Statement of— CONTENTS Armer, Frank C., chairman, Other Financing Institutions Committee Bagwell, John C., General Counsel, Farm Credit Administration. Blalock, H. G., national advisory committee of Production Credit Briggs, Marvin J., Chairman, Federal Farm Credit Board, Indianapolis, Campbell, L. D., secretary, Other Financing Institutions Committee Cowden, E. Ray, president, Arizona Stockman's Loan Co., Phoenix, Crouch, James, secretary, 10th Farm Credit District Production Credit Davis, Roy B., manager, Plains Cooperative Oil Mills, Lubbock, Tex.. Hall, Hugh F., legislative assistant, American Farm Bureau Federation. Halverson, Lloyd C., National Grange__ Harris, Glen R., chairman, national advisory committee of Produc- tion Credit Associations, Richvale, Calif... Johnston, Watkins, representing the Production Credit Associations Justice, Robert O., president of the board, Peru Production Credit 182 23- Larson, Abner B., secretary-treasurer, Mandan Production Credit Lynn, John C., legislative director, American Farm Bureau Federa- Rappaport, Percy, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget.. Riggle, John J., secretary, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives.. Seidman, Harold, Bureau of the Budget_ Smith, Barney, president, Nashville Production Credit Association, 105 Tootell, R. B., Governor, Farm Credit Administration__. 23, 65, 144 Letter, dated March 16, 1956, from R. B. Tootell, Governor, Farm Letter to Senator Mundt from Sam H. Bober, Newell, S. Dak. Letter, dated April 27, 1956, from the Farm Credit Administration, Statement filed by Lloyd Godley, president, secretary-treasurers and presidents of the Arkansas Production Credit Associations, Osceola, S. 3564, 84th Congress, with amendments recommended by P. O. Wilson, secretary, National Live Stock Producers Association, Resolution adopted by the District Advisory Committee of the Pro- duction Credit Associations in the Fifth Farm Credit District Telegram from the directors of the Shreveport Production Credit Association, Shreveport, La--- Letter, dated April 12, 1956, from Producers Marketing Association, Inc., of Indianapolis, Ind., to the Honorable Cecil M. Hardin___ Letter, dated April 18, 1956, from the Producers Livestock Credit J. Olney Brott, general counsel, American Bankers Association__ James E. Wells, Jr., executive vice president, Farmers Union Livestock Association, South St. Paul, Minn., representing the National W. A. Hambright, secretary-treasurer, South Carolina Federation of Production Credit Associations, Spartanburg, S. C.----. Carlos Val. Smith, secretary-treasurer, and W. D. Walker, president, Leroy O. Castle, president, and G. E. Spencer, secretary, Jackson- ville Production Credit Association, Jacksonville, Ill.- W. C. Sloan, president, Jonesboro Production Credit Association, George F. Hayes, president, and C. E. Humphrey, secretary-treas- urer, Kewanee Production Credit Association, Kewanee, Ill- Directors of the Lakeland Production Credit Association, Lakeland, 1.1 |