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-Mme. de Staël, Corinne, VII, I. Also "Charles Quint, qui parloit cinq ou six langues, disoit souvent, 66 quand il tomboit sur leurs différentes beautés, que selon l'opinion "des Turcs, autant de langues que "l'homme sçait parler, autant de "fois est-il homme;" &c. (Charles V, who spoke five or six languages, often said, when he encountered their different beauties, that according to the opinion of the Turks a man was as many times a man as he knew languages; &c. -Brantôme, Capitaines étrangers. the saying of HERACLITUS (probably c. 535-475 B.C.) • Πολυμαθίη Voov où didáσkel." ("Great learning will not produce mental capacity.") Diogenes Laertius, IX., 1, 2, 1.


Vous aviez promis de m'épargner

des souffrances inutiles. (You promised to spare me useless suffering).

Last words of H.-G. Riquetti, COMTE DE MIRABEAU (1746-91) alluding to his request for laudanum. Vous êtes cause de ma mort,

vous m'aviez promis de me rendre à l'Église, et vous me livrez à mes ennemis.-(You are the cause of my death, you had promised to give me up to the Church, and you deliver me to my enemies.)

JOAN OF ARC (1412-31) to PIERRE CAUCHON (died 1443)after he had read her sentence to her. Derniers momens, p. 39. Vous m'avez souvent ouï dire des impiétés; mais dans le fond je croyois tout le contraire de ce que je disois. Je ne contrefaisois le libertin et l'athée que pour paraître plus brave. (You have often heard me say blasphemous things; but at heart I believed the contrary of what I said. I only

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imitated the libertine and the atheist to appear more brave.) Attributed to the GRAND CONDÉ (1621-86) when about to die (1686).-Cizeron-Rival. Vous m'en direz tant!

say so much!)

diriez tant

(You will

Attributed to ANNE OF AUSTRIA (1602-66) by president Jean Bouhier in his Recueil de particularités, bons mots, &c. (Biblio. Nat. ms. Fr. 25645, pp. 34-5). "Ah! vous en (Ah! you would say so much [use such a strong argument, mention such a large sum]. Said by her to G. BAUTRU (1588-1665) whose argument that no woman was proof against money. He mentioned such an enormous sum that the queen made the reply mentioned. The ABBÉ J. TERRASSON (1670-1750) is credited with a similar reply to a question by MARIE LESCZINSKA (1703-68). "Votre


Majeste m'en dira tant!" (Your Majesty will say so much [will say such large amounts]). (Cf. Suite au Mémorial de Sainte Hélène, 1824, vol. I, p. 108).

Vous me voyez, messieurs,


occupé à faire manger Molière que mes valets de chambre ne trouvent pas assez bonne compagnie pour (You see me, gentlemen, busy handing food to Molière, whom my valets do not consider good enough company for them).-Mme. Campan, Mémoires (1823) (1622-73). Words attributed to LOUIS XIV (1638-1715) when helping Molière to portion of his own en-cas de Inuit to teach some of his officers a lesson; but authenticity doubtful. Vous ne voulez pas faire de la

France une caserne; prenez garde d'en faire un cimetière. (You do not want to make of

France a barracks; take care that you do not make a cemetery of it.) MARSHAL NIEL (1802-69)—à propos of the difficulties he met with in organising the garde mobile. -General du Barrail, Souvenirs, 1896, vol. 3, p. 86.

Vous pleurez, et vous êtes le maître. (You weep, and you are the master).

Words said to have been uttered by MARIE MANCINI (1640-1715), a niece of Cardinal Mazarin, on parting from LOUIS XIV (16381715), June 21, 1659.-Mme. de Motteville's Mémoires, 2nd series p. II (vol. 40 of the Collection Petitot). Other versions give the exact words as, "Vous pleurez,


vous êtes le maître et je pars!" (You weep, you are the master and I am going away!)- ChéruelHistoire de France sous le ministère de Mazarin. "Vous êtes fâché de mon départ, et moi de même. "Vous êtes roi et cependant je

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pars!"-(You are grieved at my departure, and I also: You are king and yet I go.)-Montglat (who fixes the date as in 1661).

"Ah! sire, vous êtes roi et je pars!" (Ah! sire, you are king and I depart !)-Abbé de Choisy. Mme. de Motteville quotes the phrase, but without confirming it, as "Vous êtes roi, vous pleurez et je pars!" (You are king, you weep and I depart !) Another form is: "Vous m'aimez, vous êtes roi, et je pars." (You love me, you are the king, and I depart). Cf. "Vous êtes

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and you weep!)—Racine, Bérénice, Act 4, sc. 5. "Et cependant je pars; et Vous me l'ordonnez !" (And yet I depart, and you command me to).-Racine, Bérénice, Act 5, sc. 5.

Vous viendrez donc m'embrasser, monsieur de Mirabeau ? (You will come and embrace me then, Monsieur de Mirabeau ?)

Reply made by the ABBÉ MAURY (1746-1817) to MIRABEAU (174991), when the latter announced his intention of enclosing him in a 'vicious circle' (of argument). Voyez le beau rendez-vous qu'il

me donne; cet homme-là n'a jamais aimé que lui-même.— (There's a fine rendezvous he is giving me; that man has never loved anyone but himself.)

Attributed (but denied) to MME. DE MAINTENON (1635-1719) -at the death-bed of LOUIS XIV (16381715), he having said to her, "Nous nous reverrons bientôt.' (We shall meet again soon). St. Simon, Mémoires, vol. 24, p. 39, edit. Delloye. Cf. Voltaire's extraits du Journal de Dangeau, pp. 162-3.

Voyez-moi tous, je vis et je vaincrai, Dieu aidant! (Look at me all, I live, and, with God's help, will conquer.) By WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR (1026-87), taking off his helmet so that his face might be seen, at the battle of Hastings (1066), a cry having arisen that he was slain. Guizot. Cf. Dict. of Nat. Biog., vol. lxi, p. 296.


Allein die Dupe einer ehrlichen Ueberzeugung zu sein, kann man Deutschland auf die Dauer nicht zumuten. (But one cannot expect that Germany should for ever be the dupe of an honest conviction). PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—in the Reichstag, May 2, 1879. .. an die Wand drücken.


press against the wall). PRINCE BISMARCK (1815 98)—is credited with having used the phrase to Prince Putbus, a member of the Senate, but on three occasions he denied having said it : in July, 1890, in a conversation with Jul. Rittershaus, editor of the Frankfurter Zeitung; in May, 1891, in an answer made to him; and in a speech to the National Liberal Reichstag deputies, April 20, 1894. The phrase refers to the proposition of the Graf zu Lippe, Oct. 7, 1869, against the Bundesoberhandelsgericht.

angenehme Temperatur. (Agreeable temperature). COUNT ALBRECHT TH. E. VON ROON, Prussian minister of War, (1803-79)-in a speech, Jan. 23, 1862, in connection with the modification of the statutes of Sept. 3, 1814, relating to military service: (Ich habe bereits zweimal Gelegenheit gehabt, die angenehme Temperatur, welche in diesem Hause in Betreff jener grossen Massregel [der Organisation des preuss. Heeres]

herrscht, zu fühlen. (I have already twice had the opportunity of feeling the agreeable temperature which ruled in this House with regard to that great order [the organisation of the Prussian army]). Angstprodukt. (Anxious product).

EUGEN RICHTER (b. 1838) in the Reichstag, March 9, 1887, referring to the Reichstag elected on Feb. 27, 1887, for the grant of the military proposals demanding the Septennat: Die Mehrheit dieses Reichstages ist ein Angstprodukt der Wähler. (The majority of this Reichstag is an anxious product of the voters).

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auf den breitesten Grundlagen. (On the broadest foundations).

FRIEDRICH WILHELM IV (17951861)—to a deputation of the states of Breslau and Liegnitz, March 22, 1848): Nachdem ich eine konstitutionelle Verfassung auf den breitesten Grundlagen verheissen habe... (After I have promised a constitutional authority on the broadest foundations. . .)

.. auf einem Prinzip herumreiten. (To ride on one principle). HEINRICH LXXII, Prince Reuss zu Lobenstein und Ebersdorf-in an edict of Oct. 12, 1844: Seit zwangig Jahren reite Ich auf einem Prinzip herum, d.h. Ich verlange, dass ein jeglicher bei seinem Titel genannt wird. (For twenty years I

have ridden [stood] on one principle, that is, I demand that each man be called by his title). The edict is printed in the Adorfer Wochenblatt, and copied by the Vossische Zeitung of Sept. 18, 1845. The expression Prinzipienreiter (Rider on principle) is derived from the above. Autorität, nicht Majorität.

(Authority, not majority).

F. J. STAHL (1802-61)-at the IIth sitting of the Volkshause of the Erfurt Parliament, April 11, 1850. A cup was presented to him by his adherents with the above words

engraved upon it. See Die

Wissenschaft bedarf der Umkehr. Baukunst-eine erstarrte Musik.

(Architecture-frozen music). J. W. VON GOETHE (1749-1832) -in a conversation with Johann Peter Eckermann: Ich habe unter meinen Papieren ein Blatt gefunden, wo ich die Baukunst eine erstarrte Musik nenne. (I have found among my papers a sheet in which I call architecture frozen music). Cf.

La vue d'un tel monument est comme une musique continuelle et fixée (The sight of such a monument is like a continual permanent music).. - Mme. de Staël, Corinne, bk. iv., ch. 3.

Bei allen den Knochenbrüchen

denen Deutschland im Laufe der Jährhunderte ausgesetzt gewesen ist und deren Heilung noch versucht ist. (With all the fractures to which Germany has in the course of centuries been exposed, the cure of which is still to seek. .) PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98) — in the Reichstag, Nov. 22, 1875. Bei uns kann nur parteilos regiert werden. (With us government without party can alone succeed).

PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—in the Reichstag, June 12, 1882.

berechtigte Eigentümlichkeiten zu schonen. (.. to spare privileged property).

EMPEROR WILHELM I (17971888) a promise made at the affiliation of Hanover, Kurhessen, Nassau, and Frankfurt, in a document dated at Castle Babelsberg, Oct. 3, 1866.

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best-gehasste Persönlichkeit in diesem Lande. . . (. . the best-hated personage in this land. .).

PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—in the Chamber of Deputies, Jan. 16, 1874, alluding to himself: Gehen Sie von der Garonne. . bis zur Weichsel, von dem Belt bis zur Tiber, suchen Sie an den heimischen Strömen, der Oder und dem Rhein umber, so werden Sie finden, dass ich in diesem Augenblicke wohl die stärksten und-ich behaupte stolz ! die am besten gehasste Persönlichkeit in diesem Lande bin. (Travel from the Garonne. to the Weichsel, from the Belt to the Tiber, search on our native rivers, the Oder and the Rhine, and you will find that at this moment I am the most powerful and—I maintain it proudly!-the best-hated personage in this land).

Beunruhigungsbazillus. (bacillus of unrest).

CHANCELLOR G. L. VON CAPRIVI (1831-99)-in the Reichstag, Nov. 27, 1891: Es geht durch das Land ein Pessimismus der mir im höchsten Grade bedenklich ist. . . Es ist, wie wenn ein Beunruhigungsbazillus in der Luft läge, der epidemisch geworden ist, und selbst manche angesehene Zeitungen, die sich sonst für die Bannerträger nationaler Gefühle halten, scheinen mir Reinkulturen für dies Wesen zu. (A pessimism is passing through the land, which seems to me in the highest degree serious. . . It is as if a bacillus of unrest were lodged in the air, and had become epidemic; and many respectable journals,

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which were once regarded standard-bearers of the national sentiment, seem to me to be mere propagandists for this creature). The word was also used by PRINCE VON ZEDLITZ-TRUETZSCHLER, in the Chamber of Deputies, Jan. 21, 1892.

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bis ans Ende aller Dinge.

(.. until the end of all things). GEORGE V, of Hanover (1819-78) --in a proclamation, 1865, on the anniversary of fifty years' possession of East Friesland. Cf.

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. I Peter, iv, 7.

Catilinarische Existenzen (Catilinarians).

PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)—at an evening sitting of the Budget Commission of the Prussian Diet, Sept. 30, 1862: Es gäbe zuviel catilinarische Existenzen, die ein Interesse an Umwälzungen haben. (There are too many Catilinarians who have an interest in revolutions). Eine catilinarische Existenz had previously formed the title of a novel by Theodor König (Breslau, 1854).

Das Ausländische hat immer

einen gewissen vornehmen Anstrich für uns. (The foreigner always has a certain aristocratic bearing in our eyes).

PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)— in the (Prussian) Second Chamber, Nov. 15, 1849.

Das Bier, das nicht getrunken wird, hat seinen Beruf verfehlt. (Beer that is not drunk has missed its vocation). MEYER BRESLAU in the Chamber of Deputies, Jan. 21, 1880.

Das Bier ist ein Zeittöter. (Beer

is a time-killer).

PRINCE BISMARCK (1815-98)-in the Reichstag, Mar. 28, 1881:

Es wird bei uns Deutschen mit wenig so viel Zeit totgeschlagen, wie mit Biertrinken. Wer beim Frühschoppen sitzt, oder beim Abendschoppen, und gar noch dazu raucht und Zeitungen liest, hält sich wohl ausreichend beschäftigt, und geht mit gutem Gewissen nach Haus in dem Bewusstsein, das Seinige geleistet zu haben. (There is more time killed amongst us Germans by beer-drinking than by anything else. The man who sits at breakfast or at supper, and at the same time smokes and reads his newspapers, considers himself amply employed, and goes home with the consciousness that he has done his duty).

Das deutsche Heer ist das deutsche Volk in Waffen. (The German army is the German people in arms). PRINCE REGENT WILHELM OF PRUSSIA [William I] (1797-1868) -in the speech from the throne at the opening of the Diet, Jan, 12, 1860.

Das ist das Unglück der Könige,

dass sie die Wahrheit nicht hören wollen. (That is the misfortune of kings, that they will not hear the truth).

JOHANN JACOBY (1805-77) — when envoy of the Berlin National Assembly, to King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, Nov. 2, 1848.

Das lässt tief blicken, sagt Sabor. (That enables us to look deep, says Sabor.)

SABOR when deputy, in the Reichstag, Dec. 17, 1884: "Der Herr Reichskanzler will nicht, dass das Wahlrecht in dem Umfange, wie es jetzt besteht, gelten bleibe, und wenn man ihm darin nachgiebt, ist er bereit, in eine VerfassungsAenderung zu willigen, ist sogar bereit, die Diäten zu bewilligen. Das lässt tief blicken in die Maschine, -lässt einen Einblick thun in die

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