CONTENTS. ARCHIVES OF HAMBURG. 1. Letter of Edward III. to the Burgomasters of Hamburg, requiring the payment of 2601., due to John Goylund of Norwich, from John Gut of Hamburg and other German merchants. (Westminster, 5 May, 1350.) Page 1 2. Letter of Edward III. to Henry Earl of Holstein, commending his attachment, and requesting him to continue ready for his service. (Westm., 20 Apr. 1353.) 3. Duplicate of the same. 1 2 4. Military indenture, whereby Henry Earl of Holstein was engaged to serve Edward III. with 200 soldiers, for the yearly wages of 2000 crowns; in French. (Calais, 12 Nov. 1355.) 5. The same, in Latin 2 2 6. Letter of Edward III. to Henry Earl of Holstein, in answer to his letter, promising to appoint a day for the payment of his yearly fee then in arrear. (Windsor, 13 July, 135..) 2 7. Letter of Edward III. in answer to a letter from the same Earl, thanking him for a falcon, and requesting news from time to time. (Brokenhurst, 16 July, 135..)... 8. Proxy granted to Gotheschalk Bredevelt by Henry Earl of Holstein, for the recovery of the Earl's yearly fee from the King of England (Lübeck, 13 Dec. 1362); and an exemplification of num. 4, by the Dean and Chapter of Lübeck (15 Sept. 1357); both set forth under the seal of the town of Ghent. (6 March, 1365.) 8 9. Letters-patent of Edward III. certifying payments, amounting to 1020 marks, made to Godeschalk de Bredevelt for Henry Earl of Holstein. (Windsor, 28 March, 1366.).... 10. "Custumarii villæ Yernemouth invitant Hamburgenses, ut in villam ... ..... Page 5 11. "Literæ Majoris Novi Castri super Tynam, ad Consules Hambur- genses, propter bona quædam rapta ex navi le George, per Sleswicenses."1 12. Letter of Henry VI. to the municipal authorities of the Hanse Towns, appointing a conference at Bruges, about complaints made by their ambas- sadors and by English merchants. (Westm., 13 Feb. 1435.)......... 13. Letter of Henry VI. to the Ambassadors of the Hanse Towns, re- questing them to remove to Calais or into England, for a place of treaty 14. Letters close to the Customers and Searcher in the Port of London, forbidding commerce with Flanders and other foreign parts inimical to 15. "Literæ Consulum burgi de Linlythgowe, ad Senatum Hamburgen- sem, in causa Patricii Buny."1 (Linlithgow, 12 Sept. 1448.).......... 8 16. Commission from Gerard Archbishop of Bremen, appointing Henry Middelman to take depositions in a cause pending between the King of 16. Letters-patent of Henry VI. constituting the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, Dr. Thomas Kent, Dr. William Witham, and others, his commis- sioners for the reformation of infractions of the leagues between England and the men of Prussia and of the Hanseatic cities. (Westm., 4 May, 1451.) +16. Letter of Christiern I. King of Denmark, to James II. King of Scotland, requiring redress for the capture and plunder of Bero Torlavi, the King's advocate in Iceland, who had been carried away by mariners of ††16. Letter from Christiern I. to Charles VII. King of France, referring to his arbitration a complaint against the King of Scotland, concerning the capture of Bero Torlevi, and requesting that a diet for hearing the appeal might be appointed for both parties after the feast of St. Martin next. 16. Grant by Christiern I. to Marcellus Bishop of Scalholt, of full power Title superscribed in the transcript. |