Imágenes de páginas

"Receptio Sandari Lynche et Anastacie ejus Uxoris, in Confraternitatem Fratrum minorum. "A. D. 1521.

"Ihesus semper assit.

"Dilectis suis in Christo Sandar Lynche fytz-Johanni, et Anastacie Lynche ejus uxori, Deo et beato Francisco devotis, frater David O hyrella ordinis fratrum minorum, super omnes fratres in provincia Hybernie provincialis minister, salutem in Domino, ac bonis perfrui sempiternis. Pius vestre devocionis affectus, quem ad ordinem geritis exigencia digne requirit, ut quia in temporalibus non possumus vicem vestre caritati respondere, in spiritualibus tamen quam in nobis suppetit, et prout in nostris apud Deum desideriis servamus, vobis recompensare debemur; propter quod, vos ad confraternitatem nostram, et ad universa et singula fratrum nostrorum suffragia, in vita recipio pariter et in morte, plenam vobis et specialem participacionem omnium spiritualium bonorum, viz.missarum, orationum, suffragiorum, officiorum......, devocionum, meditacionum, predicacionum, lectionum, jejuniorum et abstinenciarum, disciplinarum, vigiliarum,...

.... laborum, ceterorumque bonorum spiritualium vobis gratiosse conferendo, que per ffratres mihi commissos, fieri dederit auctor omnium bonorum Dei filius, ut multiplici suffragiorum presidio adjuti, et hic augmentum gratie, et in futuro mereamini eterne vite premia possidere. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum mei officii duxi presentibus appendendum. Datum in nostro conventu montis fernandi, Anno Domini M.CCCC.XXI."-Orig.

"Conventum inter Donaldum O'Flaherty et Vardianum Galvie.
"A. D. 1527.

"In Dei nomine, Amen, hujus presentis instrumenti serie, cunctis innotescat quod anno protunc Domini MDXXVII. et r. r. Henrici octavi xxix. die quarto mensis Maii, coram Richardo Martyn, majore ville Galvie, cum diversis conburgensibus ejusdem ville, in mei notarii presentia infrascripti, testiumque infrascriptorum presentia, personaliter constituti, nobilis vir, viz. Donaldus O'Flaherty, decanus Enachdunensis, parte ex una, et Willielmus O'Donchu vardianus hujus prelibate ville Galvie, de et cum consilio et assensu omnium vicariorum ejusdem collegii parte ex altera, unanimi assensu confederati et concordati sunt; necnon eciam, et tactis primitus sanctis evangeliis, recyproce ac mutue sibi ipsis benefacere fideliter promiserunt, et se firmiter obligaverunt modo et forma sequentibus: viz. quod prefatus Donaldus debet et tenetur, prout per presentes se obligavit, semper a tempore dati presencium, durante vita sua, protigere ac deffendere ipsos vardianum et vicarios, qui pro tempore fuerint, necnon et suos procuratores, firmarios et omnes suos subditos, in ipsorum dominio, decimis, oblacionibus, obvencionibus, juribus, fructibus, et pertinenciis quibuscunque, contra et versus Bernardum O'Flaartey; necnon et omnes et singulos alios existentes sub potestate


predicti Donaldi, aut versus quos habebit ullam potestatem: Ita, viz. quod predictus Donaldus debet et tenetur presentare et exhibere antedictis vicariis, quamcumque personam, dampnum aliquod eis ferrentem, aut ejus sufficientia pignora, in omnibus quibus judicio curie ejusdem ville condemnatum erit; aut idem Donaldus ex suis propriis pro tali persona satisfacere realiter tenetur: necnon similiter omnes existentes sub potestate ipsius Donaldi, qui tempore elapso, aliquod dampnum ipsis vicariis fecit, excepto predicto Bernardo: si hec probare valeant tales delinquentes aut eorum pignora, dictus Donaldus ipsis vicariis prout debet, ipsis vicariis propter dampna jam eis illata, ipsum Bernardum in utroque foro prosequentibus, ipso Donaldo dictos vicarios suosque firmarios, contra ipsum Bernardum et alios quoscumque, a tempore dati presencium, durante vita sua, fideliter, ut premittitur, defendente, et protigente. Insuper si predicti Vardianus et vicarii conquerelati fuerint de neccligencia ipsius Donaldi in premissis quoad preterita, stabit et stare debet. . . . . . . . . et arbitrio domini Patricii Kyrwan, Marcii ac Nicholai Stephani Lynche, unacum majore qui pro tempore fuerit. Sed quantum ad futura, judicio majoris et curie, idem Donaldus cum ipsis vicariis stare debet et tenetur, ipsis vicariis suisque successoribus, pro bono statu ipsius Donaldi, devote et quotidie orantibus, denique supplicantibus, in recompensacione premissorum. In quorum omnium premissorum fidem et testimonium, ambe partes me infrascriptum publicum notarium desuper hoc instrumentum conficere rogarunt, cum subscripcionibus dicti Vardiani et Nicholai Lynche, pro dicto Donaldo. Hiis testibus presentibus, viz. Willielmo Martyn, Anthonio Lynche, Stephano Jacobi Lynche, Marco et Nicholao Lynche, Phinano O'Hallurayn, cum multis aliis. Datum, Galvie, die, mense et anno quibus supra.-Nicholaus Molgan, publicus Notarius."—Orig.

"Confirmacio beneficiorum pro Collegio.

"A. D. 1541.

"Christophorus, miseratione divina, Tuamensis archipresul, universis et singulis Christi fidelibus, has nostras literas inspecturis, pariterque audituris, salutem atque fidem indubiam adhibere. Universitati vestre, tenore presencium, innotescimus, qualiter honorabilis vir, magister Thomas, Stephani, Dominici Lynche, protunc ville Regis Galvie major, ceterique ejusdem ville generosi burgenses, clarissime nobis expossuerunt, quod, salubri sagacitate ac laudabili industria, bone memorie viri venerabilis ac locorum ubique percelebris Dominici Lynche suorumque omnium comburgencium collegium viii. vicariorum et unius wardiani, ex et cum institucione bone memorie Reverendissimi domini Donati y Mureadhayd, quondam Tuamensis archiepiscopi, necnon cum confirmacione Romani episcopi, juxta modum antiquitus observatum, in ..... habuerunt. Et consequenter ut predictum collegium, eo modo, eaque 2 G 2 forma

forma, quibus in sui primaria institucione ordinatum erat, sub patrocinio atque tuicione majoris ac tocius curie ville Regis Galvie, cum confirmacione omnium beneficiorum, que protunc illud collegium quiete et juste possidebat, et aliorum beneficiorum, quibus predictum collegium potestate seu tirranitate laicali hactenus spoliatum existit, ad presens tamen juris communis ac Regia disposicione quoad laicos, et eciam clericos detentores vacancium, nova collacione, confirmaremus, humiliter supplicavit. Nos igitur antefatus archiepiscopus, predicti Thome Lynche Galvie majoris, suorumque omnium fratrûm et comburgensium justis ac piis peticionibus inclinati, considerantes eciam predictum collegium laudabili divorum servicio, ac divini cultus miro exercicio sedulo et ferventer intendere seu auscultare, de consilio nostrorum suffraganeorum in provinciali consilio nobis astancium, ac illius sacre congregacionis diffinitorum, sepedictum collegium cum omnibus suis beneficiis, que ad presens quiete ac juste possidet, confirmamus, necnon omnia alia beneficia quondam per antescriptum collegium possessa, posteaque per alios occupata, disposicione, ut prediximus Regia nunc vacantia, eidem collegio cum omnibus suis juribus et pertinenciis, conferimus et assignamus ipsum collegium, seu alium ejus nomine, in corporalem et actualem possessionem illorum beneficiorum noviter sepedicto collegio collatorum, inducentes, omnes illicitos detentores exinde prorsus amovendo. Datum Galvie, 25 die mensis Aprilis anno invictissimi regni Regis Henrici octavi 33.”—Orig.

From the foregoing instrument, we find that the Archbishop of Tuam, Christopher Bodikyne, had admitted the King's supremacy. In it he styled the Pope merely "Romanus Episcopus." But in a subsequent instrument executed in the reign of Philip and Mary (which see, p. 233), gave the Pope his usual title of dignity, and alluded to the past changes as a schism, " tempore preteriti scismatis." Afterwards, in the reign of Elizabeth, Archbishop Bodikyne again conformed to the religion of the state, and consequently retained his see. This prelate died, according to Ware, "full of days," in A. D. 1572.


An ordre in the behalfe of the Colledge against Richarde Blake and his Heires. "A. D. 1542.

Memorandum that upon suche debate and variaunce depending betwixt one Richard Blake of this the K3 towne of Galwey of that one partie, and the warden and Corall vickeryes of the sam towne of that other partie, concernyng certayn yerely rent appoynghted perpetually to the Colledge, for augmentacion of Divyne Service: the said Richard suppoossinge the said warden and vickeryes to levie and reze yerely more than their duetie of hym: the said Wykeryes and Warden supposing and alledging hym to holde certayn porcon of suche rent due unto theim yerely to their grett


arrerags and losses. Whereabouthes he the said Ric. purchassed nowe of late the Ks writt of Sbpena agenst certayn of the said corall vickerys, as Sir Johan. Bremegham late Warden, and Sir Roger Cornell, whiche notwithstanding, the said Richard by his owne free wyll, And also ST Patrick Blake warden, with all his conbrethern, corall vickeryes of the sam, premitting their juraments upon the holly Ewangelistes, submitted themselfs and become bounde, the one partie unto the other, in payne of one houndred poundes sterling to stande, abyde and performe the ordere, adwarde, lawde, and judgement of us, Mr. Henry Joes, mayor of the sam town, James Skeret, Richard Martyn, John Ffrenche, Thomas Lynche, Thomas Martyn, and Nicholas Blake, burgenses of this self town: Wherfor we the fornamed Judges elected by the said parties, with mature deliberacion and circumspecte consideracion of all their variaunce, have Judged, adwarded and Decred the said Richard and his heires and executores to pay, or cause to be paid, to the Warden et vikeryes for the tyme being for evere more, not onely XIII. iiiid. sterling, yerely in and for the tenement or houses next to the lytell yeat att the weste syde, according his granfather John Blaks testament, but als and as well viii." sterling lyckewyse yerely, for every acker of lande that he the said Richard hawe and shall hawe of the xl. ackres being without the town, as the auncient Dede made by his progenitores doth specifie; which ded hath ben allued and confermed be the court and consaill of the sam town, as the decre thereupon yeven in the favor of the said Warden and vickeryes conteyned more att large; without any further vexsacion or excepcion to the contrary, under the peayne to for expressed : and also have adwarded and decred the said Richard his heires et successores to be quite and fullye dischardged in all other suche rent that the said Warden and corall vyckeryes proclamed of hym beforce of the said auncient Dede: And from hence forthe the said Richarde and his successores to be good and comfortable aideres to the warden and wyckeryes for the tyme being; and they as well kynde and lowing oratores unto hym and his successores for evere more, without any further vexacion or truble: prowydith allways Richard Blake to retorne the forsaid writt in full discharge of the said Sir Roger and Sir John, under the peyne to for mencioned. Yeven att galwey the xi. day of Octobre, the xxxiiii" yere of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lorde King Henry theight 1542: and our sealls and seigne manuells. Prowydeth the said Ric. and his coheires to be fully discharged concernyng Gylle Blake and Thomas Dof Blakes porcion of the rent within the town.

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For the "auncient Dede" here referred to, see ante, p. 215.


Morgadg of the juelles of yo Chyrche
“A. D. 1546.

"Be it knownn to theim that ben present and to come, that we Thomas Kyrwan and Richard Bodykyn of Galwey merchaunts, proctores of Sanct Nicholas is chyrche of Galwey aforsaid, by the will and assent of Mr. Stephen Lynche mayor, and others the good mres of the said towne, hawe yeve and concesse to James Lynche fitz-Ric. of the sam towne merchaunt, the grete crose of shylver, two sconces of shylver, two candell or tapire styckes of shylver, a pyxe for the sacrament, with fouer chalices of shylver, apperteanyng to the said chyrche, to gadge or pledge for thre score poundes sterlinge; which the said James imployde and bestowed in glase, lede, woexe, candelstycks and lectorne of brase, and certayne bryck being very necessary and nydyfull for the reparacon and usadge of the said chyrche. To hawe and to holde all the said juells, chylvere or plate aforsaid, and every parcell thereof, to the said James Lynche his heires and assignes for ever; to suche tyme he or they shalbe paid in the said thre score poundes sterling: with this condicion, that at eny tyme we the said proctores, or otheres for the tyme beinge proctores, shall or doe pay or cause to be paid to the said James his heires or executores, the said thre score poundes sterling, that then this writting be woyd and of non effecte, and the said juelles, all and every parcell thereof, to retorne to the service and usadge of the said chyrche, in fermor state, this writting in every thing notwithstanding. In Wittenes whereof, we caused our meraltie seale of the said towne to be set hereto, with our seigne manuell, the xxth of Novembre the xxxviiith yere of the moste prosperus reigne of or Soveraigne Lorde, King Henry theight, 1546.-THOMAS KYRVANE, proctowre." [Loc. Sigil.]—Orig.

It is probable that the foregoing curious transfer was nothing more than a device or cover to protect the few articles which, after the previous confiscation, had remained for the public service of religion. About this time the Corporation determined to surrender the church and college, and all their ecclesiastical possessions, to the Crown; as appears by the following petition to that effect, prepared for presentation to King Henry VIII.

“Ad excellentissimum principem Henricum Octavum, Regem ac Dominum nostrum. "Serenissimam Regie Majestatis Excellenciam, ejus celcitudini, veri, ligei, fideles subditi et oratores assidui, maior, conburgenses et communitas ville sue Galvie, clavis Conacie, infra regnum suum Hibernie, qui inter rebelles silvestres ac montanos hibernicos existunt, eandem villam versus eosdem, propriis sumptibus cum quotidianis vigiliis, nomine sue excellentie, manutenentes et diligenter defendentes, omni humilitate et honore quibus decet, supplicant et implorant, quatenus collegium ecclesie sancti


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