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this day at the Globe, for the farther execution of his judicial capacity.

Mr. Alderman Wilkes's conduct, has drawn on him the notice of his Majesty's Council, who extol it greatly.

The Reader is here informed that all noise and tumult is at this time happily fubfided, therefore this Narrative will conclude with a Copy of the Petition, which was prefented to his Majefty in behalf of the Roman Catholics; and an Abftract of the late Act of Parliament in their fa

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The humble Addrefs of the Roman Catholic Peers and Commoners of Great Britain.

Moft Gracious Sovereign,

WE your Majefty's dutiful and loyal fubjects, the Roman Catholic Peers and Commoners of your kingdom of Great Britain, moft humbly hope that it cannot be offenfive to the clemency of your Majefty's nature, or to the maxims of your juft and wife government, that any part of your fubjects fhould approach your royal prefence, to affure your Majefty of the refpectful affection which they bear to your perfon, and their true attachment to the civil conftitution of their country; which having been perpetuated through all changes. of religious opinions and eftablishments, has been at length perfected by that Revolution which has placed your Majefty's illuftrious Houfe on the throne of these kingdoms, and infeparably united your title to the crown with the laws and liberties of your people.

Our exclufion from many of the benefits of that conftitution, has not diminished our reverence of



it. We behold with fatisfaction the felicity of our fellow fubjects; and we partake of the general profperity which refults from an inftitution fo full of wisdom. We have patiently fubmitted to fuch reftrictions and difcouragements as the legislature thought expedient. We have thankfully received fuch relaxations of the rigour of the laws, as the mildness of an enlightened age, and the benignity of your Majefty's government, have gradually produced; and we fubmiffively wait without prefuming to fuggeft either time or measure, for fuch other indulgence, as thofe happy caufes cannot fail in their own feafon to effect.

We beg leave to affure your Majefty, that our diffent from the legal establishment, in matters of Religion, is purely confcientious; that we hold no opinions adverfe to your Majefty's government, or repugnant to the duties of good citizens: and we truft that this has been fhewn more decifively by our irreproachable conduct for many years paft, under circumftances of public discountenance and displeasure, than it can be manifefted by any declaration whatever.

In a time of public danger, when your Majefty's fubjects can have but one intereft, and ought to have but one wifh, and one fentiment, we humbly hope it will not be deemed improper to affure your Majefty of our unreferved affection to your government,

government, of our unalterable attachment to the caufe and welfare of this our common country, and our utter deteftation of the defigns and views of any foreign power, against the dignity of your Majefty's crown, and the fafety and tranquillity of your Majefty's fubjects.

The delicacy of our fituation is fuch, that we do not prefume to point out the particular means by which we may be allowed to testify our zeal to your Majesty, and our wishes to serve our country; but we entreat, with leave, faithfully to affure your Majefty, that we shall be perfectly ready, on every occafion, to give fuch proofs of our fidelity, and the purity of our intentions, as your Majesty's wisdom and the fenfe of the nation fhall at any time deem expedient,

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