Imágenes de páginas

of written English found by the Editor in this district. When we call to mind that it was only in the fourteenth century the people of England began to speak in a language which may be called English, though even that cannot now be understood without the help of a glossary (see Henry's Hist., Part V. p. 498) and that Chaucer, who died A. D. 1400, is unintelligible without similar aid, it must be confessed that the "comen Englishe tong" is of respectable antiquity in the west of Ireland.

"Dede of delyveraunc of vi. marc x3. to Sandere lynche & al.
"A. D. 1430.

"Knowynge be thus to alle men yn time to comyng that y henry Blake and Walter Blake custumers of pe Kyng & John Rede countroller of pe porte of pe Galvy & of Slego haye ymade delyveraunce to Saunder lynche et Davy Botyller vi. marc x3. pe wych p for sayde Saunder lynche & Davy Botyller was owing of a tayll of xx. marc to Me Wylliam p now ys and of pe wiche some above ysayde we knowlich Saunder lynche & Davy Botyller full payde & pe for sayde henry Blake Walter Blake & John Rede pere of quyte. In pe wyttenys her of Soverayne and portreve of pe Galvy & many mo. And her to pe for sayde Saunder and Davy have put to har seals. Iwrote at pe Galvy pe xx". day of August. The zere regnyng of Kyng henry pe VI. after pe conquest pe viii. ser.-Orig.

"Betwyxt Wil Blake f. Gefferey and hary Blake fz John for the devittion of all ther lands.

"A.D. 1445.

“To alle trew Cristen peple that pis present writyng schulle se or hire that for as moche as certeyn discordis strifes and debatis have been now late Imevid and Ihad bitweene William Blake fe Geffrey burgeys of the towne of Galvy of pat one party and harry Blake fe John Blake of Athenry and John his sone of pat other party as for certayn londis and tenementis with hare aportenaunce in Galvy and in the subarbis of pe seide towne nevertheles pe seide William Blake harry Blake and John his sone of pe seide discordis stryves and debatis bi mediacion of hare frendis goyng by twene in eschewyng of grevows costagis and hurt of bope parties compromitted ham to stonde to pe dome and lugement of Willug Burke Justice and Sheref of Conoght lorde of Glanricard and maister Iohn fferere generall of pe frere prechours under the forme as hit schewith here after write which pat is regestred in pe comyn paper of pe towne of Galvy in these wordis etc.

"Med that pe iii. day of Octobr the zere of Kyng harry the vish, after pe conquest of Englond the xxiii". William Blake fe Geffrey of pat one party and his heiris and

2 D 2


assignys and harry Blake fe John Blake and John his sone and hare heyris and hare assignys of that oper party havyth ensured ham a fore Willug Burke lorde of Glanricard Walter ffrensche soverayn of pe Galvy maister John fferere Generalle of the frere precheres and all the comborgeys of pe towne of pe Galvy under hare othis of the masse boke and the holy crosse and the foresaide lorde borow the maister and all the comburgeys pat pey both foresaide parties schalle stonde ferme and stable for now and evermore of alle hare contraversy abowt the londe and pe anheritaunce pat was sum tyme harry Blake pe elders with Inne and with owt the towne of Galvy to pe dome of the foreseide Willug Burke and maister John fferere Generalle of pe order with owt frawde or gile or after clappis of sotilte by eny of the foreseide parties above saide etc and pat pis is sothe and in witnesse of trow the Nicholas Skyret sovereyn of the Galvy Walter Ffrensche Saundye lynche harry lynche William lynche Stephen lynche Robert lynche and Walter Athy to this present wrytyng have put to hare selys. Iwrite at Galvy the last day of Septembre in pe yere of pe regnyng of Kyng harry pe vi. pe xxiiii"."-Orig.


Arbitryment inter William fy Geffray et Johan fy Henry Blake.
“A. D. 1445.



"To all cristen pepill that this present endentours partys shall hire or se bet y cnow that x day of pe pe munth of novembre zere of oure lord Kyng henry pe vi aftir pe conquest xxiiiit William fy Geffray Blake yn pat onn parti his heris & his assignys & Johan fy henry Blake his heris & his assignys yn pat opir parti cumpromitid aboute all londe and parte pat Henry fy Johan Blake hilde & had pe oune possession yn pe towne of Galvy witin & witout undir pe othe of pe masboke & pe holy crosse & vnto Willok Borke lord of Clan rycarde, Rycard Borke fy William maister John fyrere Saundre Lynche William Lynche Water Blake & Thomas Lynche & undir pe suirte of pe same wit pe soverayn & portrif & his comburgens of Galvy to stande now & ever to harre acorde & arbitryment aftir pe forme & pe poynts pat herafter folayt undir pe payn of an hundird pounte bornys Edmunde Athye & Thomas Lynche for William fy Geffray Blake William Lynche & Robert Lynche for Johan fy Henry Blake In primis pat Johan fy henr Blake shall have pe tenement pat sumtyme wassh Masstir henr Blake pe yldir sumtime burges of Galvy wit all hes oportnans fram pe plase of Nicholas Skyret unto pe plase pat Denys rono sumtyme dvellid yn & so fro pe hye strete unto pe toune walle wit an ele vere mecallet Correcalle & a parcel of londe mecallit Gortledrine pat his fadir hadde Item of


al pe

lande witout pe Creggis of old henrys pat William abouseid to have pe toparte & Johan aforseid to have pe third parte Item of all pe londis of olde henrys in pe cuntre pat William do have halfe & Johan pe topir halfe Item pat William Blake to have all pe londis & tenementes wityn pe Galvy & witoute pat wassh yn henr fy Johan his possession excep abouseid In pe witnyes of pis endentours we partys aforseid hath putte to our selis wit pe selis of Willok abouseid lorde Ricard Borke Maister Johan Fyrer Saundr Lynche Water Blake and Thomas Lynche wit pe selis of pe borovys Edmunde Athy & Robert Lynche Dat apud Galvy die et anno supradictis & as mor credens pe comyn selis ys y put hirto of Galvy."-Orig.

"Mayst Manes M'Donkyth ys dede.
"A. D. 1449.

"Be hit knowyng to all maner men fat fis present endentur seyth or hyreth pat y mayster manes McDonkyth zevyth my full power & my patent to M° William of Clanrycard of pe xl marc pat my lyge lord Kyng hath yeve to me of pe Cokket of Galvey & of Sligo as frely as y had hit on pis condyssioun pat y or myn attorney schall have every zere of pe forseyd Me William or his attorneys what profet comyth of pe cokket bi a halfe at Galvey & halfe at Sligo y to pay pe fyses of pe vi li as hit comyth to and in record pat pis trew y pe forseyd maister manes to pis present endentur put to my sele Iwrite at Galvey pe xxvi day of March in pe zer of owr lord м'cccc° et xlix zer."-Orig.

"Testamentum Johannis f. Hen. Blak.
"A.D. 1468.

"In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis, scilicet, patris, et filii et spiritus sancti, anno verbi incarnati M. CCCCLXVIII., in crastino Sancti Patricii et confessoris Hocte diei dominice, ego Johannes filius Henrici Blake burgensis ville de Galvy, compos mentis mee, licet eger corpore, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. Imprimis do, lego, et commendo animam meam omnipotenti DEO eterno, invisibili incommutabili, qui totus ubique est, totus ubique presens, non per partes divisus, sed totus in omnibus, non localiter sed potentialiter, qui sine commutacione sui mutabilia curavit et curata gubernat: et Marie virgini et matri, beato Michaeli archangelo, mire virtutis nuncio, paradisi preposito, cui ab altissimo receptio et custodia animarum sanctarum extitet deputata. Et similiter do et lego animam meam tocius curie celestis agminibus, necnon martiribus, confessoribus atque virginibus: et credo in fidem universalis et Catholice ecclesie, s. in sanctam trinitatem, id est patrem

patrem et filium et spiritum sanctum, unum Deum omnipotentem, unius substancie, unius essencie, unius potestatis, creatorem omnium creaturarum, a quo omnia, per quem omnia, in quo omnia. Credo patrem a se non ab alio, filium a patre genitum, Deum verum de Deo vero, spiritum Sanctum a patre et filio equaliter procedentem, consubstancialem coeternum patri et filio. Credo eundem filium Dei, verbum Dei, et naturaliter natum de patre, et consubstancialem patri per entiam, temporaliter natum de spiritu sancto et Maria semper virgine, duas habentem nativitates, unam ex patre, eternam, et aliam ex matre, temporalem; qua eciam filius Dei sue carnis concepcione conceptus est, et sue carnis nativitate natus est. Deum verum confiteor conceptum, eundem verum Deum, et verum hominem Jesum Christum, unum filium Dei unigeniti, proprium, perfectum in duabus naturis, in unius persone singularitate, impassibilem et passibilem, mortalem atque immortalem, crucifixum in infirmitate nostra, eundemque semper viventem in virtute sua, qui mortuus est, carnis sue morte, et sepultus, atque ab inferis, dampnato et spoliato principe tocius iniquitatis, rediens, tercia die resurrexit. Item lego corpus meum sepeliendum in monasterio fratrum minorum ville de Galvy, in sepultura fratrum meorum, nacionis Blak, sub proteccione Sancti Francisci, et suffragio sui ordinis.

"Debita in quibus obligor.

"Inprimis, lego et relinquo Petro Lynche, genero meo, lx. marcas quas ei dudum teneor solvere, pro dote Avelyne Blak filie mee carnalis, ita quod earundem lx. marcarum solucio fuerit facta secundum formam contractus inter nos initi, de hujusmodi solucione fienda. Et ipse Petrus tenetur ad solvendam dimediam partem expensarum que erunt necessarie pro obtinenda dispensacione ad purgandum vicium, et delendum impedimentum incestus, vigentis inter ipsum et prefatam filiam meam. Item, lego Martino lynche pro debitis suis, vi. lyneos quos sibi reddere teneor. Item, lego supradicto petro lynche iii. lineos et xld. in quibus sibi obligor. Item, lego Johanni zong [yong] de bristollia xx3. in quibus obligor eidem, et plus si probaverit me teni. Item, lego Cristiane Weltoffer sua debita secundum quod suum obligatorium cavit. Item, lego Johanni Byssum mercatori de britania unam lastam coriorum, et v. dakras in quibus sibi obligor, causa mercancie. Item, lego Lyswarthe fernandus unam lastam coriorum cum dimedia laste, in quibus eidem teneor. Item, teneor eidem Lyswarte ad unum hogeshed mellis, et ipse mihi tenetur ad xiiii. . . . . . . mellis.


"Hec sunt debita que mihi a diversis debitoribus debentur. "Inprimis, supradictus Johannes byssum mihi obligatur ad valorem xii. dekrarum coriorum, de ere, et ad valorem iiiior. dekrarum coriorum, de frumento.



Stephanaus Brun mihi tenetur ad vi. dekras coriorum, liberorum ad burdam navis in portu de Galvy. Item, predictus Lyswarte mihi obligatur ad io. lineum, et ad xla. Item, Johannes Ffrench mihi obligatur i°. cum dimidio. Item, Collas de bristollia mihi obligatur in duobus dacris coriorum, quas dedi sibi pro parte Nicolai Ffrenche; et ipse Nicholaus easdem de suis, me ignorante, persolvit eidem. Item, Karolus O Doelleayn mihi obligatur in una lasta, vii. dacras et vii. coria. Item, Gillacriste McKenny et suus filius mihi obligantur insolidum in duabus lastis et v. coriis et un lineis. Item, dictus mihi obligatur per se in dimedia lasta coriorum. Item, Donatus O Grane mihi obligatur in una lasta cum dimedia. Item, Dermicius O Colgon tenetur mihi in duabus lastis coriorum. Item, Moehony Mcfflaherty ytheressay mihi obligatur in xii. dekris et ix. coriis. Item, Cornalius Mcgreyn mihi tenetur in dimedia lasta et vi. coriis. Item, Willielmas McKenry mihi obligatur in xv. dekris coriorum et vi. coriis. Item, Donatus McGreyn tenetur mihi in dimedia lasta coriorum et vi. coriis. Item, Maurus M'agearlary tenetur mihi in xiiii. dekris et vi. coriis. Item, Donatus O Mulluyn tenetur mihi in duabus dekris et iiii. coriis. Item, Morina inge Mc Kearhy mihi tenetur in xx. et duodecim coriis. Item, Maurus O Mulmalia tenetur mihi in v. dekris et ix. coriis. Item, Johannes O Hannyn tenetur mihi in iiii. dekris et uno corio. Item, Cornelius O Hannyn tenetur in ix. dekris et corio uno. Item, Cornelius O Marcuayn tenetur mihi in quinque marcis. Item, Willielmus O Korbayn tenetur mihi in tribus dekris et duobus coriis. Item cantor mihi obligatur in xx3. Item, O Lorkayn in iiis. Item, Johannes Mc eagayn in duobus nobilibus. Item, Hobertus Macicknuk mihi obligatur in tribus libris et xa. Item, Johannes de Burgo rector de Athnary tenetur mihi in x3. Item, Uluk filius Ristardi Me tomas mihi obligatur in vis. et viiid. Item, Valterus flavus filius hoberti, vis. et viiid. Item, Edmundus Mac icknuk, viis. xd. Item, Odo O Lensgy, M' tabullas doliorum cum dimedia. Item, Cormacus O Mochayn, xx3. demptis viiid., et si solvit unam marcam

sum contentus.


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Imprimis, lego et imperpetuum concedo super hereditate in villa de Galvy, inclusive me spectante, dimediam marcam sacerdoti cotidie missas celebranti super altare Sancti Patricii in ecclesia ville Galvy existente, pro anima mea, et anima mee uxoris, et parentum meorum. Item, lego eidem ecclesie in recompensacionem mearum decimarum, iii. marcas. Item, lego monasterio fratrûm de Galvy iiii. marcas. Item, lego monasterio fratrum predicatorum ville de Athnary iii. marcas, et ecclesie parochialis ipsius ville de Athnary fabrice, unam marcam, prout Stephanus Brun in melius videbit expendere. Item, lego monasterio de Lochrech, dimediam marcam. Item, lego monasterio de Portdomna xld. Item, lego monasterio de Myluk dimediam marcam,

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