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21 June 1598.


IN PRESENS of the Lords of Counsall compeirit personallie Mr Thomas Craig, procurator speciallie constitut for Sir Mathow Stewart of Mynto knycht, provest, William Cunynghame, Hector Stewart, and Robert Rowat, baillies of Glasgow; and producit the copie of ane act autentiklie extractit furth of the buikis of counsall, subscrivit be the clerk of register of the dait the xxii day of May last bypast, berand the xx day of Junij instant with continuation of days to be assignit to Sir Patrick Houston of that Ilk knycht, for preving of the poynttis of our Soveran Lordis letters rasit be him aganis the saidis provest and baillies, and that they owther had hes or hes fraudfullie put away ane uther buik nor the buik alredie producit contenand ane fundatione of the New College Kirk of Glasgow foundit be umquhile Mr James Houston; as at mair lenth is contenit in the said act and proces dependand therupoun: AND the said Mr Thomas Craig procurator foresaid schew that the day contenit therin wes by gane, and that the said Sir Patrick nor na utheris in his name comperit to produce ane diligence for satisfeing of the desire of the terme, he being redie as procurator foresaid to have defendit therintill as is efferit: THAIRFOIR the said Mr Thomas Craig procurator foresaid protestit that the foresaid terme assignit to the said Sir Patrik Houstoun for preving of the pointis of the said letters and having of the said uther buik, might be circumduceit and na farder terme assignit to him

for preving therof, and that the matter might be haldin as concludit: And therfoir desyrit the Lordis to advyse the proces and gif furth ther decreit therintill secundum allegata et probata: The quhilk protestatioun the saidis Lordis admittit.

24 June 1598.

IN THE ACTIOUN and caus persewit be Sir Patrik Houstoun of that Ilk knycht, in favours of quhome and his airis Lairds of Houstoun the provisionis eftir specifeit, contenit in the fundatioun buikis eftirmentionat, is consavit, aganis Sir Matho Stewart of Mynto knycht, [provest], William Cunyngham, Hector Stewart, and Robert Rowat, baillies of Glasgow, MAKAND MENTIOUN that, quhair umquhile Mr James Houstoun subdene of Glasgow of ane zeil to Godis glorie haveand foundit the New College Kirk of Glasgow and providit divers landis therto, thair wes twa buikis maid upoun the foundatioun therof contenand the lands patrimonie and haill effect of the said foundation; in the quhilk foundatioun buikis the provisionis following is contenit, That the saidis landis contenit in the said foundatioun in na wyis suld be sett or lettin to perpetuall few or emphiteose, bot that they sall remane in possessioun of the prebendars and kirkis, and, gif they do uthirwyis, it is provydit that the saidis landis sua sett sall pertene and returne to the Laird of Houstoun and his airis for evir but forder proces or pley; Forder, that, gif it suld happin the patronis to apply or convert the prebendaris specifeit in the said foundatioun landis and possessions of the samen to uthir uses nor to the effect of the said foundatioun as is expressit therintill, it is provydit that the patronage of the prebendaris foundit for the part of the said umquhile Mr James Houstoun suld appertene and belang thereftir to the Laird of Houstoun and his airis, quhilkis failyeand ad dominos capitulares Glasguenses, cognitioun being had in the caus; And, likwys, gif it suld happin the saidis patronis nocht to dispone the sowmes of money and rentis assignit to the patronis and the thesaurer as is appointit in the said foundatioun for repairing of the vestamentis buikis and tenements of the College to the same effect, bot uthirwyis to convert thame to thair awin uses quherby nocht small detriment may arys to the said College vestaments buikis and tenements, and sua of that applyment the said College and utheris foirsaids suld ressave evidentlie rwyne, It is ordanit and appointit that the said patronage sall appertene to the Laird of Houstoun and his airis as said is, quhilk failyeing ad


dictos dominos capitulares, cognitioun being had in the caus as is befoir specifeit; As the said foundatioun buikis beiris, quhairof ane wes deliverit to the provest and baillies of Glasgow be umquhile Mr James Houston himself, and the uthir being delyvirit be the said umquhile Mr James Houstoun to Mr Archibald Crawfurd persone of Eglishame, he lykwys delyvirit the samen to the saidis provest and baillies; And sua the saidis Sir Matho Stewart of Mynto knycht, provest of Glasgow, Williame Cunyngham, Hector Stewart, and Robert Rowat, baillies therof, hes the said tua foundatioun buikis in thair handis, at the leist had fraudfullie put the samen away; And becaus the foirsaids provisiouns insert therin ar speciallie consavit in favouris of the said persewar and his airis Lairds of Houstoun, thairfoir neidfull it is to haif the autentik copies therof; NOCHTHELES the saidis provest and baillies will nocht exhibite and produce the saids buikis befoir the Lords of Counsale to the effect that he may have the autentik copies therof upoun his ressonabill expensis; AND thairfoir the saidis provest and baillies of Glasgow, to have comperit befoir the Lords of Counsall, bringing with thaime the saids fundatioun buikis to haif bene sene and considerit be the saidis Lordis, and to haif hard and sene the autentik copies therof, at the leist the foirsaids provisions and utheris conditions therof concerning the said perse war and his airis Lairdis of Houstoun, decernit to be delivirit to the said perse war upoun his ressonabill expences, undir the subscription of the clerk of register or his deputtis, to be kepit and usit be him as his proper evidents at his plesour in tyme cuming etc.: THE said Sir Patrick Houston of that Ilk knycht compearand be Mr James Donaldsone and James Stirling his procuratours, and the saidis provest and baillies of Glasgow comperand be Mr Thomas Craig thair procuratour, quha producit ane buik all writtin in parchement and for the maist part subscryvit be Mr Thomas Knox notar publict; All their richtis ressones allegatiouns, togidder with the depositiones of divers famous witnesses ressavit admittit sworne and examinit, producit for the part of the said persewar for preving of the points of the saids letters and haveing of ane uthir foundatioun buik foundit be the said umquhile Mr James Houstoun of the said College Kirk by the buik ellis producit, hard etc.: THE LORDIS OF COUNSALL assoilyies simpliciter the saids provest and baillies of Glasgow fra the petitioun of the said Sir Patrik Houstoun, and fra the haill poyntis and articlis aboue writtin, contenit in the saids letters, and decernis thame quit therfra in tyme to cum; BECAUS the poyntis of the saids principall letters and haveing of the uthir foundatioun buik by the said buik producit, being referrit to the said persewaris probation (eftir that the saidis provest and baillies haid compeirit

and denyit the samen), and divers termes being assignit to him for preving, he failyeit therintill, lyk as was cleirlie undirstand to the saidis Lordis; and therfoir thay assoilyeit in manir foirsaid: AND siklyk the saids Lords decernis and ordanis the said Sir Patrik Houstoun of that Ilk knycht to refound content and pay to the saidis provest and baillies of Glasgow, the soume of twentie pundis money as for expensis maid debursit and sustenit be thame in defence of the said actioun and obtening of the said decreit absolvitor in manir foirsaid, togiddir with fyve punds presently payit to the saids Lords collector conforme to thair ordinance: And ordanis letters to be direct heirupoun gif neid beis in forme as effeirs.



MARIA Dei gratia Regina Scotorum Vniuersis probis hominibus tocius terre sue clericis

et laicis salutem SCIATIS quia nos impensius munus nostrum erga diuinum seruicium perpendentes quem ob endam poletiam et equabilem ordinem inter subditos nostros precipue vero infra ciuitatem nostram de Glasgw Considerantes itaque nos ex officio teneri munus erga Deum complecti debere cuius prouidentia regimini huius regni preponimur Sicque nobis ex officio incumbere omni honesto modo pro ministris verbi Dei prouidere Et quod hospitalia pauperibus mutilatis et miseris personis orphanis et parentibus distitutis infantibus infra dictam nostram ciuitatem preseruentur Post nostram perfectam etatem cum auisamento dominorum secreti consilii nostri dedimus concessimus disposuimus ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmauimus Necnon tenore presentium damus concedimus disponimus ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris perpetuo confirmamus predilectis nostris preposito balliuis consulibus et communitati dicte nostre ciuitatis de Glasgw et ipsorum successoribus imperpetuum Omnes et singulas terras tenementa domos edificia ecclesias capellas hortos pomeria croftas annuos redditus fructus deuorias proficua emolimenta firmas elemozinas lie daill siluer obitus et anniuersaria quecunque que quouismodo pertinuerunt aut pertinere dinoscuntur ad quascunque capellanias alteragia prebendarias in quacunque ecclesia capella aut collegio infra dictam nostram ciuitatem de Glasgw fundata seu fundatas per quemcunque patronum in quarum possessione capellani et prebendarii earundem perprius fuerant vbicunque prefate domus tenementa edificia pomeria horti annui redditus anniuersaria fructus prouentus et emolimenta jacent aut prius leuate fuerant respectiue Cum maneriis locis pomeriis terris annuis redditibus

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