Imágenes de páginas
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GERSON, ends the schism, 6. Perse-
cutes Huss, &c.

Giles', Peter, connection with the⚫ Uto-
'pia,' 381-382, 389

Grocyn, at Florence, 14. At Oxford, id.
More studies under, 25. Opinion of
Erasmus of, 115. Rejects Pseudo-
Dionysian writings as spurious, 90, 91.
Writes preface to Linacre's translation
of Proclus, 85. In London, 142, 149,
170. Patronises More's lectures, 143.
Goes with Erasmus to Lambeth, 183
Grotius, Hugo, rejects the Machiavellian
theory of politics, 369

HATSTEIN'S, Marquard von, letter
to Colet, 468


Henry VII., zeal for reform, and against
dissent, 8. Presents Colet to the
deanery of St. Paul's, 138.
ricious, 144, 161, 189, 190.
offends him by opposing a subsidy,
145, 147


Henry VIII., More and Erasmus visit,
when a boy, 134. Accession of, 190.
More's verses on, id. His continental
wars, 223. His ambition, 259. His
first campaign, 223, 260. Colet
preaches against it, but without
offending Henry VIII., 261. Ditto,

ditto, again second campaign, 262-
272. Invades France, 270. Peace
with France, 308. Evil results of his
wars, 338.

Connives at the Pope's
Indulgences, 422. Change in policy,
428. Draws More into his service, 429
Heresy, on the increase, 222, 223. Con-
vocation for extirpation of, 223 et seq.
Colet on, 238. Discussion on burning
of heretics, 248. Colet accused of, 254
Holbein, Hans, woodcut by, in 'Utopia,'
389. Picture of More's family, 500,
and Appendix C.
Howard, Admiral, 263. Death of, 269
Hussites of Bohemia. Luther discovers

that he is one, 485. Their opinions
and sects, and Erasmus's views on the
same, 485-491

Hutten, Ulrich, 480, 497


INDULGENCES, sale of, 419. Eras-
mus denounces, 420, 426, 441.
Luther denounces, 421. Princes bribed
to allow of, 422

Isabella of Spain, zeal for reform, 8.
Persecutes, id.

JEROME, Colet prefers to Augus-
tine, 16, 41. Erasmus also, 435,
437. Follows his opinion on the cause
of the agony of Christ, 118. Erasmus
opposes it, 120. Colet adheres to it,
120. Erasmus quotes against inspi-
ration of the Vulgate translation, 317.
Erasmus edits works of, 317, 319.
Erasmus in praise of, 437

Jonas, Justus, Erasmus writes to, 504.
Julius II., satire on, by Erasmus, 202,

203. His ambition, 258. HolyAlliance,
263. Julius de cœlo exclusus, 426, 427

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

LATIMER, William, on the Novum

Instrumentum,' 398

Lee, Edward, 470, 504

Leo X., a friend of Erasmus, and in-
clined to peace, 268. His intel-
lectual sensualism, 321. Patronises
the Novum Instrumentum,' 336. His
Indulgences, &c. 418 et seq.
sure of Erasmus on, 433
Lilly, William, in companionship with
More, 146, 149, 152, 181. His gram-
mar, 148. Master of St. Paul's School,
215, 250, 466. Had travelled in the
East, 150, 250. Had a large family,
464, n.

Linacre at Florence, 14. At Oxford, id.
Erasmus admires him, 116. Transla-
tion of Proclus' De Spherâ,' 85.
His Latin Grammar, 216. Letter of
Erasmus to, 185

Lollards attend Colet's sermons, 222.
Many abjure, id. Some burned, 223
Lorenzo de Medici, 9, 11, 14, 17, 18,
20, n., 59

Louis XII. of France, 259. At war with
Henry VIII.; loses Tournay, &c. 272.
Alliance with England. Dies, 308
Lupset, disciple of Colet's, 504
Luther reads the Novum Instrumen-
'tum,' 402, 407. His early history and

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rigid Augustinian standpoint, 404,
472. Erasmus's opinion of, 478, 479.
Finds out he is a Hussite, 484, 485.
The Reform of, contrasted with that
of the Oxford Reformers, 492, 497
Lystrius, Gerard, 303. Adds notes to
the Praise of Folly,' 312, 313, 420

MACHIAVELLI, his School of Poli-
tics. The Prince' and its maxims,
323, 324, 368, 369
Mahometanism. See Turks
Macrobius, quoted by Colet, 57. Men-
tioned, 10, 58, 59
Martins, Thierry, printer at Antwerp,
167, n.
At Louvain, 366, 379, 389,
419, n., 455, 458, 481
Maximilian, 259, 482
Melanchthon, Ode on Erasmus, 401, 402.
Erasmus's appreciation of, 476-478
More, Thomas, his early history, 23.
Fascinating character, 25. Comes to
Oxford, 25. His father's strictness,
26. Erasmus meets him in London,
113. Erasmus falls in love with him,
114, 116. Visits Royal nursery with
Erasmus and Arnold, 134. His legal
studies, 27, 142. Oxford friends join
him in London, id. Lectures on St.
Augustine's 'De Civitate Dei,' 143.
Reader at Furnival's Inn-enters
Parliament, 143, 144. Procures the
rejection of part of a subsidy, 145.
Offends Henry VII., 145, 146. Seeks
retirement, id. In lodgings near the
Charterhouse, 147. Colet's influence
on him, 148. He studies Pico's Life
and Works, 151-158. Erasmus visits
him, 181. His satire upon monks and
confession, id. Unrelenting hatred
of the King's avarice and tyranny-
his epigrams, 182. Leaves the Char-
terhouse-marries,159,160. His home
in Bucklersbury and three daughters,
193. Connection with Henry VIII.,
190-192. His practice at the bar, and
appointment as undersheriff, id.
Erasmus visits him and writes the
'Praise of Folly' at his house, 193.
More on Colet's school, 251. Epi-
grams against French criticisms on
the war, 260. Public duties, 256,
338. Writes History of Richard III.,
id. His first wife dies, id. His prac-
tice at the bar-second marriage, 337.
Sent on an embassy, 343. Second



book of Utopia,' 346-365.
ductory book to, 378-390. Attempt
of Henry VIII. to make him a
courtier, 380. Visit to Coventry-
strange frenzy there, 414-418. Second
embassy, 427. Enters Henry VIII.'s
service, 429. At the court of Henry
VIII., 458. Letter to the University
of Oxford, 459. A monk attempts
his conversion-More's reply, 470-
475. His character and domestic life,
497-502. Opinion of character of
Colet, 504. Date of More's birth,
note on, Appendix C. Works of,
App. F.

Morton, Cardinal, zeal for reform, and
against heretics, 8. More's connec-
tion with, 24, 256, 386

Moses, Colet's views on; his account of
the Creation, 46 et seq.
Colet urges
Erasmus to lecture on Moses or Isaiah,
128, 131

Mountjoy, Lord, 94, 115, 134, 165, 170,
205, 295, 469, 471

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SACRIFICE, Colet's views on, 39, 206.

Of Cain and Abel, conversation on,
97 et seq.

Sadolet, secretary to Leo X., 321
Sapidus, John, escorts Erasmus to
Basle, 302

Savonarola, influence of, 17-22. Do. on
Colet (?) id. and 37, n. Whether any
connection between his views and
Colet's, id. Indirect connection with
the Oxford Reformers through More's
translation of Pico's life and works,
158, 159

Saxony, Frederic, Elector of, protects
Luther, 477-483. His noble conduct
on election of Charles V., id.
Schlechta's, Johannes, of Bohemia, cor-
respondence with Erasmus, 485-491
Scriptures, position of study of at Ox-

ford, 2. Do. plenary inspiration, 29.
Interpretation textarian, id. Theory
of manifold senses,' 31, 121–124.
Aquinas on do., 30, 122. Tindale's
account of, 30, 31. Scriptures prac-
tically ignored, 14. Colet's mode of
interpretation (see Colet). The theory
of accommodation, 52-57. 'Manifold
'senses,' Colet on inspiration, 124.
Valla's 'Annotations,' preface of Eras-
mus, 177. Pico on the Scriptures,



Colet translates portions of,
155. Dorpius maintains verbal in-
spiration of Vulgate version, 315.
Eck also, 435. Erasmus rejects it,
317, 331, 436, 443. Advocates trans-
lation of, into all languages, 327.
Method of study of, 329, 445. Differ-
ence between the Oxford and the
Wittemberg Reformers on the Inspi-
ration of, 492-497

Servatius, prior of Stein Monastery,
Holland, correspondence with Eras-
mus, 295, 299

Sherborn, Robert, Bishop of St. David's,

Spalatin, George, writes to Erasmus,

St. Andrew, Archbishop of, under Eras-
mus's tuition, 184. Killed in Battle
of Flodden, 272
St. Bertin, Abbot of,
Erasmus to, 280.

165. Letters of
Erasmus visits,

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Sweating sickness, 458, 461

TAXATION, of clergy, for Henry

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VIII.'s wars, 247. Amount of a
'tenth,' id. n. Of labourers, 340.
War taxes, 339. Erasmus on, 374-
376. Amount of a fifteenth,' 145
Tindale, describes position of Scrip-
ture study at Oxford, 3, n. Estimate
of number of Mahometans and
Christians, 6, n. On the scholastic
modes of Scripture interpretation and
the theory of manifold senses,' 31.
At Oxford before Colet leaves, 136.
Studies Scriptures there, id. Trans-
lates the Enchiridion,' 174
Tunstal, More on an embassy with,
Erasmus writes to, 503

Turks, five times as numerous as
Christians, 6, n. Threaten to over-
whelm Christianity, 6. Defeat of
the Moors in Spain, 7

[blocks in formation]


VALLA, Laurentius, Erasmus studies
the works of, and writes the preface
to his Annotations of, 177
Vere, Marchioness de, aids Erasmus,

Volzius, abbot of monastery at Sche-
lestadt, Erasmus's letter to, 439

WALSINGHAM, pilgrimage to, 269-

272. Erasmus visits, 273-275
Warham, Erasmus visits, 184, 205.
Gives Erasmus a pension, 205. De-
fends Erasmus against Fitzjames, 254


against, 203, 280, 311. More's 'Uto-
'pian' opinions on, 351

Winchcombe, Kidderminster, Abbot of,
Colet's letter to, 45

Wolsey, begins continental wars, 223.
His rapid promotion, 229. Archbishop
of York, 306. Installed Cardinal,
343. Lord Chancellor, 346

XIMENES, zeal for reform, and
against dissent, 7

Wars, Colet's sermons against Henry ISCA, John, 486
VIII.'s, 261, 264, 468. Erasmus



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