Imágenes de páginas

Summa de uris terre with Ryffat preter Pharay is iiij uris terre vij & terre j₫ terret ane merk terre Inde wattill xiij m uther half fe cost tantum flesche with four feat mairtis ilk yeir for thair price

Insula de Phara prope Wallis patet ut prius in rentals

Infula de Hoy

THIS RENTALLE OF HOY maid at the bull of the famin the xxx day of aprile The yeir of god Im Vet thre yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crop growand this ilk yeir and for uther tua croppis nixt heirefter as this rentale proportis in all dettis preter fowlifkerrie contenit in the kingis auld rentale ut patet ibidem.

MEMORANDUM That all the Ile of Hoy is of the ald erldome t bordland quhilk payit nevir scatt Ilk & terre in the Ile payit evir v m at the full Jam fet as followis preter the bull quhilk payis viij m on the pennie terre

BRABUSTIR abone the hill ane uris terre bordland ant in male iij laftis xviij m Jam fet v part fall et to pay xxxvj cost tantum flesche.

The Outbrekis of Brabifter

IMPRIMIS for iij merk terre outbrek with the hous of Hallay ix fe coft tantum flesche

ITEM ane outbrek under the hous of some ane se cost

ITEM for ane uther outbrek under ane hous of fome uther half fe coft tantum flesche

ITEM for ane outbrek under the hous callit dale to pay iij Le coft

Summa de outbrekis to pay ij mij BC - BC cost t x BC Į BC flefche

BENETH the hill wes ane uris terre Of the quhilk the first erle henrie gaif to the vicar iij & terre for the uphald of ane mess in hoy a day ilk oulk for evir And fa remaneis to the King in Werbuster beneth the hill ix & terre ant xlv mt iij licħ Ibidem vj đ terre an1 xxx m Summa ant of the xv đ terre iij last iij ñ Jam fet v part fall And to pay j laft vj m coft tantum flesche In manibus Magiftri Willielmi Mudy

RAKWIK iij & terre bordland butter fcat ant in male xv m Jam to pay be Sandie vj ñ cost tantum flesche t v part fall

THE Bull ix & terre bordland ant in male iij last vīz viij ñ on the & terre teild to the grange for ij laftis of male fupra 't iij đ terre as heirefter followis callit the vmbefettis

THE four vmbefettis with ther pertinentis is iij ₫ terre of the bul land and nammit ut fequitur vi5 glafbrek garfent quyist fellavick with the quy of lang myre ant in male j laft Jam tantum Inde xvj m cost viij m flesche with iij fe coft in wattill

SOULISKERRIE of the ald erldome t gave in male xx š orknay payment of the best gild price yeirlie 't now nocht fet.

Summa totalis to pay in wattill for the land of the Ile preter the outbrekis the vj a terre with the bullt it that Mr William hes iiij m Inde ij ñ coft tantum flesche allanerlie. Summa totalis to pay be the takman in coft preter the bull t

it that Mr William hes extendis cum ley wattill to ij laftis xiiij mij fe coift and ij laftis v ñ iiij fe flesche allanerlie with xviij halk hennis

Infula de Grymefay

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Grymefay maid at Kirkwall the xx day of merche Im Vet thre yeiris And all the tennentis therof to pay for the crop that grew in fummer laft bigane befor the dait heirof and ficlyk to pay for the crop of uther thrie tilthes nixt therefter to be maid To pay as this rentale proportis in all dettis.

QUOYIS iij & terre uthale land ant in butter scat uther half span inde coft uther half leifp. Et in coft fcat ant iij ñ Jam tantum t na forcop

SANDISEND ix à terre ant in butter ħ v span Jam tantum inde stent iiij leifp. leifp. And now to pay bot vij d iij farding. for iij farding terre uthale land Inde viij merk stent quia citer butter feat for a sowme ut fequitur Et in coft seat ant ix m Jamr bot iiij Bet na forcop quia citer ane fowme And in land Ibidem viij & terre t j farding terre Totum conqueist per comitem ant in land male xlj m Jam bayth fcat 't land male in Sr Robert Sutherlands hands for ane barrell butter

SUTHIRGARTH xiiij d terre ant in butter ħ v span Jam tantum Inde ftent iiij leifp 4 Jam tantum t in cost scat ant ix m Jam tantum and na forcop nor land male quia uthale land preter v đ terret j farding terre Totum conqueift per comitem ant in land male therof xxvj ñ Jam to pay viij m iiij se cost Tantum flesche.

CORGILLIS viij & terre ant in butter iij span Jam tantum inde ftent iij leifp. And in cost scat ant vj ñ Jam tantum t na forcop. Et in land Ibidem the haill vj à terre conqueift per comitem ant in male j last vj ñ Jam fet for xviij m Inde ix m coft Tantum flefche 't xij m doune.

OUTOHOY iiij & terre uthale ant in butter uther half span Inde ftent uther half leifp Jam tantum Et in coft fcat ant iij m Jam tantum t na forcop

MEMORANDUM that this Ile fuld flit all the dettis therof ather to the toun or quher that guidis is ordanit to be refsavit as auld ufet wount hes bene at all tymet nathing to be gevin therfor Becaus this Ile is a pendicle of the manelandt payis all the kirkis dettis to the kirk of Stromnes quhilk is ther proper parroche kirk preter thair corne teind to hoy allanerlie.

Et finitur infula de grymesay

Infula de Grymefay ley fowmes ejufdem

Summa de ftent t leifp. xx merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the ftent xiiij s viij d

Summa de malt scat xxj ñ iiij se

Summa de coft in land male xvij mij e

Summa de flesche xvij m iiij fe

Et totum preter the haill dettis of Sandifend

Summa totalis ij ti vj š xj đ and for Sandifend j barrell butter with xj halkhennis

Summa de uris land of grymefay preter fandifend xxvij & terre

t iij farding terre Inde wattill iiij ñ iij se xviij merk Inde ij mjff xxj merk coft tantum flesche

Summa totalis to pay for Hoy and Grymefay x leifp. xx merk ftent

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent xiiij š viij đ

Summa de coft in omnibus with the wattill of bayth the Ilis iiij laftis ij laftis xxiij m iij fet all fupra to pay preter the bull all that Mr William hest preter Sandifend

Summa totalis v ti vj š j đ iij farding and for Sandifend j barrell butter with xxix halk hennis


Parochia de Stromnes

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Stromnes maid at How in Orphair the xxvij day of aprile Im Vet thre yeiris and all fcattis of this parochin to be payit for this yeir and uther thre yeiris thereftir as this rentale proportis And all the Kingis tennentis to pay thair land male for this inftant yeiris crop as thai did the last yeir bigane And for iij yeiris nixt heirefter to pay as this rentale proportis in all dettis

KIRKBUSTARE vj ₫ terre uthale ant in butter scat ij fpan Jam tantum Inde stent ij leifp. Et in malt scat ant iiij ñ Jam tantum: Et in forcope ant xiiijd Jam tantum

GARTH iijd terre uthale land ant in butter scat x dj d Jam tantum Inde stent half a leifp. et in malt fcat ant jî Jam ? Et in forcop ant iijd Jam tantum


OVIRQUHAME iiij & terre ant in butter scat j span vij & Jam xiiij dd Inde ftent xviij merk quia ij đ terre set to ST Robert Sutherland for j foume ut fequitur Et in malt fcat ant xvj se Jam viij fe quia ut fupra Et in forcop ant x d Jam v d quia ut fupra Et in land ijd terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xx m Jam butter fcat t land male therof in St Robert Sutherlands hands for iij s ij d argent quia all the laif in his fee of my Lord

BOWBREK ij & terre ant in butter fcat xiiij d Jam tantum Inde ftent xvj merk Et in malt feat ant viij Be Jam tantum In forcop ant v d Jam tantum Et in male vj merk terre viz jd terre conqueist per comitem Willielmum ant x m Jam in the said Sr Roberts handis for half male Inde xv ff coft Tantum flefche citer in his fee

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