Imágenes de páginas

westcoat. [These last for a valet or servant. The whole is a view of the outfit of a bachelor officer of the period. A little later, while he was abroad :



B. No. 379, 1720.-Account.] Livrés pour monsieur le général Rose par Bagnol cordonnier:-22me Janvier une paire de souliers o liv. 7 sol. [8 other like items.] Mars une paire de peron aves [avec?] les garniture 4s. 13me Juilet une paire de pautoufles avec des carties 10s. [total] 31. 15s. (See Appendix.]

[No. 380, 1724.-Account, parts rotted.] The Laird of Newmore Dr to John Hossack . . . To a pair muffles 15d sterling . . Cash given to Miss to buy needles () Do. given her at a practiceing. [This Miss was Mary, sister of John Munro, see No. 156, and she appears as Lady Newmore in Nos. 383. 384, 885, and 886.] . . . . 1 yd. flowered saitine ribon, A fine straw Hat 30d.. Cash given Miss to buy shoes 30d A paper patches 5d [so the strange fashion of sticking patches on the cheeks, &c., had penetrated to Inverness-and Miss was grown up] · To a Sizzars 3d.. worsted stockings for Miss at 30d.. fine white gloves 16d. Cash given her at a Ball 30d. () Whalebone 2s 9d To 1 yd. stenline [? faded] to mend a hoop [so the hooped petticoat had also come north] ( )... To a half quire paper for a flute book 4d. A Belt Buckle 6d. . A paper patches 3d [she had the patches June 2nd and July 23rd.] Mending Miss' shoes 24d To 1lb. white powder for Miss [so the fashion of powdering had also arrived]. yd. cherry persian 6 [coloured cord] . . a pair Teiking shoes for Miss 3s. 6d Silk bynding for a tyer [head-dress] paid fireing for Miss at Edwds School . . a pair Pattens for Miss 14d . . . a bone comb 6d a horn comb 2d a musick book 6d. . . .Wool to twill a petticoat 4d .. A fine fan 30d. . Cash to pay her musick . . . a pair mourning buckles . . . silver ribon. . 14 yds. Callimanco. . . A powder box and pluff 9d . . . Paid for stirrup leathers. . [From other papers we learn that John Hossack & Co. were leading merchants in Inverness at that time. So the future Lady Munro was finishing her education there, and specially music, at Edwards' School. Her only instrument apparently was the flute.

No. 381, 1745.-Note, addressed] ffor Baillie Nicolas Ross merchant in Taine-Sir, you'll give the berear three yeards tartine and I beg you see it be of good cloith and I intreat be as reasionable in your price as you can and as he tells me he will need six quarters more place the same to my accompt... If you have any woman's stockings send a sight. to my wiffe... David McCulloch. Mulderg Augt. 5. [The paper is docketed "Letter, Piltown." Next is a

[merged small][ocr errors]

No. 382, 1755.-] Lady Piltown at Milderick to Katherin Morrison for Necessarys for Piltown's funeral [prices

omitted] To making a black cloath weed-black flanning gown-2 cloath petticoats-a scarlet cloath plaid-2 flanning aprons a pair of pockets-a black velvet cape and hood-two short-gowns with 6 yds. cheque lining-hemming 2 black napkins-making 6 shirts-6 pair long riffled slieves-6 suit double mobs [caps?]-6 lawn hoods-6 pair weepers. [Along with this may be taken the last part of inventory of same date.] Deceased David M'Culloch of Mulderg.... 29 yards green linnen-4 yds. coarse dornick

a pair woolen cards-a pair tow cards-a spinning wheel -12 slips linnen yarn and seven clews. [Such items of spinning and weaving machines, stocks of raw flax, of wool, of yarn, and of finished cloth, in this and many previously given inventories, all illustrate the Home Industry then carried on by the women, even in large houses. Beds, tables and chairs, as in others, but] Item Piltown's Election chair at 3 sh. Fir Press with drawers-Chist of drawers . . . baking trough and sheall knife . . sum of moveables £24 3s 9d sterling.

or son

[No. 383, 1761.-]Defences for Lady Newmore in the process against her at the instance of Hugh Macfarquhar Surgeon in Tayne for payment of . . . £4 18s 7d stg. . . . This pursuer had, for 3 years cattle grazed with her milk cows. at 15 sh. Stg. yearly. . . he received a supply of beeswax at 14d per lb. and.. lard at 2d from.. Newmore . . money, meal, bear, barley. . . from the defender a Kob and pettycoat of her daughter's . . . a suit of superfine blew cloath belonging to her son, with a fine beaver hat trimed with a gold lace with a Bag Wigg, little used by either daughter for which articles he has not hitherto given credite. [For more about the lawsuits, see No. 886. All Lady Newmore's troubles ended not long after, for we have No. 384, 1763.-] Inventory of the Body cloaths that belonged to the deceast Lady Newmore. A suit of blue riding cloaths with a black satin vest and scarlet Joseph [riding habit, with buttons down to the skirts] a black velvet cap and neck. A Black silk negligee and petticoat. A gray silk night gown, a black mankie petticoat Four Demity and three flannell Smoak Petticoats and a red frieze. Two sleeping Demity Jackets, 19 shifts 'twixt coarse and fine, 4 Riding Shirts Six suit of night cloaths very bad. 6 Camberick caps very good and 8 quite old. Two lawn and one muslin hood. A Black gauze sewed hood. 3 pair double ruffles. . . 8 neckcloaths. . 6 coloured pocket napkins and 2 white. Two Black satin cloaks and a hat. A white silk shoulder cloak. Seven pair Threed and three pair cotton stockings, 2 pair black lasting shoes. A silver mounted shell snuff box. A pair gogles A gray fur muff and tippet. 7th April J. Gorry. [Thus, a lady riding in a scarlet "Joseph," a girl in a bagwig, and a young man with a beaver hat trimmed with gold, were among the fashionables

of Old Ross; but these pale before the glories of male attire -coats, vests, breeches, of red, brown, yellow, and green, gold buttons, and feathered hats, of that period, as seen in B. No. 385, 1736.-French tailor's account against Sir Wm. Baillie of Lamington while staying abroad. Translation in Appendix. Repetitions are omitted. Each item ends nettoyé," and the charges are in livres and sols, equivalent to 10d and d.] Mémoire pour Monsieur Chevalier de Belly [the Frenchman's attempts to write Baillie are funny] que Lahay a fait en ouvrage et nettoyé. . Un habit rouge de gallons d'ors et une veste, à 6; Deux habits noires et une veste, 6; un chapeau avec la plume, 3; Un habit damas brun et la veste, 6; une veste jaune, 2; une veste d'été, 4; une plume nettoyé et tourné un bontespagne, [?] 4; veste verd, 2; habit gris d'été et les culottes, 4; habit brun deboutonniers d'ors, 8; Pair de bas blanges. levé le mailles, 1,, 10s; une veste rouge, 2; pour broussé les chapeaux et fournir de cordons, 4. [The tailor's and the other tradesmen's French-not unimpeachable-is given as it stands. A porteur or chairman's receipt for 401 livres 15 sols is dated Lunéville 1er Juin 1736, as is also a farrier's account, which had better be given here, but writing is bad and words doubtful:


B. No. 386, 1736.-] Mémoire de ce que dofinct maittre marchal ferant à Lunéville a fait et fourny pour les chevaux de monsieur le chevallier bellille de l'anné 1736. Sçavoir avoir fourny quarintes huit fers de chevaux tant fers que relioné [?] a raisons de dix sols par chaques fers . . 24th. De plus avoir fourny trois liens de roux 30 sols Avoir resondé une bande de roux J'ay fourny deux cloux de roux 12 sols . . . fourny une osse [osselet?] 4 sol.. avoir pensé le cheval gris que estois blessé 40 sols esgrous [?] neuf 5 sols. [Lastly, for same year, is


B. No. 387, 1736.-] Mémoire de ce que Desjardin a deboursé pour M. le Chevallier Belly-Sçavoir-pour une langue de porcq 9 sol 3 Une bouteille pour mettre du tabac 12s. Donné à un pauvre 2s. . Quand monsieur a été à la chasse à Einville 11 12s. . au Postillon au Parc d'Einville 12s . . à la chasse à St Clement 16s. . donné un masson à Casabelle pour un siffelet 9s. . Un pot pour mettre son tabac 12s. Pressé à la cour le Mardigras 10s. . Pour un soldat qu'il a engagé à Moniel 12s; à un pauvre 4s; à la maison sur la levée pour eau de vie 10s Pour du tabac à fumer frizé 6s Pour deux pipers fines 2s. Pour deux oeufs de canards 3s Pour deux vers cassés aux gardes 4s; pour deux goblets 4s [apparently also smashed at the Guards' mess.] Pour du sucre que j'ai achepté pour prendre du caffé avec M. Brochainville 8s. Donné pour avoir changé un Louis pour quatre gros écus 4s [about 1 per cent.] Quatre bouteilles de Bièrre ché Launay et retiré le cachet de M. Blaine 24

sol... Trois massons ché Launay 27s. Pour une etrille 14 sol. pour un paigne 10s pour une éponge 10s. . à un soldat qu'il à trouvé sur la levée 26 sol. [Several like items"Old soldiers" seem to have beset his path.] Donné à M. le Chevallier devant le Sauvage à trois heures après midi Deux gros escus 1511 10s. . Donné encore deux gros ecus pour Parroy [near Lunéville, like the other places.] Octr 6me Donné un petit escu à M. le chevallier etant à la promenade aux bois de Vitrimont avec des demoiselles 311 17s 6d. 7me Octr donné. . un gros escu et demi etant avec les mêmes dames à Rosières 1111 12s 6d. 4me Novre . . un Louis et demi etant au Sauvage à Nancy 4611 10s. 29me Novre pour le vallet d'écurie 16s . . En revenant de Parroy etant à Henamenil. . pour les chevaux avec Tirotte 311 17s 6d. 11me Janvier 1736 . . à un Palfernier de la cour qui a fait le Crain au cheval 2 massons 18s 6d. . . Je Certifie d'avoir reçu. . 82311 9s 3d . Marque X de Desjardin.. Will Baillie. [There is a separate account for rooms and liquor, the latter 15011., and altogether it will be seen how a chevalier could have a time of it in Lorraine of two centuries ago. Along with these:


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B. No. 388, 1736.-] Memoire . . Dumarest . . Une épée d'argent 10011. . trois foureaux et trois bout d'argent 1211 . . une lame doré et un foureau de chagrin, redressé la branche et remettre l'épée toute en neuf 311 . . Reçu. . Luneville ..


[See note as to oatmeal in No. 416, then

B. No. 389, 1661.-Note-book of Balnagown's expenses, apparently kept by a steward.] Upon the 29th day of October, 1661 . . we came to the toune of Edr. to John Anderson's house . . . To the first of November yr is resting nyne poynts of aill, item of wyne ane chapine and ane mushkine of Frenche wyne ane mushkine of seck Saturday 3 poynts of aill.. Mononday 7 poynts. . Item after the fitting of compt [squaring of account] resting twa gallones of aill and ane quart and schoe [so] is to receave ticketts in tyme cuming. [Evidently the drink account and perhaps the steward also had got rather muddled, for this part is confused. The succeeding weeks show 3, 6, 8, and 13 gallons of ale respectively.] given to Bailzie Suttie for reteiring of the Laird's bond £300 [so he was the draper in No. 368.] Item for suetties [sweets?] 12 sh., for wine 19 sh., lost at play 12 sh., . . to the poor £1 9 sh., . . to ane poor scoller 3 sh., Item peyd at Libertoune qn we went to heir sermon qt betwix givin to the bedler at ane drink qch we took yrin 19 sh. . . . Item givin for puther and lead £3. . . givin to the bedler on Sunday in trone kirk 12s [repeated 3 times after, the



last "finall money."] Changit for to make small money 3s. Item givin to the barbar for to pole ye laird's haire 12s. To Mr Jon Cunningham qn the Laird went to consult wt him £25 [and many other legal expenses and many "chopins of wyne," one with the Laird of Mey.] To the osslower [hostler?] his man qn he cam wt lres 12 sh. To the lass yt caried doune the lairds new bands 6 sh. Ane caice to ye Lairds gun 13 sh. . . for helping [mending] of the twa gunes of the Laird 12 sh. To Alexr. Ross post for carying south ye Lairds gunn 16s [an ancient parcel post!].. Givin in Alexr. Heyes hous quhen the Laird took his morning drink qn the service wes to pass in the Cannogaitt, 12 sh. [One day's boarding account is given thus:]

Item first for drink £1 3 Item for bread 12s. . Sucrer and dubaces [sweets?] 4 sh. twa dish of broth tailzie of boof and rost £1 10. . Wyne 13s item for ane uther £1 3s item to ye landladie for mail of the chalmer £22; item for the Lairds pistolls as we cam away 12s Item givin to my lord Caithness Cotchman £1 18 sh. item to the litle boy in David Newlands Stable. . the smithe for schewing of our horses £2 6 sh... [For expenses on the way home, see after No.


B. No. 390, 1663.-] The Laird of B. his accompt 12th to 18th Jully 1663.. Item for bread. . betwixt loaves and rolls £1 16s. Item 3s. ail and beir 7 poynts. . with 3 once of succor.. 8s 6d. [Sugar sold by the ounce at 5s for 3 oz.] . . Our dannar Wednisday broth, rostit muttone and soddin £1 4s. . Thursday twa dische off fische and ane rost of muttone £1 6s. . . Saturday [do.] and ane halff dussone off herrene 4 sh. . . So yt we begude wt our new accompt on Sunday. ane rost off mutton, rabbats, and ane dische off rost quytines [whitings] . . 18s. Item at Super in the Efternoon.. ane rost sulder off muttone ane tailzie off boof and twa chickines £1 18s [special diet and early hours.] Item on Mononday. . ane sulder off muttone and ane dische of brothe 14s. Item on Tysday twa dische of brothe ane tailzie off boof and ane toost callit spare and 2 herrin £1 10. Item at night back ribs rostit 5s . . . Thursday the Laird being absent twa dische of broth and backrib and 2 herrin 7s . . . . At super on Fryday ane dische of collips 10s. [Nothing new till] Tysday ane dische of peis and 4 herrin. [Two years further on we have account for a larger company :

B. No. 391, 1665.-] Upon Saturday the last day of Decr 1664 I fitted compt with the landlady and Jeane Scot £25 17s.... First we haid on Sunday to danner twa dish of broath biscat and back ribbs of mutton ane guise and ane suldre of muttoun £2 16s; mair we haid. . at night ane pair of rabbatts £1; mair, of bread the first day aucht loaves 8s. We haid nothing upon Mononday becaus we dynit doun in the Canongate, except 3 loaves, 3s. Nota yt the ticketts is

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