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have payit yeirlie in malt fcat x m iij e and payit therof bot tua în and fa they held maifterfullie with the perrell of law ilk yeir viij în iij se and quhair thai aucht yeirlie ix î forcop thay payit bot four mjse and fa thai held ut fupra iiij ñ v ße in xxij. yeiris bigane ilk yeir fameikill.

ITEM in the uris of Tenftayth the King fuld have as the auld Rentale bairis iijd terre to the land male. Remember to fie quha hes the famin.

WASBUSTAR ix & terre uthale land an1 in butter iij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent iij ti Et in malt feat ant vj m Jam tantum Et in forcope an* xv d Jam tantum

OVIRLYKING v à terre uthale ant in butter fcat j fpan xvij ₫ j 1⁄2 đ Jam tantum inde ftent j leifp. xxj merk Et in malt feat ant xxij fe Jam tantum Et in forcop ant ix d Jam tantum

NETHIRLYKING vj d terre of the ald erldome pro rege t bordland but fcat ant in male xiiij m Jam fet to James Loutfut to pay iiij mij fe coft tantum flesche and v mij fe doune.

WAWIS be weft vj å terre in butter ij fpan Jam bot j span Inde ftent j leifp. Et in malt scat an1 iiij m Et in forcop ant x ₫ Jam v ð all of iij ð terre uthale quia alfmekill scattis as is abone writtin of the uther iij d terre with the land male of the famin set ut fequitur Et in land Ibidem iijd terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xv m Jam bayth fcatt land male of the faid iij d terre in Adame Tailyours handis for ane barrell buttir

CLUMLIE vjd terre ant in butter fcat iiij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent iiij leifp. Et in malt fcat ant viij ñ and na forcop quia all uther fcattis doubill Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem the haill vj a terre conqueift per comitem Willielmum ant in maile xxx m Jam fett to Thome Broun for j barrell butter t x s filver In male yeirlie for fcat t all uther dettis

SUTHIRQUOY wes ay to the Kingis scattis as his auld rentale bearis xxiiij & terre and therof the bifchop withhaldis the haill fcattis of viijd terre extinden. yeirlie to ij fpan butter scatt xij & iij î malt scat t x d forcop allanerlie ilk yeir of xxij yeiris bygane

AND fua remaines of Sutherquoy to the Kingis fcattis xvj à terre ant therof in butter scat iiij fpan Jam tantum Inde stent iiij leifp. Et in malt fcat of the xvj d terre ant viij m Jam tantum et in forcop ant xx d Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem vij à terre pro rege Inde iij & terre wes of the erldome ant in male xxxv î quía iij merk on ilk & terre Jam to pay be Richeart Scale ane barrell butter with ane m cost tantum flesche cum ley scattis fupra and xix m iiij fe doune

FEALL and Lyndie iijd terre uthale ant in butter scat half j fpan Jam tantum Inde fent half a leifp. Et in malt fcat ant jm. Jam tantum Et in forcop ant iij & iij farding Jam tantum

HAWGENGARTH als Owgengarth iij & terre ant in butter scat j span and in malt fcat ant ijî Et in forcop ant xviij ₫ I knaw nocht quha aw the land male heirof bot the scat fuld be the Kingist thai ar withhaldin be the bifchop in my tyme xxij yeiris bigane

HAISTWALE and Thurkingsgarth ane uris terre an' in butter fcat vj fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent vj leifp. Et in malt fcat ant xiiij m Jam tantum and in forcop ant vj š vj đ Jam tantum Et in-land of Hestwale ijd conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male viij mij fe Jam set to Criftiet Johne Heftwale to pay ij m coft Tantum flesche and xxiiij fe doune Et in land Ibidem of Turkingfgarth a halfpenny terre conqueift per comitem ant in male xv fe Jam v ff coft tantum flesche

AITH and Upsale ane uris terre ant in butter scat vj fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent vj leifp. Et in malt fcat ant xij ñ Jam tantum

Et in land Ibidem iij halfpenny terre pro reget iij dt j farding terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in haile landskuld xv m ijffJam to pay be adame Tailyourt the tennentis iij m coft tantum flesche 't ix ñ ij se doune And heir ij merk makis the d terre

NEGARTH ane uris terre ant in butter scat vj span Jam tantum Inde ftent vj leifp. Et in malt fcat ant xij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant vs Jam the forcop extra manibus takmanni thollit be my Lord with the tennentis Et in land Ibidem vij đ terre Inde vij farding terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum Et v à terre t a farding pro rege ant of the haill xvij ñ iij te Jam to pay ijm cost tantum flesche t xiij î iij se doune

LEIRLY ane uris terre totum pro rege ant in butter scat vj span Inde ftent vj leifp. Et in malt fcat ant xij m Et in forcop an v š Et in male the haile uris terre pro rege ant xx m Jam all dettis fupra in Richeart Skaillis handis for half barrell butter a v s argent Et the haile scattis doune with half the land male

And heir endis South Sandwick

Summa de ftent xxxviij leifp. ix merk

Summa de butter scat preter the ftent ij ti xj s iij đi đ

Summa de forcop xxiij s iiij dj ď

Summa de malt fcat iij laftis viij m iiij fe

Summa de cost in land male xiiij ñ j ße
Summa de flesche xiiij î j fe

AND all fupra to pay preter all the scattis that the bifchop takis the land male of iij d terre in Tentstayth the forcop of Negarth the haill land male of cluny and the dettis of all the uther landis that is set for a sowmet extra manibus takmanni ut prius in rentale

Summa totalis fupra vij ti xxij dj d xxj halkhennis and ij barrellis butter for Waw futherquoy 't Lerquoy 't preter this to pay for clunny manurit untane

North Sandwik

THIS SET AND RENTALE of North Sandwik maid at Kirkwall the vj day of marche the yeir of God I" Vet thre yeiris And all the termentis thairof to pay for the crop t fruitis that grew this ilk instant yeir And for uther thre yeiris nixt thereftir as this rentale proportis In all maner of dettis t land male

LYNHOW ix a terre ant in butter feat iij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent iij leifp. Et in malt fcat ant vj î Jam tantum Et na forcop Et in land Ibidem iij & terre ald erldome ant in male vij î iij se and uther half merk makis the d terre Jam to pay iij ñ coft tantum flesche and ix fe doune

NETHER GARSEND ix d terre ant in butter fcat iij fpan Inde ftent iij leifp. Jam tantum Et in malt fcat ant vj m Jam tantum and na forcop and in this place St Johne Sinclair tuik the scattis of iiijd terre t a half xx yeiris bigane quhill the day of the making of this rentale for the quhilk my Lord may craif his airis Et in land Ibidem ijd terre pro reget iij farding terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant of the haill vj m v fe vj merk quia bot uther half merk in the d terre Jam to pay bot ix fe coft tantum flesche Et iij m v se vj merk doune

OVIR GARSEND ix à terre ant in butter fcat iij fpan Jam to pay for iij ħ farding terre uthale land pro domino Roberto Sutherland x d j half & Jam tantum Inde ftent half a leifp. Et in malt fcat ant vj mt na forcop Jam to pay of the said iij ħ terre jm quia all the laif of thir fcattis with the land male of the famen is fet for a fowme as followis Et in land Ibidem iij d terre t iij farding terre pro rege Item iij ₫ terre ald erldome t iij farding terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male of the haill fupra xx ñ vj merk Jam to pay for scatt

land male of the vij & terre t iij farding terre be Sir Stevenis foun and Johne of Kirknes fone a barrell butter with ij ñ coft tantum flesche

MEMORANDUM that Sr Robert Sutherland hes haldin the Kingis fcattis of the faid ij ħ terre fupra in Ovir Garfend on knawin to my Lord Sinclair quhilk payis the Kingis the male yeirlie xxij yeiris before the dait of this rentale t wes nocht payit to him quhill the fruitis the yeir of god I" Ve iij yeiris extending yeirlie to half a span butter fcat t j i malt fcat Summa of the said xxij yeiris xj fpan butter fcat xxij i malt feat

MOBISYORD ix à terre ant in butter fcat iij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent iij leifp. Et in malt fcat ant vj m Jam tantum and na forcop And heir the faid S Robert Sutherland hes haldin the Kingis scattis of j ð terre thir xxij yeiris bigan extending yeirlie to vijd in buttert iiij fe malt scat Summa of the xxij yeiris xij s x d butter scat and in malt scat xiiij în iiij fe Et in land Ibidem uther half merk terre viz jd terre pro rege ant in male xv ff Jam with the wedow to pay ix fe inde iiij e flesche 't thrid doune

coft tantum

ITEM in Mobifyord to the land male iijd terre pro rege of the auld erldome ant in male xxij se Jam nocht fet ? 플

ENSTABILLIE ix d terre ant in butter fcat iij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent iij leifp. et in malt fcat ant vj m Jam tantum t na forcop Et in land Ibidem ja terre pro reget ij & terre conqueift per comitem quhilk wes males fparris ane uther half merk makis the d terre ant of the haile vij m iij fe Jam to pay ix fe coft tantum flesche t iiij ñ iij se doune

SERQUOY pro rege ant in male iij fe Jam xij d argent

SCROWELL ix à terre alias fermandikis ant in butter fcat iij Span Jam tantum Inde ftent iij leifp. Et in malt fcat an' vj m

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