Imágenes de páginas




The references to Athanasius, p. 21, will be found in the Edition of his Works, Paris, 1627, vol. i. p. 720, and 827.


The passage of Sulpitius Severus, referred to p. 21, will be found in his Historia Sacra, lib. ii. Basle, 1556, p. 135, and is as follows:

Igitur apud Ariminum urbem Italiæ, Synodum congregari jubet. . . . Ita missis per Illyricum, Italiam, Aphricam, Hispanias, Galliasque Magistris officialibus acciti aut macti quadringenti et aliquanto amplius occidentales Episcopi, Ariminum convenere; quibus omnibus annonas et cellaria dare imperator præceperat. Sed id nostris, id est Aquitanis Gallis, ac Britannis indecens visum, repudiatis fiscalibus, propriis sumptibus vivere maluerunt. Tres tantum ex Britannia, inopia proprii publico usi sunt, cum oblatam a cæteris collationem respuissent: sanctius putantes fiscum gravare, quam singulos.


The Decree of Innocent III. concerning confession, inserted among the canons which pass under the name of the 4th Lateran Council inadvertently omitted, p. 144.


Let every believer of both sexes, after he has come to years of discretion, faithfully make solitary confession of all his sins, at

least once in the year, to his own priest, and study to the utmost of his power to fulfil the penance enjoined him, reverently receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist, at least at Easter, unless, perchance, at the advice of his own priest, he shall be induced to abstain from the receiving it, for a time, on some reasonable account: otherwise, let him while living be denied entrance into the Church, and at death be deprived of Christian burial.

But let the priest be discreet and wary: that like a skilful physician, he may pour in wine and oil upon the wounds of the injured person; diligently inquiring the circumstances both of the sinner and the sin, by which he may prudently understand what sort of advice he ought to offer him, and what kind of remedy to apply, using different experiments for the cure of the sick person.

Canon 21.

Omnis utriusque sexus fidelis, postquam ad annos discretionis pervenerit, omnia sua solus peccata confiteatur fideliter, saltem semel in anno, proprio sacerdoti, et injunctam sibi pœnitentiam studeat pro viribus adimplere, suscipiens reverenter ad minus in Pascha Eucharistiæ Sacramentum nisi forte de consilio proprii sacerdotis, ob aliquam rationabilem causam ad tempus ab ejus perceptione duxerit abstinendum : alioquin, et vivens ab ingressu Ecclesiæ arceatur, et moriens Christiana careat sepultura.

Sacerdos autem sit discretus et cautus, ut more periti medici superinfundat vinum et oleum vulneribus sauciati: diligenter inquirens et peccatoris circumstantias et peccati, per quas prudenter intelligat, quale illi consilium debeat exhibere, et cujus. modi remedium adhibere, diversis experimentis utendo ad sanandum ægrotum.


Page 155, line 8, for "press," read "Church."

Page 168, line 3, for "scraped over," read "superficially erased."





AQUILEIA, A.D. 1409. account of, 88; note, 105.

Arimini, A.D. 359. account of, 10; note, 21.

Basle, A.D. 1431-1442. account of, 91; note, 107; referred to, xv;

CHALCEDON, A.D. 451. account of, 13; note, 24; Canons of, 37;
notes, 51; received in England, 3, 4, 5; referred to, xxxi; 48; 68.
Constance, A.D. 1414. account of, 89; notes, 106; decrees, 142;
notes, 352; referred to, xv; 76.

CONSTANTINOPLE, A.D. 381. account of, 10; note, 21; decrees, 30;
notes, 49; received in England, 3, 4, 5; referred to, xxxi; 68;

CONSTANTINOPLE, A.D. 553. account of, 14; received in England,
5; referred to, 73.

CONSTANTINOPLE, A.D. 680. account of, 16; note, 24; decrees,
45; note, 61; received in England, 5; referred to, 68; 73.
Constantinople, or Trullan, A.D. 692. account of, 16; notes, 25;
referred to, 68; 370; 402.

Constantinople, A.D. 754. account of, 77; notes, 97; referred to, 405.
Constantinople, or Nice, A.D. 787. See Nice, 2.

Constantinople, A.D. 861. account of, 80).

Constantinople, A.D. 869. account of, 81; Canons, 121; note, 344 ;

referred to, xv; 73.

Constantinople, A.D. 879. account of, 81; note, 101.

G g

EPHESUS A.D. 431. account of, 11; note, 24; decrees, 33; notes,
51; received in England, 3, 4, 5; referred to, 68; 73.

Ephesus, A.D. 449. account of, 12; note, 24.

Ferrara, A D. 1438. See Florence.

Florence, A.D. 1439. account of, 92; note, 108; decree, 152; note,
354; referred to, xvi.

Lateran, A.D. 1123. account of, 83; note, 102; Canons, 125; note,
345; referred to, 49.

Lateran, A.D. 1139. account of, $3; Canons, 126; notes, 345;
referred to, xv; 49; 53.

Lateran, A.D. 1179. account of, 84. notes, 103; Canons, 128;
notes, 345; referred to, xv.

Lateran, A.D. 1215. account of, 84; notes, 103; Canons, 132;
notes, 346; referred to, xv; 23; 60.

Lateran, A.D. 1512. account of, 94; decree, 154; note, 359; re-
ferred to, xvi.

Lausanne, A.D. 1449. See Basle.

Lyons, A.D. 1245. account of, 86; note, 104; referred to, xvi.
Lyons, A.D. 1274. account of, 86; notes, 104; referred to, xvi.
Lyons, A.D. 1511. See Milan.

Milan, A.D. 1511. account of, 94.

Nice, A.D. 325. account of, 7; notes, 18; Canons, 26; notes, 48;
received in England, 3, 4, 5; referred to, 48; 68; 73; 417.
Nice, 2. A.D. 787. account of, 78; notes, 98; decrees, 109; note,
343; referred to, xiv; 73; 74; 75.

Pavia, A.D. 1423. See Sienna.

Perpignan, A.D. 1409. account of, 88.

Pisa, A.D. 1409; account of, 88; note, 105.

Pisa, A.D. 1511. See Milan.

Sardica, A.D. 347. account of, 9; notes, 19; referred to, 54; 58; 64;

Sienna, A.D. 1423. account of, 90.

Trent, A.D. 1545. account of, 94; note, 108; Canons, 156; notes, 359;
referred to, xiii; xvi; xxxvi; 53; 417, 420, 429, 443.

Vienne, A.D. 1311. account of, 87.


Aix la Chapelle, A.D. 809. referred to, 82.

Ancyra, A.D. 315. referred to, 51.

Antioch, A.D. 341. Canon, 38; notes, 54; referred to, 20; 52; 58.

Antioch, A.D. 431. referred to, 12.

Aquileia, A.D. 380. referred to, 23.

Braga, A.D. 675. referred to, 445.
Cabaillon, A.D. 813. referred to, 385.


Calchuythe, A.D. 785. Canon, 5.

Carthage, see Milevi.

Carthage III. A.D. 397. referred to, 428.

Clarendon, A.D. 1164. referred to, 21.
Constantinople, A.D. 448. referred to, 13.
Constantinople, A.D. 814. referred to, 79.

Constantinople, A.D. 1441. account of, 93; 358.
Eliberis, A.D. 305. Canon, 419.

Francfort, A.D. 794. referred to, 79; Canon, 99;

Gangra, A.D. 340. Canon, 38; note, 53.

Hatfield, A.D. 680. Canon, 5.

Laodicæa, A.D. 367. Canons, 40; note, 55; 69; 405, 424.

Milevi, A.D. 416. referred to, 21; 55.

Neocæsarea, A.D. 315. Canon, 37; note, 52; referred to, 62; 69.

Paris, A.D. 824. referred to, 79.

Rome, A.D. 382. referred to, 22.

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