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Mr. Graham to Mr. Russell.

Department of State, Aug. 10, 1813. Sir,-Thinking that it may possibly be useful to you, I do myself the honour to enclose a memorandum of the conversation between Mr. Baker and myself, alluded to in my letter of yestesday's date.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) JoHN GRAHAM,

Mr. Baker also stated, that he had received an authority from Mr. Foster to act as Charge d'Affaires, provided the American Government would receive him in that character, for the purpose of enabling him officially to communicate the declaration which was to be expected from the British Government; his instructions to be understood, of course, as ceasing on the renewal of hostilities. I replied, that although to So general and informal a communication, tainly no particular answer expected, yet no answer might be necessary, and cerI was authorized to say, that the communication is received with sincere satisfaction, as it is hoped the spirit in which it is authorized by his Government may lead to such farther communications as will open the way not only for an early and sa tisfactory termination, of existing hostili ties, but to that entire adjustment of all the differences which produced them, and which ought to be mutually desired by that permanent peace and solid friendship both countries, and which is sincerely desired by this. With this desire, an au

Memorandum referred to in the above Leller. Mr. Baker verbally communicated to me, for the information of the President, that he had received dispatches from his Government, addressed to Mr. Foster, dated, I believe, about the 17th of June, from which he was authorized to say, that an official declaration would be sent to this country, that the Orders in Council, so far as they affected the United States, would be repealed on the 1st of August, to be revived on the 1st of May, 1813, unless the conduct of the French Government, and the result of the communications with the American Government, should be such as, in the opinion of His Majesty, to ren-thority was given to Mr. Russell on the der their revival unnecessary. Mr. Baker moreover stated, that the Orders would be revived, provided the American Government did not, within fourteen days after they received the official declaration of their repeal, admit British armed vessels into their ports, and put an end to the restrictive measures which had grown out of the Orders in Council.The dispatches authorizing this communication to the American Government expressly directed, that it should be made verbally, and Mr. Baker did not consider himself at liberty to reduce it to writing, even in the form of a note-verbal, or pro memoria, or to suffer me to take a memorandum of his communication at the time he made it. I understood from him, that the dispatches had been opened by Mr. Foster, at Halifax, who, in consequence of a conversation he had had with Vice-Admiral Sawyer and Sir John Sherbroke, had authorized Mr. Baker to say, that these gentlemen would agree, as a measure leading to a suspension of hostilities, that all captures made after a day to be fixed, should not be proceeded against immediately, but be detained to await the future decision of the two Governments. Mr. Foster had not seen Sir G. Provost, but had written to him by express, and did not doubt but that he would agree to an arrangement for the temporary suspension of hostilities.

subject of an armistice, as introductory to a final pacification, as has been made known to Mr. Foster; and the same desire will be felt on the receipt of the fur ther and more particular communications, which are shortly to be expected, with respect to the joint intimation from Mr. Foster and the British authorities at Halifax, on the subject of suspending judicial proceedings in the case of maritime captures, to be accompanied by a suspension of military operations. The authority given to Mr. Russell just alluded to, and of which Mr. Foster was the bearer, is full proof of the solicitude of the Government of the United States to bring about a general suspension of hostilities on admissible terms, with as little delay as possible. It was not to be doubted, therefore, that any other practical expedient for obtaining a similar result would readily be concurred in. Upon the most favourable consideration, however, which could be given to the expedient suggested through him, it did not appear to be reducible to any practicable shape to which the Executive would be authorized to give it the necessary sanction; nor indeed is it probable, that if it was less liable to insuperable difficulties, it could have any material effect previous to the result of the pacific advance made by this Government, and which must, if favourably received, become operative as



soon as any other arrangement that could mark, that its authenticity might be relied
It was stated to Mr.on.
now be made.
Baker, that the President did not, under
existing circumstances, consider Mr. Fos-
ter as vested with the power of appointing
a Charge d'Affaires ; but that no difficulty
in point of form would be made, as any
authentic communication through him, or
any other channel, would be received with
attention and respect.

The Secretary of State to Mr. Russell.


Mr. Baker added, that it was not improbable, that the Admiral at Halifax might agree likewise to a suspension of captures, though he did not profess or On full appear to be acquainted with his sentiments on that point. the President consideration of all the circumstances which merit attention, the regrets that it is not in his power to accede to the proposed arrangement. The. following are among the principal reasons which have produced this decision: 1st. The President has no power to suspend judicial proceedings on prizes. A capture, if lawful, vests a right, over which he has no control. Nor could he prevent captures otherwise than by an indiscriminate recal of the commissions granted to our privateers, which he could not justify under existing circumstances. 2d. The proposition is not made by the British Government, nor is there any certainty that it would be approved by it. 3d. No security is given or proposed, as to the Indians, nor could any be relied on. They have engaged in the war on the side of the British Government, and are now prosecuting it with vigour in their usual savage mode. They can only be restrained by force, when once let loose, and that force has already been ordered out for the: purpose.

Department of State, Aug. 21, 1812. My last letter to you was of the 27th of July, and was forwarded by the British packet, the Althea, under the special protection of Mr. Baker. The object of that letter, and of the next preceding one of the 20th of June, was, to invest you with power to suspend by an armistice, on such fair conditions as it was presumed could not be rejected, the operation of the war, which had been brought on the United States by the injustice and violence of the At the moment of British Government. the declaration of war, the President, regretting the necessity which produced it, looked to its termination and provided for it; and happy will it be for both countries, if the disposition felt, and the advance -4th. The proposition is not thus made on his part, are entertained and met by the British Government in a similar reciprocal, because it restrains the United spirit: You will have seen by the note States from acting where their power is forwarded to you by Mr. Graham, of Mr. greatest, and leaves Great Britain at li-5th. That Baker's communication to him, that Mr. berty, and gives her time to augment her Foster had authorized him to state, that force in our neighbourhood. the Commanders of the British forces at as a principal object of the war is to obtain Halifax would agree to a suspension, after redress against the British practice of ima day to be fixed, of the condemuation of pressment, an agreement to suspend hostiprizes, to wait the decision of both Go-lities, even before the British Government vernments, without, however, preventing is heard from on that subject, might be captures on either side.Sir George considered a relinquishment of that claim.. Prevost has since proposed to General Dearborn, at the suggestion of Mr. Foster, a suspension of offensive operations by land, in a letter which was transmitted by the General to the Secretary at War. A provisional agreement was entered into between General Dearborn and Colonel Baynes, the British Adjutant-General, bearer of General Prevost's letter, that neither party should act offensively before the decision of our Government should be taken on the subject.- Since my return to Washington, the document alluded to in Mr. Foster's dispatch, as finally decided on by the British Government, has been handed to me by Mr. Baker, with a re

-6th. It is the more objectionable, and of the less importance, in consideration of the instructions heretofore given you, which, if met by the British Government, may have already produced the same resúlt in a greater extent and more satisfactory form.I might add, that the declaration itself is objectionable in many respects, particularly the following: 1st. Because it asserts a right in the British Government to restore the Orders in Council, or any part thereof, to their full on a principle of retaliation on effect, France, under circumstances of which she alone is to judge: a right which this Government cannot admit, especially in the

extent heretofore claimed, and acted on by the British Government.--2d. That the appeal is founded exclusively on the French Decree of the 28th of April, 1811, by which the repeal of the Decrees of Berlin and Milan, announced on the 5th of August, 1810, to take effect on the 1st of November of that year, at which time their operation actually ceased, is disregarded, as are the claims of the United States arising from the repeal on that day, even according to the British pledge.

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3d. That even if the United States had no

right to claim the repeal of the British Or-
ders in Council, prior to the French Decree
of the 28th of April, 1811, nor before the
notification of that Decree to the British
Government on the 20th of May, of the
present year, the British repeal ought to
have borne date from that day, and been
subject to none of the limitations attached
to it. These remarks on the declaration
of the Prince Regent, which are not pur-
sued with rigour, nor in the full extent
which they might be, are applicable to it,
in relation to the state of things which
existed before the determination of the
United States to resist the aggressions of
the British Government by war. By that
determination; the relations between the
two countries have been altogether changed:
and it is only by a termination of the war,
or by measures leading to it by consent of
both Governments, that its calamities can
be closed or mitigated. It is not now a ques-
tion, whether the declaration of the Prince
Regent is such as ought to have produced
a repeal of the Non-importation Act, had
not war been declared; because, by the
declaration of war, that question is
seded, and
and the Non-importation Act
having been continued in force by Con-
gress, and become a measure of war,
among the most efficient, it is no longer
subject to the control of the Executive in
the sense and for the purpose for which it
was adopted.The declaration, how-
ever of the Prince Regent, will not be
without effect. By repealing the Orders in
Council, without reviving the blockade of
May 1806, or any other illegal blockade,
as is understood to be the case, it removes
a great obstacle to an accommodation. The
President considers it an indication of
a disposition in the British Government to
accommodate the differences which subsist
between the two countries; and I am in-
structed to assure you, that if such disposi-
tion really exists, and is persevered in,
and is extended to other objects, especially

the important one of impressment, a durable and happy peace and reconciliation cannot fail to result from it.

Friday, Nov. 13.

The following Message was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Coles, his Secretary:

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States.

relative to the pacific advances made on the For the farther information of Congress, part of the Government to that of Great have been met by the latter, I transmit the Britain, and the manner in which they sequel of the communications on that subject, received from the late Charge d'Af

faires at London.
Nov. 12, 1812.


Mr. Russell to Mr. Monroe.


London, Sept. 19, 1812.

On the 12th inst. I received your letter of the 27th of July last; and the copies of my note to Lord Castlereagh, and of his Lordship's reply enclosed herein, will inform you that the propositions, made in consequence of it, have been rejected.

As I have but this moment heard of the immediate departure of the Friends, I have time only to add, that I have received the communications of Mr. Graham, of the 9th and 10th of August, by the Gleaner, and that I leave London this evening, to embark on board the Lark, at Plymouth, for New York.I am, with the greatest respect and consideration, Sir, your faithful and obedient servant, and



P. S. An interesting interview took place between Lord Castlereagh and myself on the 16th instant, the account of which I must, for want of time, reserve until I have the honour to see you.

Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh. (Private).

18, Bentinck-street, 12th Sept. 1812. My Lord,-In consequence of additional instructions which I have received from my Government this morning, I called about noon at the Foreign Office, and found with regret that your Lordship was out of town. My object was to communicate to your


Lordship the powers under which I act, aware that the power of the Government of that you might perceive their validity and the United States to prohibit the employextent. I have, however, sought to statement of British seamen must be exercised them substantially in the official letter in the sense and spirit of the constitution; which I have herewith the honour to trans-but there is no reason to doubt that it will your Lordship, but should you find be so exercised effectually and with good any thing that stands in need of explana- faith. Such a measure, as it might by tion, previous to being submitted to His suitable regulations aud penalties be made Royal Highness, I shall remain at 18, Ben- completely effectual and satisfactory, would tinck-street, to receive the commands of operate almost exclusively in favour of your Lordship. If your Lordship could, in Great Britain, for as few American seamen courtesy, find any motive in my personal ever enter voluntarily into the British ser convenience to hasten to a decision upon vice, the reciprocity would be nominal, the propositions which I have submitted; and it is sincerely believed that it would be the season of the year, my anxiety to de- more than an equivalent for any advantage part (all my arrangements being made and she may derive from impressment. all my baggage having left town), and the the proposition which I have now the ho detention of the Lark at much expense, nour to make in behalf of my Government, will plead powerfully in my favour. your Lordship will perceive the earnest -I have the honour to be, with great consider- desire of the President to remove every obation, your Lordship's very obedient and stacle to an accommodation, which consists very humble servant, merely of form; and to secure the rights (Signed) and interests of the United States in a manner the most satisfactory and honourable to Great Britain as well as to America. The importance of the overture now made, will, I trust, obtain for it the early consideration of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent; and I shall detain the vessel in which I have taken my passage to the United States, until I have the honour to learn his decision.I have the honour to be, my Lord, with high consideration, your Lordship's most obedient servant, (Signed) JONA. RUSSELL Lord Viscount Castlereagh, &c.


Lord Viscount Casilereagh, &c. &c. &c.

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Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh.

18, Bentinck-street, Sept. 12, 1812. My Lord, I hasten, authorized by instructions recently received from the Government of the United States, and urged by an unfeigned anxiety to arrest the calamities of war, to propose to your Lordship a convention for the suspension of hostilities, to take effect at such time as may be mutually agreed upon, and stipulating that each party shall forthwith appoint Commissioners, with full powers to form a treaty, which shall provide, by reciprocal arrangements for the security of their seamen, from heing taken or employed in the service of the other power; for the regulation of their commerce; and all other interesting questions now depending between them; and that the armistice shall not cease without such previous notice by one to the other party, as may be agreed upon, and shall not be understood as having any other effect than merely to suspend military operations by land and sea. -In proposing to your Lordship these terms for a suspension of hostilities, I am instructed to come to a clear and distinct understanding with His Britannic Majesty's Government, without requiring it to be formal concerning impressment, comprising in it the discharge of the citizens of the United States afready impressed; and concerning future blockades, the revocation of the Orders in Council being confirmed.Your Lordship is

Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Russell,

Lord Castlereagh presents his compliments to Mr. Russell, and requests to have the honour of seeing him at his house in St. James's-square, at 9 o'clock this evening. Foreign Office, Sept. 16, 1812.

N. B. Received a little before 5 o'clock,

Mr. Hamilton to Mr. Russell. Dear Sir, I have not seen Lord Castlereagh since his receipt of your two letters of the but have received his directions to say to you, that he is concerned that he cannot have it in his power to reply to them for a few days, or would have had much pleasure in attending immediately to your request in that respect. You may be assured that no delay will take place which can be avoided.I am, dear Sir, faithfully your's,

W. HAMILTON. Foreign Office, Sept. 16, 1812. Jonathan Russell, Esq. &c.

Mr. Russell to Mr. Hamillon. Dear Sir, I have learnt with much regret and disappointment, that Lord Castlereagh has directed you to inform me, that it is not in his power to give an immediate answer to the last letters which I have had the honour to address to him. The object of those letters was of a nature to require an early decision. Reluctant, however, by any precipitancy on my part, to protract the present unhappy relations between the two countries, I beg you to acquaint his Lordship, that I shall remain in town until Sunday (the 20th instant), when, unless some special and satisfactory reason be assigned for a longer delay, I shall consider it to be my duty to proceed to Plymouth to embark for the United States.I am, dear Sir, with great truth and respect, your obedient servant,

(Signed) JONATHAN RUSSELL. 18, Bentinck-street, 16th Sept. 1812. N. B. Sent at 3 o'clock.

Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Russell.

propose any specific plan, with reference to which the suspension of that practice could be made a subject of deliberation, or that you have received any instructions for the guidance of your conduct on some of the leading principles, which such a discussion must in the first instance involve.Un der these circumstances the Prince Regent sincerely laments, that he does not feel himself enabled to depart from the decision which I was directed to convey to you in my letter of the 2d inst.I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, CASTLEREAGH.

Jonathan Russell, Esq. &c.

Mr. Russell to Mr. Monroe.

London, 19th Sept. 1812. Sir,-Since writing to you this morning, fearing that this Government should infer from my silence an acquiescence in the strange and unwarrantable view which Lord Castlereagh has in his last note thought fit to take of the overtures which I have submitted, and of the powers under which I acted, I have considered it my duty to return an answer, of which the enclosed is a copy.- -With great consideration and respect. I am, Sir, your assured and obedient servant,

(Signed) JONA. RUSSELL. To the Hon. James Monroe, &c.

Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh.

London, 19th Sept. 1812.

Foreign Office, Sept. 18, 1812. Sir,-Under the explanations you have afforded me of the nature of the instructions which you have received from your Government, I have, as on the preceding occasion, been induced to lay your letter of the 12th inst. before His Royal Highness the Prince Regent.His Royal Highness commands me to express to you his regret that he cannot perceive any substantial difference between the proposition for a suspension of hostilities which you are now My Lord, I had the honour to receive, directed to make, and that which was con- last evening, your Lordship's note of yestained in your letter of the 24th of August terday, and have learnt, with great regret last. The form of the proposed arrange and disappointment, that His Royal Highment, it is true, is different; but it only ness the Prince Regent has again rejected appears to aim at executing the same pur- the just and moderate propositions for a pose in a more covert, and, therefore, in a suspension of hostilities, which I have been inore objectionable manner. You are instructed to present on the part of my Gonow directed to require, as preliminary to vernment.After the verbal explanaa suspension of hostilities, a clear and dis- tions which I had the honour to afford your tinct understanding, without, however, re- Lordship on the 16th instant, both as to quiring it to be formal on all the points re- the object and sufficiency of my instrucferred to in your former proposition. It is tions, I did not expect to hear repeated any obvious that, were this propasal acceded objections on these points. For itself, the to, the discussion on the several points must American Government has nothing to dissubstantially precede the understanding re- guise; aud by varying the proposition as to quired. This course of proceeding, as the manner of coming to a preliminary unbearing on the face of it a character of dis- derstanding, it merely intended to leave to guise, is not only felt to be in principle in- the British Government that which might admissible, but as unlikely to lead in prac- be most congenial to its feelings. The protice to any advantageous result; as it does positions presented by me, however, on the not appear on the important subject of im-24th of August and 12th inst. are distinpressment that you are either authorized to guishable by a diversity in the substance as

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