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AND all thing fupra to pay preter all the fcattis that the bifchop and kirkmen takis and all uther fallis in the rentale ut patet Ibidem

Summa totalis iij ti xix š iiij & with xvj halk hennis and tua barrell butter And thir fummis ar all rycht fummit

Randale and Gairfay

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Randalet Gairsay maid At the Caftell of Kirkwall the xx day of Marche Im Vc t thre yeiris And all the tennentis to pay for the crop that grew in the fummer laft befor the dait heiroft for iij uther yeiris tilthis to be maid nixt heireftir as this rentale proportis in all dettis

IMPRIMIS Garfent t Mydland vj d terre ant in butter scat ij fpan Jam tantum inde stent ij leisp. Et in malt fcat ant iiij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum Et in land the vj à terre pro rege ant in male uther half laft Jam tantum Inde xij m coft j laft flesche

MYDGARTH iijd terre ant in butter fcat j span Jam tantum Inde ftent j leifp. Et in malt feat ant ij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant v d Jam tantum Et in land male the iij & terre pro rege ant xviij î Jam tantum Inde vj m coft xij ñ flesche

TYNGWALE vj à terre ant in butter fcat ij span Jam tantum inde stent ij leifp. Et in malt feat ant iiij ñ Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum Et in land the vj à terre pro rege ant in male ij last is Jam fet to Johne Sclatter for uther half laft Inde xij în cost t j last flesche 't xij î in his fee

WASWEIK and How iij d terre ant in butter scat j span Jam tantum inde stent j leifp. Et in malt scat ant ij î Jam tantum

Et in forcop ant vd Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem iij 4 & terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xviij ñ Jam to pay bot iiij m iiij e coft t ix ññ ij fe flesche 't iiij în doune

QUOYNAMEIKILL ijd terre ant in butter fcat j fpan Jam tantum Inde stent j leisp. Et in malt fcat ant ij m Jam tantum Et in forcop ant Jam tantum

RANDALE ix à terre outhale ant in butter fcat iij fpan Jam tantum Inde ftent j leifp. Et in malt feat ant vj m Jam tantum et in forcop ant xv d Jam tantum

GOIRISNES xxiiij & terre quhilk payit evir all the scattis to the King t thairof the vicar of Evie hes withhaldin the fcattis of iijd terre The quhilk wes callit ane baddis land t becaus he drew bluid in the kirkyaird thay tuik fra him his said iij ž₫ terre and incais he he had tint his lyft the land alf t mycht nocht have tint the Kingis fcattis heirof quhilk is yeirlie half a span butter fcat j m xviij merk malt fcat viz iiij se on the & terre et in forcop ij ď ď

ITEM in Goirifnes withhaldis with the prebendar of Wyir fra the King the haill fcattis of ijd terre all the yeiris bygane extenden. yeirlie to xiiij à butter scat ix fe malt scatt iij ₫ 1₫ for cop

AND fa remanis of all Goirifnes to the Kingis fcattis bot xx đ terred ant thairof in butter fcat vj fpan xvij d₫ Jam tantum inde ftent vj ti xx merk Et in malt fcat heirof vi3 the said xx đ terre t a half ant xv ñ ij se vj merk Jam tantum et in forcop ant ij š x đ Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem x d 1⁄2 terre pro rege t iiij d terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in land skuld of the haill ij laftis x m Jam to pay bot x în coft and xx ñ flesche and the half male doune t the half land fre to fet thair is xiij d terre pro rege in this toun


OSBUSTARE xij & terre an' in butter scat iiij span Jam tantum inde stent iiij leifp. Et in malt fcat ant viij ñ Jam tantum Et in forcop ant xx d Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem xij à terre totum pro rege ant in male iij laftis Jam to pay xvj m coft t xxxij flesche tj last doune t the laif on fet

MORSETTER ix merk terre t x s terre quhilk is all bot iij ₫ terre t x š terre mure t quoyland but fcat inde tua merk terre half conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant of the haile xvj m iiij e Jam to pay be Hucheoun Olawis foune iiij ñ cost tantum flesche with vj s viij d argent

HALKLAND vj à terre ant in butter fcat ij span Jam tantum Inde ftent ij leifp. Et in malt fcat ant iiij î Jam tantum Et in forcop ant x d Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem ij merk terre conqueft per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xx fe Jam iij š argent in manibus Johannis fclatter

ELLIBUSTAR v à terre ant in butter fcat j fpan xiiij d Jam to pay of j à terre uthale vij & inde stent viij merk citer for a foume ut fequitur Et in malt fcat ant iij mij se Jam of the d terre fupra iiij se citer for a foume Et in forcop ant ix & Jam bot ij đ quia citer for a foume Et in land Ibidem j & terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum t iij & terre pro rege ant of the haile xx m Jam all the faid land male with the scattis in Mege Wilfons handis induring my Lordis will for viij s argent

GAIRSAY xiij à terre ant in butter fcat iiij span vij & Jam tantum inde ftent iiij leifp. viij merk Et in malt fcat ant viij ñ iiij fe Jam tantum Et in forcop ant xxij & Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem ijd terre pro rege ant in male xiiij m Jam to pay v în coft tantum fleschet iiij în doune

ITEM in Gairsay vj merk terre vïz jd terre of the quhilk the fcattis in the foume of the xiij à terre of the fcattis fupra Et in land the said vj merk terre conqueift ant in male x m Jam to pay jij î iij se cost tantum fleschet iij î doune

Summa de ftent xxvij leifp. 4

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent xxxvj s ix đ j 1⁄2 đ

Summa de forcopt argent xxij š iiij đ

Summa de malt fcat ut in rentale preter all the kirk takis ij laft

viij m iiij fe vj merk

Summa de coft in land male ij laftis xxj î j fe

Summa de flesche v laftis ix m v fe

AND fupra to pay preter the haill dettis of Morsettir que enim extra manibus takmani t without the scattis of Goirifnes quhilk the vicar t utheris takis

Summa totalis fupra ut patet ix ti xvj s j đ iij farding with xxxvj halkhennis

Infula de Wyir

THIS SET AND RENTALE of Wyir maid at Kirkwall the xxij day of Junij The yeir of god I" Vet four yeiris And the tennentis to pay for the crop growand this ilk yeir of Junii as this fet heireftir proportis in all dettis And this entre wes at alhallowmes last preceiding the dait of this wrett fett to James of Cragie t his Wyff for four yeiris nixt heireftir

IMPRIMIS the haill Ile of Wyir is bot xij à terret ay iiij merk makis ilk pennie terre ant in butter fcat iiij fpan in malt fcat viij m In corcop iij s Et in land Ibidem the haill xij & terre ant in male iij last viij ñ vïz vj ñ iiij se on ilk & terre Jam all debtis bayth fcatt land male with all the uther proffeitis preter the wrak is fet to the faid James Craigie t his wyf to pay for this inftant yeir t ilk yeir of iij yeiris nixt heirefter ay at the terme of mertymes uther half laft flesche tua barrell butter or ulie or the merkat price thairof yeirlie befor yuile t uther half last victuall ilk yeir be midle term Inde vj m ait meillt all the faid

dettis t guidis be the faid James or his wyf to be payit fre of all uncoftis in the toun of Kirkwall at the termes befor writtin befor thir witnes Johne Cragie lawman Robert Hathwy David Cantt Adame Tailyour

Summa de flesche uther half tantum in coft Tua barrell butter or ulie or thair price as it gangis yeirlie at the mercat


THIS SET AND RENTALE maid at Kirkwall the xvj day of marche the yeir of god Im Vct thre yeiris And all the tennentis thairof to pay for the crop t fruitis that grew this ilk inftant yeir t for uther thre yeiris cropis to grow nixt heireftir as this rentale proportis in all maner of dettis bayth scatt land male

IMPRIMIS Knerftane quhilk wes evir to the Kingis scattis ix d terre and thair of the prebendar of Wyir haldis the scattis t land male of iiij d terre callit Awaldschaw quhilk is the Kingis propir land and gevin be Erle William to Sr Hew of Randale quhen he fend him in Norroway for his lyftyme And eftir his deceife ilk prebendar hes withhaldin the said land t proffeits thairof as thair awin in butter scat j fpan vij d In malt fcat an' iij î xvj merk In forcop xij d₫ and in land male j laft Item the vicar of Rowfay takis the fcat of ij d terre t j merk land In butter scat xv ₫ d In malt fcat x fe xvj merk In forcop vj & iij farding

AND fa remaneis to the Kingis fcat of all Knarftane bot ij d terre tij merk terre ant in butter fcat xviij d₫ Jam tantum Inde ftent xxj merk Et in malt fcat ant ij m x merk Jam tantum Et in forcop an x d iij farding Jam tantum Et in land Ibidem fuld be the faid iiij d terre of Awaldfcha fupra Jam bot v farding terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male vij i iij fe Jam to pay iij m coft tantum flefche t ix ff doune

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