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performed June 24, 1902, referring to the postponement of his coronation, which had been fixed for June 26, 1902. It took place, Aug. 9, 1902. (Daily Telegraph, June 28, 1902). Will you tell the Archdeacon?—

will you move a vote of thanks for his kindness in performing the ceremony? DEAN ALFORD (1810-71)-Last words, referring to his funeral service.

Win hearts, and you will have all men's hearts and purses. LORD BURLEIGH (1520-98)-to Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603). Without courage there cannot

be truth, and without truth there can be no other virtue. SIR WALTER SCOTT (1771-1832). Wit is in general the finest sense

in the world. I had lived long before I discovered that wit was truth.

DR. PORSON (1759-1808). Woe is me!

THOMAS FITZ-STEPHEN, Captain of the White Ship, which struck on a rock off the Normandy coast. All on board perished, including Prince William, son of Henry I., with the exception of a butcher of Rouen named Berold. The captain, swimming above the wreck, asked one of the survivors where the prince was and, on being told that he had not appeared, uttered the above words and sank: (see Mrs. Hemans' poem "He never smiled again.") Another version is: "Woe ! woe to me!" (Dickens, Child's History of Engl., ch x.)

Woman is ilke the reed, which bends to every breeze, but breaks not in the tempest. ARCHBISHOP WHATELY (1787

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JOHN BUNYAN, author of Pilgrim's Progress (1628-88)-Last words. Preceded by: "Weep not for me, but for yourselves. I go to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who no doubt will receive me, though a sinner, through the mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ; where I hope we shall ere long meet to sing the new song and remain happy for ever-for ever." Would you be surprised to hear ?

SIR JOHN COLERIDGE (1821-94) -a phrase frequently used by him in the course of the famous Tichborne trial.

The civil and criminal proceedings lasted from June, 1871, till Feb 28, 1874.


It is said that it was Charles Bowen (1835-94) who, in consultation, invented the phrase. "The object with which it was devised," says Sir Herbert Stephen, was to abstain from giving in the form of the question the least hint as to whether it would be correctly answered in the affirmative or in the negative.".

Ye be burly, my Lord of Burghley, but ye shall make less stir in our realm than my Lord of Leicester.

QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Yes, it would be rash to say that

they have no reasons.

THOMAS CARLYLE (1795-1881)— Last words, to Froude. Preceded by: "I am very ill. Is it not strange that these people should have chosen the very oldest man in all Britain to make suffer in this way?" Froude said "We do not know exactly why those people act as they do. They may have reasons we cannot guess at." Carlyle replied as above. His mind was wandering. Yes, yes, sing that for me. I am poor and needy. CORNELIUS ("COMMODORE ") VANDERBILT (1794-1877) Last words, to some one who was singing to him the hymn "Come, ye sinners, poor and needy."

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chosen other instruments for carrying

on his work." Engl.)

(Hume, Hist. of

See also What shall we

do with this bauble?

You can always get the truth from an American statesman after he has turned seventy, or given up all hope of the Presidency


in a speech (Nov. 7, 1860,) on the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency of the U.S.

You have not to do with Holbein, but with me; I tell you of seven peasants I can make as many lords; but of seven lords I could not make one Holbein.

HENRY VIII. (1491-1547)—to a nobleman who complained of some rude treatment by the painter. See Avec quatre aunes de drap &c. Je puis faire des nobles quand je veux &c.

JAMES I. (1566-1625) is credited with saying, "I can make a lord, but only God Almighty can make a gentleman."

You have risen by your gravity: I have sunk by my levity. JOHN HORNE TOOKE (1736-1812) -remarking to his more prosperous brother that they had reversed the natural order of things.

You have swept away our con

stitution, you have destroyed
our parliament, but we will
have our revenge. We will
send into the ranks of your
parliament a hundred of the
greatest scoundrels of the

HENRY GRATTAN (1750-1820)— referring to the Irish representatives in the British parliament after the Union.

You make me drink. Pray leave

me quiet. I find it affects my head.

PRINCESS AUGUSTA CHARLOTTE, daughter of George IV. and Queen Caroline (1796-1817)-Last words, dying in childbed.

You may call it the accidental and fortuitous concourse of atoms.

LORD PALMERSTON (1784-1865) -of the combination of parties, led by Disraeli and Gladstone, which defeated the government on the Chinese War, Mar. 5, 1857. (See Quarterly Review, 1835, vol. liii, p. 270)

You may go on, sir: so far, the

court is quite with you.

LORD ELLEN BOROUGH (17501818)--to a young barrister who began his speech, "The unfortunate client who appears by me"-and stopped short after repeating the words several times. (Campbell Life.)

You may polish the pewter till it

shines without its becoming silver.

LORD JUSTICE BOWEN (1835-94) -in a lecture on Education.

You must not contrast too strongly the hours of courtship with the years of possession.

BENJAMIN DISRAELI [Earl of Beaconsfield] (1804-81)—in a speech, Mar. 17, 1845, on agricultural dis

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in a speech at Boston (Mass.) Feb. 17, 1861. See Great objects can only be seen, &c.

You need not be anxious concerning to-night. It will be very peaceful and quiet with


WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING (1780-1842)-Last words.

Young man, you have heard, no doubt, how great are the terrors of death: this night will probably afford you some experience; but you may learn, and may you profit by the example, that a conscientious endeavour to perform his duties through life, will ever close a Christian's eyes with comfort and tranquillity.

WILLIAM BATTIE (1704-76)— Last words.

Your highness has made me too great for my house.

SIR NICHOLAS BACON, father of Lord Bacon (1510-79)—to Queen Elizabeth when on a visit to him in 1572. Elizabeth had remarked that his house was too small.

Your Majesty is not a gentleman.


DUKE OF WELLINGTON (17691852)-reply to George IV in 1822, on the latter protesting that he could not "on his honour as a gentleman appoint Canning secretary for foreign affairs. "Your Majesty, I say, is not a gentleman, but the sovereign of England, with duties to your people far above any to yourself", &c.

Your warrant is written in fair characters, legible without spelling.

CHARLES I (1600-49)—to one Joyce, who came with some troopers to conduct him to the army (June 5,

1647) and, in answer to the king's enquiries for his authority, pointed to the soldiers. See Vous avez fait, monsieur, trois fautes d'orthographe.

You sit upon a form, but you

stand upon a ceremony. ARCHBISHOP WHATELY (17871863)—replying to his own question, what is the difference between form and ceremony?

Youth, I forgive thee!

RICHARD I (1157-99)—to an archer, named Gourdon, who had wounded him while besieging the castle of Chaluz. He added "Loose his chains, and give him a hundred shillings." The king died next day, but his order was disobeyed and the archer flayed alive and hanged.

You will be hanged if you do.

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"Adieu, plaisant pays de France. 'O ma patrie

'La plus chérie !' etc.

at one time attributed to her, were written by a journalist, G. Meusnier de Querlon (1702-80) who published them as hers in 1765 (Dict. of Nat. Biog., vol. xxxvi, p. 389). Another version :

(Adieu, France! Adieu, France! je pense ne vous voir plus." (Adieu, France! Adieu, France! I think that I shall never see you more.) Brantôme, vol. v, pp. 92-4.

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Béranger, Adieu de Marie Stuart. (Farewell, farewell, sweet land of France, Enshrined in my heart!

Home of my childhood's happy hours,

Farewell! 'tis death from thee to part). also "Mary, Queen of Scots," Poem by Henry Glassford Bell. See Farewell, France, farewell, &c.

Adieu, mon cher Morand, je me meurs. (Adieu, my dear Morand, I am dying.)

VOLTAIRE (1694-1778)-Last words. Wagnière, Relation du Voyage de M. de Voltaire à Paris en 1778, et de sa mort (Mémoires sur Voltaire, etc. Longchamp and Wagnière, Paris, 1826, p. 163.) Adieu, prince sans terre. (Adieu, landless prince.)

LAMORAL, COMTE D'EGMONT (1522-68)—when taking leave of WILLIAM OF ORANGE (1533-84) 66 'the Silent," who had escaped from what he considered the murderous intentions of Philip II of Spain. Orange replied: Adieu, comte sans tête." (Adieu, headless count.) The Count is one of the principal characters in Goethe's tragedy of Egmont. See Farewell, Oxford without a head!


Ah! c'est que vous ne savez pas combien il peut rester de bonheur dans trois arpents

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