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No. 508, 1763.-Agreement]. . between Hugh McLeod of Geanies and Gavin Skeoch, cloack and watch maker, late in Glasgow . . . obliges himself to make . . good materials . . and workmanship. . eight day cloack. . go regularly. . and join to the same all the parts, wheels, barrels, &c., that belong to a musick cloack that will play such twelve tunes as Geanies shall appoint . . . and that by the turning of a hand it will play any one of the 12 tunes. . to note on the barrels those 12 tunes in ane exact pointed way. . begin. . February.. finished. . August. . to play one tune each three hours every day, to change itself each 24 hours and play a new tune each day of the 12 days . . obliges . . not to leave his work one day till . . finished without . . allowance . . . Geanies . . to pay . . Gavin . . Ten guineas . . 3 when the work is ended, 3 three weeks after. . 4 at the end of the year if it goes regularly. . not wrong any manner of way.. further to maintain . . Skeoch at.. Geanies while he works... penaltie of £2 Stg. . Witnesses, Wm. Urquhart, schoolmaster at Geanies, and Colin Mackenzie, son to. . tacksman of Balnacore of Cadboll. [There is next a complaint by Geanies to the Tain Magistrates, reciting above agreement; that Skeoch began, but later he and John Ross, a watchmaker in Tain, proposed partnership, and that they should finish the clock in Tain. A piece is torn out of the paper, but it appears from the next part that Skeoch got into trouble and was shut up in the Tolbooth; that Geanies demanded the clock, almost finished, from Ross, who refused, alleging that he bought it of Skeoch "while in the Tolbooth." Geanies offers to pay the stipulated price to any who has the right to it, and sues for delivery of the clock. There is no paper giving the result, nor any trace now of the clock itself, so far as known. in a sheet of accounts of George Miller, treasurer of Tain in 1768, there are entries-" Paid Skeoch, clockmaker, £1 5s," and "Paid John Ross, clockmaker, for salary, £2 15s. No. 509, 1787.-]. . Roup. . Hugh Ross, silversmith in Tain [repetitions avoided by summing up similar lots] Silver-mounted snuffbox, 7s 6d; 3 pr. silver buckles, 28s 6d; 9 silver Table spoons 211⁄2 oz., £5 11s; 47 silver hearts, 65s 6d [these were used as engagement gifts]: 1 gold heart, 11/6d; 11 silver rings, 15s 6d; 9 silver tea- and two sugarspoons, 22s 10d; 5 gold rings, £1 8s 3d; 3 boxes containing precious stones, 10/3: parcel of pearls, 3s; 21 watch glasses, 1s 6d; 2 candlesticks and caster, 1s 8d; 2 Coffee Pots; 3 nutmeg graters; gold weights and Bullion weights and Bismer; a press with glass front; punch ladle, 9s 6d; 2 China bowls, 10/. [Rest is household furniture. For note as to some of the purchasers, see under Tain after No. 986. In 1773, in a letter, Wm. Nicol, watchmaker, Edinburgh, quotes for Barometer, Thermometer, and hygrometer, £2 12s 6d; Barometer and Thermometer, £2 6s 6d; Baro


meters, £1 5s to £2 10s. As to COINED silver and gold, there is a reference to very old coinages in

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B. No. 510, 1593.-Receipt.] I James Nicolsoun maister measone grantis me to have receavit. . fra . . George Ross of Balnagown. . fourtie libs. money haill and compleit payment of money victuall, wavers [small timber], and . uther in ye Inventory maid. . concerning ye new wark of Balnagown .. At Tayne ye xxi day of Octr. ane thousand fyve hundert fourscoir threttin zeires witnesses, Allexr. Hay, Andro McCulloch, burgesses of Tayne +N. [Below, on same paper:-] I. . James Nicolsoun obleistis me to delyver ye peices of gold following to ye said George Ross.. Mertimes nixt. . for ye pryces subsequent . . ane auld ross nobill at vi merks vi sh. and viii d.; Ane dubill deucat at ten merks; Ane Angell nobil at sevin merks; Ane new angell nobill at four merks; Ane half of ane auld Ross nobill at fyve merks ten shillings; tway crownes, extending to aucht merks. In ye haill, sevin peices. [See also end of No. 465. George Ross was evidently a collector of old coins. In an account of 1688 we have " fyve rex dollers, £14 10s," whence the rex-dollar was then 56s Scots, or 4s 8d stg. ; but in No. 531 it is given 60s, and in an account of 1699 there is one rex-dollar reckoned 58s Scots. In a printed advertisement of 1746, sent by Thomas Cumming, Cork, to Col. Monroe, a quotation of £5 1s Irish money for shagg is reckoned at £4 13s 3d stg. As to FINANCE, there are many letters from John Coutts and the firm, not only as to money, but as to purchases and sales of grain, in which they evidently dealt either as principals or agents. Even their banking letters and notices usually end with news as to harvest prospects or grain prices--see one in No. 449. In 1750, one signed Coutts & Trotter intimates the death of John Coutts at Malaga, and next comes this letter:

No. 511, 1751.-] To Wm. Baillie at Ardmore.



18th April. I take the liberty to advise you of my arrivall here the 11th curt. . . . My bad state of health when abroad detained me in France. ... I take this oppurtunity sincere acknowledgements for the kind regard. . . since my Father's death shown to our Interest . . . make it our study to merit the continuance . . . . Patrick Coutts. My Firm of the house here-Coutts Son & Trotter. Do. at LondonCoutts, Trotter & Stephen. [The following letter has reference both to the firm and to trading by lairds: No. 512, 1746.-Letter: Lord Reay to Wm. Baillie.] Tongue 27th Octг. . . . . As your Bill on Mr Coutts & Comp. was accepted, I send you the 2nd Bill, and as I forgot to take up Robert Mackay's Bills on you if you have keep'd them return. . taking away your subscription . . I shall be glad to hear that the cattle turns to good account; as none lost


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by them hitherto I should be sorry you was the first. I have got my Butter sold at home. I thank you kindly for the use of your boat. . . My son writes me from Edr. gained universal credite that the two french Vessells with the Pretender's son &c. were taken by our Cruizers. . Reay. [No. 513, 1725.-Letter to] The Much Honord The Laird of Newmore. I receved from your servent . . 13 stone of Butter and 18 of Cheese all weighed at Baillie Hossack's sight, but your butter is so foule that it will allow discompt one stone. Receve wt your bottmen one half hyd of Benn lether. . . Ang. McIntoshe, Inverness. [In a letter of 1766, Alexr. Gray of Skibo writes from Edinburgh:-] John Gray of Rogart had a strange trocking with a variety of matters. When he was here he sold grocerys, wines and I know not what, and told me he had discharged a good Ideal of his debts. I have admired how he warped himself out of difficulties.

[No. 514, 1749.-Letter: Bailie Somerville, merchant, Renfrew, to Wm. Baillie.] . . I have bought 1700 bolls from Lord Rosse.. sending 2 vessels with 40,000 sclates, which bespeak merchants for, or will not the new garison opposite Chanrie [i.e., Fort-George] want them. . North country meal has sold now at Ayrth for 8s 6d [No. 515, 1763.-Letters: Earl of Seafield to Wm. Baillie.] Cullen House . . My chamberlain Alexr. Grant concluded a bargain. . for transporting 100 bolls of barley to Redcastle as you desired . . . I doubt not of its satisfaction . . . I have no hope of a bargain with Findrassie but by your means . . . Findlater & Seafield. 1764. . . Received . . order upon Coutts's House at Edr. for any sum between £800 and £1000 Scots. . . . My Lord Kinnoul generally gets a higher price than other people. . goodness of his grain. . easy delivery to the consumers in Perth . . . Findlater & Seafield. [Retail trading is illustrated in


B. No. 516, 1664.-Sheaf of small notes: Balnagown and his sister to a Tain merchant, Macculloch.] Louing frend, I hop that you have bought my shous according to my brothers order, as for the stuf the pries is tunty shiligs the els . . . being in hest I rest your louing frend Katheren Ross. [On back] for Allaxander Maccloh thes ar. [Another] Louin frind, the last later was not so wel pened as it oght to have ben therfor I disyer that ye may by too per of Shous and too per Sokens ather grine or rid but if you can have them grine I loue them best. Caues by too pers of glovs on per wheet and the other en hansum coler send en sugar lof the laird informed me that did by sum linen to be my brother shartt so this is all . . . [Above are holograph, the next is not, so the politeness and spelling are both less extraordinary.] Alexander M'Culloch ye sall be pleisit to delyver to this bearer thrie pound of your best hops as als ane

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peaper of prins for the last yt wes sent to me is goine by my hands and cannot cum be ym . . . At Ardmoir . 29th Mearch 1664. [From David Ross to same.] . . Ye sall give off as much grayes as the taylor will say my Brother will need, to be cassok and breeches . ye give als much irone and lead as Alexr. Ross of Pitmaduthy will call for . . lykeways be pleasit to caus your toone smith enter to meak some halpaids for me .. Ye will give to Duncane Fraser Glassin wright ane stone of lead such as he will choise. . 22 March 1664. [After lead-feathers; for in 1670, Alexr. Raine, Kincardine, agrees to bring to Balnagown "20 stone weight of good guise reathers for beds, at four punds Scots ilk stone.'

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No. 517, 1684.-Missive to] Thomasse Ffraser Mairgane in Inverness. Cullcairne.. sent this Bearer. . for ye gun... I desire yt it may be of ye widest also.. as much pouther and shott as will try ye gun, ane pound of lead and ane quarter pound of pouther . . . bind myself to satisfy you at Witsonday markat. . . . R. Campbell. [Beneath is the account] ane gunn at £10.. poudder and lead 7s.

[No. 518, 1702.-Sheaf of little notes, all from[ Issobel Ross, Mulderg, to Andrew Manson, mercht, Tain. Sir, Give the bearer six pounds of whit sugar and two pound of black sugar, an unce meac [mace ?], two unce great Jemaka spice, () of nutmegs; likways an good hanging lock [padlock], an half unc of cinamon, which is all for your friend Issobel Ross-ane quart of watters [spirits]-ane ston of tallow . . 3 ells and half of cours cloath-two pound of sterch, an unce and half of indego, ane paper of prins, ane quarter pound of reid birsell and lb. of allm-1 lb. tobacko-ane timber come [wooden comb]-lb. of ginger, an unc of Jamaka peper a quart of aquavitae-an paper of prins and an bout of knittens, a pack of placairts [playing cards.] [Repetitions of the same articles are omitted. Different notes separated by dashes. All begin and end like the first, but the following are signed by Ja. M'Culloch :-] A pound of the role tobacko ye promised to make for me.. a quair good paper-an unce of great brown silk for buton holes. [The following quaint specimen of seventeenth century book-keeping touches several trades:

B. No. 519, 1672.-Docketed by David Ross,] Accompt twixt Alexr. Ross and me. . what daills I gave the laird since my entrie to the milne. I sent to Ardmore three score single daills and four slabes qch macks of merchand daills . . 35 . . to the Crives 40 daills. . to the shipe 1205 . . at half mark the daill £807 6s 8d. . meall I gave of this yeires crope to Allexr. Simpsone Bonnyness 2 bolls, more to.. Allexr. Reach 1 boll, m. to bowman 2 bolls. . to the wrights 2 bolls &c. . . in all is just ten bolls. . Memorandum. . money accompt betwixt the laird and me. . ane tickatt as the

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superplus of . . last accompt 220 merks . by ane ordor qch he caused me to allow to Alexr. Ross pyper twell merks m. for ane old rest qch was forgot at the laird's desyr to the coupers and packers of the fishe 12s; more upon a night in companie with Inverlawell. . 15s; m. upon anoyr night qch Androw Ross sould pay 9s . . . summa totalis 1153 merks 7s 4d of qch I am to deduce 400 merks for his years dewtie of the milne-remennes 754 merks 4 sh. ; more for 19 bolls meall. . four score fyftein merks with 10 merks I am owing for beir qch is 105 merks, so remaines. . 649 merks. Item. . to pay Finlay Baine 60 merks, so remanes 589 4 sh. Item I gave at the laird's desyre to Gilbert Barcley a hunder daills at £24 qch makes in all . . owing me 625 merks 4s. [Next in David Ross's hand, and signed] I heirby allow the above wreittin accompt and discharges. ferme of the meall milne . . . and 400 merks of the dewtie [There are several indentures of apprentices to merchants:No. 520, 1667.-] Duncan McRae, sone of the thesaurar of Ross.. to Alexr. Dunbar, merchant burgher of Elgin . 3 years 1 year for meat and ffie.. pay for prentissie 400 merks . [and in 1671]. . Thos. McCulloch, son of umquhile Thomas McCulloch of Easter Craighouse, to Geo. Mackay, merchant, Fortrose. . prentice in ye vocation of merchandizing . . . . no carding, dyceing, drinking.. if he commit the filthe () . . serve other 4 years. [Many points in seventeenth century trading are illustrated in No. 521, 1697.-] Clame and complaint, John Rose and John Manson, Chapmen in Tayne, against Neil McKey and John Dow in Tounge () Capt. Hugh McKay younger of Borley, Jeames Roy in Lettes, and Wm. Naverach in Kintaill. .. forenamed persones with two young boyes. . did seas our persons in the mounth betwixt Lelte [Lealty] and auldnaheanie and till yt place persued us.. after beating us with batons and offering to have our lives by keeping naked durks and bended pistols to our breast rendered us poustourless [postureless, i.e., in no position]. . to defend . . seised our packs.. and took away fyne lynnen, fyne stryp musline, bonets, tabaco, kniefs, pistoll belts, spiceries. other goods. . value £200 Scots, a parcel of pearls worth thrie scoir punds. . pistols and other vapons £24. . declared if they had followed the Commission we should not goe of the spot with our lives. . affrighted. . glad to win away with such pausture as we had . . . great hurt of our credit. . we.. made a bargan of Leather such as hyds, sheep and goats skins. . with Elgin merchants at saint Benat's Fair last in Chanory. . bought from. . . wtin M'Kay's bounds quantities of leather. . for debts resting us and hand payment... to our merchants we have the failzie of ane hundreth punds . . . severall debts. . should have been paid were it not the said unlegall usage. . never suffered to stay .. and collect . . . disappointed our creditors. . raised dilligence against us . .. Captain Hugh was the outhounder, .

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