divested and sold BPPMI in 1977 to Filipino investors, which included the affiant's family, Mr. Ting was asked to return and manage the company. 2. Mr. Ting moved his family, consisting of spouse Sylvia, children Lillian, Terrence and Mayleen, from USA to the Philippines in 1979 and became permanent residents of the Philippines. He enrolled all his children in the International School Manila in Makati City. 3. Mayleen Ting is the youngest of the children and she studied at the International School Manila from 1983 to 1993. She went to college in the US for her degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and took her Masters in Business Administration at the Stanford Graduate School of Business of the Stanford University in California, USA. She worked for some time in the US before coming back to the Philippines in 2008. 4. Due to the closeness of both our families, I have come to personally know Mayleen Ting since her young toddler years up to her high school years through family gatherings, house visits, social occassions, group travels and outings. I know that she was good at school both in academics and extra-curricular activities, that she was never involved in any trouble or untoward incident nor been dropped, suspended or subjected to any disciplinary action at school and that she was never associated with schoolmates or other people involved in violence, alcohol or drugs. 5. When she returned to the Philippines in 2008 and started working with Trust International Paper Corporation (TIPCO), where I also sit as an active member of its Board of Directors, I have come to personally observe her very good working habits, her competence and keen sense of responsibility, diligence and hard work, her initiative and self-discipline, her sharp mind, open-mindedness and articulateness and her ability to get along well with other people. Her impressive academic and professional background and relevant work experience abroad have been valuable factors in her being very effective member of the Company's management team. 6. I personally affirm that Mayleen Ting has never been charged nor arrested for violation of any law, addicted to any illegal substance, treated for any form of mental disability or been a party to any criminal or civil court proceeding. 7. I personally vouch for Mayleen Ting's personal integrity, honesty and good moral character 8. I hereby declare that this Affidavit has been executed to attest to the truth and veracity of all the foregoing, for whatever legal purpose it may serve. In witness WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signature this 10th day of December, 2009 in Manila, Philippines. (Sgd) ERNESTo B. Rufino, JR. Affiant Subscribed and sworn to before me this December 10, 2009 at Manila, Philippines. (Sgd) ATTY. DOLORSINDO I. PANER Doc. No. 389 Page No. 79 Book No. xxxviii Series of 2009. ANNEX C HIVINE X A 17 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING COPY HAS BEEN COMPARED BY ME WITH THE ORIGLIOR DOCUMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF LIVE DINTH Portland Corald step av ine Lommissioner of immiorcher when shows my lawtul entry lor CERTIFIED TRUE COPY fany 12/9/18 BRANCK CLERK OF COURT IMMIGA МЕРЕНАМО۴ ۲۰۱۴ ۳۱۰۱۱۲۲INITS BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION MAGALLANES LIKIVE, INTRAMUROS 1002 MANI A Control No. 120320100509104B December 03. 2010 CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE NAME TING/MAYLEEN/. available Computer Database/Fassenger Manifest/IBM Listing on file as of November 30, 2010 with the following travel recorde: Thie certification is issued upon request of the subject for whatever legal purpose it may serve.. Verified by : Menandro Manglo Recorde Section Date & Time: December 02, 2010 Fee : 10.00 SIMEON L. SANCHEZ 9. Authorized Signing Officer OS:2010 02811410 05:2010 02811420 O.R. No. : M1024012483 Express Fre 500.00 E1024012673 dorine Commissioner of immics Com my low entry for perma CERTIFIER TRUE COPY In Gain 12/9/17 Regional Trial Court [FIRST PUBLICATION] REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES REGIONAL TRIAL COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL REGION BRANCH 55 HIMAMAYLAN CITY, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL CADASTRAL Case No. 401, Lот No. 555-B-3F-2-A-2 OF THE CADASTRAL SURVEY OF HIMAMAYLAN CITY. -In Re: Petition for Reconstitution of Lost Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-236491. RENE M. Silos and Marie ELIZABETH L. SILOS, Petitioners AMENDED ORDER The petitioners, through counsel, prayed before this Honorable Court that after due notice, publication and hearing of this petition, the same be granted and an order be issued directing the Register of Deeds of the Province of Negros Occidental, to reconstitute Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-236491. Petitioners alleged that they are the registered owners of a certain parcel of land identified as Lot No. 555-B-3-F-2-A-2 of the Himamaylan Cadastre, and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 236491, that the aforementioned Certificate of Title which was in the custody of the Office of the Register of Deeds of the Province of Negros Occidental has been lost and could no longer be found pursuant to the Certification (Annex "A") issued by the said Office dated January 11, 2011, that the said Transfer Certificate of Title was in full force and effect at the time it was lost, that the owner's duplicate copy of T.C.T. No. 236491 (Annex "B"), has not been lost or destroyed, is not the subject of any litigation or investigation, administrative or judicial, regarding the genuineness or due execution and issuance thereof, is in due form and without any apparent intentional alterations or erasures and more importantly maybe used as a source for reconstitution, that petitioners, in their desire to have the lost Transfer Certificate of Title No. 236491 ordered reconstituted by this Honorable Court pursuant to the provision of Presidential Decree No. 1529 relative to Republic Act No. 26, further aver that the abovementioned T.C.T. No. 236491 is free from all liens and encumbrances, that there is no deed or other instrument affecting the property that has been presented for registration and that there are no other persons which have an interest in the said property other than the herein petitioners. The petition being sufficient in form and substance, Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the same is set for hearing on March 14, 2012, at 8:30 o'clock in the morning before this Court, at which date, place and time, all interested persons minded to oppose are cited to appear and show cause why the petition shall not be granted. Let this order be published at the expense of the petitioners, at least twice in the consecutive issues of the Official Gazette and copies of the same be posted at the bulletin board of the Hall of Justice, Himamaylan City, City Hall of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental, City Public Market of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental, and the Provincial Capitol Building, Negros Occidenta!. Furnish copies of this Order the Office of the Honorable Solicitor General, Makati City, the Honorable Administrator, Land Registration Authority, LRA Building, East Ave., Quezon City, the Technical Director, Land Management Services, DENR, Iloilo City, the Registry of Deeds for the Province of Negros Occidental, and the Office of the City Prosecutor, Himamaylan City. |