Imágenes de páginas

this fett xiij m

coft with xxiij m flesche and sa ij ñ † 1⁄2 a ßl

doune of this male with all fcattis doune

Summa de ftent x leifp. ij merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent xiij š vj đ j f.

Summa de forcopt argent preter grundwattir que est extra manibus takman xxiiij š xj đ

Summa de malt scat xxx m ij fe

Summa de coft in land skuld preter the Bull que est extra manus takman extendis to v lastis iiij î j ßę ž

Summa de flesche vj laftis xxij m iij fe and to pay ut fupra preter the Bull que eft extra manus takman grundwatter t the ij barrell butter of Tuskerbuster ut patet in rentale Summa totalis x ti ij š iiij đ And for the Bull j last cost t j

barrell butter with ij barrell butter for tuskerbuster 't for grundwattir ut rentale t xxxvij halkhennis allanerlie Summa de uris terre iij uris terre xij & terret j & terre Inde wattill xjfe in thre thridis viz coft fleschet fat guid t ilk yeir iij scat mairtis t ilk uthir yeir iiij scat mairtis for the price.


THIS SET AND RENTALE of Firth parrochin maid at Kirkwall the xxj day of Julij I" Ve and twa yeiris And all the tennentis to pay in all dettis for the crop growand this ilk tyme as thai did of befor and for iij yeiris to cum nixt heirefter to pay in all dettis as this rentale proportis and the fcattis of this ilk yeir to be full in ilk place, quhair the land is nocht fet for ane fowme

BURNES vj ₫ terre ant in butter scat ij span Jam tantum Inde ftent ij leifp. Et in coft fcat ant iiij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum Et in land ibidem ij & terre tjà terre pro rege ant in male xxij m Jam bot x m flesche t vj m coft

a 1


Item the auld rentale beeris that ther fuld be in Burnes terre of the erldome to the land male preter the Kingis land fupra ant in male of this terre x m Jam nihil Remember to feik

this land.

QUHYTQUOY j & terre uthale land ant in butter fcat j m Jam tantum Inde stent viij merk Et in malt feat an1 iiij. ßf Jam tantum in forcop ij & Jam tantum.

COWBUSTIR j & terre uthale ant in butter feat j fpan Jam tantum inde ftent j leifp. Et in coft feat an' j m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant j & Jam tantum

BINYERETH iijd terre ant in butter fcat j fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent j leifp. Et in coft feat ant ij î Jam tantum Et in forcop ant v d Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem iijd terre pro rege ant in male x î Jam bot viij ñ flesche allanerliet ij în doune

SETSCARTH iij & terre uthale ant in butter scat j fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent j leifp. Et in coft fcat ant ij ñ Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum

RAYNLAND vj & terre uthale ant in butter scat ij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent ij leifp. Et in coft fcat ant iiij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum.

HOLLAND vj d terre ant in butter fcat ij span Jam tantum Inde stent ij leifp. Et in coft feat ant iiij ñ Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem ijd terret ij part of jd terre totum pro rege ant in male xiij mij fe Jam to pay be Johne Flet ij ñ coft t viij m flesche t iij mij fe doune.

THORWALDISHOW iij & terre uthale ant in butter fcat j fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent a leifp. Et in coft ant ij î Jam tantum Et in forcop ant v d Jam tantum.

BENYESKARTH iiij & terre uthale an' in butter scat j fpan vij d Jam tantum Inde ftent j leifp. viij merk Et in malt seat ij m iiij Be Jam tantum Et in forcop ant vij đ

SEATER and Wasdale ij ₫ terre uthale ant in butter scat xiiij ₫ Jam tantum inde ftent xvj merk Et in coft fcat ant viij ßf Jam tantum Et in forcop ant iiij dj d Jam tantum.

HADALE iijd terre ant in butter fcat iij fpan Inde stent iij leifp. Et in cost scat ant vj m Jam tantum t na forcop Et in land Ibidem ij merk terre pro rege ant xx ft Jam iij m inde ix fe cost tantum fleschet ij se doune

FIRTH iiij & terre & ant in butter fcat ij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent ij leifp. Et in coft fcat ant vij m Jam tantum and na forcop Et in land Ibidem iij & terre tjd terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xxiij mij e Jam to pay be Hucheoun Sclatter ane barrell butter with ij m coft tantum flesche in male t vj ñ doune.

GRYMBUSTAR iiij & terre † † vj merk makis the & terre an1 în butter fcat ij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent ij leifp. et in coft fcat ant vij ñ Jam tantum et na forcop Et in land Ibidem xx ŝ terre conqueift viz uther half merk terre ant in male xv ff a ñ of cost tantum flesche

CURSETTER iij & terre ant in butter fcat xxvij & Et in coft fcat ant iiij m iiij fet na forcop Jam the fcatis with the land male for a fowme ut fequitur Et in land Ibidem iij & terre conqueift per comitem ant in male xx ñ Jam the scatis fupra with the land male for j barrell butter iiij ofteris t vij ñ iiij ß of the maile doune with all the fcatis for this fett

RANNEBUSTAR vj d terre ant in butter fcat ij fpan xiiij d In coft ix m iij fe The quhilk wes evir payit to the king and is nocht in the bifchoppis auld rentale and is tane up be the bischop

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Nevirtheles fra the land come in our foverane Lordis handis quhen the bifchop had the takis of the famin And fa defraudit the king of the said scattis befor my tyme t fefyne in xxij yeiris bigane that I gat nevir the scattis therof.

WATHILL iiij merk terre vīz jd terre pro rege quoyland but fcat ant in male vj m iiij se Jam ij m uther half ß coft tantum fleschet ij mj se doune

Heir endis Firth t the fowmeis followand heireftir

The milne of Phirth

Summa de ftent xix leifp. viij merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the ftent xxv š x đ

Summa de malt fcat j laft xix ñ iiij. ße

Summa de forcop iiij s xj dj đ

Summa de land maile in coift xiij m iiij se se

Summa de flesche j laft viij m iiij beve

And all thingis fupra to pay preter the haill det of Cur fetter the scattis of Ranybufter t the landmale of ane od halfpennie terre in Burnes ut prius in rentali.

Summa totalis fupra iiij ti ij ŝ x dj with ij barrell butter for Curfetter t Firth and xxiiij halkhennis.

Summa de uris terre preter Rannybufter is ij uris terre xv d terret jd terre Inde wattill viij m iij ße in thre thridis viz cost fleschet fat guid and all fupra is rycht fummit

Hurray Brugh

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Brught maid at Kirkwall the xx day of Marche Im Vet thre And all the tennentis therof to pay in feat and land male for the crop that grew in fummer this Ilk yeir and ficlyk for uther thre yeiris til-, this to be maid nixt heireftir as this rentale proportis in all dettis

NERSTAITH iiijd terre uthale ant in butter fcat uther half fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent uther half leifp. Et in malt fcat ant vj mij fe and na forcop.

MYRKBUTTIR iij & terre uthale land ant in butter scat j span Jam tantum inde ftent j leifp. Et in malt fcat ant iiij m uther half fe Jam tantum t na forcop.

GARTH and Mydgarth iiij d terreant in butter feat ħ ij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent ħ tua leifp. Et in malt scat an1 vj ñ ijff Jam tantum t na forcop Et in land Ibidem as the auld rentale beiris was iij d térre of the ald erledomé Inde jd wes gevin in coffing the land male therof be erle William to Elezabeth Urving for iij merks land that he gat fra hir in Claiftrand apud Orphair quhilk is now in the Kingis rentale And fa remanis to pay male to the King in this toun bot ijd terred In male therof ant xij m iij fe Jam bayth malt feat t land male in the handis of Magnus Akynfoun for j barrell butter or the mercat price therof yeirlie with the butter fcat t ftent Et all the malt fcat with vj m iij fe of the male doune.

CORSTATH iiij & terre uthale land ant in butter scat j span vij & Jam tantum inde ftent j leifp. viij merk Et in malt fcat an' v m iiij f Jam tantum t na forcop


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