Imágenes de páginas

I also enclose the bill of the hotel for food and beverage and our canceled check paying it, for inspection, as it is the main bill that we received for payment from any source. If there are any other questions on this matter, please advise.

[blocks in formation]

Friday, May 3, 1968:

Ladies' Continental Breakfast (90).
Men's Coffee Breaks (a.m. & p.m.).

Cranbrook Science Institute Tour (68).

Village Women's Club Luncheon (68).

Transportation to Pontiac Motor Company, etc---

Cocktails (Vice President's Luncheon)

Vice President's Luncheon (130)

Reception A'La Francaise (250) Hors d'oeuvres and music............. Liquor-Reception A'La Francaise & Hospitality (6 to 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. to Midnight)-








583. 15



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Mr. LISHMAN. I would like to clarify exactly who paid the $236.60 that is shown on here as attributable to you. Did you pay the $236.60? Mr. CHESELDINE. I don't know the exact amount, but I paid my hotel bill after I found out what it was.

Mr. LISHMAN. You have before you this letter with attachments. Isn't it correct that the letter and attachments show that this $236.60 was paid by the association?

Mr. CHESELDINE. It may have been initially by them, but I reimbursed them the same way that Mr. Stillwell did at Puerto Rico. Because I left about 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't get the bill.

Mr. Moss. Will you supply a copy of the check paying the bill to this committee?

Mr. CHESELDINE. Yes, sir.

Mr. Moss. Without objection, we will hold the record open at this point to receive that.

(See Appendix Q, p. 861.)

Mr. LISHMAN. Do you have a copy of the bill you paid in your possession now?

Mr. CHESELDINE. No, sir; I don't.

Mr. SPRINGER. But you paid them by check and you will supply the check for the record, or a photostatic copy of the check?

Mr. CHESELDINE. A photostatic copy of the check. I don't think I would find the hotel bill, but I do keep my checks. The check would probably be made out to Mr. Dixon, who was in charge of the conference.

Mr. SPRINGER. You will supply that check for the record?

Mr. CHESELDINE. Yes, sir.

Mr. Moss. This is 1968. You don't keep your vouchers for tax purposes?

Mr. CHESELDINE. I said the hotel bill I wouldn't have.

Mr. Moss. You wouldn't?

Mr. CHESELDINE. No, sir. To me that is no expense. That is something out of my pocket. I can't deduct it for anything. I wish I could. Mr. Moss. I just sort of keep everything.

Mr. LISHMAN. Mr. Cheseldine, how many people from the ICC attended this convention in Detroit?

Mr. CHESELDINE. I think the second page says something about, Mr. Garson was there, Mr. Stillwell, myself, and from the staff and Commissioner Tierney, who was chairman that year, Commissioner Hardin was there. I think that is the group.

Mr. LISHMAN. Do you happen to recall the room you stayed in? Mr. CHESELDINE. No. All I remember is that Mr. Dixon told me not to worry about the price being only $14, that they had been allocated that and at a reduced price because they had so many people there at the hotel. Mr. Dixon I have known for 35 to 40 years.

Mr. LISHMAN. In other words, you paid at the rate of $14; is that correct?

Mr. CHESELDINE. That is right.

Mr. LISHMAN. Do you know that for that suite you were in, room 1712, the charge by the hotel was $60 a day?

Mr. CHESELDINE. No, sir; I had no knowledge of that at all.
Mr. LISHMAN. You had two rooms, didn't you?

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