Imágenes de páginas

AIKARNES xxv d terre quhilk payit evir all the scattis to the King for all wes uthale mennis land t now the bifchop haile fcattis thairof preter allannerlie of ij & terre & ant thairof in butter fcat xvij d d Inde the ferd part blawin t to pay bot xiij & Inde ftent xv merk Et in malt fcat ant xj se vj merk Jam viij se cetere blawin Et in land j farding terre pro rege ant in male j m Jam ij se cost tantum flesche et ij se doune

WAW j farding terre fcatles pro rege ant iij se cost Jam tantum et eft finis totius infule de Westra

Summa de ftent ix leifp. xix merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the stent xiij s iiij d j 1⁄2 đ

Summa de forcop v š x dj d

Summa de malt scat xxj î ij ́ße ix merk

Summa de coft in land male j laft j m iiij fe Be

Summa de flesche j last j m uther se And in pennie worth als guid as flesche vj în allannerlie Et totum to pay preter all the leyis the blawin land all that the bifchop takist all that is in Williamis handis And all thir faid fowmeis are verray rycht laid ́t fummit

Summa totalis fupra preter all things abone writtin iij ti xx d utherfarding

Pappay prope Westray

IMPRIMIS Pappay befouth the yaird ane uris terre xvij d terre ant in butter scat xj span xiiij d Jam all our blawin with wattir t fand preter xxvj à terre as it is allegeit ant thairof in butter scat viij span xiiij d Jam tantum inde stent viij leisp. xvj merk Et in beir scat of the faid uris terre t xvij & terre ant a last xv ñ ij se vj merk beir vīz j ñ xviij merk on ilk pennie terre at the full Jam to pay j laft ij ñ uther half fe beert the thrid part blawin viz xiij m xviij merk Et in forcop of the haill land fupra ant xiij î iijd Jam bot viij se ix d quia thrid part blawin Et in

land xxij & ant vj laftis ij m iiij se gild on ilk & terre Jam set thrid part fall Et to pay j laft viij în ij fe xviij merk victuall tantum fleschet tantum in butter ulie or als guid pennie worth as flesche for fa the said land is fett ij laftis iij se doune

PAPPAY be north the yaird ane uris terre xv ₫ terre ♣ ant in butter scat xj span iij đ j1⁄2 & Inde the ferd part blawin quhilk payis nathing t to pay fcat bot xxiiij & terre t half ant thairof in butter scat viij span iij dj & Jam tantum Inde ftent viij leisp. iiij merk Et in beer fcat of the haill land supra j last xiij ñ iiij se vj merk Inde ferd part blawin Et to pay for the xxiiij à terre 't a half fupra j laft iij m iij fe ix merk beer viz jm xviij merk beer on ilk ₫ terre Et in forcop of the haill land fupra ant xij ŝ iiij dj d Inde ferd part blawin land t to pay ix s iijd Et in land preter the blawin land xvj d terreant in male ij lastis iij m gild Jam to pay xviij î iiij se cost xix î ij se fleschet ij ñ penny worth als guid as butter or ulie for the land is fett xj m of the male doune

ITEM Adhuc in Papay j đ terre butt fcat ant in maile iij î Jam to pay bot a ñ beer t iiij fe flesche and thus is endit all Pappay the linkis ant iijfkynnis

Summa de uris terre of all Pappay preter the land that the bifchop hes is iij uris terre xiiij & terre Jam all blawin bot ij uris terre xv à terre And to pay thairfor in wattill viij m ij fe half coft tantum flesche and ilk yeir tua scat mairtis and ilk uther yeir thre mairts for the pryce

Summa de ftent xvj leifp. xx merk

Summa de butter scat preter the ftent xxij š vj dj ž₫

Summa de forcop xviij s

Summa de beer in fcat ij laftis v mm iiij fe xxj merk

Summa de beer in land male iij laftis v ñ iiij se

Summa de flesche ij laftis iiij mij se xviij merk

Summa de pennie worth price of flefche j laft x hi ij te xviij merk

Et totum fupra to pay preter all the ley t blawin land ut patet in rentale

Summa totalis vj ti xiij ŝ iiij đ iij farding t for the linkis to pay vij fcoir cunning fkynnis and for the wattill viij mij se Inde 4 coft tantum flefche preter the blawin landis

The haill fowmes to pay for bayth Weftraw t Pappay preter all thingis exceptit in the rentale

Summa de ftent xxvj leifp. xv merk

Summa de butter fcat preter the ftent xxxv s xj đ

Summa de forcop xxiij š x dj žđ

Summa de coft in omnibus ane laft xxiij [m] xxj merk

Summa de beer in omnibus v laftis xj ñ ij fe xxj merk preter the wattill

Summa de flesche in omnibus iij lastis v ñ iiij ß vj merk

And in pennie worth als guid as flesche ane laft xvj ñ ij ßl xviij merk

Summa totalis ix ti xv š jd a farding with vij skoir of ounning fkynnis and viij ñ ij ff 4 wattill fupra

Parrochia Sancti Crucis in Sandy

THIS RENTALE AND SET of the Crofe parochin in Sanday maid at Worfetter the x day of Junij the yeir of God I Vet tua And all the tennentis heirof to pay for it that is in the takmanis charge t out of his charge in ilk place be itself for the crop growand this ilk [tyme]t for uther tua croppis thairefter as this rentale proportis in all dettis

IMPRIMIS Gardemeles ane uris terre Inde the scat of vj à terre to the bifchop Et to the Kingis scattis bot xij d terre ant thairof in butter fcat iiij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent iiij leifp. et in corne scat of the uris terre an1 xxj î beer vĩz vij se on ilk & terre And makis the d terre Jam to pay

FROW and Wattin ix à terre Inde the haill scattis of iij & terre To the bifchop Et to the Kings scattis bot vj à terre ant thairof in butter fcat ij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent ij leifp. Et in beer fcat of the vj à terre ant vij m Jam for a fowme Et in land the haill ix à terre pro rege ant in male ix s gild viz bot xij d on ilk d terre at the full Jam to pay for iiij à terre that is ley nathing bot the scattis and of the uther v à terre to pay bot iij š iiij d Inde vj m iij fe beer with ij ñj fe flesche Et iij mij fe doune with the haile male viz iiij s on the uther iiij & terre Ibidem a towmale ant v ñ beer Jam ij î beer

HOULLE ix à terre inde the haill scattis of iijd terre to the bifchop Et to the Kingis fcattis bot vj à terre ant in butter fcat ij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent ij leifp. Et in beer fcat of the vj å terre an1 vij m Jam tantum quia nathing blawin Et in forcop viz girfe male of the vj d terre ant ix d Jam nihil Et in Jand the haill ix à terre pro rege ant in male j last iiij m Jam vij ď terre leyt payis na land male t of the uther tua d terre to pay bot ij s Inde iiij m beer t viij fe fleschet a last of the m doune

GRYNDLEITH ane uris terre Inde vj d terre bordland payis na fcat and of the uther xij & terre the bischop hes the haill scattis of iiij à terre and bot viij & terre to the Kingis fcat ant thairof in butter fcat ij fpan xiiij đ Jam tantum Inde ftent ij leisp. xvj merk Et in beir scat of the viij & terre ant ix m iij fe Jam bot ijmv febeir Et vj mij feley In forcop iij m Jam nihil Et in land the haill uris terre pro rege ant in male xviij s gild viz ij laftis vj î beer Jam to pay of vjd terre bordland bot vj š inde xij ñ beer tij ŝ in flesche vīz iiij mt of the uther xij d terre bot ij à terre & teild t thairof to pay xxx d inde v ñ beer t ix fe flesche et cetere ley

ITEM a towmale callit holland ant jî beer Jam tantum

HOUSCROW ix & terre 't thairof the bifchop hes the fcattis of iij à terre t pro rege bot vj å terre ant in butter fcat ij span Jam tantum inde stent ij leifp. Et in scat order of the vj & terre ant vij m Jam bot iiij î ij se vj merk beer cetere ley Et in forcop an iij m Jam nihil Et in land the haill ix à terre pro rege an' in male ix š gild vi3 j laft iij ñ beer Jam to pay for iij & terre t iij farding terre that is teild iij š ix d inde vij î iij se beer t xv se flesche tv å terre j farding terre all waift in ley t nocht blawin

AND heir endis all the fcattis that the bifchop takis in the parrochin and I traift that the bifchop hes richt to thir scattis becaus I found in the auld parchment rentall that notwithstanding the land is all the Kingis to the male yit ilk iij ₫ terre is laid by to pay fcat to the bifchop

GARTH ane uris terre ant in butter scat vj span Jam tantum inde stent vj leisp. Et in beer fcat ant xxj m Jam tantum Et in forcop an1 ix î vīz iiij š vj đ argent Jam nihil Et in land xvij & terre conqueift per comitem Wilielmum ant in male xvij š gild Jam to pay be my Lordis brother S William bot xj s iiij đ Inde xxij m iij se beer vij î iij feflefche Et the thrid doune

WALBROCH ix & terre in butter scat iij span jam in my Lordis brotheris handis for uther half span Inde ftent uther half leifp. Et in beer fcat ant x m iij f Jam v ñ uther half fe Et in forcop viz girse male nathing in this place cetere of the scattis in Sr William Sinclairis handis Et in land ijd terre conqueift ant in male xviij & gild Jam the faid land male with the haill beer fcat fre in the faid Sr Williams handis ant in butter feat iij fpan Jam tantum inde ftent iij leifp. Et in bere fcat ant x m iij se Jam tantum Et in forcop viz gerse maile ix & Jam tantum Et in land iiij à terre pro rege an' in male xiij ñ beer Jam in the faid S Williamis handis fre of land male

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