Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Republicks: Adapted to the Present State of Great BritainC. P. Wayne, 1806 - 335 páginas Plutarch takes notice of a very remarkable law of Solon's,1 "which declared every man infamous, who, in any sedition or civil dissension in the state, should continue neuter, and refuse to side with either party." Aulus Gellius,2 who gives a more circumstantial detail of this uncommon law, affirms the penalty to be "no less than confiscation of all the effects, and banishment of the delinquent." Cicero mentions the same law to his friend Atticus,3 and even makes the punishment capital, though he resolves at the same time not to conform to it under his present circumstances, unless his friend should advise him to the contrary. Which of these relators has given us the real penalty annexed to this law by Solon, is scarce worth our inquiry. But I cannot help observing, that strange as this law may appear at first sight, yet if we reflect upon the reasons of it, as they are assigned by Plutarch and A. Gellius, it will not appear unworthy of that great legislator. |
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able affairs Agesilaus Agis Alcibiades ambition amongst the Romans ancient Appian aristocratick army Athenians Athens avarice banishment body Cannæ Carthage Carthaginians cause chief citizens Cleombrotus Cleomenes command conduct consequently constitution consuls corruption countrymen death debts decree defeat Dionysius effects elected enemies Epaminondas ephori Epicurus equal evils Fabius faction fatal favour force fortune friends gave glory greatest greatly Grecian Greece Halicarn Hamilcar Hannibal historians honour ibid interest kings lands Leonidas liberty Livy luxury Lycurgus Lysander manners master measures mercenaries military militia monarchy nation nature observes occasion opinion party passions Patricians Pelopidas perpetual Phocion Plebeians Plut Plutarch Polyb Polybius prevailed principle procured proof publick virtue Punick reign remarkable republick Roman senate Rome ruin Sallust scheme sect seems senate Solon Spartans superior Thebans Thucyd Thucydides tion troops Tullius tyranny tyrant utmost wealth whilst whole Xenoph τῶν
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Página 335 - ... in his researches after even the vestiges of her ruins. . . . And Rome, the mistress of the universe, which once contained whatever was esteemed great or brilliant in human nature, is now sunk into the ignoble seat of whatever is esteemed mean and infamous. . . . Should Faction again predominate and succeed in its destructive views, and the dastardly maxims of luxury and effeminacy universally prevail amongst us, .... such, too, will be the fate of Britain...
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Página i - ... every man infamous who. in any sedition or civil dissension in the State, continued neuter or refused to side with either party.* How different the Romans who, we are somewhere told, had laws enacted to teach them how to make laws.