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people; the shouts that rended the air, old crazy Peg Nicholson were inserted in and that almost stunned the population for the Gazette; the Addresses to the Prince miles around; these, according to the upon his becoming Regent were inserted in loyal Mr. JACKS, are not to be looked upon the Gazette; and," to come to close quar"ters," as Lord Milton would call it, as testimonials of the Princess's innocence, so much as testimonials of the guilt of the the Addresses to the Prince, as well as their marriage, Prince! And this is what Mr. JACKS those to the Princess, upon calls loyalty, is it! This is the way in and upon the birth of their child, were all which he shows his friendship to the re-inserted in this same official receptacle of presentative of the King? Mine is a very dif- the loyal effusions of His Majesty's subferent way. I say not a word about the jects, as the sure and certain channel to Prince; my loyalty forbids me to mix the posterity. Well, then, now let us hear name of His Royal Highness with that of what passed at the Common Hall of the the parties concerned in the transaction; City of London on the 23d of April, upon my loyalty tells me that I ought to confine the report of the fate of the loyal and afmyself to a defence of the injured wife; fectionate Address to the Princess of but, indeed (and that is quite enough to Wales; the long-calumniated, the injured, say of it), my loyalty is just the opposite of the outraged Princess of Wales. The that of Mr. Jacks.- Now for the Report" Report of the proceedings was then read, "when, in addition to what has appeared "in the public papers, it was stated that

at the Common Hall.




-When a Common Hall has been held and has agreed upon an Address, after that Address has" Mr. Tyrrel, the City Remembrancer, "had sent the Address and the Answer of been carried up, it is usual for the Hall "the Princess to the Gazette writer, to to meet again, in order to receive the re"be inserted, as was the custom, in such port of those who have carried it.up.(6 cases, and not observing them in the The Common Hall met for this purpose on "next Gazette, had written to Mr. Rawthe 23d of April. What passed there as "linson, the writer to the Gazette, to into the conduct of the Lord Mayor I shall not particularly notice. An account of it "quire the reason of their not appearing. "Mr. Rawlinson returned an answer, that will be found in the Report of the day's proceedings, which I insert below, and "it was not the custom to insert any Adwhich I must beg the reader to peruse with" dress in the Gazette which was not transattention, as being of considerable import-"mitted to him by the Principal Secretary "of State for the Home Department. In -But, I think myself called upon consequence of this, the Remembrancer to notice, in a very particular manner, a "communicated by letter the circumstance fact which was brought to light respecting the non-insertion of the Address of the" to Lord Sidmouth, and enclosed a copy "of the documents in question for inserCommon Hall and the Princess's Answer, in the London Gazette. This is one of the "tion. Lord Sidmouth, in his reply, acmost interesting and most important facts" quainted the Remembrancer, that he had appertaining to the history of this affair; "not thought proper, in the discretional and, therefore, I shall endeavour to make "exercise of the duty of his office, to init very clearly understood to the whole "sert the Address and Answer in question -The follow"" in the London Gazette.". circle of my readers, abroad as well as at home. The LONDON GAZETTE ing has been published in all the London is an official publication of the Govern-news-papers, as a copy of Lord SIDMOUTH'S ment; it is published under the immediate letter to the City Remembrancer upon this authority of the Government; the WRITER memorable occasion. Whitehall, April 7, 1813. of the Gazette is an Officer of the Govern"Sir, I have just received your letter ment. This publication contains all Proclamations; Orders of Council; Orders of" of this day's date, enclosing a copy of an the Lord Chamberlain; and, generally, "Address from the Lord Mayor, Alderall documents, issued by the Government." men, and Livery of London, to Her Amongst other things it contains Addresses "Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, to the Throne and to the Royal Family" with a copy of Her Royal Highness's "Answer thereto, and desiring that I will from Corporate Bodies, Counties, &c.The Addresses to the Prince upon the kill-" order the same to be inserted in the ing of Perceval, for instance, were inserted" London Gazette: in reply, I have to in the Gazette; the Addresses. to the King "acquaint you, that in the exercise of the upon his escape from the pen-knife of poor" discretion which belongs to my official

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"Gazette. I am, Sir, your most obedient humble servant,

"situation, I do not think it proper to slurred over. -The many rumours of cause the Address and Answer above-Napoleon's Death do not seem to have quite "mentioned to be inserted in the London killed him. But, it is confidently believed in the country, that he is really dead at SIDMOUTH. last. There may be danger in pushing such rumours too far; for, the people may take it into their heads, that Napoleon being dead, taxes ought to be diminished. It will be best, therefore, not to spread reports of his death; but of his being dangerously ill; of his being in despair; of his carrying ropes and rat's-bane about in his pockets; of his being mad; of his being haunted in his sleep by the apparition of the Cossack; and the like.In my next I will pay attention to the subject of the American Frigates being manned by our seamen.

"To the City Remembrancer." For the information of persons at a distance, it may not be amiss to state, that the personage, who here signs his name "SIDMOUTH," is the same, who was once called Mr. HARRY ADDINGTON. He is the son of a celebrated Doctor of that name; was, what is called, bred to the bar; became, during Pitt's time, Speaker of the House of Commons; was made Prime Minister when Pitt was turned out in 1801; was himself supplanted by Pitt in 1804; joined Mr. Fox, and was in place again in 1806 and 1807; was ousted with the Talents in 1807; and came in as Secretary of State for the Home Department at the death of Perceval in 1812. He has a house in Richmond Park, and was made a Viscount in 1804, by the title of Viscount Sidmouth, -Such is a short account of what the world knows of the personage, whose discretion has been exercised upon this occasion. -It is pity, that his Lordship did not think it worth while to give the City Remembrancer any reasons for the refusal. Since he did not think proper to do it, I shall not attempt to discover any, or, at least, to point out such as I think he is likely to have been influenced by. The reader will, perhaps, have very little difficulty in guessing what those reasons were.


SIR. -The just remarks contained in your Number of the 23d Jan. pages 102 to 107-on the late necessary advance in the price of porter, encourage me to offer a few observations on the subject. And this, chiefly, with the view to draw attention to the actual and heavy duties paid by the common brewers, and which are but little known, and still less thought of by the public in general. At the time of the Peace of Amiens, the whole amount of the duty on malt was 10s. 6d. per quarter, and on porter and ale 6s. 4d. and on small beer is. per barrel of 36 gallons. The present duty on malt is 34s. 8d. per quarter, on porter and ale 10s. and on small beer 2s. per barrel. Hence the beer duty is increased more than 50 per cent. and the malt duty more than 200 per cent. since January 1802. The progressive increase in the price of barley, since that

However, his Lordship's discretion having been his guide, others are free, I hope, to use their discretion as to publications under their control. I shall, upon this principle, use my discretion; and I hereby request you, Mr. M'CREERY, my printer, to insert the Address of the Com-time, is too well known to every one to need mon Hall to the Princess of Wales, together with the Answer of Her Royal Highness, in the front page of my Register, once every month, until the 7th day of April, 1814, which will be just one whole year from the date of Lord Viscount Sidmouth's Letter to the City Remembrancer; and for so doing this shall be your warrant and authority. Given at Botley, this 27th day of April, 1813.

remarking on; and the contingent expenses of every kind attending the brewery (exclusive of malt, hops, and duties) are fully DOUBLED. This accumulation of burdens, together with the obstinate, unreasonable, and ill-judged averseness of the consumers to submit to a small advance in the retail price of the beer, has compelled the brewers to draw three barrels, or in some cases more, from each quarter of malt, of late years, instead of two barrels, with small afterwards, as formerly. Hence, the beer P.S. Want of time prevents me from duty amounts to as much as the malt duty, offering some remarks upon a publication on each eight bushels of the latter, and, in a Liverpool paper, respecting the trial consequently, the brewer is taxed twice of Mr. CREEVEY for a Libel. It is a subject" as much for the same quantity of malt,” of great importance, and ought not to be as the householder who brews at home.



There is an obvious and fair remedy for this hardship, which however it is not necessary to describe here, and I am desirous to avoid too much intrusion on your useful paper. The necessity to which the brewers have been driven to make the beer so much weaker, has the effect to lessen the general repute of the whole trade in the estimation of the public, and even to excite the reproaches of many. How severely unjust this is may be submitted to the candid and intelligent part of the community. Every considerate mind must perceive that there is no other alternative in the case, than an advance in the retail price of the beer, or submitting to the use of a liquor more deserving the appellation of table beer than any better description.—I am, Sir, yours respectfully,

X. Y. Z.


Which, when duly considered, points out | He could have wished that an earlier day a most cruel partiality in taxation, inas- had been fixed for the present Meeting; much as the poor man, who has not the but the delay had this advantage, that means, because he does not possess the ne-whatever they did would appear the result cessary utensils, to brew, if he drinks beer, of cool and deliberate consideration. must buy it of the brewer or the publican, was hardly necessary to say a word on and, thus, he pays twice as much tax for the the subject of the Address: if it had been same quantity as his wealthy master, the a question which could excite any dispute, landed gentleman, or the splendid noble- he would not have brought it forward. He knew that it had been in the contemplation of some worthy members of the Corporation to have agitated this matter some time ago; but before the documents which had now appeared were generally known, whatever sympathy might have been felt and expressed for the unmerited sufferings of the illustrious Princess, yet the decision of the Council would not have that weight which it must carry, now that it was supported by proof. The public were now in the possession of the whole,-they had seen her sufferings,-they knew her innocence,they had witnessed her patience, forbearance, and dignity; and it was a great consolation to see that the country expressed an unanimous and unequivocal feeling as to the purity of her Royal Highness's character. If the case had been that of a private individual, such persecution, and such conduct under it, would have excited universal sympathy; how much more, then, when it was the case of so high a personage, and its consequences were connected with the peace and tranquillity of the realm, and its tendency might have been to involve the nation in civil war? it was, therefore, a question particularly demanding attention. There would be nothing in the Address but what, he hoped, would meet the approbation of every Member of that AsMR. WAITHMAN began by saying, that sembly: he trusted there would be no in bringing forward his Address, very little opposition to it. He then moved, first, need be said. He was one who felt it his That a loyal and dutiful Address be preduty, on all occasions, to uphold the cha-sented to Her Royal Highness the Princess racter of the Livery, and the Corporation of Wales, to congratulate her on her signal of London; and therefore, though he con- triumph over a foul and atrocious conspiracy curred in every sentiment expressed in the against her life and honour." Address of the Livery, he had thought the Corporation of London the fittest body to interfere on such an occasion. It was not that he thought the subject an unfit one for the Livery to discuss; it was one of vital importance to the state, and therefore highly proper for their consideration: but he thought as the Corporation, and not the Livery, had addressed her Royal Highness on her arrival and on other occasions, the Corporation was more particularly called upon on this occasion. These had been his sentiments, and these his only motives.

Relating to the Princess of Wales.
London.--COMMON COUNCIL, Thursday,
April 22.

A Special Court of Common Council was held yesterday. The requisition being read


MR. FAVELL said, the question was one of great interest, and had been met with honour and spirit by the people. They had shewn that they were not untouched by what affected the dignity of Royalty. He was happy to say that some of the Royal Family followed the illustrious example of their Royal Father, by assisting to disseminate religious instruction, and by plans of benevolence and charity. This was the more important, because it was well known that in the French Revolution the profligacy of the French Princes had

led to their ruin. If the people should once hold their Governors in contempt, the Constitution would be in danger. But the conduct of the people during the present business, had manifested that they did not wish to degrade Royalty. He confessed, that when the question was first brought forward, he had thought it better to be quiet: he thought, that if public meetings were assembled, while the matter was yet before Parliament, it would appear like a design to shelter the Princess with their protection. Now, however, there was but one voice as to the innocence of the Princess.

MR. GRIFFITHS hoped the present Address would be as unanimous as that passed on the marriage of her Royal Highness. He said he had had it in contemplation, to pay the respects of the Court to the husband as well as the wife (a laugh), as it might be awkward to address one and not the other. He was sorry this Court had not taken the precedence of the Livery.

MR. JACKS said, he was one of those who had thought at first, that it was better not to interfere, on the ground mentioned by a worthy Baronet, that such interference might widen the breach between man and wife; but as the Livery of London had thought, that some public manifestation of its sentiments should be made, he thought that the Common Council ought not to be behind. He was anxious, however, that while justice was done to the Princess, injustice should not be done to the Prince. There was no evidence which could induce any one to suppose that he was at the bottom of the conspiracy, whatever persons might choose to surmise. He wished, therefore, to add, after the word "conspiracy," these words" entered into by persons admitted to her society and confidence, and abusing it to the destruction of her life and honour."

people would lead to that pleasing result. Now it was different. The Princess of Wales had appealed to the Lords and Commons: neither of those bodies could interfere: one, because its judicial character prevented such interference; the other, because, to use its own language, the subject was in an untangible shape. What! then, was the Princess of Wales to be the only person in the kingdom whose wrongs were to be without remedy? Private persons, if slandered, had their remedy at common law; they might indict, or bring their actions for damages: the Princess of Wales would be without redress, but for the manifestation of public opinion. The extraordinary proceedings of the four Commissioners, in giving credit to evidence which had been refuted,-the unparalleled effrontery of Sir John and Lady Douglas, in offering to re-swear their assertions,left the Princess in a situation from which she was without means of refuge, unless the public interfered: their opinion must be her protection; and miserable, indeed, would be the state of the country, if the Princess should be destitute even of this remedy against the evils which oppressed her.

MR. WAITHMAN, in his reply, said, that a Gentleman (Mr. Jacks) who had given up his opinion to the general voice of the public, appeared to him to come forward because he was not wanted. His worthy Friend (Mr. Alderman Wood) had warmly commended him for so doing. For his part, he was an enemy to every species of tyranny, and to none more than the tyranny over the mind; and he should therefore always maintain his own opinions, whether they were likely to be popular or unpopular. He should much rather retire for ever from public life than adopt opinions merely from their popularity. As all men were liable to errors, the public sentiment was often MR. ALDERMAN WOOD rose to express the best criterion of what was right; but his grateful feelings, that the Livery of still every Englishman who had formed London had been followed by other public opinions on any subject, was fully justified bodies, and now by the Common Council. in maintaining those opinions, whatever When he first brought the matter forward, might be the public voice. He had through his usual friends seemed to object to its the last twenty years of his life given pretty principle; and he had no reason to suppose strong proofs, that he was not to be prethat he should have experienced their sup-vented from speaking his opinions from any port, if he had brought it forward in Common Council.

MR. QUIN had thought the last time of moving this business not precisely the moment for interfering: because there was a prospect of reconciliation; there was some hope, that the general sentiment of the

consideration of their being unpopular. He was sorry that his worthy Friend (Mr. Alderman Wood) had entered so much into subjects which, as they rested on private conversations, it was not easy to explain. A difference of opinion had existed, at a former time, among several of his friends,

"that he would, with the best of his endeavours, support the peace and good order of the City." He had, therefore, not conceived himself justified in bringing the procession through the streets where there were great assemblages of people, who might (for aught he then knew) be riotously inclined. He must say, however, that he had afterwards seen, that there was no riotous disposition on the part of the people assembled, and that he never saw a multitude more peaceable or orderly than those whom he saw assembled in the Park.

not as to the innocence of the Princess, but as to the propriety of the time and the place for bringing the subject forward publicly. One of his friends had supposed that such a motion would, in all probability, not be successful in that Court. He, however, had never doubted of its success. He thought, however, that the present time most peculiarly called for the interference of that Court. After the innocence of the Princess of Wales had been manifested to the world, and confessed in the House of Commons, it was natural to have expected that she would, at least, have been restored to the society of her child; and yet we had not heard of more than one interview for the last ten weeks, and that partly by stealth. It, therefore, appeared as if even her innocence was still doubted in some quarters; for, if innocent, why should she still be punished? It appeared to him, that whatever unfortunate differences might still exist, yet that the Prince ought to be joyful at hearing that the mother of his child was free from guilt. It seemed, however, that there was an opinion somewhere, that this would not be agreeable to the Prince; for, The question being then put, the Amendotherwise, how could they account for go- ment was rejected by a very great majority; ing all the way through St. Giles's and by and the original proposition, for an Address, Tyburn, when the Livery went up with was carried nearly unanimously, there betheir Address? He hoped that this Addressing only one hand held up against it.would be carried unanimously, and that it A Committee was then appointed to prewould be presented in the most respectful pare such Address. manner by the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Law Officers. He thought that the City could not endure to have its Address presented in any other manner but the most respectful.

MR. JACKS complained of having been misrepresented as to his giving up his opinions because they were unpopular. He never doubted of the innocence of the Princess, but he did not wish to throw any imputation on the Prince. On the face of the evidence there appeared no proof that the Prince was at all at the bottom of it. He wished that the saddle should be put on the right horse, and that the City of London should not have the appearance of implying any charge of guilt against the first Magistrate of the country. It was only with this view he had proposed the amendment, and he should not withdraw it.

MR. ALDERMAN WOOD declared, that it never was his intention, or that of the friends with whom he acted, either there, or in the Common-Hall, to offer any insult to the Prince Regent. He could not, however, see that there was any necessity for the Lord Mayor turning off the Livery at Tyburn, (a laugh,) as he had done. He himself, on his return, passed by Carltonhouse, but no insult was there offered to the Prince. He hoped that the Address would be presented in the most respectful manner.


A Common Hall was held yesterday.

The LORD MAYOR stated, that the Hall was assembled to receive the Report of the Address to the Princess of Wales, and the Answer of her Royal Highness. He had not himself thought it necessary to convene a Special Hall for this purpose, as the Address and Answer had appeared in all the public papers, but he had yielded to the expostulation of a worthy Alderman. If it were necessary to call them from their homes and business, he had no objection to call a Common Hall or Common Council every day.The Report was then read; towards the end of which it was stated, that the Address and Answer not appearing in the London Gazette, the Remembrancer wrote to the Publisher on the subject, who returned for answer, that he was not au

The LORD MAYOR thought it necessary to declare, that in the manner in which he had judged proper to go up with the Ad-thorized to make such insertions, unless dress, he had not acted in consequence of any communications with others. He had acted in conformity to the sacred oath which he had taken, when he entered into office,

they were transmitted to him through the Office of the Secretary for the Home Department.-/Hisses.) The Remembrancer then wrote to Lord Sidmouth, stating what

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