Imágenes de páginas

ROSNESHEAD is iiij merk terre conqueift per comitem and it is set to all the tennentis of paplay and grenvall in this wyfe that is to say they fall have afsmeikle fredome to lay alfmekill guid thairon fa it be thair avin guidis equalie as my Lord putis therintill of his guidis fameikill as the ground may guidlie bear And thai to hyir nane at cummis to the faid ground bot allennerlie my Lordis guidist ther awin. The said tennentis payand for the fredome of the faid hyir yeirlie ix ñ iij e cost tantum flesche or price therof quhair it wantis ilk meill alyk guid, Or fat guid buttert ulie therfor vig uther half leifp. for the în And fandie takman t fandie flawis borch t dettour for the said yeirlie maile In witnes Robert Hachtwe bernard Campftayth fandie frefer t Johne Jovin of faba with utheris dyveris.

The fowmeis of all the land with all the grange Summa de ftent with the grange ij leifp. iiij merk Summa de butter fcat preter the stent iij s

Summa de forcop ant xiij d

Summa de maltscat iiij mij se

Summa de land male in cost j last xix ñ

Summa in flesche j last xix m

Summa of all the land teild to the grange xj & terret j farding Inde wattill xj ff vj merk cost Et totum fupra extra manibus takman

The fowme to pay be the takman preter the grange Summa de ftent iiij leifp. xvj merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent vj š vj đ

Summa de forcop ij š vj đ oħ

Summa de malt fcat ix ñ ij Pe

Summa de flesche with Rofnes head iiij last viij î j fl z ve Summa de Wattill of xxvij & terre t j farding terre preter all

the wattill of the land teild to the grange iiij î iij De vj merk Summa to pay be the takman vj ti xxij đ iij farding with xiij halk hennis and in thir forfaid fowmeis fupra is the haill dettis of Okilfetter "t of Rofnes and rycht nocht of the grange.


THIS SETT of Holme maid at Sanct Nicholauis kirk of Greinvall the xxviij day of aprile the yeir of god I" Vet tua yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crop this yeir as thai did of befor And for uther thre croppis to be maid nixt heirefter as this fett proportis in all dettis except that all fcattis falbe payit full of this yeir and all yeiris quhair it is nocht fet for a fowme

NETHIRTOUNE iiij d ob terre uthale ant in butter seat uther half span Jam tantum inde ftent uther half leisp. Et in malt fcat ant iij m Jam tantum vīz iiij se on the à terre In forcop ant vij d ob Jam tantum. And to remember that the Nethirtoun Thurtishow myle gravis taikarbuftar ther is bot iiij se on ilk d terre tij merk half merk makis the pennie terre.

THURTISHOW iij & terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in butter scat j fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent j leisp. Et in malt fcat an ij ñ Jam tantum Et in forcop ant v d Jam tantum Et in land male the iij & terre conqueift ant in male xxxvj î xiiij în coft tantum flesche t viij ñ doune

AIKARBUSTAR milne gravis and How xvj à terre t j farding terre ant v span vij ð oɓ Jam tantum inde ftent v leisp. viij merk Et in malt fcat an x m v ff Jam tantum et in forcop ant ij š iiij ₫ Jam tantum Et in land male iij dob terre t the ferd part of j merk terre viz xl d totum conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xv m Jam v ñ coft tantum fleschet the thrid of the male doune And ther is ane pennie terre preter the King in this toun quhilk is nocht heir in this rentale t the Kingis land fuld be iiij d ob terre t xl & mair.

EISTERBUSTAR and Wefterbuftar xij d terre t iij farding terre ant in butter scat iiij span vj d Jam tantum inde stent

iiij leifp. vj merk Et in malt fcat an' xix în viz ix fe on ilk d terret na forcop Jam tantum Et in land ij & terret iij farding terre Inde obt half farding terre pro rege citer conqueift per comitem Willielmum an' in maile of all fupra xxij ñ Jam vij m ij fe coft tantum flesche Et the thrid part of the maile doune Remember that in this toun ther wantis ane pennie ob terre quhilk is writtin fupra t can nocht be gottin quhill owgang t landemaris be theron.

HENSBISTARE xiij d' half d terre ant in butter scat iiij fpan x d ob Jam tantum Inde ftent iiij leifp. leifp. Et in malt fcat ant xx m uther half fe viz ix fe the d terre t na forcope Jam tantum Et in land ijd terre pro rege an ix în ij ft Jam iiij m cost tantum fleschet viij se doune

HUNCLETT iij à terre quoyland pro rege but scat an' in male v š gild Jam tantum Inde half barrell butter or ulie with x ff coft tantum flesche

Et eft finis preter the milne

Summa de ftent xvj leifp. xiiij merk

Summa de buttir feat preter the stent xxv s

Summa de malt fcat preter all that the bifchop takis of the

Kingis ij laftis vij me

Summa de forcop iij s iiij d ob

Summa de coft in land male j last viij î

Summa de flesche with hunclet j last viiij î

Summa totalis fupra to pay be the takman iiij ti xiij š viij ď ob with xxiiij halkhennis

Item for the milne ane last ij m scheeld meele with half barsell butter for Hunclet ut prius in rentale

And all thir fowmeis fupra ar verray richt fowmit

Summa de uris terre preter the teinds quhilk the bifchop takis

that fuld be the Kingis ij uris terre t xvij d terre Inde Wattill viij mv fe in coft flefche 't fat guid


Infula de Burray.

IMPRIMIS the Overtoun xij & terre Inde iij & terre payis na feat quia nescio and of the uther ix d terre in ley scattis an1 xlv s Inde of ilk pennie terre fuld be j leifp. butter or ulie for iiij d the leifp. and the beft chaip that evir it wes fet wes fyft part fall t Reftis to pay xxxvj ŝ and in land male x à terre it was xijd terre Of that is ijd terre with the bull viz Wedale t Yeldabrek ant in land of thai ijd terre xiiijm Et ant in land male of the tother x d terre ij lasts xxj ñ viz vij î on ilk pennie terre Except the pennie terre of Quyis fuld pay vj ñ coft Memorandum the faid land male fuld be payit in coft flesche butter t ulie

Summa an de ley fcattis fupra xlv š

Summa fupra ant de ley land male iij last xj î

THE NETHERTOUN ix & terre ant in ley seattis xlij s vj d and of ilk penny terre fuld be payit j leifpund butter or ulie † the laif of the sowme in pryfit guidis vīz a penny worth for ilk d fapra Et in land male de ley nethertoun ix d terre t half pennie terre ant therof ij lafts xviij m iij se viz vij în on ilk pennie terre and at the best chaip that it may be thocht fett wes bot the fift part doune than reftit to pay ij last v î j se Inde the ij part cost cetere flefche buttert ulie.

Summa fupra wilbe de ley fcattis ant xlij s vj d

Summa fupra de land male an' ij lastis xviij ñ iij ße

And inde a ħ terre is land male doune quia pertinet ecclefie viz iij în iij fe

LEBOW eadem infule ix d terre but fcat quia boirland ant therof in land male iij lastis iij se vīz viij mt viij merk on ilk & terre t preter the ij d terre of Wedwell t Yelbrek ut prius

Summa fupra wilbe in leylandis fcattis t land male ant iij mij ve

ADHUC in eadem infula Holme gilbrocht girsay schottis ij d terre fcatland ant therof in ley fcatis ix sv đ đ viz iiij s viij dad on ilk pennie terre Et in land male ant xiiij m

Summa fupra wilbe in ley fcattist land male an' j laft viij î v fđt a half ₫

Summa totalis infule ant ut fupra xvij laftis xvij ñ v te fe preter the half & terre of the kirk

Summa totalis in le folidis

xlj ti xij š xj dob

The linx quondam in manibus Roberti Yorktoun pro xviij fcoir pellium cuniculorum

Summa de uris terre viz ane uris terre t xiiij & terre inde
Wattill v ñ ij se preter halkhennis et cetere balliatus
Et est finis totius infule ut fupra except glowmift holme
hunday property to the said Ile

Ronaldfay Parochia Sancti Petri

THIS SETT of the haill Ile of Ronaldfay maid at our Ladie kirk of the famin the laft day of Aprile the yeir of god In Vet tua yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crop now growand as of before and for uther thrie yeiris croppis to cum nixt heireftir as this fett proportis in omnibus

HERSTATH iij half pennie terre ant in butter scat x d ob Jam tantum Inde ftent uther half leifp. quia ane leifp. on ilk pennie terre in all this Ile Et in malt feat ant ij ñ Jam tantum vīz viiij Be on ilk pennie terre in all this Ile except burvell linkclett Windwik and na forcop in all this Ile

WYDWALL befouth the burne vj d terre uthale land ant in butter scat ij span Jam tantum Inde ftent vj leisp. Et in malt fcat ant viij m Jam tantum

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