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Statement of—


Armer, Frank C., chairman, Other Financing Institutions Committee
of Arizona, Phoenix, Ariz.-

Bagwell, John C., General Counsel, Farm Credit Administration.
Banks, King L., representing the Production Credit Associations of the
Ninth Farm Credit District, Delta, Colo---

Blalock, H. G., national advisory committee of Production Credit
Associations, Baskerville, Va__

Briggs, Marvin J., Chairman, Federal Farm Credit Board, Indianapolis,


Campbell, L. D., secretary, Other Financing Institutions Committee
of Texas, Houston, Tex..

Cowden, E. Ray, president, Arizona Stockman's Loan Co., Phoenix,

Crouch, James, secretary, 10th Farm Credit District Production Credit
Associations Committee, Burleson, Tex..

Davis, Roy B., manager, Plains Cooperative Oil Mills, Lubbock, Tex..

Hall, Hugh F., legislative assistant, American Farm Bureau Federation.

Halverson, Lloyd C., National Grange__

Harris, Glen R., chairman, national advisory committee of Produc-

tion Credit Associations, Richvale, Calif...

Johnston, Watkins, representing the Production Credit Associations
of the Fifth Farm Credit District, Montgomery, Ala..........

Justice, Robert O., president of the board, Peru Production Credit

Association, Peru, Ind..



Larson, Abner B., secretary-treasurer, Mandan Production Credit
Association, Mandan, N. Ďak....

Lynn, John C., legislative director, American Farm Bureau Federa-
McLeod, Kenneth M., chairman, Committee of Privately Owned Agri-
cultural Credit Companies in the Seventh Farm Credit District, Fond
du Lac, Wis.__
Miles, Harold A., Director, Short-Term Credit Service, Farm Credit

Rappaport, Percy, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget..
Read, Leonard E., Jr., manager, California Cotton Credit Co., Los
Angeles, Calif.

Riggle, John J., secretary, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives..
Sartwelle, J. W., vice president, Houston Agricultural Credit Corp.,
Houston, Tex.

Seidman, Harold, Bureau of the Budget_

Smith, Barney, president, Nashville Production Credit Association,
Nashville, Ark.


Tootell, R. B., Governor, Farm Credit Administration__.

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