II. INDEX TO THE AUTHORS AND TO THE WORKS [The chief works which have been consulted in making this list, Abbas Uspergensis, Conrad of Lichtenau, Abbot of Ursberg, circ. Abraham, Bartholomew, of Crete, Letter to Abp. of Ravenna, cited in Elfric, Archbishop of Canterbury, circ. 990. Canons, in Wilkin's Albertus Magnus, Bishop of Ratisbon, circ. 1260. Commentary on Alexander of Hales, a Friar, circ. 1230. Summary of Theology, cited Ambrose, St. Bishop of Milan. circ. 374. Opera. Venet. 1781. R. 384, Amphilocius, Bishop of Iconium, circ. 370. Canon of Scripture, in Andrews, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, circ. 1620. Opuscula, Lon- Athanasius, St., Patriarch of Alexandria, circ. 326. Opera. Paris, Athenagoras, an Athenian Philosopher converted to the Christian faith. Augustine, St., Bishop of Hippo, circ. 395. Opera. Edit. Benedict. Azorius, John, a Spanish Jesuit of the 16th century. Cited by Labbé Balsamon, Theodore, Chancellor of the Church of Constantinople, Baronius, Cæsar, a Cardinal, 1576. Annals, cited by Labbé and Cos- Bayley, Thomas, a Roman Controversialist, at one time sub-dean of Beveridge, William, Bishop of St. Asaph. 1704. Pandect of the Ca- Bibliotheca Patrum, Colon. 1618. p. 357, 441, 444. Bingham, Joseph, an English Presbyter. 1700. Works. London, 1726. Binius Severinus, Canon of Cologne. 1600. Notes to the Canons, in Bonaventure, John, a Cardinal. 1274. Commentary on the Books of Bossuet, James Benigne, Bishop of Meaux. 1690. Exposition of Doc- Bramhall, John, Archbishop of Armagh, 1660. Works. Dublin, 1677. R 392. Brett, Thomas, an English Presbyter, 1718. Collection of Liturgies. Bull, George, Bishop of St. David's, 1702. Works. Oxford, 1827. Bullarium Magnum, Luxembourg, 1727. R. 379. Rom. 1740. R. 411. Cajetan, Cardinal, (Thomas de Vio), 1517. Opuscula. Lugd. 1562. Cassander, George, a learned Roman, 1560. Works. Paris, 1616. Catechismus ad Parochos. Lugd. 1676. R. 371. Catharinus Ambrose, Bishop of Conza, 1551. Remarks upon Cajetan's Care, William, an English Presbyter, 1686. Historia Literaria, cited Chillingworth, William, Chancellor of Salisbury, 1638. Religion of Chrysostom, St. John, Patriarch of Constantinople, 398. Works. Paris, Claggett, William, an English Presbyter, 1683. Sermons. Lond. 1690. Clemens, St., Presbyter of Alexandria, 194. Works. Wirceb. 1778, and Lugd. 1616. R. 387, 418, 432. Clingius, a Franciscan, in the 16th century. Summary of Christian Cochlaus, Johannes, a German Divine, 1538. Published the pre- Code of the Primitive or Ante-Nicene Church, commonly called Apos- Collier, Jeremy, an English Bishop, 1713. Ecclesiastical History. Concilium Tridentinum. Rom. 1763. R. 95, 359. Cotelerius, John, Reg. Prof. Græc. Paris, 1676. Ecclesiæ Græce Mo- Courayer, Peter, a Roman Presbyter, 1760. Defense de la Dissertation Cyprian, St., Bishop of Carthage, 248. Works. Wirceb. 1782. R. Cyril, St., Patriarch of Alexandria, 412. Works. Paris, 1573. R. 357, Cyril, St., Patriarch of Jerusalem, 348. Works. Paris, 1631. R. 436. Dionysius Exiguus, a Scythian Monk, 533. Collection of Canons, in Doyle, James, a Roman Bishop in Ireland, 1829. Abridgment of Chris- Dupin, Lewis, a Doctor of the Sorbonne, 1684, History of Ecclesiastical Durandus de S. Porciano, Bishop of Meaux, 1326. Commentary on Epiphanius, Metropolitan of Cyprus, 368. Works. Colon. 1682. Estius, a Roman writer. Commentary on the Sentences of Aquinas. Evagrius Scholasticus, Native of Syria, 594. Ecclesiastical History. Eusebius, Bishop of Cæsarea, 320. Ecclesiastical History. Cantab. Facundus, Bishop of Hermiana, 540. Defence of the three chapters. Faith of the (soi-disant) Catholics, i. e. of the Roman schismatics, by Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, a Cardinal, 1535. Refutation of Garnier, John, a French Jesuit, 1650, published Liber Diurnus. R. 10, Gelasius, Patriarch of Rome, 495. On the two natures in Christ, in Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of London, 1745. Codex Juris Ecclesiæ An- Goar, James, a Dominican Friar, 1640. Rituale Græcorum. Paris, Goter, John, a Roman Controversialist of the 17th century. Nubes Gregory the Great, Patriarch of Rome, 590. Works. Rom. 1613. R. Gregory XV. Patriarch of Rome, 1622. Constitutiones, 1622. R. 379. Gregory, St., Bishop of Nyssa, 371. Works. Paris, 1615. R. 356, Grier, Richard, an Irish Presbyter, circ. 1828. Epitome of General Hammond, Henry, Archdeacon of Chichester, 1643. Works. London, Harding, Thomas, an English Divine of the Roman Communion in Hervetus, Gentianus, Canon of Rheims, 1560. Translation of Canons, in Hilary, St., Bishop of Poictiers, 354. Works. Wirceb. 1785. R. 356, Hosius, Stanislaus, Cardinal, Bishop of Warmia, 1561. Works. Co- Hoveden, Roger de, Professor of Theology at Oxford, 1198. Annals Ibas, Bishop of Edessa, 451. Letter to Maris the Persian. R. 15. 387, 420, 426. Jeremy, Patriarch of Constantinople, 1576, cited by Routh. R. 23. Ignatius, St., Bishop of Antioch, 107. Epistles. Russell's Edition, John of Antioch, Patriarch of Constantinople, 564. Collection of Ca- Johnson, John, an English Presbyter, 1700. Clergyman's Vade Mecum. Irenæus, St., Bishop of Lyons, 178. Against Heresies. Oxford, 1702. Isidore, Mercator, Canonist, 860. Translation of Canons, in Labbé Julius, Patriarch of Rome, 337. Epistles, in Canon Law. R. 443. Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, 1092. Excerptiones Decretorum, in the Canon Justel, Henry, a French Protestant, 1650. Bibliotheca Juris Canonici Justin Martyr, native of Samaria, 140. Works. Wirceb. 1777. R. Justinian, Emperor. 527. Novella Constitutiones. Collatio Nova. Ant. King, John, an English Presbyter, Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Labbé, Philip, a French Jesuit, and Cossart, Gabriel, Sacro-Sancta |