Imágenes de páginas

ten, Journ. R. As. Soc., Dec. 1835; Chin. Rep., XII, p. 225.

4413 GENS, Nachrichten über Chiwa, Buchara, Chokand und den nordwestlichen Theil des chinesischen Staates bearbeitet von G. von Helmersen. St. Petersburg, 1839, 8vo.

4414 WOOD, J., Personal narrative of a journey to the source of the river Oxus. London, 1841, 8vo.

4415 DUBEUX, M., Tartarie, Beloutchistan, Boutan et Nepal. Paris, 1848, 8vo.

4416 VIVIEN DE ST. MARTIN, Mémoire analytique sur la Carte de l'Asia centrale et de l'Inde construite d'après le Si-yu-ki. Paris, 1858, 8vo.

4417 WASSILYEFF, W., History and antiquities of the oriental part of central Asia from the 10th to the

13th century. St. Petersburg, 1857, 8vo. (in Russian).

4418 WALICHANOFF, Tschokan Tschingisowich, Outlines of Dsungaria, "Sapiski" Imp. Russ. Geo. Soc., 1861 (in Russian.)


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On the state of the six great eastern cities of the Chinese province Nanlu; ibid.

4420 SKATSCHKOFF, K., The Russian commerce at Tschugutschak (Tarbagatai), Russ. Industr. Messenger, 1862 (in Russian.)


TORRENS, Lieut.-Col., Travels in Ladak, Tartary and Kashmir. London, 1862, 8vo.

4422 ATKINSON, Mrs., Recollections of Tartar steppes and their inhabitants. London, 1863, 8vo.

4423 SEMENOFF, P. P., Djungaria and the celestial mountains, Journ. Imp. Russ. Geo. S., 1865.

English by J. Michell, Journ. R. Geo. S.,
XXXV, 1865.

4424 JLJIN, Chart of Central Asia. St. Petersburg, 1865 (in Russian).

4425 MONTGOMERIE, T. G., On the geographical position of Yarkand and other places in Central Asia,

Proc. R. Geo. S., 1866, X, No. 4; Journ. R. Geo.
S., XXXVI, 1866.

4426 RADLOFF, W., Das Ilithal in Hochasien, Peterm. Mitth., 1866.

4427 KHANIKOFF, N. DE, Note sur le voyage dans l'Asie centrale d'un officier allemand au service

de la compagnie anglaise des Indes Orient. Bull.
Soc. de Géo. Paris, 1866, p. 341 ss.

See Rawlinson, Proc. Geo. S., X, 1866;
Khanikoff's answer, ibid; Peterm. Mitth.,


4428 WENYUKOFF, M. J., On the Pamir region and the Bolor country in Central Asia, "Iswestija" Imp. Russ. Geo. S., 1866 (in Russian).



See Proc. R. Geo. Soc., X, 1866, No. 4.

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Materials to a sketch of the Russian frontiers in Asia, 9th: The district of Tienshan. Wojenny Sbornik. Febr. 1873 (in Russian).

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Notes on the population of Dsungaria, Iswestija" Imp. Russ. Geo. S., VII, 1871, No. 7. 4431 JOHNSON, W. H., Report on his journey to Ilchi, the capital of Khotan in Chinese Tartary, J. R. Geo. S., XXXVII, 1867, p. 1-47, map.

4432 PAUTHIER, G., Relation du voyage de Kieou dans l'Asie centrale, Journ. As., 1867.



RAWLINSON, Sir H. C., On the recent journey of
Mr. W. H. Johnson from Leh in Ladakh to Ilchi,
Proc. R. Geo. S., XI, 1867, p. 6.

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On trade routes between Turkestan and India; ibid, XIII, 1869, No. 1.

4435 BOWRA, E. C., The Hounoi and the Hsiungnu, Notes and Queries, I, p. 2, 13.


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The Ouigours and the Nestorian Chris

tians; ibid, I, p. 42.

4437 EITEL, E. J., The Uigours; ib., II, p. 59.

4438 MAYERS, W. F., Comparative tables of geographical names in Central Asia; ib., II, p. 163.

4439 SSEVERTSOFF, N. A., Excursion in the western



part of the Celestial mountains from the western frontier of the Transilian territory to Kaschkent, Sapiski" Imp. Russ. Geo. S., Ï, 1867 (in Russian).


See Peterm. Mitth., 1869, p. 380.

English by R. Michell, J. R. Geo. S., XXXIX. Travels in Turkestan and the Tienshan mountains. St. Petersburg, 1873, 8vo. (in Russian).

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N. Sewerzow's Erforschung des Thianschan Gebirgssystems 1867, nebst kartographischer Darstellung desselben Gebiets und der Seenzone des Balkasch-Alakul und Siebenstromlandes nach den originalen und officiellen Russischen Aufnahmen von A. Petermann. Gotha, 1875, 4to., 2 Hefte, 2 maps.

4442 POLTORATZKY, The country between the Tchou and Syr rivers, "Sapiski" Imp. Russ. Geo. S., I, 1867 (in Russian).

French by P. Völkel in Bull. Soc. Géo. Paris, Dec. 1869, p. 433 ss.

4443 PRINTZ, A., Account of an excursion to the Chinese town Chobdo in 1863; ibid, 1867 (in Russian). 4444 SPOERER, J., Die Seenzone des Balchasch-Alakul, das Siebenstromland mit dem Ilibecken, Peterm. Geo. Mitth., 1868.

4445 HELMERSEN, P. A., Journey of Lieut. A. Nesnajew from Ust Kamenogorsk to Chobdo in 1771, Iswestija" Imp. Russ. Geo. Soc., IV, 1868 (in Russian).


4446 Die neusten russischen Forschungen in Centralasien, Peterm. Mitth., 1868.

4447 HELLER VON HELLWALD, FR., Die Russen in Centralasien. Oesterr. Mil. Zeitschr. Jan., Febr., March, Jul., Aug. 1869.

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Neue Forschungen in Central Asien. "Ausland" 1872, p. 241-248, 265-270, 289-294. Die Russen in Centralasien. Eine histo

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risch-politische Studie. Augsburg, 1873, 8vo. Centralasien. Leipzig, 1875, 8vo., maps,


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4451 FORSYTH, T. D., On the transit of tea from N. W. India to Eastern Turkestan, Proc. R. Geo. S., July 1869.


Gesandtschaftsreise nach Kashgar, "Globus," XXV, 1874.

4453 THONNELIER, J., Dictionnaire géographique de l'Asie Centrale, offrant par ordre alphabétique les transcriptions en caractères mandchoux et chinois des noms géographiques. Paris, 1869, 4to. 4454 OSTEN-SACKEN, Fr. von der und F. J. RUPRECHT, Sertum Thianschanicum, Botanische Ergebnisse einer Reise im mittleren Thianschan, Mém. Ac. Imp. d. Sc. St. Pétersb., VI, sér., XIV, 4, 1869, 4to.

4455 SHAW, R. B., A visit to Yarkand and Kashgar, Proc. R. Geo. S., XIV, No. 2, p. 124-137.







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Letters from Mr.; ibid, XV, No. 3,

p, 175-180.

Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and
Kashgar and return journey over the Karakorum
pass. London, 1871, 8vo., 2 maps, illustr.
German by J. E. Martin. Jena, 1872.
See Peterm. Mitth., 1872.

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Our communications with Eastern Turkestan, "Ocean Highways," Aug. 1872, map. Results of his observations taken during his journey to Yarkand in 1870, calculated by W. Ellis, Journ. R. Geo. S., 1871, p. 373-392.

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Central Asia in 1872, Proc. R. Geo. S., 1872. German in Peterm. Mitth., 1873, No. 1. , Miscellaneous notes on Eastern Turkestan, Pr. R. Geo. S., XVII, 1873, p. 195 ss. 4462 Geographical researches on the western Russian-Chinese frontier, "Iswestija" Imp. Russ. Geo. Soc., VI, 1870 (in Russian).

4463 HAYWARD, G. W., Journey from Leh to Yarkand and Kashgar and exploration of the sources of the Yarkand river.

4464 PESCHEL, O., Ueber den steinernen Thurm der Ptolemäischen Geographie. "Ausland" 1870,

No. 15.

4465 VAMBÉRY, H., Das Dach der Welt, "Globus," XX, 1871, No. 12.

4466 IBRAHIM KHAN, Route from Kashmir to Yarkand in 1870, Proc. R. Geo. S. London, XV, 1871, p. 387-392.

4467 MARTHE, F., Russische Arbeiten über Centralasien aus dem Jahre 1870, Zeitschr. Ges. f. Erdk. Berlin, VI, 1871, p. 440-475.

4468 LANKENAU, H. von, Eine Reise längs der RussischChinesischen Grenze vom Altai bis zur Tarba

gataischen Gebirgskette, Aus dem Tagebuche der Generalin B. mitgetheilt, "Ausland,” 1872, No. 29, 32.

4469 NETSCHOWOLDOFF, Reisen an den Grenzen der Dsungarei, "Globus," XXII, 1872, No. 2, 3. 4470 MEER IZZUT OOLLAH, travels in Central Asia in the years 1812-1813, Transl. from the Persian by Capt. Henderson. Calcutta, 1872, 8vo., 100 pp. 4471 A Russian embassy in Kashgar, "Ocean Highways, Nov. 1872.

4472 PHILLIPS, G., An ethnographical table of Central Asia, in Doolittle Handb., II, p. 201-210.

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Geographical names in Tartary; ibid,

p. 552-555.

4474 SCHEPELOW, A., Report of his explorations of the Mussart pass in the Thianshan, "Iswestija" Imp. Russ. Geo. S., 1873, No. 4 (in Russian).

4475 DELITZSCH, O., Das Reich Kaschgar oder TschitySchehr"Aus allen Welttheilen," Jan. 1873. Die centralasiatische Frage; ib., 1873,


p. 181 ss.

4477 SCHARNHORST, C., Astronomische Ortsbestim

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