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the enunciation; the whole thing will be- | are, it seems, quite willing to be bound to come a subject of free discussion, and then a belief of the Scriptures; they believe, it will puzzle any one to devise the means they are content to be bound to believe, of criminating any man, who shall write that God came down, in the cool of the upon the Christian System. Remove this day, and walked in the Garden of Eden; great prop, and, in my opinion, down that he came down and talked to Moses in comes the fabric. The morality of the a Cloud; that the Red Sea opened and Gospel is nothing in support of Christianity, formed a sort of walls while the Israelites which stands upon faith; and, if you take passed over; that the Sun and Moon stood away the divinity of Christ, where is ground still at the command of Joshua; that the for your faith? The morality taught by walls of Jericho fell down at the sound of a Christ was taught long before his birth. trumpet; that five loaves and a few small There was, as our Clergy show us every fishes filled thousands of hungry people: day, nothing new in the morality. It was all this, it seems, they are willing to believe the super-natural things that took place in as well as we Church people; and why, I Palestine that were new; it was the mira- should be glad to know, are they to be percles, the resurrection, &c., and, if you take mitted openly to preach against the belief away the divinity of Christ, what becomes of Christ being God? Why do they not of all these? To suppose, that God had a come, at once, and ask for leave to deny son, after the manner of men, is something the whole as well as a part? They cannot so monstrous, so low, so degrading, so ab- comprehend how Christ can be God, by surd, so ridiculous, that it cannot live for a whom he was begotten. Oh, oh! And moment, except in a mind brutified by ig- can they comprehend how the Devil came norance. And yet, this you must believe, to take Christ up to the top of a high if you believe that God and his Son are two mountain, and to offer him all the kingdoms distinct persons, and in nowise united in of the world? Can they comprehend how essence. What, then, is your belief, Mr. all the animals got into one single ark? SMITH, or, rather, the belief of those in Can they comprehend why Deborah and whose behalf the Bill is to pass into a law? Barak sang the praises of Jael, who drove That Christ was not the Son of God? Is the nail through the head of Sisera, while this their belief? If it be, with what de- he was asleep? No: they pretend not to cency do they profess to believe the Scrip- comprehend these. They do, however, ture? With what decency do they call believe them as we Church people do; any one, and by way of reproach too, a they do, like us, regard them as mystical; Deist?- You say, that the Act of the and, why, I again ask, cannot they accom19th of the present King, requires ONLY pany us through the whole of our faith? "the general belief in the Doctrines of Besides, what do they mean by being Christianity and the Scriptures? ONLY! forced to believe this, or that? They are Why, Sir, this Doctrine is the all-in-all. forced to believe nothing; they are only Without it there is no more in being a forbidden to tell any body that they do not Christian than there is in being a Pittite or believe so and so. That is all. If they will a Foxite, and, I should be very glad to see but hold their tongues and their pens, they any one attempt to prove the contrary. may believe, or disbelieve just what they -No, if this part is taken away, the please. "Tender Consciences," indeed! And whole fabric totters. An Act of Parlia- how are their consciences hurt, how are they ment will, in such case, allow people openly violated, by a law which forbids the telling to say, that the great Creed of our Church of folks that the Doctrine of the Trinity, is a falsehood. Our Church lays down a Doctrine some hundreds of years old, and one point of faith as indispensable in order taught by all our Bishops and Clergy, is to obtain salvation; and the proposed Act false? They are not, as under some tywill permit any one to say, at the Church rannical governments, compelled to make door, that no man need believe any such open declarations that they do believe acthing, for that the assertion is false, and cording to the Church; they are only forthat one of the most venerable of the Fa-bidden to say that they do not believe acthers of the Church was a retailer of false- cording to the Church; they may keep sihoods.- -What, then, you will say, per-lence; that is their remedy; and I know haps, are people to believe what they cannot believe? "Cannot believe,' pray what does that mean? The people, in whose belaif you bring forward the Bill,

not why they should be suffered to express their opinions about Christ, any more than I may not be suffered to express mine about the Regent, or his Judges, or his Ministers.

-Let them hold their tongues and their well as others, opposed to the intended pens, and their faith is absolutely without | Act. Our Church says, that this doctrine shackle!When Mr. EATON was tried, is the basis of our faith; that to believe in the Attorney-General, Gibbs, called for the Trinity is absolutely necessary to our punishment upon the old man, because his salvation; and, why, I ask, is a particular book was calculated to endanger the souls set of men to be allowed to endeavour of the people, by causing them to disbe- openly to prevent us from entertaining this lieve the doctrines of Christianity. Now, saving belief?- I am no Doctor. I do of the Doctrines of Christianity the princi- not understand Greek and Latin. But I pal one is, that Christ is God; that there understand how to count my fingers; and is God the Father, God the Son, and God it requires little more to enable any one to the Holy Ghost; and that these are not discover, that, if one sect be allowed to three but one. This, our Church says, preach against one part of the Church faith, we must believe, or we cannot be saved. every other sect ought to be allowed to What, then, having Mr. Eaton's prosecu- preach against any part of that faith which tion and punishment in our eyes, are we to they may happen to dislike.1 dare think of a proposition for passing a law to say, that an Unitarian Priest will tell me, permit people openly to preach, that this NO. He will, I'll engage for him, say, Doctrine is false; that this faith, upon that people ought to be permitted to deny which the Church tells us our salvation ab- the Godhead of Christ, but that they solutely depends, has no truth in it; and ought not to be permitted to deny the authat we ought to believe no such thing? thenticity of any Chapter in Genesis or These are my reasons against the pro- Numbers. No such latter denial does posed Act. But, besides these, there are not, probably, suit him. That might others. If the Unitarians are to have an lead to consequences that he would not like. Act passed to authorize hem to preach If those chapters were set aside, others against the Trinity, why should not the might, and, at last, away might go the Deists have an Act passed to authorize them whole; there would then be no want of an to preach against Revelation aitogether. interpreter, and his priestship would be at If one Sect is to be indulged in denying an end. No, no: I am for no partial rewhat they do not believe, why not another peals. I am for a general Act, permitting Sect in denying what they do not believe? every man to say or write what he pleases If I am told, that it is right to ease the upon the subject of religion, or, I wish Tender Conscience of the Unitarian, I ask the whole thing to remain what it now is. why the Tender Conscience of the Deist is wonder that the Clergy, so active as not to be considered? I have no objection to an Act of Parliament to allow men to say and to write whatsoever they please upon the subject of religion; but, if such an Act is not to be passed, I really can see no reason for this favour to one particular Sect. If this Sect be indulged in preaching against the Trinity, another may ask for permission to preach against the Resurrection, and so on, till, really, our laws will have chipped the whole of the Scriptures away and all the doctrines growing out of them, or ingrafted upon them. An Act to permit men to say and publish what they please upon the subject of religion. would be much less hostile to the Church, than would be an Act giving permission as to one particular doctrine; because in this latter, the parliament seem to give up that doctrine to be demolished; whereas, if the permission were general, it would seem to proceed merely from a wish to remove all restraint as to men's faith.- In short, I do not see why this particular sect should be indulged; and I am, on that ground as

they are upon other occasions, where the interests of the Church are in question, should be so silent on this occasion. They cry out that the Church is in danger, when a few Roman Catholics want only to share in the good things under government; but, here, where the very bowels of the Church are aimed at, they say not a word! Is it, because they do not perceive that the Unitarians want to get at their temporalities? I do not know that they do; but, I dare say they would have no objection to come in for a small portion.

MR. CREEVEY.-The case of this gentleman was argued, last week, in the Court of King's Bench, upon a motion of Mr. Brougham for a new trial, upon the ground of misdirection on the part of Judge Le Blanc, who presided at the trial at Lancaster.- I have inserted the proceedings below. They are of very great importance. The Court decided against him; and, in my opinion, decided very fairly.The only thing that Mr. Cree

vey has to complain of, is, that he could not set up the truth in justification; but, in this respect, he is upon the same footing as the rest of us. I was not allowed to prove the truth of my publication; nor is any man who is prosecuted criminally. If I were to detect a man in the act of theft, real, vulgar, poor-man's theft, and were to state the fact in print, he might indict me for it; might prosecute me; and I must be convicted; for, if there were a witness to the fact, I should not be allowed to produce him to prove the truth of what I had said.Therefore, Mr. Creevey's case is not singular. He has the same law for him as we all have; and, Mr. Brougham would have done much better to consplain on this score; to make a general complaint against the law, than to stand upon any particular privilege.

can help it.- -The dry matter is this: shall the Catholics have a share of the seats in parliament, and of the high offices in the State, in the army, and in the navy, or shall they not; or, in other words, shall they come into a full share, with the Protestants, of the public money.-Twist and turn the thing as you please; talk about superstition, bigotry, liberty of conscience, or what you like; but, at last, this is the plain, dry question. And, I do not think that the Protestants, who are now in the possession of these good things, will, if they can avoid it, permit these new and famishing candidates to come in and share with them.If I thought that the Bill was likely to pass, I should use my best endeavours to prevent its passing; because I think it is a Bill, calculated to make the Catholic Clergy the tools of the government, and to a much greater extent than the Church Clergy can be expected to be.

The Abstract, which I here insert, will shew, in a moment, that this is the case. This Bill enables Roman Ca"tholics to sit in either House of Parlia

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"GERMAN PATRIOTS.". The subscription, I see, goes on for these people; and a correspondent begs me to think better of them. I do not think ill of the people of Germany. There are no bad people naturally. When they are bad, they are made bad by their governments. But, what I do think, is, that there will be no population found in Germany disposed to resist Buonaparte. This is what I think," and I have heard no reasons in opposition" to my opinion. If it be merely a war of soldier against soldier, my firm persuasion is, that the French will triumph. How-" ever, it is useless to deal in conjectures and opinions. The proof is at no great dis


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ment, and to hold all civil and military "offices, upon their taking and making a "certain Declaration and Oath, instead of "the Oaths of Allegiance, Abjuration, and Supremacy, and the Declarations against Transubstantiation and the Invocation of Saints, required by the present laws, "except the offices of Lord High Chancellor, Lord Keeper or Lord Commis"sioner of the Great Seal of Great Britain, or of Lord Lieutenant or Lord Deputy, "or Chief Governor or Governors of Ire"land. Roman Catholics are also to conCATHOLIC QUESTION.Upon this sub-tinue disqualified to hold or to present to ject a Bill is now before the House of Com-" any office, benefice, place or dignity, mons, the second reading of which stood" belonging to the Established Church, or for Tuesday last, when Sir JoHN Cox" the Church of Scotland, or to any EccleHIPPISLEY moved to put off the matter by "siastical Court of Judicature, or to any referring to a Committee an inquiry into the" of the Universities of this realm, or to existing laws against the Catholics.- "the Colleges of Eton, Westminster, or This, I must confess, greatly astonished" Winchester, or to any public School of me, who always regarded this gentleman as the great champion of the Catholic cause, but who, it seems, has now discovered them to be a very dangerous body; or, at least, to entertain notions very dangerous" to the Church and State.- -His motion was lost by a great majority; but, I do not believe, that the Bill will, at this time, which a Roman Catholic is appointed, become a law for all that.- -It is, as I "the patronage shall be executed by such said before, a question of temporal inte- "Protestant Privy Councillor as His Marests; and, it is not likely, that those, "jesty may appoint. Roman Catholic who are in possession of good things, will" Clergymen shall take au oath, purportadmit others to share with them, if they "ing that they will not recommend, sanc

Royal or Ecclesiastical foundation within "this realm, otherwise than as they are by the law, as now existing, qualified "to hold, or presented to the same.

No Roman Catholic shall present to any "Protestant advowson; if any ecclesiasti "cal patronage be attached to any office to

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tion, or concur in the appointment or "conspiracies and attempts whatever, that • consecration any Bishop, tog consecration of any Bishop, of whose loy-" shall be made against his person, crown, "ally they are not well informed. Per- or dignity; and I will do my utmost en*sons discharging spiritual functions with-" deavour to disclose and make known to. out taking this oath, will be guilty of a "His Majesty, his heirs, and successors, "' misdemeanour.-None but a natural- "all treasons and traitorous conspiracies.. "born subject, having been resident in the " which may be formed against him or "kingdom five years immediately previous" them; and I do faithfully promise to "maintain, support, and defend, to the "utmost of my power, the succession to "the Crown (which succession, by an " Act entitled, An Act for the further "limitation of the Crown, and the better. securing the rights and liberties of the. subject,' is, and stands limited to the "Princess Sophia, Electress and Du-. chess Dowager of Hanover, and the heirs of her body being Protestants);. hereby utterly renouncing and abjuring any obedience or allegiance unto any other person claiming or pretending a. right to the Crown of this Realın. I do. " declare, that I do not believe that the. Pope of Rome, or any other foreign, "Prince, Prelate, State, or Potentate, hath, "or ought to have, any temporal or civil "jurisdiction, power, superiority, or pre

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to consecration, shall exercise the func"tions of Bishop.These are the heads "to Mr. Grattan's Bill, to which Mr. "Canning has proposed several supplementary clauses to the following pur"port:-That every Roman Catholic Bi"shop to be hereafter appointed shall ob-" "tain a certificate from five English Ca"tholic Peers, named in the bill, as to his "loyalty; and any Bishop officiating with-" out this certificate, may be sent out of "the kingdom. That all bulls or briefs "received from Rome, shall be immedi-" "ately communicated to Commissioners "appointed by the bill, namely, five Ca"tholic Peers, the Roman Catholic Bishop" "of the London district, the Lord Chan"cellor, and one of the Secretaries of State, "being a Protestant, excepting such bulls "as relate to the spiritual concerns of indi-eminence, directly or indirectly, within "viduals, which must be certified upon "oath to be purely of such a nature.-The "penalty of not complying with that pro"vision, is, that they are liable to be sent "out of the kingdom.- -The Commis"sioners to be sworn to secrecy." is a similar provision for Ireland. "The Commissioners to certify for the loy"alty of Bishops to be five Irish Catholic" "Peers. The Commissioners for the in

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"this Realm: I do further declare, that it. "is not an article of my faith, and that I do renounce, reject, and abjure the opi "nion, that Princes excommunicated by, the Pope or Council, or by the Pope and "Council, or by any authority of the See. "of Rome, or by any authority whatsoever, may be deposed or murdered by their subjects, or any person whatsoever. "I do swear that I will defend, to the utspection of bulls to be the same five Peers, most of my power, the settlement and "the Roman Catholic Arch-bishops of arrangement of property within this "Dublin and Armagh, the Lord Chan- "realm, as established by the laws. I do. "cellor, and Secretary of State, or one of " swear that I do abjure, condemn, and "the Privy Council, being a Protestant. "detest, as unchristian and impious, the $6 -In the event of the death or absence principle, that it is lawful to destroy or from the kingdom of any of the five Ca any ways injure any person whatsoever, tholic Peers in either of the kingdoms, a "for or under the pretence of such person substitute to be appointed by His Ma-"being an Heretic. I do declare solemnly jesty from among the remaining Catholic" before God, that I believe that no act, iu "Peers; or, if there should not be a suf- "itself unjust or immoral, can ever be "ficient number of Catholic Peers, any justified or excused, by or under the pre"Roman Catholic Gentleman, possessing "tence or colour that it was done, either "a landed estate of £1,000 a year may be "for the good of the Church, or in obedi "appointed. -The following is the new ence to any Ecclesiastical Power whatso"oath: -I, A. B. do hereby declare, "ever. I do also declare, that it is not an "that I do profess the Roman Catholic "article of the Roman Catholic Faith, neis "Religion and I do sincerely promise "ther am I thereby required to believe or "and swear that I will be faithful and hear "profess, that the Pope is millible, or "true allegiance to His Majesty King "that I am bound to obey any order, in its "George the Third, and him will defend" own nature immoral, though the Pope or "to the utmost of my power against all" any Ecclesiastical Power should issue or

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"direct such order: but, on the contrary, "of whose loyalty they are not well in"I hold, that it would be sinful in me to "formed." This word loyalty is of so 66 pay any respect or obedience thereto. I equivocal a meaning; it is a word which "further declare, that I do not believe that allows of such latitude of interpretation, any sin whatsoever committed by me, that I would not trust any ministry with the " can be forgiven at the will of any Pope, power of interpreting it. Ask any sine"or of any Priest, or any person or per- cure placeman what loyally means, and he sons whatsoever; but that sincere sorrow will tell you, that, amongst other things, "for past sins, a firm and sincere resolu- it means an acquiescence in his living upon ❝tion to avoid future guilt, and to atone to the public. Ask what it means amongst "God, are previous and indispensable re- the hordes of Contractors and Jobbers, and quisites to establish a well-founded ex- they will exclaim, that you must be a fool 66 pectation of forgiveness, and that any not to see that it means an approbation of person, who received absolution without their mode of making money. Put the "the previous requisites, so far from ob- same question to all those who are interest"taining thereby any remission of his sins, ed in the prolongation of the war; and they "incurs the additional guilt of violating a will, to a man, tell you, that it is disloy "Sacrament. I do reject and detest, as an alty to talk about peace with France; and "unchristian and impious principle, that their mothers, wives, sons, daughters, "faith is not to be kept with Heretics or grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, "Infidels. I do hereby disclaim, disavow, and cousins, to the fourteenth generation, will and solemnly abjure any intention to sub- say the same.- -A word of such latitude "vert the present Church Establishment, should never have been introduced into an "for the purpose of substituting a Roman Act of Parliament. Loyalty will, in fact, "Catholic Establishment in its stead. I be a devotion to the ruling faction of the "do solemnly swear that I will not use any day; and, of course, if this bill were to "privilege, power, or influence, which I pass, the ready way to become a Catholic "do now, or may hereafter possess, to Bishop would be to become a time-serving "overthrow or disturb the present Church politician.- -Besides, why should this "Establishments of the United Kingdom; quality of loyally be more insisted upon "and that I never will, by any conspiracy, than the quality of patriotism? Mr. GRATcontrivance, or device whatsoever, abet TAN, the supposed author of this Bill, has others in any attempt to overthrow or heretofore shone as a patriot; and, why "disturb the same. And that I will make should now greater care be taken of the "known to his Majesty, his heirs and suc- throne than of the people's rights. For my ❝cessors, all attempts, plots, or conspira- part, I can see no reason for this. I see "cies whether at home or abroad, which greater reason to object to the Bill on this "shall come to my knowledge, for effect- account than on any other. It is said to "ing either of these purposes. I do so- give securities to the Protestant Church; it "lemnly, in the presence of God, profess, is said to give securities to the throne; but, "testify, and declare, that I do swear this where are its securities to the people's "Oath, and make this Declaration, and rights? Where is the security, that, for 66 every part thereof, in the plain and ordi- the sake of interest, the Catholic Church 66 nary sense of the words, without any will not join a corrupt faction against the ❝evasion, equivocation, or mental reser- freedom of the people? When the Act of ❝vation whatever, and without any dis- Settlement was passed; that Act which "pensation, already granted by the Pope, sent down the crown in the Protestant suc"or any authority of the See of Rome, or cession, it was called an Act for "beller any person whatever, and without think-securing the liberties of the people," "ing that I am, or can be acquitted before "God or man, or absolved of this Decla❝ration, or any part thereof, although the "Pope or any other person or authority whatsoever shall dispense with or annul "the same, or declare that it was null and "void from the beginning. So help me "God.". -As to their swearing, I do not care a straw for that; but, I do not like the power of punishing those Clergymen, who may concur in appointing any Bishop,tholics being allowed to become Judges,

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which had been thought to be endangered by the Romish doctrines as applied to politics; but, in this Bill, not a word seems to be said about the liberties of the people; it is the Crown and the Church, which are to be secured; and, so that they be but secured, it would seem to have been thought of no consequence what becomes of the people's rights.-In short, what advantage are we to derive from Ca

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