Imágenes de páginas







Parochia Sancti Olaui

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Sanct Olavis parochine maid at Kirkwall the xxvij day of Apryle the yeir of God Im Vc & tuo yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crope growand of this inftant yeir as thai did of befor And for the thre yeiris to cum nixt heireftir to pay as this rentale proportis in all dettis

IMPRIMIS WASTER MAILL iij farding terre quoyland pro rege but scat ant in maile iiij ñ Jam tantum inde ij în coft tantum flesche

GRYMESETTER iij farding terre uthall land ant in butter scat v dj farding Jam tantum Inde stent vj merk et in malt scat j î xviij merk Jam tantum & na forcop in all this parochin

CLOWA j farding terre quoyland but feat conqueft an' j în coft Jam tantum

SOUTHWEIDFUIRD iij & terre uthale land an' in butter fcat j fpan Jam tantum inde ftent j leisp. Et in malt fcat iiij m iij se viz ix fe on the pennie terre Jam tantum t na forcop

NORTHWEIDFUIRD ij ₫ terre uthale land ant in butter fcat xiiij & Jam tantum Inde ftent xvj merk in malt fcat iij m Jam tantum

LINGRO iiij & terre ob an' in butter scat uther half span Jam tantum Inde ftent uther half leifp. Et in malt fcat ant vj m iiij Beviz ix se on ilk pennie terre Jam tantum Et in land maile the iiij & terre ob pro rege ant xl m Jam tantum Inde xx în cost tantum flesche.

NETHER KNARSTANE ij ₫ terre t j farding ant in butter fcat xvj & Jam tantum inde ftent xviij merk Et in malt scat an' iij ñ ij se vj merk Et in land maile the tua pennie terre t j farding pro rege ant xx m Jam tantum, in fcat t land maile All gevin indurand my Lordis will to Donald Greme in his fee except half a barrell butter t tua faddome peitis fre to the yaird, mair than the halff maile t fcat doune..

OVIR KNARSTANE ij & terre t j farding an' in butter scat xv ₫ Jam tantum inde stent xviij merk Et in malt scat ant iij mij ve vj merk Jam tantum Et in land maile the ij & terre tj farding pro rege ant xx m Jam tantum Inde x ñ coft tantum flefche.

ORQUILE j farding terre quoyland but fcat ant in male x m Jam to pay to Robert Huchoun half barrell butter.

ENSTABILLIE iij halfpennie terre an' in butter scat x dj₫ Jam tantum Inde ftent half leisp. Et in malt fcat ant ij m uther half Jam tantum Et in land maile the haill iij half pennie terre ant xvj ñ ij se Jam bot half barrell butter price vj m iiij fet j faddome peittis price uther half m the haill male dount in tyme cuming to be fet for full maile 't nocht ellis.

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