Imágenes de páginas

Angelis, Coleccion-continued.

Zizur, D. Pablo. Diario de una Expedicion á Salinas, 1786.
Souillac, J. S. de. Descripcion Geográfica de un Nuevo Camino de
la Gran Cordillera, para facilitar las comunicaciones de Buenos
Aires con Chile, 1805.

Itinerario de Buenos Aires á Córdoba.

Garcia, D. Pedro Andres. Nuevo plan de Fronteras de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, proyectado en 1816.

Villarino, D. Basilio. Diario de la Navegacion emprendida en 1781, desde el Rio Negro, para reconocer la Bahia de Todos los Santos, las Islas del Buen Suceso, y el desagüe del Rio Colorado.

Arias, D. Fr. Gavino. Diario de la Expedicion Reduccional de 1780, al Gran Chaco.

Angelis, P. de. Discurso preliminar; con la Bibliografia del Chaco, un Cotejo de Ocho Idiomas Indios, etc.

Viedma, D. Antonio de. Diario de un Viage á la Costa de Patagonia, para reconocer los Puntos en donde establecer poblaciones; con una Descripcion de la Naturaleza de los Terrenos, de sus Producciones y Habitantes; desde el Puerto de Santa Elena hasta la Boca del Estrecho de Magallanes.

Angelis, P. de. Discurso preliminar; al que se añade un Vocabu-
lario de los Patagones, con varios apuntes sobre la Isla Pepys, y
una lámina.

Villarino, D. Basilio. Diario del reconocimiento que hizo del Rio
Negro, en la Costa Oriental de Patagonia, 1782.

Cramer, D. Ambrosio. Reconocimiento del Fuerte del Carmen del
Rio Negro, y de los Puntos adyacentes de la Costa Patagonica,

Angelis, P. de. Historical Sketch of Pepys' Island, in the South
Pacific Ocean. Plate. 8o
Buenos Aires, 1842.

Memoria Histórica sobre los Derechos de Soberania y
Dominio de la Confederacion Argentina; á la Parte Austral del
Continente Americano, comprendida entre las Costas del Oceano
Atlantico y la Gran Cordillera de los Andes, desde la Boca del
Rio de la Plata, hasta el Cabo de Hornos, inclusa la Isla de Los
Estados, la Tierra del Fuego, y el Estrecho de Magellanes en
toda su extension. Royal 8°
Buenos Aires, 1852.
Anglo-Eastern Empire, the Political, Commercial, and Financial
Condition of, in 1832. 8°
Anglo-Saxon. Vols. I. and II. Map and Plates. 8° 1849-50.
Annaes das Sciencias e Lettras, publicados debaixo dos Auspicios
da Academia Real das Sciencias.
Lisboa, 1857-58.


Sciencias Moraes e Politicas, e Bellas Lettras. Vol. I., & II. 9 nos.
Sciencias Mathematicas, Physicas, Historico-Naturaes, e Medicas.
Plate. Vol. I., & II. 5 nos,

Maritimos e Coloniales, publicação Mensal, redigida
sob a direcção da Associação Maritima e Colonial, 1840-41, 43-45.
Nos. 1-4, 1846. Maps. 4 Vols.
Lisboa, 1840-46.
Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, udgivne af det Kongelige
Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Maps and Plates. 1836-41. 3 Vols.

og Historie, 1847-50, 56, 59.

Kjöbenhavn. Kjöbenhavn, 1847-59.


Annales de l'Agriculture des Colonies et des Régions
Tropicales, publiées sous la direction de M. Paul Madinier.
Vol. 1-3 in 2 Vols. 8°
Paris, 1860-61.
Hydrographiques, recueil d'Avis, Instructions, Docu-
ments et Mémoires relatifs à l'Hydrographie et à la Navigation,
publié au Dépôt des Cartes et Plans de la Marine. Vols. I. to
XXVI. Part I. Maps. 8°
Paris, 1849-64.

des Voyages, de la Géographie et de l'Histoire; ou, Collection des Voyages nouveaux les plus estimés, traduits de toutes les Langues Européennes; des Relations Originales, inédites, communiquées par des Voyageurs Français et Etrangers; et des Mémoires Historiques sur l'Origine, la Langue, les Moeurs et les Arts des Peuples, ainsi que sur le Climat, les Productions et le Commerce des Pays jusqu'ici peu ou mal connus; publiées par M. Malte-Brun. Maps and Plates. 24 Vols. in 23. 8°

Paris, 1808-14.
Nouvelles des Voyages, de la Géographie et de
l'Histoire, par MM. J. B. EYRIES et MALTE-BRUN. Maps and
Plates. 30 Vols. 8°
Paris, 1819-26.

2me Série, par MM. EYRIÈS, de Larénaudière, et MALTE-BRUN.
30 Vols. 8°
Paris, 1826-33.

3me Série, par MM. EYRIES, de Larénaudière, et KLAPROTH. 24 Vols. 8° Paris, 1834-39. 4me Série, par une Réunion de Savants, de Géographes et de Voyageurs. 20 Vols. (wanting Mai, Août, Sept. 1841, and 1844). 8° Paris, 1840-44. 5me Série, Rédigées par M. Vivien de Saint Martin. 1845, 1846, Vols. II-IV.; 1847, Jan. and Feb.

6me Série, Rédigées par M. V. A. MALTE-BRUN. Mai, 1857; Avril, 1860; Juillet, 1861; Juin, 1863.

Annali Civili del Regno delle due Sicilie. From the commencement in 1833 to 1846. Plates and Tables. 14 Vols. 4° Napoli. Annuaire Diplomatique et Statistique, 1852. 24° Gotha, 1852. présentés au Roi par le Bureau des Longitudes, pour 1836-38, 40, and 42. 5 Vols.


Paris, 1836-42.

des Marées des Côtes de France. 4 Vols. 18°

Paris, 1848, 49, 62, 63.

1849 et 50, Par A. M. Chazallon et A. Lieusson.
1864 et 65, Par M. Gaussin et M. Ed. Ploix.

Oriental et Américain, publié avec le concours et
sous les auspices de la Société d'Ethnographie Américaine et
Orientale. Par Léon de Rosny. 12°
Paris, 1860.

de la Société d'Ethnographie, par A. CASTAING et C. DE LABARTHE. 1861, 62. 12°


Annuario del Real Observatorio de Madrid, 1863, 64. 2 Vols.


Madrid, 1862-63.

Anson, George, Lord. Voyage Round the World, 1740-44; compiled from Papers and other Materials of Lord Anson, and published under his direction by Richard Walter, Chaplain of H.M.S. Centurion. Plates. 2 Vols. 4°

Life of, by Sir JOHN BARROW. Portrait. 8°



Antarctic Discovery. A. Z.'s Letter to Royal Geographical Society. Map. 8°

N. D.

Paris, 1823.

Expedition. Report of the Committee of Physics, and Meteorology of the Royal Society, relative to the Observations to be made in the Antarctic Expedition and in the Magnetic Observatories. Plates. 8° 1840. Anthropological Review. Plates. Vols. I. and II. 8° 1863-64. Antillon, Don Isidore. Géographie Physique et Politique de L'Espagne et du Portugal. 8° Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, udgivet af det Kongelige Nordiske Öldskrift-Selskab, 1843-60. Plates. Paris, 1845-60. Anti-Slavery Reporter. Third Series. Vols. I. to IX. Royal 8° London, 1853-61. Apianus, Petrus, et Gemma Frisius. Cosmographia, sive Descriptio Universi Orbis; adjecti sunt alii, tum Gemmæ Frisii, tum aliorum Auctorum ejus argumenti Tractatus ac Libelli varii, quorum seriem versa pagina demonstrat. Woodcuts and Diagrams, some moveable. Small Folio. Antwerpiæ, 1584. Arabic Grammar, compiled for the use of Travellers. 8°

Bombay, 1834.

Arago, M. F. Instructions relatives au Voyage de Circumnavigation de la Bonité. 4° Paris, 1835.

Lettre à M. A. de Humboldt, sur le Précis d'Astronomie de M. de Pontécoulant, et l'Académie des Sciences. 8° Ib. 1840. J. Promenade autour du Monde pendant 1817-20, sur les Corvettes l'Uranie et la Physicienne, commandées par M. Freycinet. 2 Vols. 8° Paris, 1822. Arbousset, Thomas, et F. Daumas. Relation d'un Voyage d'exploration au Nord-est de la Colonie du Cap de BonneEspérance en 1836. Map and Plates. 8° Paris, 1842. Arbuthnot, Lieut. G. Herzegovina; or, Omer Pasha and the Christian Rebels; with a Brief Account of Servia, its Social, Political, and Financial Condition. Maps and Plates. 8° 1862. Archæologia; or, Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. Vols. 1, 2, 6, 11-14, 16-31, 33-39, Part I. Maps and Plates. 31 Vols. 1804-63.


Index, from Vol. 16 to Vol. 30. 4o

Archbell, James. Grammar of the Bechuana Language. 8°


Graham's Town, 1837.

Archer, Lieut. Joseph. Statistical Survey of the County of Dublin, with Observations on the Means of Improvement. Map. 8° Dublin, 1801.

Major. Tours in Upper India, and in parts of the Himalaya Mountains. 2 Vols. 8°


W. H. Statistical Notes on the Progress of Victoria from the Foundation of the Colony. 1835-60. First Series. 4° Melbourne, 1861. Statistical Register of Victoria, from the Foundation of the Colony; with an Astronomical Calendar for 1855. 8°

Melbourne, 1854. Arctic Expeditions. A Collection of Papers relative to the Recent Arctic Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin, and the Crews of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. By Captains Moore, Ross, Austen, Penny, Inglefield, Belcher, Kellett, M'Clure, &c. Maps and Plates. 6 Vols. Folio.


Expeditions from England, from 1497 to 1833. Map. 8°


Miscellanies. A Souvenir of the late Polar Search, by the Officers and Seamen of the Expedition. Illustrations. 8o 1852. Rewards and their Claimants. 8°



Searching Expeditions of 1850-51; Papers and Despatches relating to the, together with Remarks as to the probable course pursued by Sir John Franklin. Maps. 8° 1851. Arenales, Colonel José. Noticias Históricas y Descriptivas sobre el gran pais del Chaco y Rio Bermejo, con Observaciones relativas á un plan de Navegacion y Colonizacion que se propone. Map. Buenos Aires, 1833. Général. Biografia, y Juicio sobre la Memoria Histórica de su segunda campaña á la Sierra del Peru en 1821; por P. de Angelis. Maps. 8° Buenos Aires, 1832. Argentine Railway. Central Argentine Railway from Rosario to Cordova. Concession and Official Documents relating to this undertaking. 8° 1863. Aristotle, the Life and Writings of; by FREDERICK A. TRENDELENBURG. Translated from the German, by G. LONG. 8° N. D. Armstrong, Alex. Personal Narrative of the Discovery of the North-west Passage, with Incidents of Travel and Adventure during nearly Five Years' Service in the Arctic Regions, while in Search of the Expedition under Sir John Franklin. Map and Plate. 8° 1857.


John, R.E. History of the Island of Minorca. Map and Plates. 8° Army and Navy Club. Rules and Regulations, with an Alphabetical List of the Members. 12°


Arnaud, M. d'. Documents et Observations sur le Cours du
Bahr-el-Abiad, ou du Fleuve Blanc, et sur quelques autres
points de Géographie. Map. 8°
Paris, 1843.

Paris, 1842.

Second Voyage à la Recherche des Sources du Bahr-elAbiad, ou Nil Blanc. 8° Arndtsen, Adam. Physikalske Meddelelser. Plates. 4°

Christiania, 1858.

Arnold, Ipolyi. A Középkori Emlékszerü Építészet Magyarországon. 4°

Pesten, 1852.

A Középkori Szobrászat Magyagrországon. 4° Pesten, 1863. Th., D.D. History of Rome. Vol. II. 8° 1840. Arriani. Expeditionis Alexandri, et Historia Indica, ex Bonav. Vulcanii Înterpretatione Latina, post variam aliorum industriam, ita lacunis vel cognitis vel ignotis etiamnum, et obscuris suppletis, ita Auctoris in Græcæ Linguæ nativo usu præstantia et facultate restituta ex plurium Manuscriptorum et præsertim unius optimi collatione, ut nunc demum prodire hic auctor videri debeat, opera J. Gronovii, Gr. et. Lat. Portrait. Folio.

Ludg. Bat., 1704. History of Alexander's Expedition. Translated by Rooke. To which is prefixed Mr. Leclerc's Criticism upon Quintus Curtius. Map. 2 Vols. 8°



Oxford, 1805.

Voyage Round the Euxine Sea, translated by W. and T. Falconer. Maps and Plates. Arthur, William. What is Fiji? the Sovereignty of which is offered to Her Majesty. 8°


Artizan, the. A Monthly Record of the Progress of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Ship Building, Steam Navigation, and the Application of Chemistry to the Industrial Arts. Plates and Tables. Vol. XVI., Jan. to July, 1858; Vol. XVII., April to Dec. 1859; Vol. XVIII., 1860 to- 4o 1858-64. Arundell, Rev. F. V. J. Discoveries in Asia Minor, including a Description of the Ruins of several Ancient Cities, and especially Antioch of Pisidia. Map and Plates. 2 Vols. 8° 1834.


A Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia, with an Excursion into Pisidia, containing Remarks on the Geography and Antiquities of those Countries. Map and Inscriptions. 8° 1828. Asher, A. Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels edited and published by Levinus Hulsius and his successors, from 1598 to 1660. 4o Ashmun, Jehudi, Life of, late Colonial Agent in Liberia; with Extracts from his Journal and other Writings; and a Sketch of the Life of the Rev. Lott Cary. Portrait. 8° New York, 1835. The Liberia Farmer; or Colonist's Guide to Independence and Domestic Comfort. 8° Philadelphia, 1835.

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