed, noticed, 176.

Crafts', Wilbur F., The Sabbath for
Man, noticed, 681.

Craig, James A., book review by, 345.
Critical Notes, 143, 339, 516.
Curry's, Daniel, LL. D., Christian
Education, noticed, 176.

Curtiss', Mattoon Monroe, Philoso-
phy and Physical Science, noticed,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


cepts the Supernatural, 597; criti-
cism affects forms of inspiration, but
not fact, 597; "the Hexateuch,'
599; the competence of ordinary
students to judge of the results of
criticism, 600, 612; the narrowness
of expert testimony, 601; Deuter-
onomy, 602; Priests and Levites,
604; Driver divides Isaiah, 604;
quotes Kleinert on Jonah, 605; his
treatment of the Psalms, 606-613;
Ewald's criterion may determine
what is, but not what is not, an
author's work, 607; the twenty-
third psalm, 608-610; the nineteenth
psalm, 611; the testimony of Christ
to Ps cx, 612; the question of titles,

Duality, article on, by Joseph E.
Walker, 560; a fundamental place
in Chinese life, 560: time and space,
the two antecedents of existence,
560; number and quantity, its two
complements, 562; duality in the
structure of the whole universe,
563, 588, in the Old Testament,
566, 576. 578; in the New Testa-
ment: the works and words of
Christ, 571, 573, 586, 594; works
and words of his apostles. 571;
duality in the spiritual world, 588.


Election and Foreordination, article
on, by C. Walker, D. D., 276; pos-
sible alleviation of some of the diffi-
culties of the subject, 276; facts of
scriptural teaching, 276; election,
unconditional and conditional, 278;
spiritual election, always to faith, 283;
the divine purpose and decree of elec-
tion, 286; the blessings of election
in a particular case, communicable,
287; difference between scriptural
and theological usage as to meaning
of terms, 288; the domain of philos-
ophy, 289; the true conception of
foreordination, 290.
Evolution and the Fall of Man, note on,

Evolution of Christianity, The, article
on, by W. M. Lisle, 431; evolution
defined, 431; is it established? 432;
man's physical nature, 433; his
moral nature, 433; evolution in the
Old Testament, 436; in the New

70 3

Testament, 438; Platonism and
Philoism, 439; the Bible, a book of
cause and effect, 441; the Gospels
give the physical basis of Christian-
ity, 443; the Epistles, an evolution
of Acts, 444; the Apocalypse, the
result of evolutionized Christianity,
445; history of Christian doctrine, a
proof of, 445; this, an age of transi-
tion, 447-

Expert testimony, narrowness of, 601.


Fairchild, James H., D. D., articles
by 1, 412: Elements of Theology,
noticed, 351.

Fairfield, Edmund B., D. D., article
by, 62.

Fall of Man, 435, 516

Feasts, Jewish, testimony of the
prophets to, 186.

Finney's, Charles G., Sermons on the
Way of Salvation, noticed, 173.
"Foreknew," Meaning of, in Rom.
viii. 29, note on, 339.
Foreordination, Election and, article
on, 276.

Foster, F. H., Ph. D., book review
by, 157; article by, 240.
Foster's, J. M., Reformation Princi
ples Stated and Applied, noticed,
Fradenburgh's, J. N., D. D., Old
Heroes, noticed, 176.


Garfield, Pres. J. A., and the prayer
test, 207.

Genesis I., Huxley versus, article on,

Genung's, G. F., The Fourfold Story,
Gladden, Washington, D. D., article
noticed, 525.
by, 383.

Goodenow, Smith B., article by, 650.
Government control of corporations,

Gulick, J. T., note by, 216.


Hardy's, A. S., Life and Letters of
Joseph Hardy Neesima, noticed,
Harnack, Prof. Adolf, criticised,
240 et seq.



Harris's, A Treatise on Sunday Laws,
Civil and Criminal, noticed, 682.
Hayman, Henry, D. D., articles by,
109, 176.

Hemenway and Stuart's Gospel Sing
ers and their Songs, noticed, 528.
Higher Criticism, Driver's book a fair
exposition of, 597.

the term

Higher Criticism, The History and
Definition of, article on, by Howard
Osgood, D. D., 529; criticism of
some kind, a necessity, 529; Eich-
horn, an appropriator, not an origi
nal investigator, 531; his method of
treating the Old Testament, 532;
his opinion of, 533;
"higher criticism" rejected by Ger-
man classical critics, 535; by Ger-
man biblical critics, 538; by Kuenen,
539; but used by German rational.
istic critics, 539; distinction sought
between higher criticism and lower,
false, 539; Dr. Briggs' advocacy,
541; Prof. Francis B:own's defini-
tion, 544 attempted divisions of
criticism, illusive, 545.

Holman New Self-Pronouncing Sun-
day-School Teacher's Bible, The,
noticed, 699.

Holy Spirit, The Offices of the, article
on, by E. H. Johnson, 361; the need
of a study of, 361; dealings of God
with men, under two dispensations,
363; work of the Holy Spirit under
the old dispensation: limited by
the development of legalism, 364; of
prophetism, 366; work of the Holy
Spirit under the new dispensation:
assurance of the resurrection and
divinity of Christ, 367; illumination
of the purpose of Christ's mission,
370; in regeneration, 371; Luther
and Campbell on assurance of salva-
tion, 375; formation of the church,
375; nature of the union between
Christians, 376; influence of Unitar-
ianism on the thought of Christ as a
teacher, 378; James Martineau on
the products of Unitarianism, 379;
work of the Spirit in the church, to
minister the truth, 380.

Hovey, Alvah, D. D., Studies in
Ethics and Religion, noticed, 520.
Huizinga, Abel, Ph. D., article by,


Hunt's, T. W., Ethical Teachings of

Old English Literature, noticed,

Huxley versus Genesis I.. Professor,

article on, by Charles B. Warring,
638; his treatment of the chapter,
unworthy of him, 638; the chapter,
intended to speak only of now living
plants and animals, 640; Saporta,
Dana, and Le Conte on the order
of life, 641; identical with the order
of Genesis, 642; Huxley's criticism
of the order of "the creeping
things," 642; the physical state-
ments in their unchanged order,
643; the effect on science, if the order
be untrue, 647; recent restatement
of his position by Huxley, 647.
Hymn-books, Recent and Standard,
note on, 344.

Hymns, as an index of current belief,
425; changes in, 426.
Hypothesis fatal to investigation, 601.


Inspiration and Authenticity of the
Scriptures, article on, 1.
Institutional Church, The, article on,
by Charles S. Mills, 453; the prob-
lem of reaching the masses, 453;
definition of, 456; Fourth Church,
Hartford, Conn., 457; Jersey City
Tabernacle, 459; Berkeley Temple,
Boston, 459; each represents differ-
ent type of work, 460; fruits of the
work of the, 461; dangers in the way
of, 465: lines of helpfulness, appar-
ent, 466; the principles of the move-
ment within the reach of all the
churches, 468.
International Theological


Isaiah XIII., An Examination of, arti.
cle on, by Wm. Henry Cobb, 471;
introduction 471; the prima facie
evidence of its genuineness, twofold,
475; linguistic evidence, threefold:
(1) vocabulary, 476; index to the
chapter, 479, (2) grammatical con
structions, 484; (3) phraseological
affinities, 484; the historical situa
tion, 486.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Maccabean psalms, Cheyne's four
criteria for determining, 295 et seq.
Macgregor, James, D. D., article by,

March's, Morning Light in Many
Lands, noticed, 700.

Martineau, Jas., on products of Uni-
tarianism, 379-

McCosh's, Dr. James, The Tests of
the Various Kinds of Truth, noticed,
McLane's, W. W., D. D., Evolution

in Religion, noticed, 522.
Mears', D. O., Oberlin Lectures for
1892, The Pulpit and the Pews, no-
ticed, 526.

Mills, Charles S., article by, 453.
Ministers and Mobs, note on, 676.
Minute Prediction a1 Modern Doubt,
article on, by Andrew W. Archi-
bald, D. D., 546; are the prophecies
an obstacle to faith? 546; minute
prediction about Christ, 547; fact of
the Messianic expectation, 548; its
fervency, 549; its source, 551; sur-
vey of some actual prophecies, 552;
at the dawn of biblical history, 553;
in the law of Moses, 554; in the
Psalms, 555; in the prophets, 556.
Miracles of the Bible, The, article on,

by Abel H. Huizinga, Ph. D., 129;
ordinary view of the nature of, 129;
VOL. XLIX. NO. 196.


occasion, scope, and design of the
miracle, considered negatively, 130;
considered positively, 133.


New England Colonies, Relations of
Church and State in, 213.
Notes and Criticisms, 676.
Notices of Recent Publications, 157,
345, 520, 691.


Ohio Congregational Association: Re-
port on the Social and Industrial
Situation, 383.

Old Testament, Driver's Introduction
to the Literature of, reviewed,

Old Testament, The Credibility of the
Supernatural in the, note on, 149.
Old Testament Criticism, A Travesty
upon Existing Dominant Methods
employed in, note on, 143.
Osgood, H., D. D., article by, 529.


Parousia, The; article on Resurrection,
by E. B. Fairfield, 62; reference to
two books bearing that title, 653.
Pentateuch, Prophetic Testimony to
the, articles on, by Henry Hayman,
D. D., 109, 199; Robertson Smith's
"Old Testament in the Jewish
Church" taken as a type of current
criticism, 109; importance of the
evidence by the prophets, 109; tes-
timony of Isaiah, 110, 111, 113-
115, 187; of Amos, 110, 111-113,
119, 178-180, 184, 187, 191; of
Jeremiah, 113, 115, 188; of the
Psalter. 116; of Hosea, 118-125,
127, 128, 177, 178, 181, 182, 183,
185, 187, 188; of Micah, 119, 122,
182, 184, 185, 186; use of the rit
ualistic symbol, pillar, 125; of Joel,
188, 195, 196; of Nehemiah, 188;
of Zechariah, 192; of Haggai, 192; of
Malachi, 193; of Ezekiel, 194; con-
clusion, 196.

Plan of Union," 231.
Pliny, allusion to Christians, 11.
Plato fell short of Judaism, 439.
Potwin, L. S., note by, 339.
Prayer, scientifically possible, 89, 199.
Profit-sharing, 34, 388.

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