Imágenes de páginas


Gusman, Nunno. Relatione dell' imprese fatte in acquistare molte
Provincie e Città nella Maggior Spagna, 1530.

Ulloa, Capit. Francesco. Navigatione per discoprire l'Isole delle Spe-
cierie fino al mare detto Vermeio, 1532-39.

Vasquez di Coronado, F. Sommario di due sue Lettere, del Viaggio
fatto da Fra Marco da Nizza alle sette Città di Cevola, 1539.
Mendozza, Ant. Lettera del discoprimento della Terra Ferma della
Nuova Spagna verso Tramontano, 1539.

Nizza, Marco da. Relatione del Viaggio fatto per Terra à Cevola
Regno delle sette Città, 1539.

Vasquez, Francesco. Relatione del Viaggio alle dette sette Città, 1540.
Alarchon, Fernando. Navigatione, quale andò per Mare à scoprire
il Regno delle sette Città, 1540.

Relatione d'un Capitano Spagnuolo del discoprimento e conquista del
Perù fatta da F. ed H. Pizarro, 1531.

Xerez, Francesco. Relatione della Conquista fatta da F. Pizarro
del Perù e Provincia del Cuscho, chiamata la Nuova Castiglia,

Relatione d'un Secretario di F. Pizarro, della Conquista fatta della
Provincia del Perù, con la Descrittione della gran Città del
Cuscho, 1534.

Oviedo, Gonzalo F. Relatione della Navigatione per il grandissimo
Fiume Maragnon, post sopra la Terra Ferma dell' Indie Occiden-
tali, 1543.

Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Terra Ferma dell' Indie Occidentali, detta del Lavorador de los Baccalaos, et della Nuova Francia. Verrazzano, Giov. Relatione della terra per lui scoperta al Rè Christianissimo, 1524.

Discorso d'un gran Capitano di Mare Francese, sopra le Navigationi
fatte alla Nuova Francia, e sopra la terra del Brasil, Guinea, Isola
di San Lorenzo, e quella di Summatra.

Carthier, Jacques. Prima Relatione della Terra Nuoua detta la Nuova
Francia, 1534.

Seconda Relatione, della Navigatione per lui fatta all'Isole di
Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenai, etc., al presente dette la Nuova
Francia, 1535.

Cesare de' Federici. Viaggio nell' India Orientale, ed oltra l'India, per via di Soria, 1563-69.

Navigationi fatte da gli Olandesi e Zelandesi al Settentrione, nella
Noruegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini,
doue scopersero il Mare di Uveygatz, e la Nuova Zembla. Et un
paese nell' ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia, 1594-97.

Rang, Sander, et Ferdinand Denis. Fondation de la Régence
d'Alger, Histoire des Barberousse, Chronique Arabe du XVI
Siècle, publié sur un Manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Royale,
un Appendice et des Notes. Expédition de Charles-
Quint. Aperçu Historique et Statistique du Port d'Alger.
Portraits and Map. 2 vols. 8°
Paris, 1837.
Ranke, Leopold. History of Servia and the Servian Revolution.
Translated by Mrs. A. Kerr. Map. 8°
Ranuzzi, Annibale. Annuario Geografico Italiano. 1844, 1845.
2 vols. 12° and 8°
Bologna, 1844-45.



Notizia sullo stato attuale degli Studi Geografici in Italia.
Bologna, 1843.

Saggio di Geografia Pura, ovvero Primi Studi sull' Anatomia della Terra. 8° Bologna, 1840.

Raper, Lieut. Henry. The Practice of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 8°


Supplement to the First Edition of the Practice of Naviga

tion. 8°

1842. Maritime Positions, constituting Table 10 of the Practice of Navigation. 8°


Rules for finding Distances and Heights at Sea. 8° 1859. Tables of Logarithms to six places; containing Logarithms of numbers from 1 to 10,000, and of Sines, Tangents, and Secants for every half-minute; with proportional parts for Seconds. 8° 1846.

Rask, Rasmus K. Ræsonneret Lappisk Sproglære, efter den Sprogart, som Bruges af Fjældlapperne i porsangerfjorden i Finmarken; en Omarbejdelse af Prof. Knud Leems Lappiske Grammatica. 12° Köbenhavn, 1832.

Samlede tildels forhen utrykte Afhandlinger; udgivne efter forfatterens Död, af H. K. Rask. 3 vols. 12° Köbenh. 1834-38. Singalesisk Skriftlære. 8° Kolombo, 1821.

Genova, 1780.

Vejledning til Akra-Sproget paa Kysten Ginea, med et Tillæg om Akvambuisk. 12° Kobenhavn, 1828. Ratti, C. G. Instruzione di quanto puo' vedersi di piu' bello in Genova. Map and Plates. 8° Rattray, Alex. Vancouver Island and British Columbia, where they are; what they are; and what they may become. Maps and Plates. 8°


Raumer, Karl von. Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Geographie.

Plates. 8°

Palästina. Maps. 8°

Leipzig, 1835.

Leipzig, 1850.

Ravennatis Anonymi, qui circa Sæculum VII. vixit de Geo-
graphia, lib. V. Ex MS. Codice Bibliothecæ Regiæ eruit et
Notis illustravit D. P. Porcheron. 4°
Ravenstein, Aug. Die vierte Stadt-Erweiterung. Map. 8°

Paris, 1688.

Frankfurt a. M., 1857.

Geographie und Statistik des Britischen Reichs. 8°


Leipzig, 1863.


The Russians of the Amur; its Discovery, Conquest, and Colonisation, with a Description of the Country, its Inhabitants, &c. Maps and Plates. Raverty, Capt. H. G. Dictionary of the Puk'hto, Pushto, or Language of the Afghans; with Remarks on the Originality of the Language, and its affinity to the Semitic and other Oriental Tongues, &c. 4°


Grammar of the Puk'hto, Pus'hto, or Language of the Afghans; in which the Rules are illustrated by examples from

the best writers, both Poetical and Prose; together with
Translations from the Articles of War, and Remarks on the
Language, Literature, and Descent of the Afghan Tribes. 4o

Raverty, Capt. H. G. The Gospel for the Afgháns; being a short
critical examination of a small portion of the New Testament
in the Pushto or Afghán Language, and a Comparison between
it and the Original Greek, from which it is said to have been
made. 8°
London, 1864.
The Gulshan-I-Roh; being Selections, Prose and Poetical,
in the Pushto or Afghan Language. 4°
Ravinet, Théodore. Dictionnaire Hydrographique de la France,
contenant la Description des Rivières et Canaux flottables et
navigables dépendans du domaine public; suivi de la Collection
complète des Tarifs des Droits de Navigation. Map. 2 vols.

Paris, 1824.
Rawlinson, Maj-Gen. Sir H. C. Notes on the Direct Overland
Telegraph from Constantinople to Kurrachi. Map. 8° 1861.
Outlines of Assyrian History, collected from the Cuneiform
Inscriptions; with some Remarks by Layard. [Report of the
Royal Asiatic Society, 1852.] 8°


Ray, John. Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages. 2 vols.

London, 1738.

Ray (John). Travels through the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy,
and France, with curious observations; also, a Catalogue of

Willughby, Francis. Travels through great part of Spain.
Rauwolf, Leonhart. Journey into the Eastern Countries, viz., Syria,
Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c.

Belon, Mr. Remarks in the Island of Creta or Candy; Description of
Mount Athos, commonly called Monte Santo: Journey from
Mount Athos to Constantinople, wherein the Gold and Silver
Mines of Macedonia, &c., are described.

Vernon (Francis). Travels from Venice through Istria, Dalmatia,
Greece, and the Archipelago to Smyrna.

Wheeler, Sir George. Plants observed in his Voyage to Greece and

Asia Minor.

Smith, Thomas. Historical Observations relating to Constantinople;
and an Account of the City of Prusa in Bithynia.

Greaves, John. Account of the Latitude of Constantinople and

Belon, M. Observations made in a Voyage to Egypt.

Greaves, John. Description of the Pyramids in Egypt, 1638-39.

Vansleb, Father. Of the Pyramids, Sphynx, Mummies, &c., of

Huntingdon, R. Letter concerning the Porphyry Pillars in Egypt.
Journey from Grand Cairo to Mecca.

Middleton, Sir Henry. Observations in Arabia Felix.

Michael of Tripoli. Of Ethiopia.

Lobo, Father. Observations of Ethiopia.

Raynal, Guil. Thomas. Histoire Philosophique et Politique des
Établissemens et du Commerce des Européens dans les deux
Indes. Plates and Tables. 10 vols.

Genève, 1781.

[ocr errors]

Razoumowsky, Comte Grégoire de.

Euvres. Contenant,—

Voyage Minéralogique et Physique de Bruxelles à Lausanne,
Luxembourg, Lorraine, Champagne, Franche-Comté, Aigle,
Lausanne, 1784.

&c. Map. 8°

Voyages Minéralogiques dans le Gouvernement d'Aigle,
Lausanne, 1784.

et une partie du Vallais. Map. 8°
Reden, Freiherrn Fr. von. Das Königreich Hannover statistisch
beschrieben, zunächst in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft,
Gewerbe und Handel. 2 vols. 8.
Hannover, 1839.
Redfield, William C. Cape Verde and Hatteras Hurricane, of
Aug.-Sept., 1853, with a Hurricane Chart, and notices of
various Storms in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, North of the
Equator. 8°
New Haven, U. S., 1854.
Cursory Remarks and Suggestions on various topics in
Meteorology. By an Amateur Observer. 8°

N. P., N. D.
On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic.
Map. 8°
N. P., N .D.
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, on the History and
Causes of Steamboat Explosions, and the Means of Prevention.
New York, 1839.
Observations in relation to the Cyclones of the Western
Pacific. Map. 4°
Washington, 1857.
Observations on the Hurricanes and Storms of the West
Indies and the Coast of the United States. Map. 8° N. P., N. d.
Observations on the Storm of Dec. 15, 1839. Map. 8°
New York, 1841.

On the Courses of Hurricanes, with Notices of the Tyfoons
of the China Sea, and other Storms.
New York, 1838.

On three several Hurricanes of the Atlantic, and their rela-
tions to the Northers of Mexico and Central America, with
Notices of other Storms. Maps. 8°
New Haven, 1846.

Remarks on the prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast of
the North American States. Map. 8°
New York, N. D.

Replies to Dr. Hare's Objections to the Whirlwind Theory of Storms; with some evidence of the Whirling Action of the Providence Tornado of Aug. 1838. 8°

New York, 1842.
which visited New
Map. 8°
New York, 1841.

Remarks relating to the Tornado
Brunswick (in New Jersey), June 19, 1835.

Whirlwinds excited by Fire, with further Notices of the


Tyfoons of the China Sea. 8° Redhouse, J. W. English and Turkish and Turkish and English Dictionary; in which the Turkish Words are represented in the Oriental character, as well as their correct Pronunciation and Accentuation shewn in English letters. 8o


Rees, L. E. Runtz. Oude, its Past and its Future. 8°


Personal Narrative of the Siege of Lucknow, from its commencement to its relief by Sir Colin Campbell. Map and Portrait. 8o 1858. Registrar General. Reports of the, of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, 1844 to 1855. 11 vols. 8° London, 1845-57. Reid, Lieut.-Col. W. The Progress of the Development of the Law of Storms and of the Variable Winds, with the practical application of the subject to Navigation. Maps and Woodcuts.



W. Apparatus for Testing the Insulation of Electric Wires.

N. D.

8° Reiffenberg et Warnkoenig. Essai de Réponse aux Questions Officielles sur l'Enseignement Supérieur. 8° Brussels, 1828. Reinaud, M. Mémoire Géographique, Historique, et Scientifique sur l'Inde antérieurement au milieu du XI Siècle de l'Ere Chrétienne, d'après les Écrivains Arabes, Persans et Chinois. Map. Paris, 1849.


Mémoire sur le Commencement et la Fin du Royaume de la Mésène, et de la Kharacène, et sur l'Époque de la Rédaction du Périple de la Mer Érythrée, d'après les témoignages Grecs, Latins, Arabes, Persans, Indiens et Chinois. 8° Paris, 1861.

Question Scientifique et Personnelle, au sujet des dernières
Découvertes sur la Géographie et l'Histoire de l'Inde. 8°

Paris, 1859.
Rapport sur le Tableau des Dialectes de l'Algérie et des
Contrées voisines, de M. Geslin. 8°
Paris, 1856.

Relation des Voyages faits par les Arabes et les Persans dans l'Inde et à la Chine dans le IX Siècle. 2 vols. 24° 1845.

Relations Politiques et Commerciales de l'Empire Romain avec l'Asie Orientale (l'Hyrcanie, l'Inde, la Bactriane et la Chine) pendant les cinq premiers Siècles de l'Ere Chrétienne, d'après les témoignages Latins, Grecs, Arabes, Persans, Indiens, et Chinois. Maps. 8° Paris, 1863. Reineggs, Dr., and Marshal Bieberstein. General, Historical, and Topographical Description of Mount Caucasus; with a Catalogue of Plants indigenous to the Country. Translated by C. Wilkinson. Map and Plates. 2 vols. 8° Reinèke, M. Déscription Hydrographique des Côtes Septentrionales de la Russie, Côte de la Laponie et Mer Blanche, Traduction du Russe par H. de la Planche. 2 Parts. 8°


Paris, 1860-62. Reiner, Ignatius. Sailing Directions for, and Remarks on the Tides and Currents of the Strait of Gibraltar. 8° 1826. Reinwardt, C. G. C. Reis naar het Oostelijk Gedeelte van den

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