Imágenes de páginas

Love-kindling fire to burn such towns as Troy. 'H. and L.' And his love-kindling fire did quickly steep. Sonnet cliii. 3. Thence flew Love's arrow with the golden head. 'H. and L.' Love's golden arrow at him should have fled. · V. and A.,' 947.

Stone-still he stood.-H. and L.'

Stone-still, astonish'd with this deadly deed,
Stood Collatine.-' Lucrece,' 1730.

With the fire that from his countenance blazed.

'H. and L.'

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'H. and L.'

Whose equality by our best eyes cannot be censured.
King John,' II. i. 328.
And Night, deep drench'd in misty Acheron.
'H. and L.

So she, deep drenched in a sea of care.
'Lucrece,' 1100.

And now begins Leander to display
Love's holy fire with words, with sighs and tears.
'H. and L.'

Which borrowed from this holy fire of Love
A dateless lively heat.-Sonnet cliii. 5.
Less sins the poor-rich man that starves himself.
'H. and L.'

That they prove bankrupt in this poor-rich gain.
Lucrece,' 140.
And with intestine broils the world destroy.
'H. and L.'
'Comedy of Errors,' I. i. 11.
One is no number: maids are nothing then
Without the sweet society of men.-H. and L.'
Among a number one is reckoned none.
Sonnet cxxxvi. 8.
A stream of liquid pearls, which down her face
Made milk-white paths.-H. and L.'
Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass.
'M.N.D.,' I. i. 211.

The mortal and intestine jars.

It will be noticed that two of these quotations are to be met with in Sonnet cliii., and further, that the most familiar line in Marlowe's translation,

Who ever loved that loved not at first sight? was not only transferred in its entirety to 'As You Like It,' but is also to be found near the end of Chapman's 'Blind Beggar of Alexandria' in slightly different form :

None ever lov'd but at first sight they lov'd. As Chapman's play and the Marlowe-Chap; man translation almost certainly appeared


some little time before As You Like It,' I am inclined to doubt the generally accepted belief that Shakespeare was alluding to Marlowe rather than the classical author. In view of the growing belief that Chapman was the rival poet, it is possible that the allusion was an intentional fling at him. CHAS. A. HERPICH.

New York.


FISCHER in his 'Essai sur les Monumens Typographiques de Jean Gutenberg' gives an account of several books which were printed at Mentz, and affirms that they were from the press of Gutenberg; but this assertion was completely disproved by Mr. Hessels in Gutenberg was he the Inventor of Printing?' in which he shows that the early MS. dates in some of these books were not worthy of credence. Here are the titles of the works: 'Sifridvs de Arena: Determinatio Duarum Quæstionum,' 'Responsio ad Quattuor Quæstiones Sifridi Episcopi Cirenensis,' 'Dialogus inter Hugonem, Catonem, et Oliverium,' 'Klage Antwort und Urteil,' 'Tractatus de Celebratione Missarum,' and Hermannus de Schildis, Speculum Sacerdotum,' the last bearing the imprint "maguntiæ." Now it is very curious to observe how one error leads to another. Horn had before him a little book called 'Incendium Divini Amoris," printed in the same types as the above mentioned; Horn accepts Fischer's statement that books in these types were printed by Gutenberg, and then proceeds to make an assertion of his own, viz., that Gutenberg not only printed the 'Incendium Divini Amoris,' but was also the author of the work, and that the nun to whom it is addressed was his own sister. This very copy, apparently the only one known, is now in the King's Library at the British Museum with Horn's observations upon it, which I here transcribe:

Observations on the small Treatise in German called 'Incendium Divini Amoris.' Supposed to be printed and written by John Guttenberg to his Sister, a Nun of St. Clare at Menz.

By the deed of settlement between Guttenberg, his sister (a nun of the Monastery of St. Clara in Menz), and his two brothers, dated 1459, as discovered by Bodman in the archives of Menz, and published by Fischer in his essay Sur les Monumens Typographiques de Guttenberg,' we are informed that the latter gave to the library all the books which he had already printed, and promised to add all those he was then printing or might afterwards print, for the benefit of the Abbesse and nuns of the said monastery, both for the church service and for their private devotion.

With respect to the church service he could give them nothing but Manuals and Psalters or Breviaries, and for their private use he could supply them with German works of devotion, as none of the nuns can be supposed to understand Latin. The small volume now before me becomes on that account a subject of the highest importance. It is printed in the identical new-discovered type of the Tractatus de Celebratione Missarum, of which a copy was given, according to Fischer, p. 81, to the Chartreux of Menz by Joannes a monte bona, id est Guttenberg, in the year 1463. A small book in the same type called 'Dialogus inter Hugonem, Cathonem, et Oliverium super Libertate Ecclesiastica,' of which I sent a copy to my friend George Nicol, came to the library of Stuttgard on the suppression of the Chapter of Comburg, and has the date 1462 in MS. upon it. As this small book has for object to inflame the mind of a nun, the sister of the author, with the spirit of divine love, I do not hesitate to suppose Guttenberg the author and printer of it, and what particularly comes in to my support is that the language of the abovesaid

deed of settlement and that of this small treatise are entirely the same.

It is true that in the beginning he calls her sister in Christ, but we must not forget that a nun was dead to the world and had no brothers; however, in the course of the whole following address he simply calls her by the name of "min Suster," and the other expression in the beginning was probably only intended as a kind of courtesy. As to the copy, it appears to be one of the first proof-sheets, it being here and there corrected; and as it seems to have been only intended for that monastery, and not for sale, it is probable that only a few copies were taken off, on which account, as no other copy has yet been discovered, it will probably remain unique. ALEXR. HORN.

Frankfurt, the 11th of March, 1815. Although one cannot agree with Horn that Gutenberg was both author and printer of this little work, yet we are indebted to him for its discovery and for the identification of the types. S. J. ALDRICH.

New Southgate.


HERE is the first instalment of the curiosities promised 9th S. xi. 462.

Notez, en l'ecclise de Dieu Femmes ensemble caquetoyent. Le diable y estoit en ung lieu, Escripvant ce qu'elles disoyent. Son rollet plein de poinct en poinct, Tire aux dents pour le faire croistre : Sa prinse eschappe et ne tient poinct; Au pilier s'est heurté la teste. This anecdote may be freely rendered thus. One day some women were chattering and gossiping in church, and the devil was there also. He busied himself in writing down their conversation, and soon filled his roll of parchment. He tried to stretch it, so as to make more space to write on, by pulling at it with his teeth; but it broke from his hold, and the force he used made him knock his head against one of the pillars.

Il est bon d'avoir des amis partout.-The following epigram is based on this proverb:Une dévote un jour, dans une église,

Offrit un cierge au bienheureux Michel,

Et l'autre au diable. "Oh, oh, quelle méprise! Mais c'est le diable. Y pensez-vous? ô ciel!" Laissez," dit-elle, "il ne m'importe guères,

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Il faut toujours penser à l'avenir. On ne sait pas ce qu'on peut devenir, Et les amis sont partout nécessaires." M. de la Mésangère does not give any reference to the source, but in another place it is attributed to Imbert. E. LATHAM.

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(To be continued.)

FROZEN WORDS.-When I was a lad, many years ago, I remember reading a nautical yarn was it in Capt. Marryat?- about a voyage to a region so cold that the words uttered in conversation all froze, but thawed on reaching a warmer region, for the benefit of the auditors. The joke often did duty in "random readings" and jest-books, but, like so many others, boasts a respectable antiquity, even if the pedigree be nebulous. Perhaps. the following version, from the Italian, published 1556, may not be without interest:

"And that friende of ours that suffereth vs not En avoir dans l'aile.-This does not, as to want, within these fewe dayes rehearsed one to might be supposed, refer to being in a similar mee that was very excellent. Then sayde the condition to a bird which, wounded in the L. Julian, Whateuer it were, more excellenter it wing, cannot fly, but to being fifty years of cannot be, nor more subtiller, than one that a Tuskane of ours, whiche is a merchant man of Luca, age. The letter L, as every one knows, affyrmed vnto me the last day for most certaine stands for the number 50, and the expression Tell it vs, quoth the Dutchesse. The L. Julian is really a pun, according to M. de la Mésan-sayde smyling: This Merchant man (as hee sayth) gère, whose Dictionnaire des Proverbes Français I have previously mentioned.

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Alonger (allonger) le parchemin.-A phrase used to express the amplification of a story, and the following lines (from Mots et Sentences Dorées de Maistre de Sagesse Cathon,' par Pierre Grosnet, 1553) illustrate its origin :

beeing vpon a time in Polonia, determined to buy a quantitie of Sables, minding to bring them into Italie, and to gaine greatly by them. And after much practising in the matter, where he could not himselfe go into Moscouia, bycause of the warre betwixt the King of Polonia & the Duke of Moscouia, he tooke order by the meane of some of the Country, of Moscouia shoulde come with their Sables into that vpon a day appoynted, certaine merchant men the borders of Polonia, and hee promised also to

bee there himself to bargaine with them. This He tells us that Rigaud was a dancingmerchant man of Luca trauailing then with his master of Marseilles, and that in the South companie towarde Moscouia, arriued at the ryuer of France the dance became so licentious of Boristhenes, which he founde hard frozen like a marble stone, and saw the Moscouites which for that it was prohibited by the Parliament of suspition of ye war were in doubt of the Polakes, Provence in a decree dated 3 April, 1664. were on the other syde, and nearer came not than This gives us a fixed date, from which we the breadth of the ryuer. So after they knew the may infer that the dance came in about one the other, making certaine signes, the Moscouites beganne to speake aloude, and tolde the 1660-3. Hatzfeld merely tells us that the price how they woulde sell theyr Sables, but the spelling rigodon occurs in 1696; but it is colde was so extreeme, that they were not vnder- obvious that the dance was older. Mistral stoode, bycause the wordes before they came on tells us even more; for he says that Rigaud the other syde where this Merchant of Luca was is a family name in the South of France. I and his interpreters, were congeled in the ayre, and think it answers to a Germanic name of there remayned frozen and stopped. So that the Polakes that knew the maner, made no more adoe, which the A.-S. form would be Ricweald, but kyndled a great fyre in the myddest of the latinized as Ricoaldus; see Förstemann. Ryuer (for to theyr seeming that was the poynte WALTER W. SKEAT. whereto the voyce came hote before the frost tooke it) and the riuer was so thicke frozen, that it did well beare the fire. When they had thus done, the wordes that for space of an houre had bene frozen, began to thaw, and came downe, making a noyse as doth the snow from the Mountaynes in May, and so immediately they were well vnderstood: but the men on the other side were first departed: and bycause he thought that those wordes asked too great a price for the Sables, he woulde not bargaine, and so came away without. Then they laughed all."-Castiglione's 'Courtyer,' translated by Thos. Hoby, book ii. k viijb.


[The story appears in Munchausen.] ERROR IN POLIPHILI HYPNEROTOMACHIA.' -I have not seen mentioned in any bibliographical work a typographical error which was made by the compositor in the first edition of that covetable book 'Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,' Aldus, 1499, but was discovered in time to be clumsily corrected. On fo. 5a occurs the second title: 'Poliphili Hypnerotomachia, vbi | humana omnia non nisi so- mnivm esse ostendit, atqve obiter plurima scitv saneqvam digna commemorat. The word qvam, following the word sane, was evidently misprinted in the first instance que. The error was discovered before some, at any rate, of the copies were issued, and was corrected by the erasure of the e, and the printing in by hand with separate types of the letters am, the alteration detracting from the beauty of the page. This is, at any rate, the case in my own copy,

and in some others which I have seen. Some

of your readers may have noticed the defect in other copies.


"RIGADOON."-The account of this word in the French dictionaries does not take us very far. Hatzfeld gives it as rigaudon or rigodon, and derives it from Rigaud, the name of a dancing-master. The fact is that the word is Provençal, and the full history of it is given by Mistral in his 'Prov. Dictionary.'

"A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW" IN ITALIAN.The Tribuna, describing the recent visit of Victor Emmanuel III. to London, says :"L'impressione prevalente del popolo Inglese Ve la indico con una frase popolare in quale è? Inghilterre: 11 Rè è un gran simpatico compagno.' This translation of "a jolly good fellow" into the tongue of Dante ought to be recorded in columns. Q. V.


This pro

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"ADDING INSULT TO INJURY." verbial phrase has not yet, I think, had its history traced in 'N. & Q. It seems to have its origin in a line of Phædrus (v. iii. 5) :Iniuriæ qui addideris contumeliam. ALEX. LEEPER. Trinity College, Melbourne University. AYLSHAM CLOTH. — Aylsham, in Norfolk, in the fourteenth century produced linen and canvas of such superior make that they were known simply as Aylsham." Owing to an old spelling, "Eylisham," the place has not always been recognized, wherefore these few notes may be presented together.


Dr. Rock, in his little book Textile Fabrics,' 1876, p. 64, says :—

"For the finer sort of linen Eylisham or Ailesham in Lincolnshire was famous during the fourteenth century. Exeter Cathedral, in 1327, had a hand towel of 'Ailesham cloth.'”

"Eilesham canvas" is mentioned in Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, p. 425 (Rye, Norfolk Topog., 1881, p. 10).

In 1300 Edward I. granted a tax on certain things to the men of Carlisle, to repair the bridge there; one item is "de qualibet centena lineæ telæ de Aylesham venali j denarium" ("Letters from Northern Registers, 1873, Rolls Series, p. 140).

The inventory of Thomas de Bitton, Bishop of Exeter, 1310, accounts for "j bolt et vj ulnis de Eylisham," and for "iij tualliis de Aylisham" (Camden Soc., New Series, x. 7, 9). In 1337 six ells of "Aylsam were bought

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"SIT LOOSE TO."-The 'H.E.D.' has apparently no quotation for this. The nearest to it is from Churchill, 1763, "Loose to Fame, the muse more simply acts," illustrating a sense marked obsolete. "To sit loose to the world" is, however, still a very common phrase in Methodist class-meetings.

C. C. B. "YAWS": ITS ETYMOLOGY. - According to Rees's Cyclopædia,' 1819, this skin disease is "so called from the resemblance of its eruption to a raspberry, the word yaw in some African dialect being the name of that fruit." This etymology has been copied without suspicion by the Encyclopedic,' the 'Century, and other great modern dictionaries. Nevertheless it is a blunder. Rees does not explicitly state his authority, but it appears from the context to be Dr. T. Winterbottom, 'Account of the Present State of Medicine among the Native Africans of Sierra Leone,' 1803, vol. ii. p. 154, where I find the following:

"There is a modification of the venereal disease met with in Scotland which is called sircens, from a word in the Scoto-Saxon language spoken in the Highlands signifying a wild raspberry, in Gaelic or Erse it is called soucruu, in some parts it is also called the yours.”

Rees evidently misread Winterbottom, who nowhere says that African yaw means raspberry, but, on the contrary, ascribes that sense to Gaelic soucruu, in more correct orthography subhchraobh or sughchraobh. What, then, is the true origin of yaws? The disease is called in British Guiana yaws, in Dutch Guiana jas, in French Guiana pians (plural). My opinion is that these are all one word. The identity of yaws and jas is obvious, and from pians, its nasal being a negligible quantity, they differ only by the loss of its initial, doubtless to be accounted for by the fact that we took the term not direct from French, but through the negro jargon. As to the origin of this pians, it is a Guarani word, one of those which the French borrowed from their quondam Brazilian colonies. Montoya, in his great thesaurus of the Guarani language, 1639, duly enters it as "Pia, bubas, granos." JAS. PLATT, Jun.

DR. BRIGHT'S EPITAPH IN OXFORD CATHEDRAL.-On the memorial brass to the memory of my old friend Dr. Bright, Regius Professor

of Ecclesiastical History, in the south aisle of the Cathedral at Oxford, is inscribed the following: "State super antiquas vias, et videte quænam sit via recta et bona, et ambulate in ea."

This is the Vulgate version of Jeremiah vi. 16, and the other day I found the passage cited in Bacon's 'Advancement of Learning':


direction in this matter [then the above citation]. 'Surely the advice of the prophet is the true Antiquity deserveth that reverence that men should make a stand thereupon, and discover what is the best way; but when the discovery is well taken, then to make progression."-Book ii.

In Job is a similar passage (viii. 8-10), inscribed on Hearne's tomb in the churchyard of St. Peter-in-the-East, Oxford. JOHN PICKFORd, M.A.

Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

HORN DANCING.-The following paragraph may be interesting as recording a survival still with us :

"The annual custom of horn dancing took place yesterday at Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire. The day, being Wakes Monday, was observed as a holiday, and the unique and droll terpsichorean event attracted quite a number of visitors from horse dancers started about nine o'clock, and after London, Liverpool, and the Potteries. The hobbya preliminary canter in the village journeyed to Blythfield Hall, the seat of Lord and Lady Bagot, afterwards visiting the houses of the neighbouring gentry. Subsequently they returned to the village and danced up the principal street, receiving cakes and ale and money gifts. One of the troupe has The old-world performed for over fifty years. village presented quite a gay appearance, the green being occupied with swingboats, shooting galleries, and other shows."-Liverpool Echo, 8 September, 1903.

W. B. H.

MRS. CORNEY IN 'OLIVER TWIST.'-Mrs. Corney, matron of the workhouse where Oliver was born, first appears in chap. xxiii, (or book ii. chap. i. in Bentley's Miscellany, iii. 105, February, 1838). Probably her name was taken by Dickens from Mrs. Corney, 45, Union Street, Middlesex Hospital, landlady of Mrs. Hannah Brown, who was murdered by James Greenacre at his house in Carpenter's Buildings, Bowyer Lane (now Wyndham Road), Camberwell, on the night of 24 December, 1836. Mrs. Corney gave evidence at the trial on 10 April, 1837.


HISTORY "MADE IN GERMANY."-At a banquet in celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Hanover Regiment, which took place at Hanover on 19 December, 1903, the German Emperor made the following record: "I raise my glass in contemplation of the past, to the health of the German

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33, Tedworth Square, Chelsea.

"COUP DE JARNAC."-This expression is used by M. Jorevin, a French traveller, in a description of the "Bergiardin" (Bear Garden) in "Sodoark" (Southwark), published in 1672, and reprinted in the Antiquarian Repertory (ed. 1806), vol. iv. p. 549.

JOHN HEBB. SOMERSET DIALECT.-Here are two choice specimens. "It do vibrate through," accounting for the oil dropped from the lamp. A trail of creeper for decorating the church would look so nice "wrangling round the Communion." FREDERIC C. SKEY.

Weare Vicarage.

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SHAKESPEARE ALLUSION. In A Midsummer Night's Dream,' I. i. 207-8, is this couplet:

What graces in my love do dwell

That he hath turn'd a heaven into a hell.

Marston, in the 'Malcontent,' I. ii. 43-4, has reversed the lines and given a garbled quotation:

TACITUS AND THE GESTA ROMANORUM.'- Your smiles have been my heaven, your frowns my The eighteenth tale in the Gesta Romano


rum' is very like the story of Edipus. In it, pity then-grace should with beauty dwell. the man who unwittingly slew his father is a Maquerelle undoubtedly recognized the allusoldier named Julian. The resemblance of sion at once, for she immediately retorts :his name to that of the soldier in the excerpt Reasonable perfect, by 'r Lady. from Tacitus given 9th S. xii. 105 is remarkable. JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT.

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RINGING FOR GOFER."-The Daily Mail of 5 November, 1903, is responsible for the following:


"On six successive Sunday evenings, commencing twelve Sundays before Christmas, the church bells are rung at Newark-upon-Trent for one hour at a time, in compliance with the terms of a bequest left by a merchant named Gofer. Two centuries ago Gofer lost his way in Sherwood Forest, then infested by men of the baser sort. Just as he was giving himself up for dead, he heard the bells of Newark, and, guided by their sound, regained his road. In memory of his deliverance he left a sum of money to be expended in 'ringing for Gofer.' I do not find that this ancient custom has been recorded in 'N. & Q.,' and I therefore think it should appear therein.

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EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. "MAGSMAN."-The following cutting from the Daily Express of 30 November, 1903, may be worth preserving in 'N. & Q.':

CHAS. A. HERPICH. RAILWAY RELIC.-The following, from the Liverpool Daily Post, is worth a corner in N. & Q.' :—

"Seventy years have elapsed since the trials took of a competition promoted by the then Liverpool place of three locomotives, constructed as the result and Manchester Railway Company. The last of these, the Novelty, has just been discovered at Rainhill. The three engines which took part in the 1830 trials were the Rocket, constructed by Stephenson; the Sanspareil, by Hackworth; and the Novelty, by Braithwaite and Ericson. The Rocket obtained the premium of 5007. as the most suitable locomotive to run on the line, having attained a speed of twenty-nine miles per hour. The greatest speed of the Sanspareil was less than twenty-three miles, and the Novelty had only covered three miles when the joints of the boiler gave way. At that time the Rainhill Gas and Water Company's premises, which adjoin the railway at Rainhill Station, were occupied by Mr. Melling as engineering works, Ericson and Melling being friends. The former left the Novelty there after its failure to gain the prize. The Rocket and the Sanspareil are both in South Kensington Museum, but the whereabouts of the Novelty could not be traced until recently, when it was found still been removed. This interesting relic will in all working as a stationary engine, the wheels having probability be placed side by side with its contemporaries at South Kensington."


GREEN ITS SIGNIFICANCE. (See 7th S. viii. 464; x. 141, 258; 9th S. viii. 121, 192; ix. 234, 490; x. 32, 133, 353; xi. 32, 254.)-Rafaello

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