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Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions

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Annex B-1-a 96.12.31


1. BLAS shall report on the following matters through the appropriate supervising and examining department:


Crimes whether consummated, frustrated or attempted against property/ facilities (such as robbery, theft, swindling or estafa, forgery and other deceits) and other crimes involving loss/destruction of property of the BLA when the amount involved in each crime is P20,000 or more. Crimes involving BLA personnel, regardless of whether or not such crimes involve the loss/destruction of property of the BLA, even if the amount involved is less than those above specified, shall likewise be reported to the BSP.

b. Incidents involving material loss, destruction or damage to the institution's property/facilities, other than arising from a crime, when the amount involved per incident is P20,000 or more,

2. The following guidelines shall be observed in the preparation and submission of the report.

a. The report shall be prepared in two (2) copies and shall be submitted within five (5) business days from knowledge of the crime or incident, the original to the appropriate supervising department and the duplicate to the BSP Security Coordinator, thru the Director, Security Investigation and Transport Department.

b. Where a thorough investigation and evaluation of facts is necessary to complete the report, an initial report submitted within the five (5)-business day deadline may be accepted: Provided, That a complete report is submitted not later than fifteen (15) business days from termination of investigation.

Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions

B Regulations

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