Son, and the Holy Ghost, descend upon you, and remain for ever. R. Amen. Then let the Priest, being seated, address the convert according to the form in the Appendix; or in similar words. Note.The whole of the office is in Latin, with the exception of the creed, which is in English. The words given in italics are so marked in the original. ON THE ROMAN SCHISM. PART I. CONTAINING THE TESTIMONY OF THE GENERAL COUNCILS OF THE FIRST SEVEN CENTURIES AFTER CHRIST. B ON THE ROMAN SCHISM. PART I. TESTIMONIES OF THE CIVIL AND ECCLESIASTICAL AU THORITIES IN ENGLAND TO THE GENERAL COUNCILS OF THE FIRST SEVEN CENTURIES. Testimony of the Civil Legislature to the first Four General Councils. 1 ELIZ. c. 1, § 36. Provided always and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such person or persons to whom your Highness, your heirs or successors, shall hereafter, by letters patent under the Great Seal of England, give authority to have or to execute any jurisdiction, power or authority spiritual, or to visit, reform, order or correct any errors, heresies, schisms, abuses, or enormities, by virtue of this act, shall not in any wise have authority or power to order, determine, or adjudge any matter or cause to |